blob: 79b07d6550327cbd48a9584a44f1a001c48b5d85 [file] [log] [blame]
function Window() {
* This is a thin wrapper for '' which optionally sets document contents to 'html', and calls 'PalmSystem.stageReady()'
* on your new card. Note that this new card will not come with your framework (if any) or anything for that matter.
* @param {String} url
* @param {String} html
* Example:
* navigator.window.newCard('about:blank', '<html><body>Hello again!</body></html>');
Window.prototype.newCard = function(url, html) {
var win = || "");
if (html)
* Enable or disable full screen display (full screen removes the app menu bar and the rounded corners of the screen).
* @param {Boolean} state
* Example:
* navigator.window.setFullScreen(true);
Window.prototype.setFullScreen = function(state) {
// valid state values are: true or false
* used to set the window properties of the WebOS app
* @param {Object} props
* Example:
* private method used by other member functions - ideally we shouldn't call this method
Window.prototype.setWindowProperties = function(props) {
if (typeof props === 'object')
navigator.windowProperties = props;
PalmSystem.setWindowProperties(props || this.windowProperties);
* Enable or disable screen timeout. When enabled, the device screen will not dim. This is useful for navigation, clocks or other "dock" apps.
* @param {Boolean} state
* Example:
* navigator.window.blockScreenTimeout(true);
Window.prototype.blockScreenTimeout = function(state) {
navigator.windowProperties.blockScreenTimeout = state;
* Sets the lightbar to be a little dimmer for screen locked notifications.
* @param {Boolean} state
* Example:
* navigator.window.setSubtleLightbar(true);
Window.prototype.setSubtleLightbar = function(state) {
navigator.windowProperties.setSubtleLightbar = state;
if (typeof navigator.window == 'undefined') navigator.window = new Window();