blob: 10a2b84d0241441fb720372486c5cca995a5d956 [file] [log] [blame]
* This class provides access to notifications on the device.
function Notification() {
* adds a dashboard to the WebOS app
* @param {String} url
* @param {String} html
* Example:
* navigator.notification.newDashboard("dashboard.html");
Notification.prototype.newDashboard = function(url, html) {
var win =, "_blank", "attributes={\"window\":\"dashboard\"}");
html && win.document.write(html);
* Displays a banner notification. If specified, will send your 'response' object as data via the 'palmsystem' DOM event.
* If no 'icon' filename is specified, will use a small version of your application icon.
* @param {String} message
* @param {String} response
* @param {String} icon
* Example:
* navigator.notification.showBanner();
Notification.prototype.showBanner = function(message, response, icon) {
var response = response || { banner: true };
// the extra parameters in this are soundClass, soundFile,
// soundDruation respectively. Not going down that path just yet
PalmSystem.addBannerMessage(message, JSON.stringify(response), icon || "", "", "", "");
* This function vibrates the device
* @param {number} duration The duration in ms to vibrate for.
* @param {number} intensity The intensity of the vibration
Notification.prototype.vibrate = function (duration, intensity) {
//the intensity for palm is inverted; 0=high intensity, 100=low intensity
//this is opposite from our api, so we invert
if (isNaN(intensity) || intensity > 100 || intensity <= 0)
intensity = 0;
intensity = 100 - intensity;
// if the app id does not have the namespace "com.palm.", an error will be thrown here
//this.vibhandle = new Mojo.Service.Request("palm://com.palm.vibrate", {
this.vibhandle = navigator.service.Request("palm://com.palm.vibrate", {
method: 'vibrate',
parameters: {
'period': intensity,
'duration': duration
}, false);
Notification.prototype.beep = function () {
//this.beephandle = new Mojo.Service.Request('palm://', {
this.beephandle = navigator.service.Request('palm://', {
method: "playFeedback",
parameters: {
// There isn't really a generic 'beep' in the system sounds.
name: "error_01"
onSuccess: function (response) { },
//onFailure: function (response) { Mojo.Log.error("failure: " + Object.toJSON(response)); }
onFailure: function (response) { window.debug.error("failure: " + Object.toJSON(response)); }
}, true);
* Open a native alert dialog, with a customizable title and button text.
* @param {String} message Message to print in the body of the alert
* @param {String} [title="Alert"] Title of the alert dialog (default: Alert)
* @param {String} [buttonLabel="OK"] Label of the close button (default: OK)
Notification.prototype.alert = function(message, title, buttonLabel) {
try {
//var controller = Mojo.Controller.getAppController().getActiveStageController().
if (typeof title == 'undefined')
title = Mojo.appInfo.title;
if (typeof buttonLabel == 'undefined')
buttonLabel = "OK";
onChoose: function() {},
title: $L(title),
message: $L(message),
{label:(buttonLabel), value:"true", type:'affirmative'}
} catch (ex) { debug.log( + ": " + ex.message); }
if (typeof navigator.notification == 'undefined') {
navigator.notification = new Notification();
alert = navigator.notification.alert;