blob: d8b66f52888859d44cb3bdb3ea6e3dc5ff17946e [file] [log] [blame]
* weinre is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the
* MIT License (2008). See for full text.
* Copyright (c) 2010, 2011 IBM Corporation
var weinre_protocol = location.protocol
var weinre_host = location.hostname
var weinre_port = location.port
var weinre_pathname = location.pathname
var weinre_id = "anonymous"
var hash = location.href.split("#")[1]
if (hash) {
weinre_id = hash
replaceURL("url-client-ui", buildHttpURL("client/#" + weinre_id))
replaceURL("url-interfaces", buildHttpURL("interfaces/interfaces.html"))
replaceURL("url-target-demo", buildHttpURL("demo/weinre-demo.html#" + weinre_id))
replaceURL("url-target-demo-min", buildHttpURL("demo/weinre-demo-min.html#" + weinre_id))
replaceURL("url-target-demo-pieces", buildHttpURL("demo/weinre-demo-pieces.html#" + weinre_id), "pieces version")
replaceURL("url-target-script", buildHttpURL("target/target-script-min.js#" + weinre_id))
replaceURL("url-target-bookmarklet", getTargetBookmarklet(), "weinre target debug")
replaceURL("url-target-documentation", buildHttpURL("doc/"))
//replaceURL("url-client-protocol", buildHttpURL("ws/client/"))
//replaceURL("url-target-protocol", buildHttpURL("ws/target/"))
replaceText("version-weinre", Weinre.Versions.weinre)
replaceText("version-webkit", Weinre.Versions.webkit)
replaceText("version-jetty", Weinre.Versions.jetty)
replaceText("version-servlet", Weinre.Versions.servlet)
replaceText("version-cli", Weinre.Versions.cli)
replaceText("version-json4j", Weinre.Versions.json4j)
replaceText("version-swt", Weinre.Versions.swt)
replaceText("version-scooj", Weinre.Versions.scooj)
replaceText("version-modjewel", Weinre.Versions.modjewel)
replaceText("target-bookmarklet-src-pre", getTargetBookmarklet())
replaceText("target-bookmarklet-src-text-area", getTargetBookmarklet())
replaceText("url-target-script-raw", buildHttpURL("target/target-script-min.js#" + weinre_id))
function buildHttpURL(uri) {
var port = weinre_port
var pathname = weinre_pathname
if (pathname == "/index.html") pathname = "/"
if (weinre_protocol == "file:") {
return uri
else if (weinre_protocol == "http:") {
if (port != "") port = ":" + port
return weinre_protocol + "//" + weinre_host + port + pathname + uri
else if (protocol == "https:") {
if (port != "") port = ":" + port
return weinre_protocol + "//" + weinre_host + port + pathname + uri
function targetBookmarkletFunction(e){
function getTargetBookmarklet() {
var script = targetBookmarkletFunction.toString();
script = script.replace(/\n/g, "")
script = script.replace("targetBookmarkletFunction","")
script = script.replace(/\s*/g, "")
script = script.replace("???", buildHttpURL("target/target-script-min.js#" + weinre_id))
script = "(" + script + ')(document.createElement("script"));void(0);'
return 'javascript:' + script
function replaceURL(id, url, linkText) {
if (!linkText) linkText = url
replaceText(id, "<a href='" + url + "'>" + linkText + "</a>");
function replaceText(id, text) {
var element = document.getElementById(id)
if (null == element) {
// alert("error: can't find element with id '" + id + "'")
element.innerHTML = text