blob: ba5c190f88d2648c710427ec6ce1ce8e8df4f4c1 [file] [log] [blame]
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);
//>>description: packaged loading message functionality
//>>label: loading message
//>>group: Navigation
define( [ "jquery", "../", "../" ], function( jQuery ) {
(function( $, window ) {
// NOTE global mobile object settings
$.extend( $.mobile, {
// DEPRECATED Should the text be visble in the loading message?
loadingMessageTextVisible: undefined,
// DEPRECATED When the text is visible, what theme does the loading box use?
loadingMessageTheme: undefined,
// DEPRECATED default message setting
loadingMessage: undefined,
// Turn on/off page loading message. Theme doubles as an object argument
// with the following shape: { theme: '', text: '', html: '', textVisible: '' }
// NOTE that the $.mobile.loading* settings and params past the first are deprecated
showPageLoadingMsg: function( theme, msgText, textonly ) {
$.mobile.loading( 'show', theme, msgText, textonly );
hidePageLoadingMsg: function() {
$.mobile.loading( 'hide' );
loading: function() {
this.loaderWidget.loader.apply( this.loaderWidget, arguments );
// TODO move loader class down into the widget settings
var loaderClass = "ui-loader", $html = $( "html" ), $window = $.mobile.$window;
$.widget( "mobile.loader", {
// NOTE if the global config settings are defined they will override these
// options
options: {
// the theme for the loading message
theme: "a",
// whether the text in the loading message is shown
textVisible: false,
// custom html for the inner content of the loading message
html: "",
// the text to be displayed when the popup is shown
text: "loading"
defaultHtml: "<div class='" + loaderClass + "'>" +
"<span class='ui-icon ui-icon-loading'></span>" +
"<h1></h1>" +
// For non-fixed supportin browsers. Position at y center (if scrollTop supported), above the activeBtn (if defined), or just 100px from top
fakeFixLoader: function() {
var activeBtn = $( "." + $.mobile.activeBtnClass ).first();
top: $.support.scrollTop && $window.scrollTop() + $window.height() / 2 ||
activeBtn.length && activeBtn.offset().top || 100
// check position of loader to see if it appears to be "fixed" to center
// if not, use abs positioning
checkLoaderPosition: function() {
var offset = this.element.offset(),
scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(),
screenHeight = $.mobile.getScreenHeight();
if ( < scrollTop || ( - scrollTop ) > screenHeight ) {
this.element.addClass( "ui-loader-fakefix" );
.unbind( "scroll", this.checkLoaderPosition )
.bind( "scroll", this.fakeFixLoader );
resetHtml: function() {
this.element.html( $( this.defaultHtml ).html() );
// Turn on/off page loading message. Theme doubles as an object argument
// with the following shape: { theme: '', text: '', html: '', textVisible: '' }
// NOTE that the $.mobile.loading* settings and params past the first are deprecated
// TODO sweet jesus we need to break some of this out
show: function( theme, msgText, textonly ) {
var textVisible, message, $header, loadSettings;
// use the prototype options so that people can set them globally at
// mobile init. Consistency, it's what's for dinner
if ( $.type(theme) === "object" ) {
loadSettings = $.extend( {}, this.options, theme );
// prefer object property from the param then the old theme setting
theme = loadSettings.theme || $.mobile.loadingMessageTheme;
} else {
loadSettings = this.options;
// here we prefer the them value passed as a string argument, then
// we prefer the global option because we can't use undefined default
// prototype options, then the prototype option
theme = theme || $.mobile.loadingMessageTheme || loadSettings.theme;
// set the message text, prefer the param, then the settings object
// then loading message
message = msgText || $.mobile.loadingMessage || loadSettings.text;
// prepare the dom
$html.addClass( "ui-loading" );
if ( $.mobile.loadingMessage !== false || loadSettings.html ) {
// boolean values require a bit more work :P, supports object properties
// and old settings
if ( $.mobile.loadingMessageTextVisible !== undefined ) {
textVisible = $.mobile.loadingMessageTextVisible;
} else {
textVisible = loadSettings.textVisible;
// add the proper css given the options (theme, text, etc)
// Force text visibility if the second argument was supplied, or
// if the text was explicitly set in the object args
this.element.attr("class", loaderClass +
" ui-corner-all ui-body-" + theme +
" ui-loader-" + ( textVisible || msgText || theme.text ? "verbose" : "default" ) +
( loadSettings.textonly || textonly ? " ui-loader-textonly" : "" ) );
// TODO verify that jquery.fn.html is ok to use in both cases here
// this might be overly defensive in preventing unknowing xss
// if the html attribute is defined on the loading settings, use that
// otherwise use the fallbacks from above
if ( loadSettings.html ) {
this.element.html( loadSettings.html );
} else {
this.element.find( "h1" ).text( message );
// attach the loader to the DOM
this.element.appendTo( $.mobile.pageContainer );
// check that the loader is visible
// on scroll check the loader position
$window.bind( "scroll", $.proxy( this.checkLoaderPosition, this ) );
hide: function() {
$html.removeClass( "ui-loading" );
if ( $.mobile.loadingMessage ) {
this.element.removeClass( "ui-loader-fakefix" );
$.mobile.$window.unbind( "scroll", $.proxy( this.fakeFixLoader, this) );
$.mobile.$window.unbind( "scroll", $.proxy( this.checkLoaderPosition, this ) );
$window.bind( 'pagecontainercreate', function() {
$.mobile.loaderWidget = $.mobile.loaderWidget || $( $.mobile.loader.prototype.defaultHtml ).loader();
})(jQuery, this);
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);