blob: 0cb0194833cdef74e918bab28302f1271d271ccf [file] [log] [blame]
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/* jshint -W069 */
var Q = require('q');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var spawn = require('cordova-common').superspawn.spawn;
var events = require('cordova-common').events;
var E_INVALIDARG = 2147942487;
function DeploymentTool () {
* Determines whether the requested version of the deployment tool is available.
* @returns True if the deployment tool can function; false if not.
DeploymentTool.prototype.isAvailable = function () {
return fs.existsSync(this.path);
* Enumerates devices attached to the development machine.
* @returns A Promise for an array of objects, which should be passed into other functions to represent the device.
* @remarks The returned objects contain 'index', 'name', and 'type' properties indicating basic information about them,
* which is limited to the information provided by the system. Other properties may also be included, but they are
* specific to the deployment tool which created them and are likely used internally.
DeploymentTool.prototype.enumerateDevices = function () {
return Q.reject('May not use DeploymentTool directly, instead get an instance from DeploymentTool.getDeploymentTool()');
* Installs an app package to the target device.
* @returns A Promise which will be fulfilled on success or rejected on failure.
* @param pathToAppxPackage The path to the .appx package to install.
* @param targetDevice An object returned from a successful call to enumerateDevices.
* @shouldLaunch Indicates whether to launch the app after installing it.
* @shouldUpdate Indicates whether to explicitly update the app, or install clean.
* @pin Optionally provided if the device requires pairing for deployment.
DeploymentTool.prototype.installAppPackage = function (pathToAppxPackage, targetDevice, shouldLaunch, shouldUpdate, pin) {
return Q.reject('May not use DeploymentTool directly, instead get an instance from DeploymentTool.getDeploymentTool()');
* Uninstalls an app package from the target device.
* @returns A Promise which will be fulfilled on success or rejected on failure.
* @param packageInfo The app package name or Phone GUID representing the app.
* @param targetDevice An object returned from a successful call to enumerateDevices.
DeploymentTool.prototype.uninstallAppPackage = function (packageInfo, targetDevice) {
return Q.reject('Unable to uninstall any app packages because that feature is not supported.');
* Gets a list of installed apps on the target device. This function is not supported for
* Windows Phone 8.1.
* @param targetDevice {Object} An object returned from a successful call to enumerateDevices.
* @returns A Promise for an array of app names.
DeploymentTool.prototype.getInstalledApps = function (targetDevice) {
return Q.reject('Unable to get installed apps because that feature is not supported.');
* Launches an app on the target device. This function is not supported for Windows 10.
* @param packageInfo {String} The app package name or Phone GUID representing the app.
* @param targetDevice {Object} An object returned from a successful call to enumerateDevices.
* @returns A Promise for when the app is launched.
DeploymentTool.prototype.launchApp = function (packageInfo, targetDevice) {
return Q.reject('Unable to launch an app because that feature is not supported.');
* Gets a DeploymentTool to deploy to devices or emulators.
* @param targetOsVersion {String} The version of the
DeploymentTool.getDeploymentTool = function (targetOsVersion) {
if (targetOsVersion === '8.1') {
return new AppDeployCmdTool(targetOsVersion);
} else {
return new WinAppDeployCmdTool(targetOsVersion);
// DeviceInfo is an opaque object passed to install/uninstall.
// Implementations of DeploymentTool can populate it with any additional
// information required for accessing them.
function DeviceInfo (deviceIndex, deviceName, deviceType) {
this.index = deviceIndex; = deviceName;
this.type = deviceType;
DeviceInfo.prototype.toString = function () {
return this.index + '. ' + + ' (' + this.type + ')';
function AppDeployCmdTool (targetOsVersion) {
if (!(this instanceof AppDeployCmdTool)) { throw new ReferenceError('Only create an AppDeployCmdTool as an instance object.'); };
this.targetOsVersion = targetOsVersion;
var programFilesPath = process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'] || process.env['ProgramFiles'];
this.path = path.join(programFilesPath, 'Microsoft SDKs', 'Windows Phone', 'v' + this.targetOsVersion, 'Tools', 'AppDeploy', 'AppDeployCmd.exe');
AppDeployCmdTool.prototype = Object.create(DeploymentTool.prototype);
AppDeployCmdTool.prototype.constructor = AppDeployCmdTool;
AppDeployCmdTool.prototype.enumerateDevices = function () {
var that = this;
// 9 Emulator 8.1 720P 4.7 inch\r\n
// maps to
// [(line), 9, 'Emulator 8.1 720P 4.7 inch']
// Expansion is: space, index, spaces, name
var LINE_TEST = /^\s(\d+?)\s+(.+?)$/m;
return spawn(that.path, ['/EnumerateDevices']).then(function (result) {
var lines = result.split('\n');
var matchedLines = lines.filter(function (line) {
return LINE_TEST.test(line);
var devices = (line, arrayIndex) {
var match = line.match(LINE_TEST);
var index = parseInt(match[1], 10);
var name = match[2];
var shorthand = '';
var type = 'emulator';
if (name === 'Device') {
shorthand = 'de';
type = 'device';
} else if (arrayIndex === 1) {
shorthand = 'xd';
} else {
shorthand = index;
var deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo(index, name, type);
deviceInfo.__sourceLine = line;
deviceInfo.__shorthand = shorthand;
return deviceInfo;
return devices;
// Note: To account for CB-9482, we pass an extra parameter when retrying the call. Be forwarned to check for that
// if additional parameters are added in the future.
AppDeployCmdTool.prototype.installAppPackage = function (pathToAppxPackage, targetDevice, shouldLaunch, shouldUpdate, pin) {
var command = shouldUpdate ? '/update' : '/install';
if (shouldLaunch) {
command += 'launch';
var that = this;
var result = spawn(this.path, [command, pathToAppxPackage, '/targetdevice:' + targetDevice.__shorthand]);
if (targetDevice.type === 'emulator') {
result = result.then(null, function (e) {
// CB-9482: AppDeployCmd also reports E_INVALIDARG during this process. If so, try to repeat.
if (e.code === E_INVALIDARG) {
return spawn(that.path, [command, pathToAppxPackage, '/targetdevice:' + targetDevice.__shorthand]);
throw e;
return result;
AppDeployCmdTool.prototype.uninstallAppPackage = function (packageInfo, targetDevice) {
// CB-9482: AppDeployCmd reports failure when targeting an emulator, but actually succeeds
// Further calls in the promise chain then are not executed (such as installAppPackage) because
// of the failure reported here. By ensuring that this function always reports a success
// state, it allows install to proceed. (Install will fail if there is a legitimate
// uninstall failure such as due to no device).
var assureSuccess = function () {};
return spawn(this.path, ['/uninstall', packageInfo, '/targetdevice:' + targetDevice.__shorthand]).then(assureSuccess, assureSuccess);
AppDeployCmdTool.prototype.launchApp = function (packageInfo, targetDevice) {
return spawn(this.path, ['/launch', packageInfo, '/targetdevice:' + targetDevice.__shorthand]);
function WinAppDeployCmdTool (targetOsVersion) {
if (!(this instanceof WinAppDeployCmdTool)) { throw new ReferenceError('Only create a WinAppDeployCmdTool as an instance object.'); };
this.targetOsVersion = targetOsVersion;
var programFilesPath = process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'] || process.env['ProgramFiles'];
this.path = path.join(programFilesPath, 'Windows Kits', '10', 'bin', 'x86', 'WinAppDeployCmd.exe');
WinAppDeployCmdTool.prototype = Object.create(DeploymentTool.prototype);
WinAppDeployCmdTool.prototype.constructor = WinAppDeployCmdTool;
WinAppDeployCmdTool.prototype.enumerateDevices = function () {
var that = this;
// 00000015-b21e-0da9-0000-000000000000 Lumia 1520 (RM-940)\r
// maps to
// [(line), '', '00000015-b21e-0da9-0000-000000000000', 'Lumia 1520 (RM-940)']
// The expansion is: IP address, spaces, GUID, spaces, text name
var LINE_TEST = /^([\d\.]+?)\s+([\da-fA-F\-]+?)\s+(.+)$/m; /* eslint no-useless-escape : 0 */
return spawn(that.path, ['devices']).then(function (result) {
var lines = result.split('\n');
var matchedLines = lines.filter(function (line) {
return LINE_TEST.test(line);
var devices = (line, arrayIndex) {
var match = line.match(LINE_TEST);
var ip = match[1];
var guid = match[2];
var name = match[3];
var type = 'device';
var deviceInfo = new DeviceInfo(arrayIndex, name, type);
deviceInfo.__ip = ip;
deviceInfo.__guid = guid;
return deviceInfo;
return devices;
WinAppDeployCmdTool.prototype.installAppPackage = function (pathToAppxPackage, targetDevice, shouldLaunch, shouldUpdate, pin) {
if (shouldLaunch) {
events.emit('warn', 'Cannot launch app with current version of Windows 10 SDK tools. ' +
'You will have to launch the app after installation is completed.');
var args = [shouldUpdate ? 'update' : 'install', '-file', pathToAppxPackage, '-ip', targetDevice.__ip];
if (pin) {
return spawn(this.path, args).then(function () {
events.emit('log', 'Deployment completed successfully.');
WinAppDeployCmdTool.prototype.uninstallAppPackage = function (packageInfo, targetDevice) {
return spawn(this.path, ['uninstall', '-package', packageInfo, '-ip', targetDevice.__ip]);
// usage: require('deployment').getDeploymentTool('8.1');
module.exports = DeploymentTool;