blob: f1c5ba988e5d3fb99bcd0f686854a01abe497b81 [file] [log] [blame]
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);
//>>description: Visually groups sets of buttons, checks, radios, etc.
//>>label: Controlgroups
//>>group: Forms
//>>css.structure: ../css/structure/
//>>css.theme: ../css/themes/default/
define( [ "jquery", "./" ], function( jQuery ) {
(function( $, undefined ) {
$.fn.controlgroup = function( options ) {
function flipClasses( els, flCorners ) {
els.removeClass( "ui-btn-corner-all ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-corner-left ui-corner-right ui-controlgroup-last ui-shadow" )
.eq( 0 ).addClass( flCorners[ 0 ] )
.last().addClass( flCorners[ 1 ] ).addClass( "ui-controlgroup-last" );
return this.each(function() {
var $el = $( this ),
o = $.extend({
direction: $.mobile.getAttrFixed( $el[0], "data-"+ $.mobile.ns + "type" ) || "vertical",
shadow: false,
excludeInvisible: true,
mini: $.mobile.getAttrFixed( $el[0], "data-"+ $.mobile.ns + "mini" )
}, options ),
grouplegend = $el.children( "legend" ),
groupheading = $el.children( ".ui-controlgroup-label" ),
groupcontrols = $el.children( ".ui-controlgroup-controls" ),
flCorners = o.direction === "horizontal" ? [ "ui-corner-left", "ui-corner-right" ] : [ "ui-corner-top", "ui-corner-bottom" ],
type = $el.find( "input" ).first().attr( "type" );
// First unwrap the controls if the controlgroup was already enhanced
if ( groupcontrols.length ) {
$el.wrapInner( "<div class='ui-controlgroup-controls'></div>" );
if ( grouplegend.length ) {
// Replace legend with more stylable replacement div
$( "<div role='heading' class='ui-controlgroup-label'>" + grouplegend.html() + "</div>" ).insertBefore( $el.children( 0 ) );
} else if ( groupheading.length ) {
// Just move the heading if the controlgroup was already enhanced
$el.prepend( groupheading );
$el.addClass( "ui-corner-all ui-controlgroup ui-controlgroup-" + o.direction );
flipClasses( $el.find( ".ui-btn" + ( o.excludeInvisible ? ":visible" : "" ) ).not( '.ui-slider-handle' ), flCorners );
flipClasses( $el.find( ".ui-btn-inner" ), flCorners );
if ( o.shadow ) {
$el.addClass( "ui-shadow" );
if ( ) {
$el.addClass( "ui-mini" );
// The pagecreate handler for controlgroup is in because of the soft-dependency on the wrapped widgets
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);