blob: a39ee096686759602f1c656f934f1897093b5a05 [file] [log] [blame]
* weinre is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the
* MIT License (2008). See for full text.
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation
requireClass ../common/Ex
requireClass ../common/IDLTools
requireClass ../common/MessageDispatcher
requireClass ../common/Weinre
class InspectorBackendImpl
this.registeredDomainDispatchers = {}
static method setupProxies
var intfNames = [
intfNames.forEach(function(intfName) {
var proxy = Weinre.messageDispatcher.createProxy(intfName)
if (window[intfName]) {
throw new Ex(arguments, "backend interface '" + intfName + "' already created")
var intf = IDLTools.getIDL(intfName)
if (!intf) {
throw new Ex(arguments, "interface not registered: '" + intfName + "'")
window[intfName] = {}
intf.methods.forEach(function(method) {
var proxyMethod = InspectorBackendImpl.getProxyMethod(proxy, method)
InspectorBackendImpl.prototype[] = proxyMethod
window[intfName][] = proxyMethod
static method getProxyMethod(proxy, method)
return function() {
return proxy[].apply(proxy, arguments)
method registerDomainDispatcher(name, intf)
this.registeredDomainDispatchers[name] = intf
method getRegisteredDomainDispatcher(name)
if (!this.registeredDomainDispatchers.hasOwnProperty(name)) return null
return this.registeredDomainDispatchers[name]