Cordova Slack Digest

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 08:35:24 GMT

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Channel #cordova-ios (1 messages)

Mon, 15 Feb 2021 07:55:31 GMT

@juri.hahn says

If I want to insert my API to iFrame its fails, because of cross-origin: Blocked a frame with origin “app://” from accessing a cross-origin frame. Protocols, domains, and ports must match. My iFrame is on same domain as App, just protocol is different “https” and “app”. What can I do to make it possible? I need access to my iFrame...

Channel #cordova-android (14 messages)

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 13:45:25 GMT

@norman137 says

@ppetree maybe try running cordova clean android then rebuild

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 13:47:03 GMT

@ppetree says

I read that somewhere yesterday. It's definitely the push plugin.

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 13:48:16 GMT

@ppetree says

Of course that too requires installing on a local machine... something I have thus far avoided but it looks more and more like it's a requirement.

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 13:50:59 GMT

@erisu says

@ppetree I replied to your comment on the plugin issue ticket with a cordova info prinout.. it will tell you what is my config.xml.. installed plugins etc..

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 13:51:48 GMT

@ppetree says

Awesome, I‘m just into my coffee... I’ll head over and look right now! Thanks!

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 13:53:40 GMT

@gh says

The cordova info output is part of the log which VoltBuilder returns.

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 13:56:12 GMT

@gh says

A MacBook Air is sufficient for cordova builds. We used one to develop VoltBuilder's cordova agent. It even ran as the public server during beta testing.

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 15:06:35 GMT

@erisu says

@ppetree while re-looking the info you have written down, I think it this line: <variable name="FCM_VERSION" value="17.0.0" /> What I have in my project, which should also be default for both plugin version 1 and 2, "FCM_VERSION": "18.+" That might be your issue actually. Because there were big changes from that version bump that required code changes such as those imports.

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 15:10:26 GMT

@ppetree says

I saw that and will be my first change.... right now updating node and npm on my windows machine (npm was at 6.x) just in case I have to go local. @gh has a great cloud build service and I'd rather use that if possible.

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 15:11:58 GMT

@erisu says

Yeah I recall you posted somewhere before a link to the build log and it printed out nicely all the information there to follow the help debug things. for example the cordova info like he said earlier. I just didn’t notice the FCM version. 😄 I am pretty sure that might be the cause of the build issue.

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 15:24:31 GMT

@norman137 says

Yah I keep on forgetting you‘re using a build service. I’m assuming VoltBuilder always setups your build in a fresh environment, so trying the clean command like I suggested wouldn't be necessary.

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 16:26:12 GMT

@ppetree says

I‘m the odd man out. LOL node and npm are now updated on windows... I’ll destroy my macbook air in a few minutes. LOL

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 16:32:33 GMT

@gh says

@norman137 - you're correct, we start with a fresh environment each time

Sun, 14 Feb 2021 22:42:25 GMT

@ppetree says

@erisu You were absolutely correct. In my test app I changed to 18.0.+ and got a successful build AND was able to send a test message through FCM. Now I will try it with my main apps. Question is, what do I need to do to make sure this is updated in the docs for the other cloud build people?