Cordova Slack Digest

Mon, 28 Sep 2020 08:26:02 GMT

User count: 4135

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Channel #general (1 messages)

Sun, 27 Sep 2020 22:12:50 GMT

@osaintilien55 says

So I have this code at the bottom of my JavaScript, however when I scroll I am not getting any feedback. I've read elsewhere that “Height 100%” on Html and body usually cause this but I have since removed them however the problem is still there. Any ideas as to why? Also, doing window.pageYOffset, always returns 0 for some reason.

  var currentScrollPos = window.pageYOffset
  if (prevScrollpos > currentScrollPos ) {
    console.log("Do this")
  } else if (prevScrollpos < currentScrollPos) {
    console.log("dont do this")

Channel #cordova-windows (1 messages)

Mon, 28 Sep 2020 07:53:27 GMT

@michaelbschmidt says

@erisu could you please give an indication whether a windows release is still on the table? Or should we rather plan with no updates any more...