Cordova Slack Digest

Wed, 14 Apr 2021 08:22:57 GMT

User count: 4445

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Channel #cordova-ios (1 messages)

Wed, 14 Apr 2021 07:36:55 GMT

@jalidjinou says

Hello Guys. i hope you are all doing well.

I got a very weird issue and i wanted to ask for your help. I just build an ios app and emulate it: here everything is ok. Now i export an ipa and add it to my iphone but when the app comes, i am not able to scroll.

Channel #jobs (1 messages)

Tue, 13 Apr 2021 18:23:47 GMT

@krystina.rylova says

Quality Assurance Automation is one of the most lucrative tech careers. Could you become a QA Automation Tester? Take the test to find out