Cordova Slack Digest

Wed, 27 Jan 2021 08:41:40 GMT

User count: 4344

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Channel #general (5 messages)

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 09:56:15 GMT

@chadwick.blackford says

@noah.cooper I have users who has problems with SWC.. and it’s looks like that this controller not exist on some devices

additional I found yesterday bug with IAB that the open client portal give me 401 error, but in normal browser or in SWC this work fine….

@norman137 / @niklasmerz / @timbru one of my colleague said today on daily meeting, that I do not need IAB anymore since cordova v10 ? because this is a part of cordova now and once what i need is using normal, '_blank')…. do I missing something in release-emails or documentation? 🙂

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 12:14:29 GMT

@norman137 says

afaik, we don't have a SWC implementation. But I think that is something that should be replacing IAB.

I think your colleague might have been confused with maybe the WKWebView, which is built into the cordova-ios core in cordova-ios@6 (Cordova V10 installs this version by default), since Apple now rejects apps using the old UIWebView.

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 12:19:38 GMT

@chadwick.blackford says

@norman137 SVC is other topic and will be a good solution for replacing IAB from code.. but SVC & Chrome Custom Tabs doesn’t work always correct on new mobile devices.. like android 10+ and ios 13+

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 12:20:26 GMT

@chadwick.blackford says

for exaple in any case on google pixel 3 with android 10 SVC+GCTs doesn’t work and IAB give me 401 Status for a link…

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 12:20:46 GMT

@chadwick.blackford says

now I switch to the “_system” in IAB config…

Channel #cordova-ios (4 messages)

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 20:04:27 GMT

@alex678 says

Hello everybody, i have one cordova ios project and i try to do OSX version. I replaced ios by osx (add platform) but no cordova plugins are loaded and device variable is always null when i build. i dont have any error during build. Alex

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 22:31:40 GMT

@jcesarmobile says

FYI, if you have problems signing apps after the 28th

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 22:31:43 GMT

@jcesarmobile says|

Wed, 27 Jan 2021 04:39:55 GMT

@norman137 says

If anyone has issues on M1 macs... they may need to upgrade xcode to 12.4

Channel #cordova-android (10 messages)

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 15:09:24 GMT

@mattwenner1 says

Has anyone ever ran into an issue where font awesome icons stopped working only on the android app, but on a physical device? It works fine on an android simulator though. Spinning my wheels a bit, I don’t have a physical android device to try to debug. Is there an easy way I could have the person experiencing the issue debug it with the chrome dev tools?

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 15:35:13 GMT

@chadwick.blackford says

@mattwenner1 create a debug apk and run it, after that open dev tools and check what was wrong

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 15:36:01 GMT

@chadwick.blackford says

if u use CDN, then you must put this urls into whitelisted domains, otherwise it will be blocked

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 15:37:36 GMT

@mattwenner1 says

Thanks, I’ll try the debug apk. It’s really odd, I was told it worked last week, and I haven’t updated anything recently.

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 15:42:10 GMT

@chadwick.blackford says

@mattwenner1 sometimes other services will be updated, and app crasht…

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 16:43:49 GMT

@mattwenner1 says

@chadwick.blackford is there a way to upload a debug apk to distribute for internal testing?

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 16:45:26 GMT

@mattwenner1 says

I’m running into: “You uploaded a debuggable APK. For security reasons you need to disable debugging before it can be published in Google Play-Upload apk to google play”. Which is understandable….but I need to get it to a non developer with the android device to test

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 16:58:52 GMT

@norman137 says

No, it needs to be released mode to upload to the play store.

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 16:59:34 GMT

@norman137 says

The APK can be side loaded by anyone who has the APK, so the APK could be distributed by any other means.

Tue, 26 Jan 2021 16:59:51 GMT

@norman137 says

The user will have to enable installing APKs from unknown sources.