Apache Cordova

Clone this repo:
  1. 4fa53ac tweet: survey announcement (#456) by Niklas Merz · 8 months ago master
  2. ab28f5e Discussions go to issues list by Jesse MacFadyen · 1 year, 1 month ago
  3. 3903fe7 Add .asf.yaml (#420) by Jesse MacFadyen · 1 year, 1 month ago
  4. 5015257 tweet: android 12 & cli 12 announcement (#402) by エリス · 1 year, 2 months ago
  5. c6cde7d tweet: Cordova Browser 7.0.0 announcement (#396) by Norman Breau · 1 year, 2 months ago

Apache Cordova

  • Mobile apps with HTML, CSS & JS
  • Target multiple platforms with one code base
  • Free and open source

Website and documentation: https://cordova.apache.org/

Filing a Bug

To file a bug, or raise another type of issue, please navigate to the appropriate repo from the list below and create a New Issue from the Issues tab of the repo.


All Cordova code is hosted in repositories on GitHub.

An overview of the dependencies among a selection of these repositories is shown in below graph. The leading apache/cordova- has been stripped from all repository names. Dotted edges are implicit dependencies (i.e. not expressed in package.json).

Cordova Dependency Graph

Continuous Integration status of all relevant repositories: https://apache.github.io/cordova-status/

Here is a full list of all repositories:


Active Platforms

Other Platforms

Deprecated Platforms

Core Plugins

Active Core Plugins

Experimental or Unfinished Core Plugins

Deprecated Core Plugins






Documentation and Website(s)

Organization / Apache


Unused / Outdated / Deprecated