blob: 64849d1326782b94ec3a38130ad2fb6d1adf1559 [file] [log] [blame]
# weinre is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the
# MIT License (2008). See for full text.
# Copyright (c) 2011 IBM Corporation
StackTrace = require('../common/StackTrace')
IDGenerator = require('../common/IDGenerator')
HookLib = require('../common/HookLib')
Weinre = require('../common/Weinre')
Ex = require('../common/Ex')
HookSites = require('./HookSites')
Loader =
url: window.location.href
frameId: 0
loaderId: 0
module.exports = class NetworkRequest
constructor: (@xhr, @id, @method, @url, @stackTrace) ->
handleSend: (data) ->
Weinre.wi.NetworkNotify.identifierForInitialRequest(@id, @url, Loader, @stackTrace)
time = / 1000.0
request = getRequest(@url, @method, @xhr, data)
redirectResponse = {isNull: true}
Weinre.wi.NetworkNotify.willSendRequest(@id, time, request, redirectResponse)
handleHeadersReceived: ->
time = / 1000.0
response = getResponse(@xhr)
Weinre.wi.NetworkNotify.didReceiveResponse(@id, time, "XHR", response)
handleLoading: ->
handleDone: ->
sourceString = @xhr.responseText
Weinre.wi.NetworkNotify.setInitialContent(@id, sourceString, "XHR")
time = / 1000.0
status = @xhr.status
status = 200 if status == 0
statusText = @xhr.statusText
success = status >= 200 and status < 300
if success
Weinre.wi.NetworkNotify.didFinishLoading(@id, time)
description = "#{status} - #{statusText}"
Weinre.wi.NetworkNotify.didFailLoading(@id, time, description)
@installNativeHooks: ->
before: (receiver, args) ->
xhr = receiver
method = args[0]
url = args[1]
id =
rawStackTrace = new StackTrace(args).trace.slice(1)
stackTrace = []
for frame in rawStackTrace
stackTrace.push({functionName: frame})
xhr.__weinreNetworkRequest__ = new NetworkRequest(xhr, id, method, url, stackTrace)
HookLib.ignoreHooks ->
xhr.addEventListener "readystatechange", getXhrEventHandler(xhr), false
before: (receiver, args) ->
xhr = receiver
data = args[0]
nr = xhr.__weinreNetworkRequest__
return unless nr
getRequest = (url, method, xhr, data) ->
return {
url: url
httpMethod: method
httpHeaderFields: {}
requestFormData: getFormData(url, data)
getResponse = (xhr) ->
contentType = xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")
[contentType, encoding] = splitContentType(contentType)
headers = getHeaders(xhr)
return {
mimeType: contentType
expectedContentLength: contentType
textEncodingName: encoding
httpStatusCode: xhr.status
httpStatusText: xhr.statusText
httpHeaderFields: headers
connectionReused: false
connectionID: 0
wasCached: false
getHeaders = (xhr) ->
string = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()
lines = string.split('\r\n')
result = {}
for line in lines
line = trim(line)
break if line == ""
[key, val] = line.split(':', 2)
result[trim(key)] = trim(val)
trim = (string) ->
string.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
getFormData = (url, data) ->
return data if data
pattern = /.*?\?(.*?)(#.*)?$/
match = url.match(pattern)
return match[1] if match
return ""
splitContentType = (contentType) ->
pattern = /\s*(.*?)\s*(;\s*(.*))?\s*$/
match = contentType.match(pattern)
return [contentType, ""] unless match
return [match[1], match[3]]
getXhrEventHandler = (xhr) ->
nr = xhr.__weinreNetworkRequest__
return unless nr
switch xhr.readyState
when 2 then nr.handleHeadersReceived()
when 3 then nr.handleLoading()
when 4 then nr.handleDone()