Cordova Slack Digest

Mon, 29 Mar 2021 08:50:24 GMT

User count: 4421

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Channel #general (1 messages)

Mon, 29 Mar 2021 00:13:43 GMT

@mathewp.94 says

Hello, how would one go about using a “local” cordova plugin? I'm not sure I want to keep my plugin code in a separate repo, and was wondering if using a local plugin was even possible?

Channel #cordova-android (2 messages)

Sun, 28 Mar 2021 13:03:11 GMT

@michael.a.oshea says

My App simply doesn't show in the store for Android 11 devices! The app and its updates (on Internal Test are visible to devices below Android 11.

In the Play Store, the pre-launch report of the app indicates that everything is OK.

Here's my config.xml, is there anything wrong with it?

&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?&gt; &lt;widget id="com.igrowchicken.hybridapp" version="5.8.9" defaultlocale="en-GB" android-versionCode="210032701" xmlns="<>" xmlns:cdv="<>"&gt; &lt;name&gt;IGrowChicken&lt;/name&gt; &lt;description&gt; A sample Apache Cordova application that responds to the deviceready event. &lt;/description&gt; &lt;author email="<|>" href="<>"&gt; I Grow Chicken &lt;/author&gt; &lt;content src="index.html" /&gt; &lt;access origin="*" /&gt; &lt;allow-intent href="http://*/*" /&gt; &lt;allow-intent href="https://*/*" /&gt; &lt;allow-intent href="tel:*" /&gt; &lt;allow-intent href="sms:*" /&gt; &lt;allow-intent href="mailto:*" /&gt; &lt;allow-intent href="geo:*" /&gt; &lt;platform name="android"&gt; &lt;allow-intent href="market:*" /&gt; &lt;/platform&gt; &lt;platform name="ios"&gt; &lt;allow-intent href="itms:*" /&gt; &lt;allow-intent href="itms-apps:*" /&gt; &lt;/platform&gt; &lt;preference name="android-targetSdkVersion" value="30" /&gt; &lt;preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="22" /&gt; &lt;preference name="android-maxSdkVersion" value="30" /&gt; &lt;/widget&gt;

Sun, 28 Mar 2021 13:12:37 GMT

@michael.a.oshea says

Can anyone here please point me to their app on the Google Play Store that's visible to Android 11 devices?

If so, would they mind sharing their config.xml file with me? And if that‘s not relevant, please help me troubleshoot why my app’s updates aren't appearing to Android 11 devices?