Cordova Slack Digest

Mon, 21 Dec 2020 08:40:58 GMT

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Channel #cordova-ios (3 messages)

Sun, 20 Dec 2020 14:35:47 GMT

@v.yaroslavtsev says

Please help, I am trying to load a 300MB video via app: // (convertFilePath), but because it is all instantly loaded into RAM, the application restarts. How can you avoid this?

Sun, 20 Dec 2020 19:13:55 GMT

@jberman says

@v.yaroslavtsev I don’t have any special knowledge on this, but are you using a plugin like cordova-plugin-videoplayer to do it?

Sun, 20 Dec 2020 20:40:13 GMT

@v.yaroslavtsev says

Nope, this solution does not work for me, since the video tag is not used for its intended purpose

Channel #plugins (2 messages)

Sun, 20 Dec 2020 15:39:17 GMT

@info460 says

Hi everybody, do someone use cordova-plugin-googlemaps? I have couple of question which I cant figure out. (because my poor JavaScrit skills)

  1. there is // open the last marker title. markers[markers.length - 1].showInfoWindow(); what can be the code for showing all of them?
  2. Is there a way how to load Google Map without properties on it (businesses, shops..)?
  3. what is proper way of selecting options for particular object? should I make options variable or I can add them directly to demo code? Thanks

Sun, 20 Dec 2020 15:45:53 GMT

@info460 says