blob: 625379d0b853222c18a63c2c315e4dbb4516fad1 [file] [log] [blame]
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var Q = require('q');
var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');
var shell = require('shelljs');
var Version = require('./Version');
var events = require('cordova-common').events;
var spawn = require('cordova-common').superspawn.spawn;
function MSBuildTools (version, path) {
this.version = version;
this.path = path;
MSBuildTools.prototype.buildProject = function (projFile, buildType, buildarch, buildFlags) {
events.emit('log', 'Building project: ' + projFile);
events.emit('log', '\tConfiguration : ' + buildType);
events.emit('log', '\tPlatform : ' + buildarch);
events.emit('log', '\tBuildflags : ' + buildFlags);
events.emit('log', '\tMSBuildTools : ' + this.path);
// Additional requirement checks
var checkWinSDK = function (target_platform) {
return require('./check_reqs').isWinSDKPresent(target_platform);
var checkPhoneSDK = function () {
return require('./check_reqs').isPhoneSDKPresent();
// default build args
var args = ['/clp:NoSummary;NoItemAndPropertyList;Verbosity=minimal', '/nologo',
'/p:Configuration=' + buildType,
'/p:Platform=' + buildarch];
// add buildFlags if present
if (buildFlags) {
args = args.concat(buildFlags);
var that = this;
var promise;
// Check if SDK required to build the respective platform is present. If not present, return with corresponding error, else call msbuild.
if (projFile.indexOf('CordovaApp.Phone.jsproj') > -1) {
promise = checkPhoneSDK();
} else if (projFile.indexOf('CordovaApp.Windows.jsproj') > -1) {
promise = checkWinSDK('8.1');
} else {
promise = checkWinSDK('10.0');
return promise.then(function () {
console.log('buildProject spawn:', path.join(that.path, 'msbuild'), [projFile].concat(args), { stdio: 'inherit' });
return spawn(path.join(that.path, 'msbuild'), [projFile].concat(args), { stdio: 'inherit' });
// check_reqs.js -> checkMSBuild()
module.exports.findAllAvailableVersions = function () {
// console.log('findAllAvailableVersions');
var msBuildPath = '';
// Use MSBUILDDIR environment variable if defined to find MSBuild.
// MSBUILDDIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin
// MSBUILDDIR = C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\
if (process.env.MSBUILDDIR) {
events.emit('log', 'ENV var MSBUILDDIR is set', process.env.MSBUILDDIR);
msBuildPath = process.env.MSBUILDDIR;
return module.exports.getMSBuildToolsAt(msBuildPath)
.then(function (msBuildTools) {
return [msBuildTools];
// If MSBUILDDIR is not specified or doesn't contain a valid MSBuild
// - fall back to default discovery mechanism.
// CB-11548 use VSINSTALLDIR environment if defined to find MSBuild.
if (process.env.VSINSTALLDIR) {
events.emit('log', 'ENV var VSINSTALLDIR is set', process.env.VSINSTALLDIR);
msBuildPath = path.join(process.env.VSINSTALLDIR, 'MSBuild/15.0/Bin');
return module.exports.getMSBuildToolsAt(msBuildPath)
.then(function (msBuildTools) {
return [msBuildTools];
// If VSINSTALLDIR is not specified or doesn't contain the MSBuild path we are
// looking for - fall back to default discovery mechanism.
return findAllAvailableVersionsFallBack();
function findAllAvailableVersionsFallBack () {
// console.log('findAllAvailableVersionsFALLBACK');
var versions = ['15.9', '15.5', '15.0', '14.0', '12.0', '4.0'];
events.emit('verbose', 'Searching for available MSBuild versions...');
return Q.all( (unprocessedResults) {
return unprocessedResults.filter(function (item) {
return !!item;
// returns full path to msbuild tools required to build the project and tools version
// check_reqs.js -> run()
module.exports.findAvailableVersion = function () {
var versions = ['15.5', '15.0', '14.0', '12.0', '4.0'];
return Q.all( (versions) {
// console.log('findAvailableVersion', versions);
// select first msbuild version available, and resolve promise with it
var msbuildTools = versions[0] || versions[1] || versions[2] || versions[3] || versions[4];
return msbuildTools ? Q.resolve(msbuildTools) : Q.reject('MSBuild tools not found');
* Gets MSBuildTools instance for user-specified location
* @param {String} location FS location where to search for MSBuild
* @returns Promise<MSBuildTools> The MSBuildTools instance at specified location
module.exports.getMSBuildToolsAt = function (location) {
// console.log('getMSBuildToolsAt', location);
var msbuildExe = path.resolve(location, 'msbuild');
// TODO: can we account on these params availability and printed version format?
return spawn(msbuildExe, ['-version', '-nologo'])
.then(function (output) {
// MSBuild prints its' version as 14.0.25123.0, so we pick only first 2 segments
var version = output.match(/^(\d+\.\d+)/)[1];
// console.log('return `new MSBuildTools`', version, location);
return new MSBuildTools(version, location);
function checkMSBuildVersion (version) {
// console.log('checkMSBuildVersion', version);
// first, check if we have a VS 2017+ with such a version
var willows = module.exports.getWillowInstallations();
// console.log('willows', willows);
var correspondingWillows = willows.filter(function (inst) {
// console.log('willows.filter', inst.version, version, inst.version === version);
return inst.version === version;
// console.log('correspondingWillows', correspondingWillows);
var correspondingWillow = correspondingWillows[0]; // TODO Do not only handle one!
if (correspondingWillow) {
// super hacky: VS2017/Willow is 15.x but MSBuild is always 15.0 in path - so set that here
version = '15.0';
var toolsPath = path.join(correspondingWillow.path, 'MSBuild', version, 'Bin');
// console.log('matching VS:', version, toolsPath);
// console.log('from list of VS installations: ', correspondingWillows);
if (shell.test('-e', toolsPath)) {
var msbuild = module.exports.getMSBuildToolsAt(toolsPath);
// console.log('selected VS exists:', toolsPath);
// TODO check for JavaScript folder
return msbuild;
// older vs versions that were registered in registry
return spawn('reg', ['query', 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MSBuild\\ToolsVersions\\' + version, '/v', 'MSBuildToolsPath'])
.then(function (output) {
// console.log('spawn', output);
// fetch msbuild path from 'reg' output
var toolsPath = /MSBuildToolsPath\s+REG_SZ\s+(.*)/i.exec(output);
if (toolsPath) {
toolsPath = toolsPath[1];
// CB-9565: Windows 10 invokes .NET Native compiler, which only runs on x86 arch,
// so if we're running an x64 Node, make sure to use x86 tools.
if ((version === '15.0' || version === '14.0') && toolsPath.indexOf('amd64') > -1) {
toolsPath = path.resolve(toolsPath, '..');
events.emit('verbose', 'Found MSBuild v' + version + ' at ' + toolsPath);
return new MSBuildTools(version, toolsPath);
}).catch(function (err) { /* eslint handle-callback-err : 0 */
// console.log('no registry result for version ' + version);
// if 'reg' exits with error, assume that registry key not found
// build.js -> run()
module.exports.getLatestMatchingMSBuild = function (selectedBuildTargets) {
events.emit('verbose', 'getLatestMatchingMSBuild');
// console.log('getLatestMatchingMSBuild', selectedBuildTargets);
// 1. findAllAvailableVersions
// 2. filter down to versions that can build all selectedBuildTargets
// 3. filter for latest one of those
return this.getLatestMSBuild()
.then(function (msbuild) {
// filter targets to make sure they are supported on this development machine
var myBuildTargets = filterSupportedTargets(selectedBuildTargets, msbuild);
return [msbuild, myBuildTargets];
// gets the latest MSBuild version from a list of versions
module.exports.getLatestMSBuild = function () {
events.emit('verbose', 'getLatestMSBuild');
return this.findAllAvailableVersions()
.then(function (allMsBuildVersions) {
var availableVersions = allMsBuildVersions
.filter(function (buildTools) {
// Sanitize input - filter out tools w/ invalid versions
return Version.tryParse(buildTools.version);
}).sort(function (a, b) {
// Sort tools list - use parsed Version objects for that
// to respect both major and minor versions segments
var parsedA = Version.fromString(a.version);
var parsedB = Version.fromString(b.version);
if ( return -1;
if (parsedA.eq(parsedB)) return 0;
return 1;
// console.log('availableVersions', availableVersions);
if (availableVersions.length > 0) {
// After sorting the first item will be the highest version available
var msbuild = availableVersions[0];
events.emit('verbose', 'Using MSBuild v' + msbuild.version + ' from ' + msbuild.path);
return msbuild;
var projFiles = {
phone: 'CordovaApp.Phone.jsproj',
win: 'CordovaApp.Windows.jsproj',
win10: 'CordovaApp.Windows10.jsproj'
// TODO: Fix this so that it outlines supported versions based on version criteria:
// - v14: Windows 8.1, Windows 10
// - v12: Windows 8.1
function msBuild12TargetsFilter (target) {
return target === || target ===;
function msBuild14TargetsFilter (target) {
return target === || target === || target === projFiles.win10;
function msBuild15TargetsFilter (target) {
return target === || target === || target === projFiles.win10;
function msBuild155TargetsFilter (target) {
return target === projFiles.win10;
function filterSupportedTargets (targets, msbuild) {
// console.log('MSBuildTools->filterSupportedTargets', targets, msbuild);
if (!targets || targets.length === 0) {
events.emit('warn', 'No build targets specified');
return [];
var targetFilters = {
'12.0': msBuild12TargetsFilter,
'14.0': msBuild14TargetsFilter,
'15.x': msBuild15TargetsFilter,
'15.5': msBuild155TargetsFilter, // eslint-disable-line quote-props
get: function (version) {
// Apart from exact match also try to get filter for version range
// so we can find for example targets for version '15.1'
return this[version] || this[version.replace(/\.\d+$/, '.x')];
var filter = targetFilters.get(msbuild.version);
if (!filter) {
events.emit('warn', 'MSBuild v' + msbuild.version + ' is not supported, aborting.');
return [];
var supportedTargets = targets.filter(filter);
// unsupported targets have been detected
if (supportedTargets.length !== targets.length) {
events.emit('warn', 'Not all desired build targets are compatible with the current build environment. ' +
'Please install Visual Studio 2015 for Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, ' +
'or Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 for Windows 8.1.');
return supportedTargets;
* Lists all VS 2017+ instances dirs in ProgramData
* @return {String[]} List of paths to all VS2017+ instances
function getWillowProgDataPaths () {
if (!process.env.systemdrive) {
// running on linux/osx?
return [];
var instancesRoot = path.join(process.env.systemdrive, 'ProgramData/Microsoft/VisualStudio/Packages/_Instances');
if (!shell.test('-d', instancesRoot)) {
// can't seem to find VS instances dir, return empty result
return [];
return fs.readdirSync(instancesRoot).map(function (file) {
var instanceDir = path.join(instancesRoot, file);
if (shell.test('-d', instanceDir)) {
return instanceDir;
}).filter(function (progDataPath) {
// make sure state.json exists
return shell.test('-e', path.join(progDataPath, 'state.json'));
* Lists all installed VS 2017+ versions
* @return {Object[]} List of all VS 2017+ versions
module.exports.getWillowInstallations = function () {
var progDataPaths = getWillowProgDataPaths();
var installations = [];
progDataPaths.forEach(function (progDataPath) {
try {
var stateJsonPath = path.join(progDataPath, 'state.json');
var fileContents = fs.readFileSync(stateJsonPath, 'utf-8');
var state = JSON.parse(fileContents);
// get only major and minor version
var version = state.product.version.match(/^(\d+\.\d+)/)[1];
installations.push({ version: version, path: state.installationPath });
} catch (err) {
// something's wrong, skip this one
return installations;
// returns an array of available UAP Versions
// prepare.js
module.exports.getAvailableUAPVersions = function () {
var programFilesFolder = process.env['ProgramFiles(x86)'] || process.env.ProgramFiles;
// No Program Files folder found, so we won't be able to find UAP SDK
if (!programFilesFolder) return [];
var uapFolderPath = path.join(programFilesFolder, 'Windows Kits', '10', 'Platforms', 'UAP');
if (!shell.test('-e', uapFolderPath)) {
return []; // No UAP SDK exists on this machine
var result = []; (uapDir) {
return shell.test('-d', path.join(uapFolderPath, uapDir));
}).map(function (folder) {
return Version.tryParse(folder);
}).forEach(function (version, index) {
if (version) {
return result;