Cordova Slack Digest

Fri, 02 Oct 2020 08:27:10 GMT

User count: 4140

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Channel #general (3 messages)

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 11:57:53 GMT

@pratiksha.bhavsar0895 says

Hi team I have updated to cordova-ios 6.1.1 with app as scheme & localhost as hostname preferences in config.xml which in turn I believe has resolved the ios deprecation issue as there is no mail from ios team after testflight deployment. Now due to this app scheme there is one issue with third party maps library. I just want to understand that setting up scheme is mandatory step right and it has to be equal to app:// always right ? Thanks & Regards,Pratiksha

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 14:03:44 GMT

@werner.haingartner says

the code from my cordova app is translated to objective-c, but the iOS code from a plugin that i want to add is written in swift. now i always get an error, when i try to build the app. now the question: is this even possible?

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 22:01:29 GMT

@sfeast says

Hi - is it possible to access config.xml preferences at runtime through JS? Specifically I’m hoping to access the AllowInlineMediaPlayback preference & ideally be able to change it’s value at runtime on iOS. At a minimum being able to read it would be helpful too.

Channel #hangouts (13 messages)

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 09:33:03 GMT

@michaelbschmidt says

  • proposal for discussion: release windows platform before deprecation

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 09:33:18 GMT

@michaelbschmidt says

  • proposal for discussion: cordova-plugin-camera: platform iOS: taking photos on iOS 13+ is broken

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 09:52:52 GMT

@jcesarmobile says

Everything gets a last release before being deprecated, that doesn’t need a discussion

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 13:43:46 GMT

@pieter.vanpoyer says

Hi, way to go Cordova!

Just an idea: Put an official plugin in the picture. F.e. every 2 weeks take a high level view on one of the official plugins. Document and lay out a roadmap for a plugin. (if it is necessary, if the plugin is going strong and does not need to be altered, I don't bother off course.) Announce for example in this channel the plugin in the picture and then the community can give their future vision about the plugin. Or the community can give an insight on the biggest painpoints, quickwins and bottlenecks of the plugin.

The vision/painpoints/roadmap/quickwins should be documented and can serve as an anchor point for PR's and next versions.

Add "Close action" that comments on issues asking for a new release -> Great idea Kind regards

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 13:51:30 GMT

@norman137 says

Not a bad idea. I think that could extend to some platforms as well, especially the ones that isn‘t even documented, ie the browser platform. I know for every plugin browser tests are failing for reasons I haven’t really investigated deeply into.

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 15:01:16 GMT

@purplecabbage says

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 15:01:41 GMT

@chris.brody says

I will probably miss this one

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 15:42:26 GMT

@purplecabbage says


Thu, 01 Oct 2020 15:42:52 GMT

@purplecabbage says

good story @erisu! You’re not supposed to talk about that obviously!

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 15:44:17 GMT

@dpogue says

@purplecabbage Just for the sake of getting it in my calendar, we're aiming to do these every 2 weeks, right? So next one will be October 15th?

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 15:44:57 GMT

@purplecabbage says


Thu, 01 Oct 2020 15:45:00 GMT

@erisu says

I will try and also get the draft/ tag vote submitted out as well soon.

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 15:45:29 GMT

@purplecabbage says

I will look at the docs/translations pr

Channel #cordova-browser (1 messages)

Thu, 01 Oct 2020 08:28:06 GMT

@ziqbal.consultech says

Thanks Alot i am using InAppBrowser now and it working Fine

Channel #cordova-electron (1 messages)

Fri, 02 Oct 2020 08:05:54 GMT

@erisu says

@rohit.agre I have just pushed Cordova Electron 2.0.0 to npm.