Cordova Slack Digest

Sat, 19 Dec 2020 08:38:09 GMT

User count: 4290

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Channel #general (1 messages)

Sat, 19 Dec 2020 05:43:57 GMT

@jberman says

Hey guys, I’ve been holding off on upgrading Xcode to version 12 until a project was complete. Are there any issues with using Xcode 12 with Cordova? Thanks!

Channel #random (4 messages)

Fri, 18 Dec 2020 13:38:47 GMT

@info460 says

If somebody looking for high quality UI kit I recommend this one, easy to work with and a lot of possibilities|

Fri, 18 Dec 2020 14:22:17 GMT

@kkubicki2 says

@info460 does this work with cordova (i'm a cordova newbie)

Fri, 18 Dec 2020 14:24:06 GMT

@info460 says

Yes, you just need to include it in your project html files

Fri, 18 Dec 2020 14:24:54 GMT

@info460 says

if you need help to make it working just let me know

Channel #cordova-android (1 messages)

Fri, 18 Dec 2020 19:11:25 GMT

@patrick662 says

Need some assistance on Android for using the tel: sms: mailto:

When doing a tap to call, the screen just goes back to the previous screen. It never brings up the dial prompt. on iOS and Browser it works fine. On Android I get the following error message

I've tried: <allow-navigation href=“tel:*” /> <access origin=“tel://*” launch-external=“true” /> &lt;allow-intent href="tel:*" /&gt; <a href=“tel:202-999-8888” target=“_blank”>call</a>

I‘ve got the whitelist plugin stalled and I just keep getting that error. I’ve googled and tried everything. What am I missing on Android? I'm using Android 9 platform too