blob: 9e31fdaf492b0367ee692344fdbdc1285b7b8f4e [file] [log] [blame]
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/*jshint node:true*/
var Q = require('q');
var os = require('os');
var path = require('path');
var shell = require('shelljs');
var spawn = require('cordova-common').superspawn.spawn;
var CordovaError = require('cordova-common').CordovaError;
var ConfigParser, MSBuildTools, Version;
try {
ConfigParser = require('../../template/cordova/lib/ConfigParser');
MSBuildTools = require('../../template/cordova/lib/MSBuildTools');
Version = require('../../template/cordova/lib/Version');
} catch (ex) {
// If previous import fails, we're probably running this script
// from installed platform and the module location is different.
ConfigParser = require('./ConfigParser');
MSBuildTools = require('./MSBuildTools');
Version = require('./Version');
// The constant for VS2013 Upd2 PackageVersion. See MSDN for
// reference:
var VS2013_UPDATE2_RC = new Version(12, 0, 30324);
'8.1': {
os: '6.3',
msbuild: '12.0',
visualstudio: '12.0',
windowssdk: '8.1',
phonesdk: '8.1'
'10.0': {
// Note that Windows 10 target is also supported on Windows 7, so this should look
// like '6.1 || >=6.3', but due to Version module restricted functionality we handle
// this case separately in checkOS function below.
os: '6.3',
msbuild: '14.0',
visualstudio: '14.0',
windowssdk: '10.0',
phonesdk: '10.0'
function getMinimalRequiredVersionFor (requirement, windowsTargetVersion, windowsPhoneTargetVersion) {
if (windowsTargetVersion === '8' || windowsTargetVersion === '8.0') {
throw new CordovaError('windows8 platform is deprecated. To use windows-target-version=8.0 you may downgrade to cordova-windows@4.');
if (windowsPhoneTargetVersion === '8' || windowsPhoneTargetVersion === '8.0') {
throw new CordovaError('8.0 is not a valid version for windows-phone-target-version (use the wp8 Cordova platform instead)');
var windowsReqVersion = Version.tryParse(REQUIRED_VERSIONS[windowsTargetVersion][requirement]);
var phoneReqVersion = Version.tryParse(REQUIRED_VERSIONS[windowsPhoneTargetVersion][requirement]);
// If we're searching for Windows SDK, we're not
// interested in Phone's version and and vice versa.
if (requirement === 'windowssdk') return windowsReqVersion;
if (requirement === 'phonesdk') return phoneReqVersion;
// If both windowsReqVersion and phoneReqVersion is valid Versions, choose the max one
if (windowsReqVersion && phoneReqVersion) {
return ?
windowsReqVersion :
// Otherwise return that one which is defined and valid
return windowsReqVersion || phoneReqVersion;
function getHighestAppropriateVersion (versions, requiredVersion) {
return (version) {
return Version.tryParse(version);
.filter(function (toolVersion) {
return toolVersion.gte(requiredVersion);
* Return Version object for current Windows version. User 'ver' binary or
* os.release() in case of errors.
* @return {Version} Version information for current OS.
function getWindowsVersion() {
return spawn('ver').then(function (output) {
var match = /\[Version (.*)\]\s*$/.exec(output);
return Version.fromString(match[1]);
}).fail(function () {
return Version.fromString(os.release());
* Lists all Visual Studio versions insalled. For VS 2013 if it present, also
* checks if Update 2 is installed.
* @return {String[]} List of installed Visual Studio versions.
function getInstalledVSVersions() {
// Query all keys with Install value equal to 1, then filter out
// those, which are not related to VS itself
return spawn('reg', ['query', 'HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\DevDiv\\vs\\Servicing', '/s', '/v', 'Install', '/f', '1', '/d', '/e', '/reg:32'])
.fail(function () { return ''; })
.then(function (output) {
return output.split('\n')
.reduce(function (installedVersions, line) {
var match = /(\d+\.\d+)\\(ultimate|professional|premium|community)/.exec(line);
if (match && match[1] && installedVersions.indexOf(match[1]) === -1)
return installedVersions;
}, []);
.then(function (installedVersions) {
// If there is no VS2013 installed, the we have nothing to do
if (installedVersions.indexOf('12.0') === -1) return installedVersions;
// special case for VS 2013. We need to check if VS2013 update 2 is installed
return spawn('reg', ['query','HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Updates\\Microsoft Visual Studio 2013\\vsupdate_KB2829760','/v','PackageVersion','/reg:32'])
.then(function (output) {
var updateVer = Version.fromString(/PackageVersion\s+REG_SZ\s+(.*)/i.exec(output)[1]);
// if update version is lover than Update2, reject the promise
if (VS2013_UPDATE2_RC.gte(updateVer)) return Q.reject();
return installedVersions;
.fail(function () {
// if we got any errors on previous steps, we're assuming that
// required VS update is not installed.
return installedVersions;
* Gets list of installed Windows SDKs
* @return {Version[]} List of installed SDKs' versions
function getInstalledWindowsSdks () {
var installedSdks = [];
return spawn('reg', ['query','HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows','/s','/v','InstallationFolder','/reg:32'])
.fail(function () { return ''; })
.then(function (output) {
var re = /\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v(\d+\.\d+)\s*InstallationFolder\s+REG_SZ\s+(.*)/gim;
var match;
while ((match = re.exec(output))){
var sdkPath = match[2];
// Verify that SDKs is really installed by checking SDKManifest file at SDK root
if (shell.test('-e', path.join(sdkPath, 'SDKManifest.xml'))) {
* Gets list of installed Windows Phone SDKs. Separately searches for 8.1 Phone
* SDK and Windows 10 SDK, because the latter is needed for both Windows and
* Windows Phone applications.
* @return {Version[]} List of installed Phone SDKs' versions.
function getInstalledPhoneSdks () {
var installedSdks = [];
return spawn('reg', ['query','HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows Phone\\v8.1','/v','InstallationFolder','/reg:32'])
.fail(function () { return ''; })
.then(function (output) {
var match = /\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows Phone\\v(\d+\.\d+)\s*InstallationFolder\s+REG_SZ\s+(.*)/gim.exec(output);
if (match && shell.test('-e', path.join(match[2], 'SDKManifest.xml'))) {
.then(function () {
return spawn('reg', ['query','HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v10.0','/v','InstallationFolder','/reg:32']);
.fail(function () { return ''; })
.then(function (output) {
var match = /\\Microsoft SDKs\\Windows\\v(\d+\.\d+)\s*InstallationFolder\s+REG_SZ\s+(.*)/gim.exec(output);
if (match && shell.test('-e', path.join(match[2], 'SDKManifest.xml'))) {
* Shortens version string or Version object by leaving only first two segments
* (major and minor).
* @param {String|Version} version The version identifier. Either Version
* object or string that looks like "12.5.6"
* @return {String} Shortened version, or undefined if provided
* parameter is not a valid version
function shortenVersion (version) {
return /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/.exec(version.toString())[1];
function mapWindowsVersionToName(version) {
var map = {
'6.2': 'Windows 8',
'6.3': 'Windows 8.1',
'10.0': 'Windows 10'
var majorMinor = shortenVersion(version);
return map[majorMinor];
function mapVSVersionToName(version) {
var map = {
'11.0': '2012 Express for Windows',
'12.0': '2013 Express for Windows Update2',
'14.0': '2015 Community'
var majorMinor = shortenVersion(version);
return map[majorMinor];
* Check if current OS is supports building windows platform
* @return {Promise} Promise either fullfilled or rejected with error message.
var checkOS = function (windowsTargetVersion, windowsPhoneTargetVersion) {
if (process.platform !== 'win32') {
// Build Universal windows apps available for windows platform only, so we reject on others platforms
return Q.reject('Cordova tooling for Windows requires Windows OS to build project');
return getWindowsVersion().then(function (actualVersion) {
var requiredOsVersion = getMinimalRequiredVersionFor('os', windowsTargetVersion, windowsPhoneTargetVersion);
if (actualVersion.gte(requiredOsVersion) ||
// Special case for Windows 10/Phone 10 targets which can be built on Windows 7 (version 6.1)
actualVersion.major === 6 && actualVersion.minor === 1 && getConfig().getWindowsTargetVersion() === '10.0') {
return mapWindowsVersionToName(actualVersion);
return Q.reject('Current Windows version doesn\'t support building this project. ' +
'Consider upgrading your OS to ' + mapWindowsVersionToName(requiredOsVersion));
* Checks if MSBuild tools is available.
* @return {Promise} Promise either fullfilled with MSBuild version
* or rejected with error message.
var checkMSBuild = function (windowsTargetVersion, windowsPhoneTargetVersion) {
return MSBuildTools.findAllAvailableVersions()
.then(function (msbuildToolsVersions) {
var msbuildRequiredVersion = getMinimalRequiredVersionFor('msbuild', windowsTargetVersion, windowsPhoneTargetVersion);
msbuildToolsVersions = (msbuildToolsVersion) {
return msbuildToolsVersion.version;
var appropriateVersion = getHighestAppropriateVersion(msbuildToolsVersions, msbuildRequiredVersion);
return appropriateVersion ?
shortenVersion(appropriateVersion) :
Q.reject('MSBuild tools v.' + shortenVersion(msbuildRequiredVersion) + ' not found. ' +
'Please install Visual Studio ' + mapVSVersionToName(getMinimalRequiredVersionFor('visualstudio', windowsTargetVersion, windowsPhoneTargetVersion)) +
' from');
var checkVS = function (windowsTargetVersion, windowsPhoneTargetVersion) {
var vsRequiredVersion = getMinimalRequiredVersionFor('visualstudio', windowsTargetVersion, windowsPhoneTargetVersion);
return getInstalledVSVersions()
.then(function (installedVersions) {
var appropriateVersion = getHighestAppropriateVersion(installedVersions, vsRequiredVersion);
return appropriateVersion ?
shortenVersion(appropriateVersion) :
Q.reject('Required version of Visual Studio not found. Please install Visual Studio ' +
mapVSVersionToName(vsRequiredVersion) +
' from');
var checkWinSdk = function (windowsTargetVersion, windowsPhoneTargetVersion) {
return getInstalledWindowsSdks()
.then(function (installedSdks) {
var requiredVersion = getMinimalRequiredVersionFor('windowssdk', windowsTargetVersion, windowsPhoneTargetVersion);
var hasSdkInstalled = installedSdks.some(function (installedSdk) {
return installedSdk.eq(requiredVersion);
if (!hasSdkInstalled) {
return Q.reject('Windows SDK not found. Ensure that you have installed ' +
'Windows ' + shortenVersion(requiredVersion) + ' SDK along with Visual Studio or install ' +
'Windows ' + shortenVersion(requiredVersion) + ' SDK separately from ' +
return shortenVersion(requiredVersion);
var checkPhoneSdk = function (windowsTargetVersion, windowsPhoneTargetVersion) {
var requiredVersion = getMinimalRequiredVersionFor('phonesdk', windowsTargetVersion, windowsPhoneTargetVersion);
return getInstalledPhoneSdks()
.then(function (installedSdks) {
var hasSdkInstalled = installedSdks.some(function (installedSdk) {
return installedSdk.eq(requiredVersion);
return hasSdkInstalled ?
shortenVersion(requiredVersion) :
.fail(function () {
return Q.reject('Windows Phone SDK not found. Ensure that you have installed ' +
'Windows Phone ' + shortenVersion(requiredVersion) + ' SDK along with Visual Studio or install ' +
'Windows Phone ' + shortenVersion(requiredVersion) + ' SDK separately from ' +
}; = function () {
return checkOS().then(function () {
return MSBuildTools.findAvailableVersion();
/** Checks if Windows SDK required to build the target_platform is present
* @param {String} target_platorm Target platform ('8.1' or '10.0')
module.exports.isWinSDKPresent = function (target_platform) {
return checkWinSdk(target_platform, '8.1');
// Checks if min SDK required to build Windows Phone 8.1 project is present
module.exports.isPhoneSDKPresent = function () {
return checkPhoneSdk('8.1', '8.1');
* Object that represents one of requirements for current platform.
* @param {String} id The unique identifier for this requirements.
* @param {String} name The name of requirements. Human-readable field.
* @param {Boolean} isFatal Marks the requirement as fatal. If such requirement will fail
* next requirements' checks will be skipped.
var Requirement = function (id, name, isFatal) { = id; = name;
this.installed = false;
this.metadata = {};
this.isFatal = isFatal || false;
var requirements = [
new Requirement('os', 'Windows OS', true),
new Requirement('msbuild', 'MSBuild Tools'),
new Requirement('visualstudio', 'Visual Studio'),
new Requirement('windowssdk', 'Windows SDK'),
new Requirement('phonesdk', 'Windows Phone SDK')
// Define list of checks needs to be performed
var checkFns = [checkOS, checkMSBuild, checkVS, checkWinSdk, checkPhoneSdk];
var config = null;
function getConfig() {
try {
config = config || new ConfigParser(path.join(__dirname, '../../config.xml'));
return Q(config);
} catch (e) {
return Q.reject(new CordovaError('Can\'t check requirements for Windows platform.' +
'The config.xml file is either missing or malformed.'));
* Methods that runs all checks one by one and returns a result of checks
* as an array of Requirement objects. This method intended to be used by cordova-lib check_reqs method.
* @return Promise<Requirement[]> Array of requirements. Due to implementation, promise is always fulfilled.
module.exports.check_all = function() {
var result = [];
var fatalIsHit = false;
// Then execute requirement checks one-by-one
return checkFns.reduce(function (promise, checkFn, idx) {
return promise.then(function () {
// If fatal requirement is failed,
// we don't need to check others
if (fatalIsHit) return Q();
var requirement = requirements[idx];
return getConfig()
.then(function (config) {
return checkFn(config.getWindowsTargetVersion(), config.getWindowsPhoneTargetVersion())
.then(function (version) {
requirement.installed = true;
requirement.metadata.version = version;
}).catch( function (err) {
if (requirement.isFatal) fatalIsHit = true;
requirement.metadata.reason = err;
}, Q())
.then(function () {
// When chain is completed, return requirements array to upstream API
return result;
}; = function () {
console.log('Usage: check_reqs or node check_reqs');