blob: 0e6ba8177d146f96bc0607ccbc669e554badc929 [file] [log] [blame]
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under the License.
var shell = require('shelljs');
var fs = require('fs-extra');
var path = require('path');
var FIXTURES = path.join(__dirname, '../unit/fixtures');
var EXTENSIONS_PLUGIN = 'org.test.plugins.extensionsplugin';
var extensionsPlugin = path.join(FIXTURES, EXTENSIONS_PLUGIN);
var templateFolder = path.join(__dirname, '../../template');
var Api = require(path.join(templateFolder, 'cordova/Api'));
var PluginInfo = require('cordova-common').PluginInfo;
describe('Cordova create and build', function () {
var templateDir = path.join(__dirname, '../../template');
var projectFolder = 'testcreate 応用';
var workingDirectory = path.join(__dirname, '../../temp');
var buildDirectory = path.join(workingDirectory, 'platforms');
var appPackagesFolder = path.join(buildDirectory, projectFolder, 'AppPackages');
var buildScriptPath = '"' + path.join(buildDirectory, projectFolder, 'cordova', 'build') + '"';
var prepareScriptPath = '"' + path.join(buildDirectory, projectFolder, 'cordova', 'prepare') + '"';
var silent = false;
function verifySubDirContainsFile (subDirName, fileName, count) {
count = typeof count !== 'undefined' ? count : 1;
var subDir = path.join(appPackagesFolder, subDirName);
var packages =;
expect(packages.filter(function (file) { return file.match(fileName); }).length).toBe(count);
function _expectExist (fileNamePattern, count) {
count = typeof count !== 'undefined' ? count : 1;
var packages =;
expect(packages.filter(function (file) { return file.match(fileNamePattern); }).length).toBe(count);
function _expectSubdirAndFileExist (subDirName, fileName, count) {
count = typeof count !== 'undefined' ? count : 1;
verifySubDirContainsFile(subDirName, fileName, count);
beforeEach(function () {
fs.copySync(path.join(templateDir, 'www'), path.join(workingDirectory, 'www'));
fs.copySync(path.join(templateDir, 'config.xml'), path.join(workingDirectory, 'config.xml'));
shell.exec(path.join('bin', 'create') + ' "' + path.join(buildDirectory, projectFolder) + '" 応用', { silent: silent });
shell.exec(prepareScriptPath + '', { silent: silent });
afterEach(function () {
it('spec.1 should create new project', function () {
expect(fs.existsSync(path.join(buildDirectory, projectFolder))).toBe(true);
describe('Windows 10', function () {
// default
it('spec.2a should build default (win10) project', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + '', { silent: silent });
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_anycpu_debug_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_anycpu_debug.appx');
// --appx
it('spec.2b should build uap (win10) project', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --appx=uap', { silent: silent });
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_anycpu_debug_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_anycpu_debug.appx');
it('spec.2c should build uwp (win10) project', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --appx=uwp', { silent: silent });
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_anycpu_debug_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_anycpu_debug.appx');
// --archs
it('spec.3a should build project for particular CPU', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --archs=\"x64\"', { silent: silent }); /* eslint no-useless-escape : 0 */
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_x64_debug_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_x64_debug.appx');
it('spec.4a should build project for CPUs separated by whitespaces', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --archs=\"x64 x86 arm anycpu\"', { silent: silent }); /* eslint no-useless-escape : 0 */
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_x64_debug_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_x64_debug.appx');
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_x86_debug_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_x86_debug.appx');
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_arm_debug_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_arm_debug.appx');
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_anycpu_debug_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_anycpu_debug.appx');
// "InProcessServer extension"
it('spec.5a should build project containing plugin with InProcessServer extension', function () {
var extensionsPluginInfo, api;
extensionsPluginInfo = new PluginInfo(extensionsPlugin);
api = new Api();
api.root = path.join(buildDirectory, projectFolder);
api.locations.root = path.join(buildDirectory, projectFolder);
api.locations.www = path.join(buildDirectory, projectFolder, 'www');
return api.addPlugin(extensionsPluginInfo)
.then(function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath, { silent: silent });
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_anycpu_debug_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_anycpu_debug.appx');
// --release --bundle
it('spec.6a should generate appxupload and appxbundle for Windows 10 project bundle release build', function () {
// FIXME Fails for VS 2017 on AppVeyor
if (process.env.APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE === 'Visual Studio 2017') {
pending('This test is broken for VS 2017 on AppVeyor');
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --release --bundle --archs=\"x64 x86 arm\"', { silent: silent });
_expectExist(/.*bundle\.appxupload$/, 3);
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_x64_x86_arm.appxbundle');
// --release (non-bundle)
it('spec.7 should generate appxupload for Windows 10 project non-bundle release build', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --release --archs=\"x64 x86 arm\"', { silent: silent });
_expectExist(/.*\.appxupload$/, 3);
// CB-12416 Should build appx in separate dirs for each architecture
// Should contain a subdirectory for each of the architectures
// These subdirectories should contain corresponding appx files
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_arm_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_arm.appx');
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_x64_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_x64.appx');
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_x86_Test', 'CordovaApp.Windows10_1.0.0.0_x86.appx');
describe('Windows 8.1', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
if (process.env.APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE === 'Visual Studio 2017' && process.env.MSBUILDDIR !== 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MSBuild\\14.0\\bin\\') {
pending('Windows 8.1 builds are not supported by Visual Studio 2017:');
> Projects for Windows Store 8.1 and 8.0, and Windows Phone 8.1 and 8.0 are not supported in this release.
> To maintain these apps, continue to use Visual Studio 2015
it('spec.2d should build 8.1 win project', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --appx=8.1-win', { silent: silent });
it('spec.2e should build 8.1 phone project', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --appx=8.1-phone', { silent: silent });
it('spec.2f should build 8.1 win + phone project', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --appx=8.1', { silent: silent });
// --archs
it('spec.3b should build project (8.1) for particular CPU', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --appx=8.1 --archs=\"x64\"', { silent: silent }); /* eslint no-useless-escape : 0 */
it('spec.3c should build project (8.1-win) for particular CPU', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --appx=8.1-win --archs=\"x64\"', { silent: silent }); /* eslint no-useless-escape : 0 */
it('spec.3d should build project (8.1-phone) for particular CPU', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --appx=8.1-phone --archs=\"x64\"', { silent: silent }); /* eslint no-useless-escape : 0 */
it('spec.4b should build project (8.1) for CPUs separated by whitespaces', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --appx=8.1 --archs=\"x64 x86 arm anycpu\"', { silent: silent }); /* eslint no-useless-escape : 0 */
// "InProcessServer extension"
it('spec.5b should build project (8.1) containing plugin with InProcessServer extension', function () {
var extensionsPluginInfo, api;
extensionsPluginInfo = new PluginInfo(extensionsPlugin);
api = new Api();
api.root = path.join(buildDirectory, projectFolder);
api.locations.root = path.join(buildDirectory, projectFolder);
api.locations.www = path.join(buildDirectory, projectFolder, 'www');
return api.addPlugin(extensionsPluginInfo)
.then(function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --appx=8.1', { silent: silent });
// --release --bundle
it('spec.6b should generate appxupload and appxbundle for Windows Phone 8.1 project bundle release build', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --release --appx=8.1-phone --bundle --archs=\"x64 x86 arm\"', { silent: silent });
_expectExist(/.*bundle\.appxupload$/, 3);
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Phone_1.0.0.0_Test', 'CordovaApp.Phone_1.0.0.0_x64_x86_arm.appxbundle');
// --release (non-bundle)
it('spec.8 for a non-bundle case for Windows Phone 8.1 it should build appx in separate dirs for each architecture', function () {
shell.exec(buildScriptPath + ' --release --appx=8.1-phone --phone --archs=\"x86 arm\"', { silent: silent });
_expectExist(/.*\.appxupload$/, 2);
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Phone_1.0.0.0_arm_Test', 'CordovaApp.Phone_1.0.0.0_arm.appx');
_expectSubdirAndFileExist('CordovaApp.Phone_1.0.0.0_x86_Test', 'CordovaApp.Phone_1.0.0.0_x86.appx');