blob: 0c9b8afbabfbf5e29a87ffc0f1f476ae494fd7cd [file] [log] [blame]
* weinre is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the
* MIT License (2008). See for full text.
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation
requireClass ../common/Weinre
class InjectedScriptHostImpl
method clearConsoleMessages(callback)
if (callback) {
method nodeForId(/*int*/ nodeId, callback)
return Weinre.nodeStore.getNode(nodeId)
method pushNodePathToFrontend(/*any*/ node, /*boolean*/ withChildren, /*boolean*/ selectInUI, callback)
// callback: function()
var nodeId = Weinre.nodeStore.getNodeId(node)
var children = Weinre.nodeStore.serializeNode(node, 1)
Weinre.wi.DOMNotify.setChildNodes(nodeId, children)
if (callback) {
method inspectedNode(/*int*/ num, callback)
// callback: function()
var nodeId = Weinre.nodeStore.getInspectedNode(num)
return nodeId
method internalConstructorName(object)
var ctor = object.constructor
var ctorName = ctor.fullClassName || ctor.displayName ||
if (ctorName && (ctorName != "Object")) return ctorName
var pattern = /\[object (.*)\]/
var match = pattern.exec(ctor.toString())
if (match) return match[1]
return "Object"