blob: c4ca13c8b21d17c3d4b85ecef28347906739ef3a [file] [log] [blame]
* weinre is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the
* MIT License (2008). See for full text.
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation
require ../common/Weinre
class WebInspectorBackendHandlerImpl
method enableDebugger(/*boolean*/ always, callback)
// callback: function()
method setInjectedScriptSource(/*string*/ scriptSource, callback)
// callback: function()
method dispatchOnInjectedScript(/*int*/ injectedScriptId, /*string*/ methodName, /*string*/ arguments, callback)
var func = Weinre.injectedScript[methodName]
if (null == func) {
console.log(arguments.callee.signature + ": no method '" + methodName + "' on injectedScript")
var isException = false
try {
var result = func.apply(Weinre.injectedScript, JSON.parse(arguments))
catch(e) {
result = e
isException = true
if (callback) {
Weinre.WeinreTargetCommands.sendClientCallback(callback, [result, isException])
method releaseWrapperObjectGroup(/*int*/ injectedScriptId, /*string*/ objectGroup, callback)
// callback: function()
method getDatabaseTableNames(/*int*/ databaseId, callback)
// callback: function()
method executeSQL(/*int*/ databaseId, /*string*/ query, callback)
// callback: function()
Weinre.notImplemented('WebInspectorBackendHandler::executeSQL() not implemented')