Cordova Slack Digest

Fri, 05 Feb 2021 08:34:20 GMT

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Channel #general (4 messages)

Thu, 04 Feb 2021 11:44:26 GMT

@stefzim says

To those of you, that have experience with the migration of mobile apps from native to cross-platform development:

For my master’s thesis I am currently working on that topic and therefore I would really appreciate your input and if you shared your experiences with me.   I developed a small questionnaire, that you will find here: It takes about 8 minutes. The collected data is anonymized and used only within the context of my thesis.   Thanks a lot in advance! Steffen * * P.S. If you are interested in the results of my work, you are welcome to let me know. Also, if you think someone that you know is suited to do the questionnaire as well, feel free to forward the link.

Thu, 04 Feb 2021 11:45:57 GMT

@osaintilien55 says

When you do an npm install should the node_modules folder be inside of the www folder or outside of it?

Thu, 04 Feb 2021 11:46:44 GMT

@osaintilien55 says

Or it doesn't really matter?

Thu, 04 Feb 2021 11:50:45 GMT

@abul.asar22 says

Hello everyone, I am using phonegap-plugin-push@1.9.2 for push-notifcation. Notification is working on all version except on few iOS version like 13.1. Can anyone guide me if this know bug or anyone is aware about this bug ?

Channel #cordova-ios (1 messages)

Thu, 04 Feb 2021 12:13:04 GMT

@werner.haingartner says

hey guys, does someone of you have experience with notification service extension? I think there is no way to solve this with cordova, so i try it the native way, but no I got stuck with entitlements.

It seems that i need for the new target (the notification service extension) the same entitlements as for my main app. but in my app i have some entitlements that i needed to request from apple, like apple.developer.networking.hotspotconfiguration

so my problem is now, that I am not able to build the app, because the notification service extension is missing this entitlement.

I don't know how i can solve this, or why the notification service extension needs this entitlement.