blob: f8aab9133a22173f65f915191d933694272bee6c [file] [log] [blame]
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// activated event is not fired on Windows 10 RS1
// Patching start page to include WinJS/base.js reference to HTML as a workaround
module.exports = function patch(platform) {
console.log('Patching ' + platform + ' in prebuild event...');
var shell = require('shelljs');
var path = require('path');
var url = require('url');
var basejsSrcMap = {
'10': '/www/WinJS/js/base.js',
'8.1': '//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/js/base.js',
'phone-8.1': '//Microsoft.Phone.WinJS.2.1/js/base.js'
var escapedBasejsSrcMap = {
'10': '\/www\/WinJS\/js\/base\.js',
'8.1': '\/\/Microsoft\.WinJS\.2\.0\/js\/base\.js',
'phone-8.1': '\/\/Microsoft\.Phone\.WinJS\.2\.1\/js\/base\.js'
var basejsSrc = basejsSrcMap[platform];
var appxmanifestMap = {
'10': 'package.windows10.appxmanifest',
'8.1': '',
'phone-8.1': ''
// 1. Find start page path in appxmanifest
var AppxManifest = require('./lib/AppxManifest');
var appxmanifest = AppxManifest.get(path.join(__dirname, '..', appxmanifestMap[platform]));
var startPage = url.parse(appxmanifest.getApplication().getStartPage());
if (startPage.protocol && startPage.protocol.indexOf('http') === 0) {
console.warn('Warning: Can\'t modify external content.src. You should update your server-side pages to reference WinJS directly in HTML.');
// Discard scheme and identity name (host)
startPage = startPage.pathname;
// 2. Check if start page HTML contains base.js reference
var startPageFilePath =, '..', startPage))[0];
var reBaseJs = new RegExp(escapedBasejsSrcMap[platform], 'i');
if (shell.grep(reBaseJs, startPageFilePath).length === 0) {
// 3. If it doesn't - patch page to include base.js ref before cordova.js
var appendBaseJsRe = /( *)(<script\s+(?:type="text\/javascript"\s+)?src="cordova\.js">\s*<\/script>)/;
var subst = '$1<script type="text/javascript" src="' + basejsSrc + '"></script>\n$1$2';
shell.sed('-i', appendBaseJsRe, subst, startPageFilePath);
console.log('Injected base.js reference to the ' + startPage);
// 4. Remove all 'wrong' base.js references, which might left from another project type build:
for (var plat in basejsSrcMap) {
if (plat !== platform) {
var wrongBaseJsRe = new RegExp('( *)(<script\\s+(?:type="text\\/javascript"\\s+)?src="' + escapedBasejsSrcMap[plat] + '">\\s*<\\/script>)(\\s*)');
console.log('Removing ' + wrongBaseJsRe + ' from ' + startPage);
shell.sed('-i', wrongBaseJsRe, '$1', startPageFilePath);