blob: 800c84f499ff83443b3fb89ed38af65b909c9c44 [file] [log] [blame]
# weinre is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the
# MIT License (2008). See for full text.
# Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation
Weinre = require('../common/Weinre')
Timeline = require('../target/Timeline')
UsingRemote = false
RemoteConsole = null
OriginalConsole = null
MessageSource =
WML: 1
XML: 2
JS: 3
CSS: 4
Other: 5
MessageType =
Log: 0
Object: 1
Trace: 2
StartGroup: 3
StartGroupCollapsed: 4
EndGroup: 5
Assert: 6
UncaughtException: 7
Result: 8
MessageLevel =
Tip: 0
Log: 1
Warning: 2
Error: 3
Debug: 4
module.exports = class Console
Console::__defineGetter__("original", -> OriginalConsole)
@useRemote: (value) ->
return UsingRemote if arguments.length == 0
oldValue = UsingRemote
UsingRemote = not not value
if UsingRemote
window.console = RemoteConsole
window.console = OriginalConsole
_generic: (level, messageParts) ->
message = messageParts[0].toString()
parameters = []
for messagePart in messageParts
parameters.push Weinre.injectedScript.wrapObjectForConsole(messagePart, true)
payload =
source: MessageSource.JS
type: MessageType.Log
level: level
message: message
parameters: parameters
Weinre.wi.ConsoleNotify.addConsoleMessage payload
log: ->
@_generic MessageLevel.Log, []
debug: ->
@_generic MessageLevel.Debug, []
error: ->
@_generic MessageLevel.Error, []
info: ->
@_generic MessageLevel.Log, []
warn: ->
@_generic MessageLevel.Warning, []
dir: ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
dirxml: ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
trace: ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
assert: (condition) ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
count: ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
markTimeline: (message) ->
Timeline.addRecord_Mark message
lastWMLErrorMessage: ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
profile: (title) ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
profileEnd: (title) ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
time: (title) ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
timeEnd: (title) ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
group: ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
groupCollapsed: ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
groupEnd: ->
Weinre.notImplemented arguments.callee.signature
RemoteConsole = new Console()
OriginalConsole = window.console
RemoteConsole.__original = OriginalConsole
OriginalConsole.__original = OriginalConsole