blob: b9a5959090f3eb41bd4d2097bac032aae84cb201 [file] [log] [blame]
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var rewire = require('rewire'),
deployment = rewire('../../template/cordova/lib/deployment'),
Q = require('q'),
path = require('path'),
AppDeployCmdTool = deployment.__get__('AppDeployCmdTool'),
WinAppDeployCmdTool = deployment.__get__('WinAppDeployCmdTool');
var TEST_APP_PACKAGE_NAME = '"c:\\testapppackage.appx"',
TEST_APP_PACKAGE_ID = '12121212-3434-3434-3434-567856785678';
describe('The correct version of the app deployment tool is obtained.', function() {
var mockedProgramFiles = process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'];
beforeEach(function() {
process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'] = path.join('c:/Program Files (x86)');
afterEach(function() {
if (mockedProgramFiles) {
process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'] = mockedProgramFiles;
} else {
delete process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'];
it('Provides an AppDeployCmdTool when 8.1 is requested.', function() {
var tool = deployment.getDeploymentTool('8.1');
expect(tool instanceof AppDeployCmdTool).toBe(true);
it('Provides a WinAppDeployCmdTool when 10.0 is requested.', function() {
var tool = deployment.getDeploymentTool('10.0');
expect(tool instanceof WinAppDeployCmdTool).toBe(true);
describe('Windows 10 deployment interacts with the file system as expected.', function() {
function fakeSpawn(cmd, args, cwd) {
expect(cmd).toBe(path.join('c:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/bin/x86/WinAppDeployCmd.exe'));
switch (args[0]) {
case 'devices':
var output = 'Windows App Deployment Tool\r\nVersion\r\nCopyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n\r\nDiscovering devices...\r\nIP Address GUID Model/Name\r\n127.0.0.1 00000015-b21e-0da9-0000-000000000000 Lumia 1520 (RM-940)\r\n10.120.70.172 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00155d619532 00155D619532\r\n10.120.68.150 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00155d011765 00155D011765\r\nDone.';
return Q(output);
case 'update':
case 'install':
return Q('');
case 'uninstall':
return Q('');
var mockedSpawn = deployment.__get__('spawn');
var mockedProgramFiles = process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'];
beforeEach(function() {
deployment.__set__('spawn', fakeSpawn);
process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'] = path.join('c:/Program Files (x86)');
afterEach(function() {
deployment.__set__('spawn', mockedSpawn);
if (mockedProgramFiles) {
process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'] = mockedProgramFiles;
} else {
delete process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'];
it('enumerateDevices returns a valid set of objects', function() {
var deploymentTool = deployment.getDeploymentTool('10.0');
var done = false;
deploymentTool.enumerateDevices().then(function(deviceList) {
expect(deviceList[0].name).toBe('Lumia 1520 (RM-940)');
done = true;
waitsFor(function() { return done; });
it('installAppPackage passes the correct set of parameters', function() {
var deploymentTool = deployment.getDeploymentTool('10.0');
var done = false;
deploymentTool.enumerateDevices().then(function(deviceList) {
deploymentTool.installAppPackage(TEST_APP_PACKAGE_NAME, deviceList[0], /*shouldLaunch*/ false, /*shouldUpdate*/ false).then(function() {
// expect() calls are in the fakeSpawn function
done = true;
waitsFor(function() { return done; });
it('installAppPackage passes the correct set of parameters when updating', function() {
var deploymentTool = deployment.getDeploymentTool('10.0');
var done = false;
deploymentTool.enumerateDevices().then(function(deviceList) {
deploymentTool.installAppPackage(TEST_APP_PACKAGE_NAME, deviceList[0], /*shouldLaunch*/ false, /*shouldUpdate*/ true).then(function() {
// expect() calls are in the fakeSpawn function
done = true;
waitsFor(function() { return done; });
it('uninstallAppPackage passes the correct set of parameters', function() {
var deploymentTool = deployment.getDeploymentTool('10.0');
var done = false;
deploymentTool.enumerateDevices().then(function(deviceList) {
deploymentTool.uninstallAppPackage(TEST_APP_PACKAGE_ID, deviceList[2]).then(function() {
// expect() calls are in the fakeSpawn function
done = true;
waitsFor(function() { return done; });
describe('Windows 8.1 deployment interacts with the file system as expected.', function() {
function fakeSpawn(cmd, args, cwd) {
expect(cmd).toBe(path.join('c:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SDKs/Windows Phone/v8.1/Tools/AppDeploy/AppDeployCmd.exe'));
switch (args[0]) {
case '/EnumerateDevices':
var output = '\r\nDevice Index Device Name\r\n------------ -------------------------------\r\n 0 Device\r\n 1 Mobile Emulator 10.0.10150.0 WVGA 4 inch 512MB\r\n 2 Mobile Emulator 10.0.10150.0 WVGA 4 inch 1GB\r\n 3 Mobile Emulator 10.0.10150.0 WXGA 4.5 inch 1GB\r\n 4 Mobile Emulator 10.0.10150.0 720p 5 inch 1GB\r\n 5 Mobile Emulator 10.0.10150.0 1080p 6 inch 2GB\r\n 6 Emulator 8.1 WVGA 4 inch 512MB\r\n 7 Emulator 8.1 WVGA 4 inch\r\n 8 Emulator 8.1 WXGA 4.5 inch\r\n 9 Emulator 8.1 720P 4.7 inch\r\n 10 Emulator 8.1 1080P 5.5 inch\r\n 11 Emulator 8.1 1080P 6 inch\r\nDone.\r\n';
return Q(output);
case '/update':
case '/install':
case '/updatelaunch':
case '/installlaunch':
return Q('');
case '/uninstall':
return Q('');
throw new Error('Unrecognized AppDeployCmd parameter "' + args[0] + '"');
var mockedSpawn = deployment.__get__('spawn');
var mockedProgramFiles = process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'];
beforeEach(function() {
deployment.__set__('spawn', fakeSpawn);
process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'] = path.join('c:/Program Files (x86)');
afterEach(function() {
deployment.__set__('spawn', mockedSpawn);
if (mockedProgramFiles) {
process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'] = mockedProgramFiles;
} else {
delete process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'];
it('enumerateDevices returns a valid set of objects', function() {
var deploymentTool = deployment.getDeploymentTool('8.1');
var done = false;
deploymentTool.enumerateDevices().then(function(deviceList) {
expect(deviceList[5].name).toBe('Mobile Emulator 10.0.10150.0 1080p 6 inch 2GB');
done = true;
waitsFor(function() { return done; });
it('installAppPackage passes the correct set of parameters', function() {
var deploymentTool = deployment.getDeploymentTool('8.1');
var done = false;
deploymentTool.enumerateDevices().then(function(deviceList) {
deploymentTool.installAppPackage(TEST_APP_PACKAGE_NAME, deviceList[0], /*shouldLaunch*/ false, /*shouldUpdate*/ false).then(function() {
// expect() calls are in the fakeSpawn function
done = true;
waitsFor(function() { return done; });
it('installAppPackage passes the correct set of parameters when updating', function() {
var deploymentTool = deployment.getDeploymentTool('8.1');
var done = false;
deploymentTool.enumerateDevices().then(function(deviceList) {
deploymentTool.installAppPackage(TEST_APP_PACKAGE_NAME, deviceList[0], /*shouldLaunch*/ false, /*shouldUpdate*/ true).then(function() {
// expect() calls are in the fakeSpawn function
done = true;
waitsFor(function() { return done; });
it('installAppPackage passes the correct set of parameters when launching', function() {
var deploymentTool = deployment.getDeploymentTool('8.1');
var done = false;
deploymentTool.enumerateDevices().then(function(deviceList) {
deploymentTool.installAppPackage(TEST_APP_PACKAGE_NAME, deviceList[0], /*shouldLaunch*/ true, /*shouldUpdate*/ false).then(function() {
// expect() calls are in the fakeSpawn function
done = true;
waitsFor(function() { return done; });
it('installAppPackage passes the correct set of parameters when updating and launching', function() {
var deploymentTool = deployment.getDeploymentTool('8.1');
var done = false;
deploymentTool.enumerateDevices().then(function(deviceList) {
deploymentTool.installAppPackage(TEST_APP_PACKAGE_NAME, deviceList[0], /*shouldLaunch*/ true, /*shouldUpdate*/ true).then(function() {
// expect() calls are in the fakeSpawn function
done = true;
waitsFor(function() { return done; });
it('uninstallAppPackage passes the correct set of parameters', function() {
var deploymentTool = deployment.getDeploymentTool('8.1');
var done = false;
deploymentTool.enumerateDevices().then(function(deviceList) {
deploymentTool.uninstallAppPackage(TEST_APP_PACKAGE_ID, deviceList[5]).then(function() {
// expect() calls are in the fakeSpawn function
done = true;
waitsFor(function() { return done; });