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/* jshint quotmark:false */
Helper for dealing with Windows Store JS app .jsproj files
var fs = require('fs');
var et = require('elementtree');
var path = require('path');
var util = require('util');
var semver = require('semver');
var shell = require('shelljs');
var AppxManifest = require('./AppxManifest');
var PluginHandler = require('./PluginHandler');
var events = require('cordova-common').events;
var CordovaError = require('cordova-common').CordovaError;
var xml_helpers = require('cordova-common').xmlHelpers;
var AppxManifest = require('./AppxManifest');
var WinCSharpProjectTypeGUID = "{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}"; // .csproj
var WinCplusplusProjectTypeGUID = "{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}"; // .vcxproj
// Match a JavaScript Project
var JSPROJ_REGEXP = /(Project\("\{262852C6-CD72-467D-83FE-5EEB1973A190}"\)\s*=\s*"[^"]+",\s*"[^"]+",\s*"\{[0-9a-f\-]+}"[^\r\n]*[\r\n]*)/gi;
// Chars in a string that need to be escaped when used in a RegExp
var ESCAPE_REGEXP = /([.?*+\^$\[\]\\(){}|\-])/g;
function jsprojManager(location) {
this.root = path.dirname(location);
this.isUniversalWindowsApp = path.extname(location).toLowerCase() === ".projitems";
this.projects = [];
this.master = this.isUniversalWindowsApp ? new proj(location) : new jsproj(location);
this.projectFolder = path.dirname(location);
this.www = path.join(this.root, 'www');
this.platformWww = path.join(this.root, 'platform_www');
function getProjectName(pluginProjectXML, relative_path) {
var projNameElt = pluginProjectXML.find("PropertyGroup/ProjectName");
// Falling back on project file name in case ProjectName is missing
return !!projNameElt ? projNameElt.text : path.basename(relative_path, path.extname(relative_path));
jsprojManager.getProject = function (directory) {
var projectFiles =, '*.projitems'));
if (projectFiles.length === 0) {
throw (new CordovaError('The directory ' + directory +
' does not appear to be a Unified Windows Store project (no .projitems file found)'));
return new jsprojManager(path.normalize(projectFiles[0]));
jsprojManager.prototype = {
_projects: null,
getPackageName: function() {
// CB-10394 Do not cache manifest file while getting package name to avoid problems
// with windows.appxmanifest cached twice (here and in ConfigFile module)
return AppxManifest.get(path.join(this.root, ''), /*ignoreCache=*/true)
write: function () {
if (this._projects) {
var that = this;
this._projects.forEach(function (project) {
if (project !== that.master && project.touched) {
addSDKRef: function (incText, targetConditions) {
events.emit('verbose', 'jsprojManager.addSDKRef(incText: ' + incText + ', targetConditions: ' + JSON.stringify(targetConditions) + ')');
var item = createItemGroupElement('ItemGroup/SDKReference', incText, targetConditions);
this._getMatchingProjects(targetConditions).forEach(function (project) {
removeSDKRef: function (incText, targetConditions) {
events.emit('verbose', 'jsprojManager.removeSDKRef(incText: ' + incText + ', targetConditions: ' + JSON.stringify(targetConditions) + ')');
this._getMatchingProjects(targetConditions).forEach(function (project) {
project.removeItemGroupElement('ItemGroup/SDKReference', incText, targetConditions);
addResourceFileToProject: function (sourcePath, destPath, targetConditions) {
events.emit('verbose', 'jsprojManager.addResourceFile(sourcePath: ' + sourcePath + ', destPath: ' + destPath + ', targetConditions: ' + JSON.stringify(targetConditions) + ')');
// add hint path with full path
var link = new et.Element('Link');
link.text = destPath;
var children = [link];
var copyToOutputDirectory = new et.Element('CopyToOutputDirectory');
copyToOutputDirectory.text = 'Always';
var item = createItemGroupElement('ItemGroup/None', sourcePath, targetConditions, children);
this._getMatchingProjects(targetConditions).forEach(function (project) {
removeResourceFileFromProject: function (relPath, targetConditions) {
events.emit('verbose', 'jsprojManager.removeResourceFile(relPath: ' + relPath + ', targetConditions: ' + JSON.stringify(targetConditions) + ')');
this._getMatchingProjects(targetConditions).forEach(function (project) {
project.removeItemGroupElement('ItemGroup/None', relPath, targetConditions);
addReference: function (relPath, targetConditions) {
events.emit('verbose', 'jsprojManager.addReference(incText: ' + relPath + ', targetConditions: ' + JSON.stringify(targetConditions) + ')');
// add hint path with full path
var hint_path = new et.Element('HintPath');
hint_path.text = relPath;
var children = [hint_path];
var extName = path.extname(relPath);
if (extName === ".winmd") {
var mdFileTag = new et.Element("IsWinMDFile");
mdFileTag.text = "true";
var item = createItemGroupElement('ItemGroup/Reference', path.basename(relPath, extName), targetConditions, children);
this._getMatchingProjects(targetConditions).forEach(function (project) {
removeReference: function (relPath, targetConditions) {
events.emit('verbose', 'jsprojManager.removeReference(incText: ' + relPath + ', targetConditions: ' + JSON.stringify(targetConditions) + ')');
var extName = path.extname(relPath);
var includeText = path.basename(relPath, extName);
this._getMatchingProjects(targetConditions).forEach(function (project) {
project.removeItemGroupElement('ItemGroup/Reference', includeText, targetConditions);
addSourceFile: function (relative_path) {
events.emit('verbose', 'jsprojManager.addSourceFile(relative_path: ' + relative_path + ')');
removeSourceFile: function (relative_path) {
events.emit('verbose', 'jsprojManager.removeSourceFile(incText: ' + relative_path + ')');
addProjectReference: function (relative_path, targetConditions) {
events.emit('verbose', 'jsprojManager.addProjectReference(incText: ' + relative_path + ', targetConditions: ' + JSON.stringify(targetConditions) + ')');
// relative_path is the actual path to the file in the current OS, where-as inserted_path is what we write in
// the project file, and is always in Windows format.
relative_path = path.normalize(relative_path);
var inserted_path = relative_path.split('/').join('\\');
var pluginProjectXML = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(path.resolve(this.projectFolder, relative_path));
// find the guid + name of the referenced project
var projectGuid = pluginProjectXML.find("PropertyGroup/ProjectGuid").text;
var projName = getProjectName(pluginProjectXML, relative_path);
// get the project type
var projectTypeGuid = getProjectTypeGuid(relative_path);
if (!projectTypeGuid) {
throw new CordovaError("Unrecognized project type at " + relative_path + " (not .csproj or .vcxproj)");
var preInsertText = "\tProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\r\n" +
"\t\t" + projectGuid + "=" + projectGuid + "\r\n" +
var postInsertText = '\r\nProject("' + projectTypeGuid + '") = "' +
projName + '", "' + inserted_path + '", ' +
'"' + projectGuid + '"\r\nEndProject';
var matchingProjects = this._getMatchingProjects(targetConditions);
if (matchingProjects.length === 0) {
// No projects meet the specified target and version criteria, so nothing to do.
// Will we be writing into the .projitems file rather than individual .jsproj files?
var useProjItems = this.isUniversalWindowsApp && matchingProjects.length === 1 && matchingProjects[0] === this.master;
// There may be multiple solution files (for different VS versions) - process them all
getSolutionPaths(this.projectFolder).forEach(function (solutionPath) {
var solText = fs.readFileSync(solutionPath, {encoding: "utf8"});
if (useProjItems) {
// Insert a project dependency into every jsproj in the solution.
var jsProjectFound = false;
solText = solText.replace(JSPROJ_REGEXP, function (match) {
jsProjectFound = true;
return match + preInsertText;
if (!jsProjectFound) {
throw new CordovaError("No jsproj found in solution");
} else {
// Insert a project dependency only for projects that match specified target and version
matchingProjects.forEach(function (project) {
solText = solText.replace(getJsProjRegExForProject(path.basename(project.location)), function (match) {
return match + preInsertText;
// Add the project after existing projects. Note that this fairly simplistic check should be fine, since the last
// EndProject in the file should actually be an EndProject (and not an EndProjectSection, for example).
var pos = solText.lastIndexOf("EndProject");
if (pos === -1) {
throw new Error("No EndProject found in solution");
pos += 10; // Move pos to the end of EndProject text
solText = solText.slice(0, pos) + postInsertText + solText.slice(pos);
fs.writeFileSync(solutionPath, solText, {encoding: "utf8"});
// Add the ItemGroup/ProjectReference to each matching cordova project :
// <ItemGroup><ProjectReference Include="blahblah.csproj"/></ItemGroup>
var item = createItemGroupElement('ItemGroup/ProjectReference', inserted_path, targetConditions);
matchingProjects.forEach(function (project) {
removeProjectReference: function (relative_path, targetConditions) {
events.emit('verbose', 'jsprojManager.removeProjectReference(incText: ' + relative_path + ', targetConditions: ' + JSON.stringify(targetConditions) + ')');
// relative_path is the actual path to the file in the current OS, where-as inserted_path is what we write in
// the project file, and is always in Windows format.
relative_path = path.normalize(relative_path);
var inserted_path = relative_path.split('/').join('\\');
// find the guid + name of the referenced project
var pluginProjectXML = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(path.resolve(this.projectFolder, relative_path));
var projectGuid = pluginProjectXML.find("PropertyGroup/ProjectGuid").text;
var projName = getProjectName(pluginProjectXML, relative_path);
// get the project type
var projectTypeGuid = getProjectTypeGuid(relative_path);
if (!projectTypeGuid) {
throw new Error("Unrecognized project type at " + relative_path + " (not .csproj or .vcxproj)");
var preInsertTextRegExp = getProjectReferencePreInsertRegExp(projectGuid);
var postInsertTextRegExp = getProjectReferencePostInsertRegExp(projName, projectGuid, inserted_path, projectTypeGuid);
// There may be multiple solutions (for different VS versions) - process them all
getSolutionPaths(this.projectFolder).forEach(function (solutionPath) {
var solText = fs.readFileSync(solutionPath, {encoding: "utf8"});
// To be safe (to handle subtle changes in formatting, for example), use a RegExp to find and remove
// preInsertText and postInsertText
solText = solText.replace(preInsertTextRegExp, function () {
return "";
solText = solText.replace(postInsertTextRegExp, function () {
return "";
fs.writeFileSync(solutionPath, solText, {encoding: "utf8"});
this._getMatchingProjects(targetConditions).forEach(function (project) {
project.removeItemGroupElement('ItemGroup/ProjectReference', inserted_path, targetConditions);
_getMatchingProjects: function (targetConditions) {
// If specified, target can be 'all' (default), 'phone' or 'windows'. Ultimately should probably allow a comma
// separated list, but not needed now.
var target = getDeviceTarget(targetConditions);
var versions = getVersions(targetConditions);
if (target || versions) {
var matchingProjects = this.projects.filter(function (project) {
return (!target || target === &&
(!versions || semver.satisfies(project.getSemVersion(), versions, /* loose */ true));
if (matchingProjects.length < this.projects.length) {
return matchingProjects;
// All projects match. If this is a universal project, return the projitems file. Otherwise return our single
// project.
return [this.master];
get projects() {
var projects = this._projects;
if (!projects) {
projects = [];
this._projects = projects;
if (this.isUniversalWindowsApp) {
var projectPath = this.projectFolder;
var projectFiles =, '*.jsproj'));
projectFiles.forEach(function (projectFile) {
projects.push(new jsproj(projectFile));
} else {
return projects;
jsprojManager.prototype.getInstaller = function (type) {
return PluginHandler.getInstaller(type);
jsprojManager.prototype.getUninstaller = function (type) {
return PluginHandler.getUninstaller(type);
function getProjectReferencePreInsertRegExp(projectGuid) {
projectGuid = escapeRegExpString(projectGuid);
return new RegExp("\\s*ProjectSection\\(ProjectDependencies\\)\\s*=\\s*postProject\\s*" + projectGuid + "\\s*=\\s*" + projectGuid + "\\s*EndProjectSection", "gi");
function getProjectReferencePostInsertRegExp(projName, projectGuid, relative_path, projectTypeGuid) {
projName = escapeRegExpString(projName);
projectGuid = escapeRegExpString(projectGuid);
relative_path = escapeRegExpString(relative_path);
projectTypeGuid = escapeRegExpString(projectTypeGuid);
return new RegExp('\\s*Project\\("' + projectTypeGuid + '"\\)\\s*=\\s*"' + projName + '"\\s*,\\s*"' + relative_path + '"\\s*,\\s*"' + projectGuid + '"\\s*EndProject', 'gi');
function getSolutionPaths(projectFolder) {
return, "*.sln"));
function escapeRegExpString(regExpString) {
return regExpString.replace(ESCAPE_REGEXP, "\\$1");
function getJsProjRegExForProject(projectFile) {
projectFile = escapeRegExpString(projectFile);
return new RegExp('(Project\\("\\{262852C6-CD72-467D-83FE-5EEB1973A190}"\\)\\s*=\\s*"[^"]+",\\s*"' + projectFile + '",\\s*"\\{[0-9a-f\\-]+}"[^\\r\\n]*[\\r\\n]*)', 'gi');
function getProjectTypeGuid(projectPath) {
switch (path.extname(projectPath)) {
case ".vcxproj":
return WinCplusplusProjectTypeGUID;
case ".csproj":
return WinCSharpProjectTypeGUID;
return null;
function createItemGroupElement(path, incText, targetConditions, children) {
path = path.split('/');
var lastElement = null;
path.forEach(function (elementName) {
var element = new et.Element(elementName);
if (lastElement) {
} else {
element.attrib.Include = incText;
var condition = createConditionAttrib(targetConditions);
if (condition) {
element.attrib.Condition = condition;
if (children) {
children.forEach(function (child) {
lastElement = element;
return lastElement;
function getDeviceTarget(targetConditions) {
var target = targetConditions.deviceTarget;
if (target) {
target = target.toLowerCase().trim();
if (target === "all") {
target = null;
} else if (target === "win") {
// Allow "win" as alternative to "windows"
target = "windows";
} else if (target !== 'phone' && target !== 'windows') {
throw new Error('Invalid device-target attribute (must be "all", "phone", "windows" or "win"): ' + target);
return target;
function getVersions(targetConditions) {
var versions = targetConditions.versions;
if (versions && !semver.validRange(versions, /* loose */ true)) {
throw new Error('Invalid versions attribute (must be a valid semantic version range): ' + versions);
return versions;
/* proj */
function proj(location) {
// Class to handle simple project xml operations
if (!location) {
throw new Error('Project file location can\'t be null or empty');
this.location = location;
this.xml = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(location);
proj.prototype = {
write: function () {
fs.writeFileSync(this.location, this.xml.write({indent: 4}), 'utf-8');
appendToRoot: function (element) {
this.touched = true;
removeItemGroupElement: function (path, incText, targetConditions) {
var xpath = path + '[@Include="' + incText + '"]';
var condition = createConditionAttrib(targetConditions);
if (condition) {
xpath += '[@Condition="' + condition + '"]';
xpath += '/..';
var itemGroup = this.xml.find(xpath);
if (itemGroup) {
this.touched = true;
addSourceFile: function (relative_path) {
// we allow multiple paths to be passed at once as array so that
// we don't create separate ItemGroup for each source file, CB-6874
if (!(relative_path instanceof Array)) {
relative_path = [relative_path];
// make ItemGroup to hold file.
var item = new et.Element('ItemGroup');
relative_path.forEach(function (filePath) {
// filePath is never used to find the actual file - it determines what we write to the project file, and so
// should always be in Windows format.
filePath = filePath.split('/').join('\\');
var content = new et.Element('Content');
content.attrib.Include = filePath;
removeSourceFile: function (relative_path) {
var isRegexp = relative_path instanceof RegExp;
if (!isRegexp) {
// relative_path is never used to find the actual file - it determines what we write to the project file,
// and so should always be in Windows format.
relative_path = relative_path.split('/').join('\\');
var root = this.xml.getroot();
var that = this;
// iterate through all ItemGroup/Content elements and remove all items matched
this.xml.findall('ItemGroup').forEach(function (group) {
// matched files in current ItemGroup
var filesToRemove = group.findall('Content').filter(function (item) {
if (!item.attrib.Include) {
return false;
return isRegexp ? item.attrib.Include.match(relative_path) : item.attrib.Include === relative_path;
// nothing to remove, skip..
if (filesToRemove.length < 1) {
filesToRemove.forEach(function (file) {
// remove file reference
// remove ItemGroup if empty
if (group.findall('*').length < 1) {
that.touched = true;
/* jsproj */
function jsproj(location) {
function targetPlatformIdentifierToDevice(jsprojPlatform) {
var index = ["Windows", "WindowsPhoneApp", "UAP"].indexOf(jsprojPlatform);
if (index < 0) {
throw new Error("Unknown TargetPlatformIdentifier '" + jsprojPlatform + "' in project file '" + location + "'");
return ["windows", "phone", "windows"][index];
function validateVersion(version) {
version = version.split('.');
while (version.length < 3) {
return version.join(".");
// Class to handle a jsproj file, location);
var propertyGroup = this.xml.find('PropertyGroup[TargetPlatformIdentifier]');
if (!propertyGroup) {
throw new Error("Unable to find PropertyGroup/TargetPlatformIdentifier in project file '" + this.location + "'");
var jsprojPlatform = propertyGroup.find('TargetPlatformIdentifier').text; = targetPlatformIdentifierToDevice(jsprojPlatform);
var version = propertyGroup.find('TargetPlatformVersion');
if (!version) {
throw new Error("Unable to find PropertyGroup/TargetPlatformVersion in project file '" + this.location + "'");
this.version = validateVersion(version.text);
util.inherits(jsproj, proj); = null;
jsproj.prototype.version = null;
// Returns valid semantic version (
jsproj.prototype.getSemVersion = function () {
// For example, for version 10.0.10240.0 we will return 10.0.10240 (first three components)
var semVersion = this.version;
var splittedVersion = semVersion.split('.');
if (splittedVersion.length > 3) {
semVersion = splittedVersion.splice(0, 3).join('.');
return semVersion;
// Alternative approach could be replacing last dot with plus sign to
// be complaint w/ semver specification, for example
// 10.0.10240.0 -> 10.0.10240+0
/* Common support functions */
function createConditionAttrib(targetConditions) {
var arch = targetConditions.arch;
if (arch) {
if (arch === "arm") {
// Specifcally allow "arm" as alternative to "ARM"
arch = "ARM";
} else if (arch !== "x86" && arch !== "x64" && arch !== "ARM") {
throw new Error('Invalid arch attribute (must be "x86", "x64" or "ARM"): ' + arch);
return "'$(Platform)'=='" + arch + "'";
return null;
module.exports = jsprojManager;