Cordova Slack Digest

Thu, 18 Feb 2021 08:34:13 GMT

User count: 4372

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Channel #general (2 messages)

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 09:35:45 GMT

@aibrahim says

Hi everyone, I need to use TrustKit iOS Library in a Cordova project. Is there any Cordova plugin available for that?

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 16:08:07 GMT

@marek.kozela says

Hi everyone, in my project I am using cordova-plugin-save-image-gallery but it stopped working on Android devices. I also tried to replace it with cordova-plugin-save-image but still no success. Is there any solution for capturing an image and then save it to image gallery on Android? Thank you very much for your help 🙂

Channel #cordova-ios (2 messages)

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 11:54:57 GMT

@flop says

Hi I want to support client certificate authentication which requires overriding the method didReceive: URLAuthenticationChallenge of WKNavigationDelegate. I can't see a way to do this without breaking anything. Do you have a hint how I could achieve this?

Wed, 17 Feb 2021 11:55:58 GMT

@gh says

Anyone know about Code Signature versions? Building with the latest Cordova tooling, I get a Code Signature version of 20400, but <|Apple's docs> say the latest version is 20500. Though that same document says 20400 and greater should be fine, I have a report of an ad-hoc build getting an error message when first started on an iOS 14.4 device.