blob: 8ca01063a1eeca51bc5f7bd2858e25d6dbbf31a1 [file] [log] [blame]
if (typeof(DeviceInfo) != 'object')
DeviceInfo = {};
function PhoneGap() {
ready = true;
available = true;
sceneController = null;
* This class contains acceleration information
* @constructor
* @param {Number} x The force applied by the device in the x-axis.
* @param {Number} y The force applied by the device in the y-axis.
* @param {Number} z The force applied by the device in the z-axis.
function Acceleration(x, y, z) {
* The force applied by the device in the x-axis.
this.x = x;
* The force applied by the device in the y-axis.
this.y = y;
* The force applied by the device in the z-axis.
this.z = z;
* The time that the acceleration was obtained.
this.timestamp = new Date().getTime();
* This class specifies the options for requesting acceleration data.
* @constructor
function AccelerationOptions() {
* The timeout after which if acceleration data cannot be obtained the errorCallback
* is called.
this.timeout = 10000;
* This class provides access to device accelerometer data.
* @constructor
function Accelerometer() {
* The last known acceleration.
this.lastAcceleration = null;
* Tells WebOS to put higher priority on accelerometer resolution. Also relaxes the internal garbage collection events.
* @param {Boolean} state
* Dependencies: Mojo.windowProperties
* Example:
* navigator.accelerometer.setFastAccelerometer(true)
Accelerometer.prototype.setFastAccelerometer = function(state) {
navigator.windowProperties.fastAccelerometer = state;
* Asynchronously aquires the current acceleration.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the acceleration
* data is available
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
* getting the acceleration data.
* @param {AccelerationOptions} options The options for getting the accelerometer data
* such as timeout.
Accelerometer.prototype.getCurrentAcceleration = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
var referenceTime = 0;
if (this.lastAcceleration)
referenceTime = this.lastAcceleration.timestamp;
var timeout = 20000;
var interval = 500;
if (typeof(options) == 'object' && options.interval)
interval = options.interval;
if (typeof(successCallback) != 'function')
successCallback = function() {};
if (typeof(errorCallback) != 'function')
errorCallback = function() {};
var dis = this;
var delay = 0;
var timer = setInterval(function() {
delay += interval;
//if we have a new acceleration, call success and cancel the timer
if (typeof(dis.lastAcceleration) == 'object' && dis.lastAcceleration != null && dis.lastAcceleration.timestamp > referenceTime) {
} else if (delay >= timeout) { //else if timeout has occured then call error and cancel the timer
//else the interval gets called again
}, interval);
* Asynchronously aquires the acceleration repeatedly at a given interval.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call each time the acceleration
* data is available
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
* getting the acceleration data.
* @param {AccelerationOptions} options The options for getting the accelerometer data
* such as timeout.
Accelerometer.prototype.watchAcceleration = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
this.getCurrentAcceleration(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
// TODO: add the interval id to a list so we can clear all watches
var frequency = (options != undefined)? options.frequency : 10000;
var that = this;
return setInterval(function() {
that.getCurrentAcceleration(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
}, frequency);
* Clears the specified accelerometer watch.
* @param {String} watchId The ID of the watch returned from #watchAcceleration.
Accelerometer.prototype.clearWatch = function(watchId) {
* Starts the native acceleration listener.
Accelerometer.prototype.start = function() {
var that = this;
//Mojo.Event.listen(document, "acceleration", function(event) {
document.addEventListener("acceleration", function(event) {
var accel = new Acceleration(event.accelX, event.accelY, event.accelZ);
that.lastAcceleration = accel;
if (typeof navigator.accelerometer == "undefined") navigator.accelerometer = new Accelerometer();
function Application() {
* Tell webOS to activate the current page of your app, bringing it into focus.
* Example:
* navigator.application.activate();
Application.prototype.activate = function() {
* Tell webOS to deactivate your app.
* Example:
* navigator.application.deactivate();
Application.prototype.deactivate = function() {
* Returns the identifier of the current running application (e.g. com.yourdomain.yourapp).
* Example:
* navigator.application.getIdentifier();
Application.prototype.getIdentifier = function() {
return PalmSystem.identifier;
if (typeof navigator.application == "undefined") navigator.application = new Application();
* This class provides access to the device audio
* @constructor
PhoneGap.overrideAudio = function() {
PhoneGap.MojoAudio = Audio;
Audio = function(src) {
this.src = src;
}; = function() {
// this.src = src;
// The 'end' event listener doesn't seem to work, so we have to call stop before playing
// otherwise, we'll never be able to play again
if (this.paused && !this.stopped) {
this.paused = false;
this.playing = true;;
} else {
if (this.audioPlayer)
if (!this.playing) {
this.paused = false;
this.playing = true;
this.stopped = false;
this.audioPlayer = new PhoneGap.MojoAudio();
var file = Mojo.appPath + this.src;
if (this.audioPlayer.palm) {
this.audioPlayer.mojo.audioClass = "media";
this.audioPlayer.src = file;
//event doesn't work, see above
this.audioPlayer.addEventListener('end', this.endHandler, false);;
Audio.prototype.pause = function() {
if (this.stopped)
this.paused = true;
if (this.playing) {
this.playing = false;
this.stopped = false;
} else {
this.playing = false;
this.paused = false;
this.stopped = true;
Audio.prototype.stop = function() {
this.audioPlayer.src = null;
this.playing = false;
this.paused = false;
this.stopped = true;
// End event handler not working (see comment in
Audio.prototype.endHandler = function () {
this.audioPlayer.removeEventListener('end', endHandler, false);
this.audioPlayer.src = null;
this.paused = false;
this.stopped = true;
* This class contains information about any Media errors.
* @constructor
MediaError = function() {
this.code = null,
this.message = "";
MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE = 3;
document.addEventListener("deviceready", PhoneGap.overrideAudio, false);
* This class provides access to the device camera.
* @constructor
function Camera() {
* @param {Function} successCallback
* @param {Function} errorCallback
* @param {Object} options
Camera.prototype.getPicture = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
var filename = "";
if (typeof options != 'undefined' && typeof options.filename != 'undefined') {
filename = options.filename;
this.service = navigator.service.Request('palm://com.palm.applicationManager', {
method: 'launch',
parameters: {
id: '',
params: {
appId: '',
name: 'capture',
sublaunch: true,
filename: filename
onSuccess: successCallback,
onFailure: errorCallback
if (typeof == 'undefined') = new Camera();
* This class provides access to the device contacts.
* @constructor
function Contacts() {
function Contact() {
this.phones = [];
this.emails = []; = {
givenName: "",
familyName: "",
formatted: ""
}; = "";
Contact.prototype.displayName = function()
// TODO: can be tuned according to prefs
return this.givenName + " " + this.familyName;
function ContactsFilter(name) {
if (name) = name;
else = "";
* @param {ContactsFilter} filter Object with filter properties. only for now.
* @param {function} successCallback Callback function on success
* @param {function} errorCallback Callback function on failure
* @param {object} options Object with properties .page and .limit for paging
Contacts.prototype.find = function(filter, successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
errorCallback({ name: "ContactsError", message: "PhoneGap Palm contacts not implemented" });
Contacts.prototype.success_callback = function(contacts_iterator) {
if (typeof navigator.contacts == "undefined") navigator.contacts = new Contacts();
* This class provides access to the debugging console.
* @constructor
function DebugConsole() {
* Print a normal log message to the console
* @param {Object|String} message Message or object to print to the console
DebugConsole.prototype.log = function(message) {
if (typeof message == 'object')
message = Object.toJSON(message);
* Print a warning message to the console
* @param {Object|String} message Message or object to print to the console
DebugConsole.prototype.warn = function(message) {
if (typeof message == 'object')
message = Object.toJSON(message);
* Print an error message to the console
* @param {Object|String} message Message or object to print to the console
DebugConsole.prototype.error = function(message) {
if (typeof message == 'object')
message = Object.toJSON(message);
if (typeof window.debug == "undefined") window.debug = new DebugConsole();
* this represents the mobile device, and provides properties for inspecting the model, version, UUID of the
* phone, etc.
* @constructor
function Device() {
this.platform = "palm";
this.version = null; = null;
this.uuid = null;
* A direct call to return device information.
* Example:
* var deviceinfo = JSON.stringify(navigator.device.getDeviceInfo()).replace(/,/g, ', ');
Device.prototype.getDeviceInfo = function() {
return JSON.parse(PalmSystem.deviceInfo);
* needs to be invoked in a <script> nested within the <body> it tells WebOS that the app is ready
TODO: see if we can get this added as in a document.write so that the user doesn't have to explicitly call this method
* Dependencies: Mojo.onKeyUp
* Example:
* navigator.device.deviceReady();
Device.prototype.deviceReady = function() {
// tell webOS this app is ready to show
if (window.PalmSystem) {
// setup keystroke events for forward and back gestures
document.body.addEventListener("keyup", Mojo.onKeyUp, true);
setTimeout(function() { PalmSystem.stageReady(); PalmSystem.activate(); }, 1);
alert = this.showBanner;
Device.prototype.setUUID = function() {
//this is the only system property webos provides (may change?)
var that = this;
this.service = navigator.service.Request('palm://com.palm.preferences/systemProperties', {
parameters:{"key": "" },
onSuccess: function(result) {
that.uuid = result[""];
if (typeof window.device == 'undefined') window.device = navigator.device = new Device();
* This class provides generic read and write access to the mobile device file system.
function File() {
* The data of a file.
*/ = "";
* The name of the file.
*/ = "";
* Reads a file from the mobile device. This function is asyncronous.
* @param {String} fileName The name (including the path) to the file on the mobile device.
* The file name will likely be device dependant.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the file is successfully read.
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error reading the file from the device.
*/ = function(fileName, successCallback, errorCallback) {
//Mojo has no file i/o yet, so we use an xhr. very limited
var path = fileName; //incomplete
if (typeof successCallback != 'function')
successCallback = function () {};
if (typeof errorCallback != 'function')
errorCallback = function () {};
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200 && xhr.responseText != null) { = xhr.responseText; = path;
} else {
errorCallback({ name: xhr.status, message: "could not read file: " + path });
};"GET", path, true);
* Writes a file to the mobile device.
* @param {File} file The file to write to the device.
File.prototype.write = function(file) {
//Palm does not provide file i/o
if (typeof navigator.file == "undefined") navigator.file = new File();
* This class provides access to device GPS data.
* @constructor
function Geolocation() {
* The last known GPS position.
this.lastPosition = null;
this.lastError = null;
this.callbacks = {
onLocationChanged: [],
onError: []
* Asynchronously aquires the current position.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the position
* data is available
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
* getting the position data.
* @param {PositionOptions} options The options for getting the position data
* such as timeout.
Geolocation.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
var referenceTime = 0;
if (this.lastPosition)
referenceTime = this.lastPosition.timestamp;
var timeout = 20000;
if (typeof(options) == 'object' && options.timeout)
timeout = options.timeout;
if (typeof(successCallback) != 'function')
successCallback = function() {};
if (typeof(errorCallback) != 'function')
errorCallback = function() {};
var dis = this;
var delay = 0;
var timer = setInterval(function() {
delay += interval;
//if we have a new position, call success and cancel the timer
if (dis.lastPosition && typeof(dis.lastPosition) == 'object' && dis.lastPosition.timestamp > referenceTime) {
} else if (delay >= timeout) { //else if timeout has occured then call error and cancel the timer
//else the interval gets called again
}, interval);
var responseTime;
if (timeout <= 5000)
responseTime = 1;
else if (5000 < timeout <= 20000)
responseTime = 2;
responseTime = 3;
var timer = setTimeout(function() {
message: "timeout"
var startTime = (new Date()).getTime();
var alias = this;
// It may be that getCurrentPosition is less reliable than startTracking ... but
// not sure if we want to be starting and stopping the tracker if we're not watching.
//new Mojo.Service.Request('palm://com.palm.location', {
navigator.service.Request('palm://com.palm.location', {
method: "getCurrentPosition",
parameters: {
responseTime: responseTime
onSuccess: function(event) {
alias.lastPosition = {
coords: {
latitude: event.latitude,
longitude: event.longitude,
altitude: (event.altitude >= 0 ? event.altitude: null),
speed: (event.velocity >= 0 ? event.velocity: null),
heading: (event.heading >= 0 ? event.heading: null),
accuracy: (event.horizAccuracy >= 0 ? event.horizAccuracy: null),
altitudeAccuracy: (event.vertAccuracy >= 0 ? event.vertAccuracy: null)
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
var responseTime = alias.lastPosition.timestamp - startTime;
if (responseTime <= timeout)
onFailure: function() {
* Asynchronously aquires the position repeatedly at a given interval.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call each time the position
* data is available
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
* getting the position data.
* @param {PositionOptions} options The options for getting the position data
* such as timeout and the frequency of the watch.
Geolocation.prototype.watchPosition = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
// Invoke the appropriate callback with a new Position object every time the implementation
// determines that the position of the hosting device has changed.
var frequency = 10000;
if (typeof(options) == 'object' && options.frequency)
frequency = options.frequency;
this.start(options, errorCallback);
var referenceTime = 0;
if (this.lastPosition)
referenceTime = this.lastPosition.timestamp;
var alias = this;
return setInterval(function() {
// check if we have a new position, if so call our successcallback
if (!alias.lastPosition)
if (alias.lastPosition.timestamp > referenceTime)
* Clears the specified position watch.
* @param {String} watchId The ID of the watch returned from #watchPosition.
Geolocation.prototype.clearWatch = function(watchId) {
Geolocation.prototype.start = function(options, errorCallback) {
if (typeof(errorCallback) != 'function')
errorCallback = function() {};
var that = this;
var frequency = 10000;
if (typeof(options) == 'object' && options.frequency)
frequency = options.frequency;
var responseTime;
if (frequency <= 5000)
responseTime = 1;
else if (5000 < frequency <= 20000)
responseTime = 2;
responseTime = 3;
//location tracking does not support setting a custom interval :P
this.trackingHandle = navigator.service.Request('palm://com.palm.location', {
method: 'startTracking',
parameters: {
subscribe: true
onSuccess: function(event) {
that.lastPosition = {
coords: {
latitude: event.latitude,
longitude: event.longitude,
altitude: (event.altitude >= 0 ? event.altitude: null),
speed: (event.velocity >= 0 ? event.velocity: null),
heading: (event.heading >= 0 ? event.heading: null),
accuracy: (event.horizAccuracy >= 0 ? event.horizAccuracy: null),
altitudeAccuracy: (event.vertAccuracy >= 0 ? event.vertAccuracy: null)
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
onFailure: function() {
Geolocation.prototype.stop = function() {
if (typeof navigator.geolocation == "undefined") navigator.geolocation = new Geolocation();
* This class provides access to native mapping applications on the device.
function Map() {
* Shows a native map on the device with pins at the given positions.
* @param {Array} positions
*/ = function(positions) {
var jsonPos = {};
var pos = null;
if (typeof positions == 'object') {
// If positions is an array, then get the first only, since google's query
// can't take more than one marker (believe it or not).
// Otherwise we assume its a single position object.
if (positions.length) {
pos = positions[0];
} else {
pos = positions;
else if (navigator.geolocation.lastPosition) {
pos = navigator.geolocation.lastPosition;
} else {
// If we don't have a position, lets use nitobi!
pos = { coords: { latitude: 49.28305, longitude: -123.10689 } };
this.service = navigator.service.Request('palm://com.palm.applicationManager', {
method: 'open',
parameters: {
id: '',
params: {
query: "@" + pos.coords.latitude + "," + pos.coords.longitude
if (typeof == "undefined") = new Map();
// Mojo Dependencies - we still need to rely on these minimal parts of the Mojo framework - should try to find if we can get access to lower level APIs
// so that we can remove dependence of Mojo
if (typeof(Mojo) != 'object') {
console.log("Mojo already exists. Make sure to remove it from your index.html");
Mojo = {
contentIndicator: false,
// called by webOS in certain cases
relaunch: function() {
var launch = JSON.parse(PalmSystem.launchParams);
if (launch['palm-command'] && launch['palm-command'] == 'open-app-menu')
this.fireEvent(window, "appmenuopen");
this.fireEvent(window, "palmsystem", launch);
// called by webOS when your app gets focus
stageActivated: function() {
this.fireEvent(window, "activate");
// called by webOS when your app loses focus
stageDeactivated: function() {
this.fireEvent(window, "deactivate");
// this is a stub -- called by webOS when orientation changes
// but the preferred method is to use the orientationchanged
// DOM event
screenOrientationChanged: function(dir) {
// used to redirect keyboard events to DOM event "back"
onKeyUp: function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == 27)
this.fireEvent(window, "back");
// private method, used to fire off DOM events
fireEvent: function(element, event, data) {
var e = document.createEvent("Event");
e.initEvent(event, false, true);
if (data) = data;
not sure if these stubs are still needed since the Log object is encapsulated in debugconsole class
and the Service object is encapsulated in the Service class
// stubs to make v8 happier
Service: {},
Log: {}
};function Mouse() {
* Possibly useful for automated testing, this call to PalmSystem triggers a mouse click (i.e. touch event).
* x coordinate & y coordinate of where the screen was touched and also a true/false flag to tell WebOS if it should simulate the mouse click
* @param {Number} x
* @param {Number} y
* @param {Boolean} state
* Example:
* navigator.mouse.simulateMouseClick(10, 10, true);
Mouse.prototype.simulateMouseClick = function(x, y, state) {
PalmSystem.simulateMouseClick(x, y, state || true);
if (typeof navigator.mouse == "undefined") navigator.mouse = new Mouse();
function Network() {
* The last known Network status.
this.lastReachability = null;
Network.prototype.isReachable = function(hostName, successCallback, options) {
this.request = navigator.service.Request('palm://com.palm.connectionmanager', {
method: 'getstatus',
parameters: {},
onSuccess: function(result) {
var status = NetworkStatus.NOT_REACHABLE;
if (result.isInternetConnectionAvailable == true)
// don't know whether its via wifi or carrier ... so return the worst case
onFailure: function() {}
* This class contains information about any NetworkStatus.
* @constructor
function NetworkStatus() {
this.code = null;
this.message = "";
NetworkStatus.NOT_REACHABLE = 0;
if (typeof == "undefined") = new Network();
* This class provides access to notifications on the device.
function Notification() {
* adds a dashboard to the WebOS app
* @param {String} url
* @param {String} html
* Example:
* navigator.notification.newDashboard("dashboard.html");
Notification.prototype.newDashboard = function(url, html) {
var win =, "_blank", "attributes={\"window\":\"dashboard\"}");
html && win.document.write(html);
* Displays a banner notification. If specified, will send your 'response' object as data via the 'palmsystem' DOM event.
* If no 'icon' filename is specified, will use a small version of your application icon.
* @param {String} message
* @param {Object} response
* @param {String} icon
* @param {String} soundClass class of the sound; supported classes are: "ringtones", "alerts", "alarm", "calendar", "notification"
* @param {String} soundFile partial or full path to the sound file
* @param {String} soundDurationMs of sound in ms
* Example:
* navigator.notification.showBanner('test message');
Notification.prototype.showBanner = function(message, response, icon, soundClass, soundFile, soundDurationMs) {
var response = response || {
banner: true
PalmSystem.addBannerMessage(message, JSON.stringify(response), icon, soundClass, soundFile, soundDurationMs);
* Remove a banner from the banner area. The category parameter defaults to 'banner'. Will not remove
* messages that are already displayed.
* @param {String} category
Value defined by the application and usually same one used in {@link showBanner}.
It is used if you have more than one kind of banner message.
Notification.prototype.removeBannerMessage = function(category) {
var bannerKey = category || 'banner';
var bannerId = this.banners.get(bannerKey);
if (bannerId) {
try {
} catch(removeBannerException) {
* Remove all pending banner messages from the banner area. Will not remove messages that are already displayed.
Notification.prototype.clearBannerMessage = function() {
* This function vibrates the device
* @param {number} duration The duration in ms to vibrate for.
* @param {number} intensity The intensity of the vibration
Notification.prototype.vibrate = function(duration, intensity) {
//the intensity for palm is inverted; 0=high intensity, 100=low intensity
//this is opposite from our api, so we invert
if (isNaN(intensity) || intensity > 100 || intensity <= 0)
intensity = 0;
intensity = 100 - intensity;
// if the app id does not have the namespace "com.palm.", an error will be thrown here
//this.vibhandle = new Mojo.Service.Request("palm://com.palm.vibrate", {
this.vibhandle = navigator.service.Request("palm://com.palm.vibrate", {
method: 'vibrate',
parameters: {
'period': intensity,
'duration': duration
* Plays the specified sound
* @param {String} soundClass class of the sound; supported classes are: "ringtones", "alerts", "alarm", "calendar", "notification"
* @param {String} soundFile partial or full path to the sound file
* @param {String} soundDurationMs of sound in ms
Notification.prototype.beep = function(soundClass, soundFile, soundDurationMs) {
PalmSystem.playSoundNotification(soundClass, soundFile, soundDurationMs);
* displays a notification
* @param {String} message
* @param {Object} response
* @param {String} icon
Notification.prototype.alert = function(message, response, icon) {
var response = response || {
banner: true
navigator.notification.showBanner(message, response, icon);
if (typeof navigator.notification == 'undefined') {
navigator.notification = new Notification();
alert = navigator.notification.alert;
* This class provides access to the device orientation.
* @constructor
function Orientation() {
this.started = false;
* Manually sets the orientation of the application window.
* 'up', 'down', 'left' or 'right' used to specify fixed window orientation
* 'free' WebOS will change the window orientation to match the device orientation
* @param {String} orientation
* Example:
* navigator.orientation.setOrientation('up');
Orientation.prototype.setOrientation = function(orientation) {
* Returns the current window orientation
Orientation.prototype.getCurrentOrientation = function() {
return PalmSystem.windowOrientation;
* Starts the native orientationchange event listener.
Orientation.prototype.start = function (successCallback) {
var that = this;
// This subscribes the callback once for the successCallback function
that.callback = function (e) {
document.removeEventListener("orientationChanged", that.callback);
document.addEventListener("orientationChanged", that.callback);
// This subscribes setOrientation to be constantly updating the currentOrientation property
document.addEventListener("orientationchange", function(event) {
var orient = null;
switch (event.position) {
case 0: orient = DisplayOrientation.FACE_UP; break;
case 1: orient = DisplayOrientation.FACE_DOWN; break;
case 2: orient = DisplayOrientation.PORTRAIT; break;
case 3: orient = DisplayOrientation.REVERSE_PORTRAIT; break;
case 4: orient = DisplayOrientation.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT_UP; break;
case 5: orient = DisplayOrientation.LANDSCAPE_LEFT_UP; break;
default: return; //orientationchange event seems to get thrown sometimes with a null event position
this.started = true;
* Asynchronously aquires the orientation repeatedly at a given interval.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call each time the orientation
* data is available.
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error
* getting the orientation data.
Orientation.prototype.watchOrientation = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
// Invoke the appropriate callback with a new Position object every time the implementation
// determines that the position of the hosting device has changed.
this.getCurrentOrientation(successCallback, errorCallback);
var interval = 1000;
if (options && !isNaN(options.interval))
interval = options.interval;
var that = this;
return setInterval(function() {
that.getCurrentOrientation(successCallback, errorCallback);
}, interval);
* Clears the specified orientation watch.
* @param {String} watchId The ID of the watch returned from #watchOrientation.
Orientation.prototype.clearWatch = function(watchId) {
* This class encapsulates the possible orientation values.
* @constructor
function DisplayOrientation() {
this.code = null;
this.message = "";
DisplayOrientation.PORTRAIT = 0;
DisplayOrientation.REVERSE_PORTRAIT = 1;
DisplayOrientation.LANDSCAPE_LEFT_UP = 2;
DisplayOrientation.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT_UP = 3;
DisplayOrientation.FACE_UP = 4;
DisplayOrientation.FACE_DOWN = 5;
if (typeof navigator.orientation == "undefined") navigator.orientation = new Orientation();
function Position(coords) {
this.coords = coords;
this.timestamp = new Date().getTime();
function Coordinates(lat, lng, alt, acc, head, vel, altacc) {
* The latitude of the position.
this.latitude = lat;
* The longitude of the position,
this.longitude = lng;
* The accuracy of the position.
this.accuracy = acc;
* The altitude of the position.
this.altitude = alt;
* The direction the device is moving at the position.
this.heading = head;
* The velocity with which the device is moving at the position.
this.speed = vel;
* The altitude accuracy of the position.
this.altitudeAccuracy = (typeof(altacc) != 'undefined') ? altacc : null;
* This class specifies the options for requesting position data.
* @constructor
function PositionOptions() {
* Specifies the desired position accuracy.
this.enableHighAccuracy = true;
* The timeout after which if position data cannot be obtained the errorCallback
* is called.
this.timeout = 10000;
* This class contains information about any GSP errors.
* @constructor
function PositionError() {
this.code = null;
this.message = "";
PositionError.UNKNOWN_ERROR = 0;
PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED = 1;
PositionError.TIMEOUT = 3;
function Service() {
Service.prototype.Request = function (uri, params) {
var req = new PalmServiceBridge();
var url = uri + "/" + (params.method || "");
req.url = url;
this.req = req;
this.url = url;
this.params = params || {};;
return this;
}; = function(params) {
var onsuccess = null;
var onfailure = null;
var oncomplete = null;
if (typeof params.onSuccess === 'function')
onsuccess = params.onSuccess;
if (typeof params.onFailure === 'function')
onerror = params.onFailure;
if (typeof params.onComplete === 'function')
oncomplete = params.onComplete;
this.req.onservicecallback = callback;
function callback(msg) {
var response = JSON.parse(msg);
if ((response.errorCode) && onfailure)
else if (onsuccess)
if (oncomplete)
} = (typeof params.parameters === 'object') ? JSON.stringify(params.parameters) : '{}';,;
if (typeof navigator.service == "undefined") navigator.service = new Service();
* This class provides access to the device SMS functionality.
* @constructor
function Sms() {
* Sends an SMS message.
* @param {Integer} number The phone number to send the message to.
* @param {String} message The contents of the SMS message to send.
* @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the SMS message is sent.
* @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error sending the SMS message.
* @param {PositionOptions} options The options for accessing the GPS location such as timeout and accuracy.
Sms.prototype.send = function(number, message, successCallback, errorCallback, options) {
try {
this.service = navigator.service.Request('palm://com.palm.applicationManager', {
method: 'launch',
parameters: {
id: "",
params: {
composeAddress: number,
messageText: message
} catch(ex) {
name: "SMSerror",
message: + ": " + ex.message
if (typeof navigator.sms == "undefined") navigator.sms = new Sms();
* TODO for Palm. Could just use below functionality, and implement simple serialization, or could map to Palm's data store APIs.
* @author ryan
function Storage() {
this.length = null;
this.available = true;
this.serialized = null;
this.items = null;
if (!window.widget) {
this.available = false;
var pref = window.widget.preferenceForKey(Storage.PREFERENCE_KEY);
//storage not yet created
if (pref == "undefined" || pref == undefined) {
this.length = 0;
this.serialized = "({})";
this.items = {};
window.widget.setPreferenceForKey(this.serialized, Storage.PREFERENCE_KEY);
} else {
this.serialized = pref;
'({"store_test": { "key": "store_test", "data": "asdfasdfs" },})';
this.items = eval(this.serialized);
Storage.PREFERENCE_KEY = "phonegap_storage_pref_key";
Storage.prototype.index = function(key) {
Storage.prototype.getItem = function(key) {
var err = "Storage unimplemented on Palm PhoneGap";
throw {
name: "StorageError",
message: err
try {
return this.items[key].data;
} catch(ex) {
return null;
Storage.prototype.setItem = function(key, data) {
var err = "Storage unimplemented on Palm PhoneGap";
throw {
name: "StorageError",
message: err
if (!this.items[key])
this.items[key] = {
"key": key,
"data": data
Storage.prototype.removeItem = function(key) {
if (this.items[key]) {
this.items[key] = undefined;
Storage.prototype.clear = function() {
this.length = 0;
this.serialized = "({})";
this.items = {};
Storage.prototype.serialize = function() {
var err = "Storage unimplemented on Palm PhoneGap";
throw {
name: "StorageError",
message: err
//if (typeof == "undefined") = new Storage();
* This class provides access to the telephony features of the device.
* @constructor
function Telephony() {
this.number = "";
* Calls the specifed number.
* @param {Integer} number The number to be called.
Telephony.prototype.send = function(number) {
this.number = number;
this.service = navigator.service.Request('palm://com.palm.applicationManager', {
method: 'open',
parameters: {
target: "tel://" + number
if (typeof navigator.telephony == "undefined") navigator.telephony = new Telephony();
function Window() {
* This is a thin wrapper for '' which optionally sets document contents to 'html', and calls 'PalmSystem.stageReady()'
* on your new card. Note that this new card will not come with your framework (if any) or anything for that matter.
* @param {String} url
* @param {String} html
* Example:
* navigator.window.newCard('about:blank', '<html><body>Hello again!</body></html>');
Window.prototype.newCard = function(url, html) {
var win = || "");
if (html)
* Enable or disable full screen display (full screen removes the app menu bar and the rounded corners of the screen).
* @param {Boolean} state
* Example:
* navigator.window.setFullScreen(true);
Window.prototype.setFullScreen = function(state) {
// valid state values are: true or false
* used to set the window properties of the WebOS app
* @param {Object} props
* Example:
* private method used by other member functions - ideally we shouldn't call this method
Window.prototype.setWindowProperties = function(props) {
if (typeof props === 'object')
navigator.windowProperties = props;
PalmSystem.setWindowProperties(props || this.windowProperties);
* Enable or disable screen timeout. When enabled, the device screen will not dim. This is useful for navigation, clocks or other "dock" apps.
* @param {Boolean} state
* Example:
* navigator.window.blockScreenTimeout(true);
Window.prototype.blockScreenTimeout = function(state) {
navigator.windowProperties.blockScreenTimeout = state;
* Sets the lightbar to be a little dimmer for screen locked notifications.
* @param {Boolean} state
* Example:
* navigator.window.setSubtleLightbar(true);
Window.prototype.setSubtleLightbar = function(state) {
navigator.windowProperties.setSubtleLightbar = state;
if (typeof navigator.window == 'undefined') navigator.window = new Window();
* Object for storing WebOS window properties
function WindowProperties() {
blockScreenTimeout = false;
setSubtleLightbar = false;
fastAccelerometer = false;
if (typeof navigator.windowProperties == 'undefined') navigator.windowProperties = new WindowProperties();