Cordova Slack Digest

Fri, 22 Jan 2021 09:08:52 GMT

User count: 4339

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Channel #random (1 messages)

Thu, 21 Jan 2021 20:58:09 GMT

@amir.jahan says

We've just issued a free coupon for our Complete iPhone App Development Course. This course normally costs $199, but for the first 1,000 subscribers, it will be free. Here is the link:

Channel #cordova-ios (1 messages)

Thu, 21 Jan 2021 23:16:14 GMT

@brettr91 says

Hi, I am having issues with calling in app:// html files with Ajax on iOS. For some reason after an HTML file gets a certain length, it no longer loads and instead crashes back to our index. Has anyone faced a similar issue? We're on Cordova-ios 6.1.1, and cordova 9.0.0. The issue is only on iOS 12 and previous versions. It also returns a Webcontent 113 error, not sure if it is relevant though.

Channel #cordova-electron (1 messages)

Thu, 21 Jan 2021 16:49:25 GMT

@savoier says

Hey guys, is there a guide somewhere on how to properly sign a cordova-electron mac build for the store? My package was rejected because of : The product archive package's signature is invalid. Ensure that it is signed with your ‘3rd Party Mac Developer Installer’ certificate