blob: d026b97d91e85ba75ae9085ac99007268a7be108 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
/* jshint laxcomma:true */
var rewire = require('rewire');
var common = rewire('../../../template/cordova/lib/PluginHandler');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var os = require('os');
var shell = require('shelljs');
var test_dir = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'test_plugman');
var project_dir = path.join(test_dir, 'project');
var src = path.join(project_dir, 'src');
var dest = path.join(project_dir, 'dest');
var java_dir = path.join(src, 'one', 'two', 'three');
var java_file = path.join(java_dir, '');
var symlink_file = path.join(java_dir, 'symlink');
var non_plugin_file = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'non_plugin_file');
var copyFile = common.__get__('copyFile');
var copyNewFile = common.__get__('copyNewFile');
var removeFileAndParents = common.__get__('removeFileAndParents');
describe('common platform handler', function() {
describe('copyFile', function() {
it('should throw if source path not found', function(){
expect(function(){copyFile('/some/dir', 'foo', project_dir, dest);})
.toThrow(new Error('"' + path.resolve('/some/dir', 'foo') + '" not found!'));
it('should throw if src not in plugin directory', function(){
shell.mkdir('-p', project_dir);
fs.writeFileSync(non_plugin_file, 'contents', 'utf-8');
var outside_file = '../non_plugin_file';
expect(function(){copyFile(test_dir, outside_file, project_dir, dest);}).
toThrow(new Error('File "' + path.resolve(test_dir, outside_file) + '" is located outside the plugin directory "' + test_dir + '"'));
shell.rm('-rf', test_dir);
it('should allow symlink src, if inside plugin', function(){
shell.mkdir('-p', java_dir);
fs.writeFileSync(java_file, 'contents', 'utf-8');
// This will fail on windows if not admin - ignore the error in that case.
if (ignoreEPERMonWin32(java_file, symlink_file)) {
copyFile(test_dir, symlink_file, project_dir, dest);
shell.rm('-rf', project_dir);
it('should throw if symlink is linked to a file outside the plugin', function(){
shell.mkdir('-p', java_dir);
fs.writeFileSync(non_plugin_file, 'contents', 'utf-8');
// This will fail on windows if not admin - ignore the error in that case.
if (ignoreEPERMonWin32(non_plugin_file, symlink_file)) {
expect(function(){copyFile(test_dir, symlink_file, project_dir, dest);}).
toThrow(new Error('File "' + path.resolve(test_dir, symlink_file) + '" is located outside the plugin directory "' + test_dir + '"'));
shell.rm('-rf', project_dir);
it('should throw if dest is outside the project directory', function(){
shell.mkdir('-p', java_dir);
fs.writeFileSync(java_file, 'contents', 'utf-8');
expect(function(){copyFile(test_dir, java_file, project_dir, non_plugin_file);})
.toThrow(new Error('Destination "' + path.resolve(project_dir, non_plugin_file) + '" for source file "' + path.resolve(test_dir, java_file) + '" is located outside the project'));
shell.rm('-rf', project_dir);
it('should call mkdir -p on target path', function(){
shell.mkdir('-p', java_dir);
fs.writeFileSync(java_file, 'contents', 'utf-8');
var s = spyOn(shell, 'mkdir').andCallThrough();
copyFile(test_dir, java_file, project_dir, dest);
expect(s).toHaveBeenCalledWith('-p', path.dirname(path.resolve(project_dir, dest)));
shell.rm('-rf', project_dir);
it('should call cp source/dest paths', function(){
shell.mkdir('-p', java_dir);
fs.writeFileSync(java_file, 'contents', 'utf-8');
var s = spyOn(shell, 'cp').andCallThrough();
copyFile(test_dir, java_file, project_dir, dest);
expect(s).toHaveBeenCalledWith('-f', java_file, path.resolve(project_dir, dest));
shell.rm('-rf', project_dir);
describe('copyNewFile', function () {
it('should throw if target path exists', function(){
shell.mkdir('-p', dest);
expect(function(){copyNewFile(test_dir, src, project_dir, dest);})
.toThrow(new Error('"' + dest + '" already exists!'));
shell.rm('-rf', dest);
describe('deleteJava', function() {
it('should call fs.unlinkSync on the provided paths', function(){
shell.mkdir('-p', java_dir);
fs.writeFileSync(java_file, 'contents', 'utf-8');
var s = spyOn(fs, 'unlinkSync').andCallThrough();
removeFileAndParents(project_dir, java_file);
expect(s).toHaveBeenCalledWith(path.resolve(project_dir, java_file));
shell.rm('-rf', java_dir);
it('should delete empty directories after removing source code in a java src path hierarchy', function(){
shell.mkdir('-p', java_dir);
fs.writeFileSync(java_file, 'contents', 'utf-8');
removeFileAndParents(project_dir, java_file);
shell.rm('-rf', java_dir);
function ignoreEPERMonWin32(symlink_src, symlink_dest) {
try {
fs.symlinkSync(symlink_src, symlink_dest);
} catch (e) {
if (process.platform === 'win32' && e.message.indexOf('Error: EPERM, operation not permitted' > -1)) {
return true;
throw e;
return false;