updating 2.1.0rc1
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index 227cea2..0c271bc 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/framework/cordova.tizen-debug.js b/framework/cordova.tizen-debug.js
index d16ed8e..cf927cf 100644
--- a/framework/cordova.tizen-debug.js
+++ b/framework/cordova.tizen-debug.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-// commit 7dd17b00544742d14ecdeff2148a66480680f12b
+// commit a290eef8cb6740922a865cdd5d7aa50cc5135ec4
-// File generated at :: Fri Jul 27 2012 11:40:36 GMT+0200 (CEST)
+// File generated at :: Fri Aug 24 2012 16:52:04 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@
 ;(function() {
-try {eval("var require,\n    define;\n\n(function () {\n    var modules = {};\n\n    function build(module) {\n        var factory = module.factory;\n        module.exports = {};\n        delete module.factory;\n        factory(require, module.exports, module);\n        return module.exports;\n    }\n\n    require = function (id) {\n        if (!modules[id]) {\n            throw \"module \" + id + \" not found\";\n        }\n        return modules[id].factory ? build(modules[id]) : modules[id].exports;\n    };\n\n    define = function (id, factory) {\n        if (modules[id]) {\n            throw \"module \" + id + \" already defined\";\n        }\n\n        modules[id] = {\n            id: id,\n            factory: factory\n        };\n    };\n\n    define.remove = function (id) {\n        delete modules[id];\n    };\n\n})();\n\n//Export for use in node\nif (typeof module === \"object\" && typeof require === \"function\") {\n    module.exports.require = require;\n    module.exports.define = define;\n}\n//@ sourceURL=lib/scripts/require.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/scripts/require.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar channel = require('cordova/channel');\n\n/**\n * Listen for DOMContentLoaded and notify our channel subscribers.\n */\ndocument.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {\n    channel.onDOMContentLoaded.fire();\n}, false);\nif (document.readyState == 'complete' || document.readyState == 'interactive') {\n    channel.onDOMContentLoaded.fire();\n}\n\n/**\n * Intercept calls to addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,\n * resume, and pause events.\n */\nvar m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;\nvar m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;\nvar m_window_addEventListener = window.addEventListener;\nvar m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;\n\n/**\n * Houses custom event handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.\n */\nvar documentEventHandlers = {},\n    windowEventHandlers = {};\n\ndocument.addEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {\n    var e = evt.toLowerCase();\n    if (typeof documentEventHandlers[e] != 'undefined') {\n        if (evt === 'deviceready') {\n            documentEventHandlers[e].subscribeOnce(handler);\n        } else {\n            documentEventHandlers[e].subscribe(handler);\n        }\n    } else {\n        m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);\n    }\n};\n\nwindow.addEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {\n    var e = evt.toLowerCase();\n    if (typeof windowEventHandlers[e] != 'undefined') {\n        windowEventHandlers[e].subscribe(handler);\n    } else {\n        m_window_addEventListener.call(window, evt, handler, capture);\n    }\n};\n\ndocument.removeEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {\n    var e = evt.toLowerCase();\n    // If unsubcribing from an event that is handled by a plugin\n    if (typeof documentEventHandlers[e] != \"undefined\") {\n        documentEventHandlers[e].unsubscribe(handler);\n    } else {\n        m_document_removeEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);\n    }\n};\n\nwindow.removeEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {\n    var e = evt.toLowerCase();\n    // If unsubcribing from an event that is handled by a plugin\n    if (typeof windowEventHandlers[e] != \"undefined\") {\n        windowEventHandlers[e].unsubscribe(handler);\n    } else {\n        m_window_removeEventListener.call(window, evt, handler, capture);\n    }\n};\n\nfunction createEvent(type, data) {\n    var event = document.createEvent('Events');\n    event.initEvent(type, false, false);\n    if (data) {\n        for (var i in data) {\n            if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\n                event[i] = data[i];\n            }\n        }\n    }\n    return event;\n}\n\nif(typeof window.console === \"undefined\") {\n    window.console = {\n        log:function(){}\n    };\n}\n\nvar cordova = {\n    define:define,\n    require:require,\n    /**\n     * Methods to add/remove your own addEventListener hijacking on document + window.\n     */\n    addWindowEventHandler:function(event, opts) {\n        return (windowEventHandlers[event] = channel.create(event, opts));\n    },\n    addDocumentEventHandler:function(event, opts) {\n        return (documentEventHandlers[event] = channel.create(event, opts));\n    },\n    removeWindowEventHandler:function(event) {\n        delete windowEventHandlers[event];\n    },\n    removeDocumentEventHandler:function(event) {\n        delete documentEventHandlers[event];\n    },\n    /**\n     * Retreive original event handlers that were replaced by Cordova\n     *\n     * @return object\n     */\n    getOriginalHandlers: function() {\n        return {'document': {'addEventListener': m_document_addEventListener, 'removeEventListener': m_document_removeEventListener},\n        'window': {'addEventListener': m_window_addEventListener, 'removeEventListener': m_window_removeEventListener}};\n    },\n    /**\n     * Method to fire event from native code\n     */\n    fireDocumentEvent: function(type, data) {\n        var evt = createEvent(type, data);\n        if (typeof documentEventHandlers[type] != 'undefined') {\n            setTimeout(function() {\n                documentEventHandlers[type].fire(evt);\n            }, 0);\n        } else {\n            document.dispatchEvent(evt);\n        }\n    },\n    fireWindowEvent: function(type, data) {\n        var evt = createEvent(type,data);\n        if (typeof windowEventHandlers[type] != 'undefined') {\n            setTimeout(function() {\n                windowEventHandlers[type].fire(evt);\n            }, 0);\n        } else {\n            window.dispatchEvent(evt);\n        }\n    },\n    // TODO: this is Android only; think about how to do this better\n    shuttingDown:false,\n    UsePolling:false,\n    // END TODO\n\n    // TODO: iOS only\n    // This queue holds the currently executing command and all pending\n    // commands executed with cordova.exec().\n    commandQueue:[],\n    // Indicates if we're currently in the middle of flushing the command\n    // queue on the native side.\n    commandQueueFlushing:false,\n    // END TODO\n    /**\n     * Plugin callback mechanism.\n     */\n    callbackId: 0,\n    callbacks:  {},\n    callbackStatus: {\n        NO_RESULT: 0,\n        OK: 1,\n        CLASS_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: 2,\n        ILLEGAL_ACCESS_EXCEPTION: 3,\n        INSTANTIATION_EXCEPTION: 4,\n        MALFORMED_URL_EXCEPTION: 5,\n        IO_EXCEPTION: 6,\n        INVALID_ACTION: 7,\n        JSON_EXCEPTION: 8,\n        ERROR: 9\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Called by native code when returning successful result from an action.\n     *\n     * @param callbackId\n     * @param args\n     */\n    callbackSuccess: function(callbackId, args) {\n        if (cordova.callbacks[callbackId]) {\n\n            // If result is to be sent to callback\n            if (args.status == cordova.callbackStatus.OK) {\n                try {\n                    if (cordova.callbacks[callbackId].success) {\n                        cordova.callbacks[callbackId].success(args.message);\n                    }\n                }\n                catch (e) {\n                    console.log(\"Error in success callback: \"+callbackId+\" = \"+e);\n                }\n            }\n\n            // Clear callback if not expecting any more results\n            if (!args.keepCallback) {\n                delete cordova.callbacks[callbackId];\n            }\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Called by native code when returning error result from an action.\n     *\n     * @param callbackId\n     * @param args\n     */\n    callbackError: function(callbackId, args) {\n        if (cordova.callbacks[callbackId]) {\n            try {\n                if (cordova.callbacks[callbackId].fail) {\n                    cordova.callbacks[callbackId].fail(args.message);\n                }\n            }\n            catch (e) {\n                console.log(\"Error in error callback: \"+callbackId+\" = \"+e);\n            }\n\n            // Clear callback if not expecting any more results\n            if (!args.keepCallback) {\n                delete cordova.callbacks[callbackId];\n            }\n        }\n    },\n    addConstructor: function(func) {\n        channel.onCordovaReady.subscribeOnce(function() {\n            try {\n                func();\n            } catch(e) {\n                console.log(\"Failed to run constructor: \" + e);\n            }\n        });\n    }\n};\n\n// Register pause, resume and deviceready channels as events on document.\nchannel.onPause = cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('pause');\nchannel.onResume = cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('resume');\nchannel.onDeviceReady = cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('deviceready');\n\nmodule.exports = cordova;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/cordova.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/cordova.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("var require,\n    define;\n\n(function () {\n    var modules = {};\n    // Stack of moduleIds currently being built.\n    var requireStack = [];\n    // Map of module ID -> index into requireStack of modules currently being built.\n    var inProgressModules = {};\n\n    function build(module) {\n        var factory = module.factory;\n        module.exports = {};\n        delete module.factory;\n        factory(require, module.exports, module);\n        return module.exports;\n    }\n\n    require = function (id) {\n        if (!modules[id]) {\n            throw \"module \" + id + \" not found\";\n        } else if (id in inProgressModules) {\n            var cycle = requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;\n            throw \"Cycle in require graph: \" + cycle;\n        }\n        if (modules[id].factory) {\n            try {\n                inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;\n                requireStack.push(id);\n                return build(modules[id]);\n            } finally {\n                delete inProgressModules[id];\n                requireStack.pop();\n            }\n        }\n        return modules[id].exports;\n    };\n\n    define = function (id, factory) {\n        if (modules[id]) {\n            throw \"module \" + id + \" already defined\";\n        }\n\n        modules[id] = {\n            id: id,\n            factory: factory\n        };\n    };\n\n    define.remove = function (id) {\n        delete modules[id];\n    };\n\n})();\n\n//Export for use in node\nif (typeof module === \"object\" && typeof require === \"function\") {\n    module.exports.require = require;\n    module.exports.define = define;\n}\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/scripts/require.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/scripts/require.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar channel = require('cordova/channel');\n\n/**\n * Listen for DOMContentLoaded and notify our channel subscribers.\n */\ndocument.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {\n    channel.onDOMContentLoaded.fire();\n}, false);\nif (document.readyState == 'complete' || document.readyState == 'interactive') {\n    channel.onDOMContentLoaded.fire();\n}\n\n/**\n * Intercept calls to addEventListener + removeEventListener and handle deviceready,\n * resume, and pause events.\n */\nvar m_document_addEventListener = document.addEventListener;\nvar m_document_removeEventListener = document.removeEventListener;\nvar m_window_addEventListener = window.addEventListener;\nvar m_window_removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener;\n\n/**\n * Houses custom event handlers to intercept on document + window event listeners.\n */\nvar documentEventHandlers = {},\n    windowEventHandlers = {};\n\ndocument.addEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {\n    var e = evt.toLowerCase();\n    if (typeof documentEventHandlers[e] != 'undefined') {\n        if (evt === 'deviceready') {\n            documentEventHandlers[e].subscribeOnce(handler);\n        } else {\n            documentEventHandlers[e].subscribe(handler);\n        }\n    } else {\n        m_document_addEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);\n    }\n};\n\nwindow.addEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {\n    var e = evt.toLowerCase();\n    if (typeof windowEventHandlers[e] != 'undefined') {\n        windowEventHandlers[e].subscribe(handler);\n    } else {\n        m_window_addEventListener.call(window, evt, handler, capture);\n    }\n};\n\ndocument.removeEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {\n    var e = evt.toLowerCase();\n    // If unsubcribing from an event that is handled by a plugin\n    if (typeof documentEventHandlers[e] != \"undefined\") {\n        documentEventHandlers[e].unsubscribe(handler);\n    } else {\n        m_document_removeEventListener.call(document, evt, handler, capture);\n    }\n};\n\nwindow.removeEventListener = function(evt, handler, capture) {\n    var e = evt.toLowerCase();\n    // If unsubcribing from an event that is handled by a plugin\n    if (typeof windowEventHandlers[e] != \"undefined\") {\n        windowEventHandlers[e].unsubscribe(handler);\n    } else {\n        m_window_removeEventListener.call(window, evt, handler, capture);\n    }\n};\n\nfunction createEvent(type, data) {\n    var event = document.createEvent('Events');\n    event.initEvent(type, false, false);\n    if (data) {\n        for (var i in data) {\n            if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\n                event[i] = data[i];\n            }\n        }\n    }\n    return event;\n}\n\nif(typeof window.console === \"undefined\") {\n    window.console = {\n        log:function(){}\n    };\n}\n\nvar cordova = {\n    define:define,\n    require:require,\n    /**\n     * Methods to add/remove your own addEventListener hijacking on document + window.\n     */\n    addWindowEventHandler:function(event, opts) {\n        return (windowEventHandlers[event] = channel.create(event, opts));\n    },\n    addDocumentEventHandler:function(event, opts) {\n        return (documentEventHandlers[event] = channel.create(event, opts));\n    },\n    removeWindowEventHandler:function(event) {\n        delete windowEventHandlers[event];\n    },\n    removeDocumentEventHandler:function(event) {\n        delete documentEventHandlers[event];\n    },\n    /**\n     * Retreive original event handlers that were replaced by Cordova\n     *\n     * @return object\n     */\n    getOriginalHandlers: function() {\n        return {'document': {'addEventListener': m_document_addEventListener, 'removeEventListener': m_document_removeEventListener},\n        'window': {'addEventListener': m_window_addEventListener, 'removeEventListener': m_window_removeEventListener}};\n    },\n    /**\n     * Method to fire event from native code\n     */\n    fireDocumentEvent: function(type, data) {\n        var evt = createEvent(type, data);\n        if (typeof documentEventHandlers[type] != 'undefined') {\n            setTimeout(function() {\n                documentEventHandlers[type].fire(evt);\n            }, 0);\n        } else {\n            document.dispatchEvent(evt);\n        }\n    },\n    fireWindowEvent: function(type, data) {\n        var evt = createEvent(type,data);\n        if (typeof windowEventHandlers[type] != 'undefined') {\n            setTimeout(function() {\n                windowEventHandlers[type].fire(evt);\n            }, 0);\n        } else {\n            window.dispatchEvent(evt);\n        }\n    },\n\n    // TODO: iOS only\n    // This queue holds the currently executing command and all pending\n    // commands executed with cordova.exec().\n    commandQueue:[],\n    // Indicates if we're currently in the middle of flushing the command\n    // queue on the native side.\n    commandQueueFlushing:false,\n    // END TODO\n    /**\n     * Plugin callback mechanism.\n     */\n    callbackId: 0,\n    callbacks:  {},\n    callbackStatus: {\n        NO_RESULT: 0,\n        OK: 1,\n        CLASS_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION: 2,\n        ILLEGAL_ACCESS_EXCEPTION: 3,\n        INSTANTIATION_EXCEPTION: 4,\n        MALFORMED_URL_EXCEPTION: 5,\n        IO_EXCEPTION: 6,\n        INVALID_ACTION: 7,\n        JSON_EXCEPTION: 8,\n        ERROR: 9\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Called by native code when returning successful result from an action.\n     *\n     * @param callbackId\n     * @param args\n     */\n    callbackSuccess: function(callbackId, args) {\n        if (cordova.callbacks[callbackId]) {\n\n            // If result is to be sent to callback\n            if (args.status == cordova.callbackStatus.OK) {\n                try {\n                    if (cordova.callbacks[callbackId].success) {\n                        cordova.callbacks[callbackId].success(args.message);\n                    }\n                }\n                catch (e) {\n                    console.log(\"Error in success callback: \"+callbackId+\" = \"+e);\n                }\n            }\n\n            // Clear callback if not expecting any more results\n            if (!args.keepCallback) {\n                delete cordova.callbacks[callbackId];\n            }\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Called by native code when returning error result from an action.\n     *\n     * @param callbackId\n     * @param args\n     */\n    callbackError: function(callbackId, args) {\n        if (cordova.callbacks[callbackId]) {\n            try {\n                if (cordova.callbacks[callbackId].fail) {\n                    cordova.callbacks[callbackId].fail(args.message);\n                }\n            }\n            catch (e) {\n                console.log(\"Error in error callback: \"+callbackId+\" = \"+e);\n            }\n\n            // Clear callback if not expecting any more results\n            if (!args.keepCallback) {\n                delete cordova.callbacks[callbackId];\n            }\n        }\n    },\n    addConstructor: function(func) {\n        channel.onCordovaReady.subscribeOnce(function() {\n            try {\n                func();\n            } catch(e) {\n                console.log(\"Failed to run constructor: \" + e);\n            }\n        });\n    }\n};\n\n// Register pause, resume and deviceready channels as events on document.\nchannel.onPause = cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('pause');\nchannel.onResume = cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('resume');\nchannel.onDeviceReady = cordova.addDocumentEventHandler('deviceready');\n\nmodule.exports = cordova;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/cordova.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/cordova.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/builder\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils');\n\nfunction each(objects, func, context) {\n    for (var prop in objects) {\n        if (objects.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {\n            func.apply(context, [objects[prop], prop]);\n        }\n    }\n}\n\nfunction include(parent, objects, clobber, merge) {\n    each(objects, function (obj, key) {\n        try {\n          var result = obj.path ? require(obj.path) : {};\n\n          if (clobber) {\n              // Clobber if it doesn't exist.\n              if (typeof parent[key] === 'undefined') {\n                  parent[key] = result;\n              } else if (typeof obj.path !== 'undefined') {\n                  // If merging, merge properties onto parent, otherwise, clobber.\n                  if (merge) {\n                      recursiveMerge(parent[key], result);\n                  } else {\n                      parent[key] = result;\n                  }\n              }\n              result = parent[key];\n          } else {\n            // Overwrite if not currently defined.\n            if (typeof parent[key] == 'undefined') {\n              parent[key] = result;\n            } else if (merge && typeof obj.path !== 'undefined') {\n              // If merging, merge parent onto result\n              recursiveMerge(result, parent[key]);\n              parent[key] = result;\n            } else {\n              // Set result to what already exists, so we can build children into it if they exist.\n              result = parent[key];\n            }\n          }\n\n          if (obj.children) {\n            include(result, obj.children, clobber, merge);\n          }\n        } catch(e) {\n          utils.alert('Exception building cordova JS globals: ' + e + ' for key \"' + key + '\"');\n        }\n    });\n}\n\n/**\n * Merge properties from one object onto another recursively.  Properties from\n * the src object will overwrite existing target property.\n *\n * @param target Object to merge properties into.\n * @param src Object to merge properties from.\n */\nfunction recursiveMerge(target, src) {\n    for (var prop in src) {\n        if (src.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {\n            if (typeof target.prototype !== 'undefined' && target.prototype.constructor === target) {\n                // If the target object is a constructor override off prototype.\n                target.prototype[prop] = src[prop];\n            } else {\n                target[prop] = typeof src[prop] === 'object' ? recursiveMerge(\n                        target[prop], src[prop]) : src[prop];\n            }\n        }\n    }\n    return target;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    build: function (objects) {\n        return {\n            intoButDontClobber: function (target) {\n                include(target, objects, false, false);\n            },\n            intoAndClobber: function(target) {\n                include(target, objects, true, false);\n            },\n            intoAndMerge: function(target) {\n                include(target, objects, true, true);\n            }\n        };\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/builder.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/builder.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/channel\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils');\n\n/**\n * Custom pub-sub \"channel\" that can have functions subscribed to it\n * This object is used to define and control firing of events for\n * cordova initialization.\n *\n * The order of events during page load and Cordova startup is as follows:\n *\n * onDOMContentLoaded         Internal event that is received when the web page is loaded and parsed.\n * onNativeReady              Internal event that indicates the Cordova native side is ready.\n * onCordovaReady             Internal event fired when all Cordova JavaScript objects have been created.\n * onCordovaInfoReady         Internal event fired when device properties are available.\n * onCordovaConnectionReady   Internal event fired when the connection property has been set.\n * onDeviceReady              User event fired to indicate that Cordova is ready\n * onResume                   User event fired to indicate a start/resume lifecycle event\n * onPause                    User event fired to indicate a pause lifecycle event\n * onDestroy                  Internal event fired when app is being destroyed (User should use window.onunload event, not this one).\n *\n * The only Cordova events that user code should register for are:\n *      deviceready           Cordova native code is initialized and Cordova APIs can be called from JavaScript\n *      pause                 App has moved to background\n *      resume                App has returned to foreground\n *\n * Listeners can be registered as:\n *      document.addEventListener(\"deviceready\", myDeviceReadyListener, false);\n *      document.addEventListener(\"resume\", myResumeListener, false);\n *      document.addEventListener(\"pause\", myPauseListener, false);\n *\n * The DOM lifecycle events should be used for saving and restoring state\n *      window.onload\n *      window.onunload\n *\n */\n\n/**\n * Channel\n * @constructor\n * @param type  String the channel name\n * @param opts  Object options to pass into the channel, currently\n *                     supports:\n *                     onSubscribe: callback that fires when\n *                       something subscribes to the Channel. Sets\n *                       context to the Channel.\n *                     onUnsubscribe: callback that fires when\n *                       something unsubscribes to the Channel. Sets\n *                       context to the Channel.\n */\nvar Channel = function(type, opts) {\n    this.type = type;\n    this.handlers = {};\n    this.numHandlers = 0;\n    this.guid = 1;\n    this.fired = false;\n    this.enabled = true;\n    this.events = {\n        onSubscribe:null,\n        onUnsubscribe:null\n    };\n    if (opts) {\n        if (opts.onSubscribe) this.events.onSubscribe = opts.onSubscribe;\n        if (opts.onUnsubscribe) this.events.onUnsubscribe = opts.onUnsubscribe;\n    }\n},\n    channel = {\n        /**\n         * Calls the provided function only after all of the channels specified\n         * have been fired.\n         */\n        join: function (h, c) {\n            var i = c.length;\n            var len = i;\n            var f = function() {\n                if (!(--i)) h();\n            };\n            for (var j=0; j<len; j++) {\n                !c[j].fired?c[j].subscribeOnce(f):i--;\n            }\n            if (!i) h();\n        },\n        create: function (type, opts) {\n            channel[type] = new Channel(type, opts);\n            return channel[type];\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * cordova Channels that must fire before \"deviceready\" is fired.\n         */\n        deviceReadyChannelsArray: [],\n        deviceReadyChannelsMap: {},\n\n        /**\n         * Indicate that a feature needs to be initialized before it is ready to be used.\n         * This holds up Cordova's \"deviceready\" event until the feature has been initialized\n         * and Cordova.initComplete(feature) is called.\n         *\n         * @param feature {String}     The unique feature name\n         */\n        waitForInitialization: function(feature) {\n            if (feature) {\n                var c = null;\n                if (this[feature]) {\n                    c = this[feature];\n                }\n                else {\n                    c = this.create(feature);\n                }\n                this.deviceReadyChannelsMap[feature] = c;\n                this.deviceReadyChannelsArray.push(c);\n            }\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * Indicate that initialization code has completed and the feature is ready to be used.\n         *\n         * @param feature {String}     The unique feature name\n         */\n        initializationComplete: function(feature) {\n            var c = this.deviceReadyChannelsMap[feature];\n            if (c) {\n                c.fire();\n            }\n        }\n    };\n\nfunction forceFunction(f) {\n    if (f === null || f === undefined || typeof f != 'function') throw \"Function required as first argument!\";\n}\n\n/**\n * Subscribes the given function to the channel. Any time that\n * Channel.fire is called so too will the function.\n * Optionally specify an execution context for the function\n * and a guid that can be used to stop subscribing to the channel.\n * Returns the guid.\n */\nChannel.prototype.subscribe = function(f, c, g) {\n    // need a function to call\n    forceFunction(f);\n\n    var func = f;\n    if (typeof c == \"object\") { func = utils.close(c, f); }\n\n    g = g || func.observer_guid || f.observer_guid;\n    if (!g) {\n        // first time we've seen this subscriber\n        g = this.guid++;\n    }\n    else {\n        // subscriber already handled; dont set it twice\n        return g;\n    }\n    func.observer_guid = g;\n    f.observer_guid = g;\n    this.handlers[g] = func;\n    this.numHandlers++;\n    if (this.events.onSubscribe) this.events.onSubscribe.call(this);\n    if (this.fired) func.call(this);\n    return g;\n};\n\n/**\n * Like subscribe but the function is only called once and then it\n * auto-unsubscribes itself.\n */\nChannel.prototype.subscribeOnce = function(f, c) {\n    // need a function to call\n    forceFunction(f);\n\n    var g = null;\n    var _this = this;\n    var m = function() {\n        f.apply(c || null, arguments);\n        _this.unsubscribe(g);\n    };\n    if (this.fired) {\n        if (typeof c == \"object\") { f = utils.close(c, f); }\n        f.apply(this, this.fireArgs);\n    } else {\n        g = this.subscribe(m);\n    }\n    return g;\n};\n\n/**\n * Unsubscribes the function with the given guid from the channel.\n */\nChannel.prototype.unsubscribe = function(g) {\n    // need a function to unsubscribe\n    if (g === null || g === undefined) { throw \"You must pass _something_ into Channel.unsubscribe\"; }\n\n    if (typeof g == 'function') { g = g.observer_guid; }\n    var handler = this.handlers[g];\n    if (handler) {\n        if (handler.observer_guid) handler.observer_guid=null;\n        this.handlers[g] = null;\n        delete this.handlers[g];\n        this.numHandlers--;\n        if (this.events.onUnsubscribe) this.events.onUnsubscribe.call(this);\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Calls all functions subscribed to this channel.\n */\nChannel.prototype.fire = function(e) {\n    if (this.enabled) {\n        var fail = false;\n        this.fired = true;\n        for (var item in this.handlers) {\n            var handler = this.handlers[item];\n            if (typeof handler == 'function') {\n                var rv = (handler.apply(this, arguments)===false);\n                fail = fail || rv;\n            }\n        }\n        this.fireArgs = arguments;\n        return !fail;\n    }\n    return true;\n};\n\n// defining them here so they are ready super fast!\n// DOM event that is received when the web page is loaded and parsed.\nchannel.create('onDOMContentLoaded');\n\n// Event to indicate the Cordova native side is ready.\nchannel.create('onNativeReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that all Cordova JavaScript objects have been created\n// and it's time to run plugin constructors.\nchannel.create('onCordovaReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that device properties are available\nchannel.create('onCordovaInfoReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that the connection property has been set.\nchannel.create('onCordovaConnectionReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that Cordova is ready\nchannel.create('onDeviceReady');\n\n// Event to indicate a resume lifecycle event\nchannel.create('onResume');\n\n// Event to indicate a pause lifecycle event\nchannel.create('onPause');\n\n// Event to indicate a destroy lifecycle event\nchannel.create('onDestroy');\n\n// Channels that must fire before \"deviceready\" is fired.\nchannel.waitForInitialization('onCordovaReady');\nchannel.waitForInitialization('onCordovaConnectionReady');\n\nmodule.exports = channel;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/channel.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/channel.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/channel\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    nextGuid = 1;\n\n/**\n * Custom pub-sub \"channel\" that can have functions subscribed to it\n * This object is used to define and control firing of events for\n * cordova initialization.\n *\n * The order of events during page load and Cordova startup is as follows:\n *\n * onDOMContentLoaded         Internal event that is received when the web page is loaded and parsed.\n * onNativeReady              Internal event that indicates the Cordova native side is ready.\n * onCordovaReady             Internal event fired when all Cordova JavaScript objects have been created.\n * onCordovaInfoReady         Internal event fired when device properties are available.\n * onCordovaConnectionReady   Internal event fired when the connection property has been set.\n * onDeviceReady              User event fired to indicate that Cordova is ready\n * onResume                   User event fired to indicate a start/resume lifecycle event\n * onPause                    User event fired to indicate a pause lifecycle event\n * onDestroy                  Internal event fired when app is being destroyed (User should use window.onunload event, not this one).\n *\n * The only Cordova events that user code should register for are:\n *      deviceready           Cordova native code is initialized and Cordova APIs can be called from JavaScript\n *      pause                 App has moved to background\n *      resume                App has returned to foreground\n *\n * Listeners can be registered as:\n *      document.addEventListener(\"deviceready\", myDeviceReadyListener, false);\n *      document.addEventListener(\"resume\", myResumeListener, false);\n *      document.addEventListener(\"pause\", myPauseListener, false);\n *\n * The DOM lifecycle events should be used for saving and restoring state\n *      window.onload\n *      window.onunload\n *\n */\n\n/**\n * Channel\n * @constructor\n * @param type  String the channel name\n * @param opts  Object options to pass into the channel, currently\n *                     supports:\n *                     onSubscribe: callback that fires when\n *                       something subscribes to the Channel. Sets\n *                       context to the Channel.\n *                     onUnsubscribe: callback that fires when\n *                       something unsubscribes to the Channel. Sets\n *                       context to the Channel.\n */\nvar Channel = function(type, opts) {\n    this.type = type;\n    this.handlers = {};\n    this.numHandlers = 0;\n    this.fired = false;\n    this.enabled = true;\n    this.events = {\n        onSubscribe:null,\n        onUnsubscribe:null\n    };\n    if (opts) {\n        if (opts.onSubscribe) this.events.onSubscribe = opts.onSubscribe;\n        if (opts.onUnsubscribe) this.events.onUnsubscribe = opts.onUnsubscribe;\n    }\n},\n    channel = {\n        /**\n         * Calls the provided function only after all of the channels specified\n         * have been fired.\n         */\n        join: function (h, c) {\n            var i = c.length;\n            var len = i;\n            var f = function() {\n                if (!(--i)) h();\n            };\n            for (var j=0; j<len; j++) {\n                !c[j].fired?c[j].subscribeOnce(f):i--;\n            }\n            if (!i) h();\n        },\n        create: function (type, opts) {\n            channel[type] = new Channel(type, opts);\n            return channel[type];\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * cordova Channels that must fire before \"deviceready\" is fired.\n         */\n        deviceReadyChannelsArray: [],\n        deviceReadyChannelsMap: {},\n\n        /**\n         * Indicate that a feature needs to be initialized before it is ready to be used.\n         * This holds up Cordova's \"deviceready\" event until the feature has been initialized\n         * and Cordova.initComplete(feature) is called.\n         *\n         * @param feature {String}     The unique feature name\n         */\n        waitForInitialization: function(feature) {\n            if (feature) {\n                var c = null;\n                if (this[feature]) {\n                    c = this[feature];\n                }\n                else {\n                    c = this.create(feature);\n                }\n                this.deviceReadyChannelsMap[feature] = c;\n                this.deviceReadyChannelsArray.push(c);\n            }\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * Indicate that initialization code has completed and the feature is ready to be used.\n         *\n         * @param feature {String}     The unique feature name\n         */\n        initializationComplete: function(feature) {\n            var c = this.deviceReadyChannelsMap[feature];\n            if (c) {\n                c.fire();\n            }\n        }\n    };\n\nfunction forceFunction(f) {\n    if (f === null || f === undefined || typeof f != 'function') throw \"Function required as first argument!\";\n}\n\n/**\n * Subscribes the given function to the channel. Any time that\n * Channel.fire is called so too will the function.\n * Optionally specify an execution context for the function\n * and a guid that can be used to stop subscribing to the channel.\n * Returns the guid.\n */\nChannel.prototype.subscribe = function(f, c, g) {\n    // need a function to call\n    forceFunction(f);\n\n    var func = f;\n    if (typeof c == \"object\") { func = utils.close(c, f); }\n\n    g = g || func.observer_guid || f.observer_guid;\n    if (!g) {\n        // first time any channel has seen this subscriber\n        g = nextGuid++;\n    }\n    func.observer_guid = g;\n    f.observer_guid = g;\n\n    // Don't add the same handler more than once.\n    if (!this.handlers[g]) {\n        this.handlers[g] = func;\n        this.numHandlers++;\n        if (this.events.onSubscribe) this.events.onSubscribe.call(this);\n        if (this.fired) func.apply(this, this.fireArgs);\n    }\n    return g;\n};\n\n/**\n * Like subscribe but the function is only called once and then it\n * auto-unsubscribes itself.\n */\nChannel.prototype.subscribeOnce = function(f, c) {\n    // need a function to call\n    forceFunction(f);\n\n    var g = null;\n    var _this = this;\n    if (this.fired) {\n        f.apply(c || null, this.fireArgs);\n    } else {\n        g = this.subscribe(function() {\n            _this.unsubscribe(g);\n            f.apply(c || null, arguments);\n        });\n        f.observer_guid = g;\n    }\n    return g;\n};\n\n/**\n * Unsubscribes the function with the given guid from the channel.\n */\nChannel.prototype.unsubscribe = function(g) {\n    // need a function to unsubscribe\n    if (g === null || g === undefined) { throw \"You must pass _something_ into Channel.unsubscribe\"; }\n\n    if (typeof g == 'function') { g = g.observer_guid; }\n    var handler = this.handlers[g];\n    if (handler) {\n        if (handler.observer_guid) handler.observer_guid=null;\n        delete this.handlers[g];\n        this.numHandlers--;\n        if (this.events.onUnsubscribe) this.events.onUnsubscribe.call(this);\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Calls all functions subscribed to this channel.\n */\nChannel.prototype.fire = function(e) {\n    if (this.enabled) {\n        var fail = false;\n        this.fired = true;\n        this.fireArgs = arguments;\n        // Copy the values first so that it is safe to modify it from within\n        // callbacks.\n        var toCall = [];\n        for (var item in this.handlers) {\n            toCall.push(this.handlers[item]);\n        }\n        for (var i = 0; i < toCall.length; ++i) {\n            var rv = (toCall[i].apply(this, arguments)===false);\n            fail = fail || rv;\n        }\n        return !fail;\n    }\n    return true;\n};\n\n// defining them here so they are ready super fast!\n// DOM event that is received when the web page is loaded and parsed.\nchannel.create('onDOMContentLoaded');\n\n// Event to indicate the Cordova native side is ready.\nchannel.create('onNativeReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that all Cordova JavaScript objects have been created\n// and it's time to run plugin constructors.\nchannel.create('onCordovaReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that device properties are available\nchannel.create('onCordovaInfoReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that the connection property has been set.\nchannel.create('onCordovaConnectionReady');\n\n// Event to indicate that Cordova is ready\nchannel.create('onDeviceReady');\n\n// Event to indicate a resume lifecycle event\nchannel.create('onResume');\n\n// Event to indicate a pause lifecycle event\nchannel.create('onPause');\n\n// Event to indicate a destroy lifecycle event\nchannel.create('onDestroy');\n\n// Channels that must fire before \"deviceready\" is fired.\nchannel.waitForInitialization('onCordovaReady');\nchannel.waitForInitialization('onCordovaConnectionReady');\n\nmodule.exports = channel;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/channel.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/channel.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/common\", function(require, exports, module) {\nmodule.exports = {\n    objects: {\n        cordova: {\n            path: 'cordova',\n            children: {\n                exec: {\n                    path: 'cordova/exec'\n                },\n                logger: {\n                    path: 'cordova/plugin/logger'\n                }\n            }\n        },\n        Cordova: {\n            children: {\n                exec: {\n                    path: 'cordova/exec'\n                }\n            }\n        },\n        PhoneGap:{\n            children: {\n                exec: {\n                    path: 'cordova/exec'\n                }\n            }\n        },\n        navigator: {\n            children: {\n                notification: {\n                    path: 'cordova/plugin/notification'\n                },\n                accelerometer: {\n                    path: 'cordova/plugin/accelerometer'\n                },\n                battery: {\n                    path: 'cordova/plugin/battery'\n                },\n                camera:{\n                    path: 'cordova/plugin/Camera'\n                },\n                compass:{\n                    path: 'cordova/plugin/compass'\n                },\n                contacts: {\n                    path: 'cordova/plugin/contacts'\n                },\n                device:{\n                    children:{\n                        capture: {\n                            path: 'cordova/plugin/capture'\n                        }\n                    }\n                },\n                geolocation: {\n                    path: 'cordova/plugin/geolocation'\n                },\n                network: {\n                    children: {\n                        connection: {\n                            path: 'cordova/plugin/network'\n                        }\n                    }\n                },\n                splashscreen: {\n                    path: 'cordova/plugin/splashscreen'\n                }\n            }\n        },\n        Acceleration: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/Acceleration'\n        },\n        Camera:{\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/CameraConstants'\n        },\n        CameraPopoverOptions: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/CameraPopoverOptions'\n        },\n        CaptureError: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/CaptureError'\n        },\n        CaptureAudioOptions:{\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/CaptureAudioOptions'\n        },\n        CaptureImageOptions: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/CaptureImageOptions'\n        },\n        CaptureVideoOptions: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/CaptureVideoOptions'\n        },\n        CompassHeading:{\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/CompassHeading'\n        },\n        CompassError:{\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/CompassError'\n        },\n        ConfigurationData: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/ConfigurationData'\n        },\n        Connection: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/Connection'\n        },\n        Contact: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/Contact'\n        },\n        ContactAddress: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/ContactAddress'\n        },\n        ContactError: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/ContactError'\n        },\n        ContactField: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/ContactField'\n        },\n        ContactFindOptions: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/ContactFindOptions'\n        },\n        ContactName: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/ContactName'\n        },\n        ContactOrganization: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/ContactOrganization'\n        },\n        Coordinates: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/Coordinates'\n        },\n        device: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/device'\n        },\n        DirectoryEntry: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'\n        },\n        DirectoryReader: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/DirectoryReader'\n        },\n        Entry: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/Entry'\n        },\n        File: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/File'\n        },\n        FileEntry: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/FileEntry'\n        },\n        FileError: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/FileError'\n        },\n        FileReader: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/FileReader'\n        },\n        FileSystem: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/FileSystem'\n        },\n        FileTransfer: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/FileTransfer'\n        },\n        FileTransferError: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/FileTransferError'\n        },\n        FileUploadOptions: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/FileUploadOptions'\n        },\n        FileUploadResult: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/FileUploadResult'\n        },\n        FileWriter: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/FileWriter'\n        },\n        Flags: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/Flags'\n        },\n        LocalFileSystem: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/LocalFileSystem'\n        },\n        Media: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/Media'\n        },\n        MediaError: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/MediaError'\n        },\n        MediaFile: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/MediaFile'\n        },\n        MediaFileData:{\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/MediaFileData'\n        },\n        Metadata:{\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/Metadata'\n        },\n        Position: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/Position'\n        },\n        PositionError: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/PositionError'\n        },\n        ProgressEvent: {\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent'\n        },\n        requestFileSystem:{\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/requestFileSystem'\n        },\n        resolveLocalFileSystemURI:{\n            path: 'cordova/plugin/resolveLocalFileSystemURI'\n        }\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/common.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/common.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/exec\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * Execute a cordova command.  It is up to the native side whether this action\n * is synchronous or asynchronous.  The native side can return:\n *      Synchronous: PluginResult object as a JSON string\n *      Asynchrounous: Empty string \"\"\n * If async, the native side will cordova.callbackSuccess or cordova.callbackError,\n * depending upon the result of the action.\n *\n * @param {Function} successCB  The success callback\n * @param {Function} failCB     The fail callback\n * @param {String} service      The name of the service to use\n * @param {String} action       Action to be run in cordova\n * @param {String[]} [args]     Zero or more arguments to pass to the method\n */\n\nvar tizen = require('cordova/plugin/tizen/manager'),\n    cordova = require('cordova'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils');\n\nmodule.exports = function(successCB, failCB, service, action, args) {\n\n    try {\n        var v = tizen.exec(successCB, failCB, service, action, args);\n\n        // If status is OK, then return value back to caller\n        if (v.status == cordova.callbackStatus.OK) {\n\n            // If there is a success callback, then call it now with returned value\n            if (successCB) {\n                try {\n                    successCB(v.message);\n                }\n                catch (e) {\n                    console.log(\"Error in success callback: \"+ service + \".\" + action + \" = \" + e);\n                }\n\n            }\n            return v.message;\n        } else if (v.status == cordova.callbackStatus.NO_RESULT) {\n            // Nothing to do here\n        } else {\n            // If error, then display error\n            console.log(\"Error: \" + service + \".\" + action + \" Status=\" + v.status + \" Message=\" + v.message);\n\n            // If there is a fail callback, then call it now with returned value\n            if (failCB) {\n                try {\n                    failCB(v.message);\n                }\n                catch (e) {\n                    console.log(\"Error in error callback: \" + service + \".\" + action + \" = \"+e);\n                }\n            }\n            return null;\n        }\n    } catch (e) {\n        utils.alert(\"Error: \" + e);\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/exec.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/exec.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/exec\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * Execute a cordova command.  It is up to the native side whether this action\n * is synchronous or asynchronous.  The native side can return:\n *      Synchronous: PluginResult object as a JSON string\n *      Asynchronous: Empty string \"\"\n * If async, the native side will cordova.callbackSuccess or cordova.callbackError,\n * depending upon the result of the action.\n *\n * @param {Function} successCB  The success callback\n * @param {Function} failCB     The fail callback\n * @param {String} service      The name of the service to use\n * @param {String} action       Action to be run in cordova\n * @param {String[]} [args]     Zero or more arguments to pass to the method\n */\n\nvar tizen = require('cordova/plugin/tizen/manager'),\n    cordova = require('cordova'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils');\n\nmodule.exports = function(successCB, failCB, service, action, args) {\n\n    try {\n        var v = tizen.exec(successCB, failCB, service, action, args);\n\n        // If status is OK, then return value back to caller\n        if (v.status == cordova.callbackStatus.OK) {\n\n            // If there is a success callback, then call it now with returned value\n            if (successCB) {\n                try {\n                    successCB(v.message);\n                }\n                catch (e) {\n                    console.log(\"Error in success callback: \"+ service + \".\" + action + \" = \" + e);\n                }\n\n            }\n            return v.message;\n        } else if (v.status == cordova.callbackStatus.NO_RESULT) {\n            // Nothing to do here\n        } else {\n            // If error, then display error\n            console.log(\"Error: \" + service + \".\" + action + \" Status=\" + v.status + \" Message=\" + v.message);\n\n            // If there is a fail callback, then call it now with returned value\n            if (failCB) {\n                try {\n                    failCB(v.message);\n                }\n                catch (e) {\n                    console.log(\"Error in error callback: \" + service + \".\" + action + \" = \"+e);\n                }\n            }\n            return null;\n        }\n    } catch (e) {\n        utils.alert(\"Error: \" + e);\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/exec.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/exec.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/platform\", function(require, exports, module) {\nmodule.exports = {\n    id: \"tizen\",\n    initialize: function() {},\n    objects: {\n        device: {\n            path: \"cordova/plugin/tizen/Device\"\n        },\n        File: { // exists natively, override\n            path: \"cordova/plugin/File\"\n        },\n        FileReader: { // exists natively, override\n            path: \"cordova/plugin/FileReader\"\n        },\n        FileError: { //exists natively, override\n            path: \"cordova/plugin/FileError\"\n        }\n    },\n    merges: {\n        MediaError: { // exists natively\n            path: \"cordova/plugin/tizen/MediaError\"\n        },\n        navigator: {\n            children: {\n                device: {\n                    path: \"cordova/plugin/tizen/Device\"\n                },\n                contacts: {\n                    path: \"cordova/plugin/tizen/contacts\"\n                },\n               notification: {\n                   path: \"cordova/plugin/tizen/Notification\"\n               }\n            }\n        },\n        Contact: {\n            path: \"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact\"\n        }\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/platform.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/platform.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Acceleration\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar Acceleration = function(x, y, z, timestamp) {\n    this.x = x;\n    this.y = y;\n    this.z = z;\n    this.timestamp = timestamp || (new Date()).getTime();\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Acceleration;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Acceleration.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Acceleration.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Camera\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    Camera = require('cordova/plugin/CameraConstants');\n\nvar cameraExport = {};\n\n// Tack on the Camera Constants to the base camera plugin.\nfor (var key in Camera) {\n    cameraExport[key] = Camera[key];\n}\n\n/**\n * Gets a picture from source defined by \"options.sourceType\", and returns the\n * image as defined by the \"options.destinationType\" option.\n\n * The defaults are sourceType=CAMERA and destinationType=FILE_URI.\n *\n * @param {Function} successCallback\n * @param {Function} errorCallback\n * @param {Object} options\n */\ncameraExport.getPicture = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n    // successCallback required\n    if (typeof successCallback != \"function\") {\n        console.log(\"Camera Error: successCallback is not a function\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // errorCallback optional\n    if (errorCallback && (typeof errorCallback != \"function\")) {\n        console.log(\"Camera Error: errorCallback is not a function\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    var quality = 50;\n    if (options && typeof options.quality == \"number\") {\n        quality = options.quality;\n    } else if (options && typeof options.quality == \"string\") {\n        var qlity = parseInt(options.quality, 10);\n        if (isNaN(qlity) === false) {\n            quality = qlity.valueOf();\n        }\n    }\n\n    var destinationType = Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI;\n    if (typeof options.destinationType == \"number\") {\n        destinationType = options.destinationType;\n    }\n\n    var sourceType = Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA;\n    if (typeof options.sourceType == \"number\") {\n        sourceType = options.sourceType;\n    }\n\n    var targetWidth = -1;\n    if (typeof options.targetWidth == \"number\") {\n        targetWidth = options.targetWidth;\n    } else if (typeof options.targetWidth == \"string\") {\n        var width = parseInt(options.targetWidth, 10);\n        if (isNaN(width) === false) {\n            targetWidth = width.valueOf();\n        }\n    }\n\n    var targetHeight = -1;\n    if (typeof options.targetHeight == \"number\") {\n        targetHeight = options.targetHeight;\n    } else if (typeof options.targetHeight == \"string\") {\n        var height = parseInt(options.targetHeight, 10);\n        if (isNaN(height) === false) {\n            targetHeight = height.valueOf();\n        }\n    }\n\n    var encodingType = Camera.EncodingType.JPEG;\n    if (typeof options.encodingType == \"number\") {\n        encodingType = options.encodingType;\n    }\n\n    var mediaType = Camera.MediaType.PICTURE;\n    if (typeof options.mediaType == \"number\") {\n        mediaType = options.mediaType;\n    }\n    var allowEdit = false;\n    if (typeof options.allowEdit == \"boolean\") {\n        allowEdit = options.allowEdit;\n    } else if (typeof options.allowEdit == \"number\") {\n        allowEdit = options.allowEdit <= 0 ? false : true;\n    }\n    var correctOrientation = false;\n    if (typeof options.correctOrientation == \"boolean\") {\n        correctOrientation = options.correctOrientation;\n    } else if (typeof options.correctOrientation == \"number\") {\n        correctOrientation = options.correctOrientation <=0 ? false : true;\n    }\n    var saveToPhotoAlbum = false;\n    if (typeof options.saveToPhotoAlbum == \"boolean\") {\n        saveToPhotoAlbum = options.saveToPhotoAlbum;\n    } else if (typeof options.saveToPhotoAlbum == \"number\") {\n        saveToPhotoAlbum = options.saveToPhotoAlbum <=0 ? false : true;\n    }\n    var popoverOptions = null;\n    if (typeof options.popoverOptions == \"object\") {\n        popoverOptions = options.popoverOptions;\n    }\n\n    var args = [quality, destinationType, sourceType, targetWidth, targetHeight, encodingType,\n                mediaType, allowEdit, correctOrientation, saveToPhotoAlbum, popoverOptions];\n\n    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"Camera\", \"takePicture\", args);\n};\n\ncameraExport.cleanup = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"Camera\", \"cleanup\", []);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = cameraExport;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Camera.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Camera.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
@@ -58,30 +58,31 @@
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * FileError\n */\nfunction FileError(error) {\n  this.code = error || null;\n}\n\n// File error codes\n// Found in DOMException\nFileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR = 1;\nFileError.SECURITY_ERR = 2;\nFileError.ABORT_ERR = 3;\n\n// Added by File API specification\nFileError.NOT_READABLE_ERR = 4;\nFileError.ENCODING_ERR = 5;\nFileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR = 6;\nFileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR = 7;\nFileError.SYNTAX_ERR = 8;\nFileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR = 9;\nFileError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR = 10;\nFileError.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR = 11;\nFileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR = 12;\n\nmodule.exports = FileError;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileReader\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),\n    ProgressEvent = require('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent');\n\n/**\n * This class reads the mobile device file system.\n *\n * For Android:\n *      The root directory is the root of the file system.\n *      To read from the SD card, the file name is \"sdcard/my_file.txt\"\n * @constructor\n */\nvar FileReader = function() {\n    this.fileName = \"\";\n\n    this.readyState = 0; // FileReader.EMPTY\n\n    // File data\n    this.result = null;\n\n    // Error\n    this.error = null;\n\n    // Event handlers\n    this.onloadstart = null;    // When the read starts.\n    this.onprogress = null;     // While reading (and decoding) file or fileBlob data, and reporting partial file data (progess.loaded/progress.total)\n    this.onload = null;         // When the read has successfully completed.\n    this.onerror = null;        // When the read has failed (see errors).\n    this.onloadend = null;      // When the request has completed (either in success or failure).\n    this.onabort = null;        // When the read has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method.\n};\n\n// States\nFileReader.EMPTY = 0;\nFileReader.LOADING = 1;\nFileReader.DONE = 2;\n\n/**\n * Abort reading file.\n */\nFileReader.prototype.abort = function() {\n    this.result = null;\n\n    if (this.readyState == FileReader.DONE || this.readyState == FileReader.EMPTY) {\n      return;\n    }\n\n    this.readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n    // If abort callback\n    if (typeof this.onabort === 'function') {\n        this.onabort(new ProgressEvent('abort', {target:this}));\n    }\n    // If load end callback\n    if (typeof this.onloadend === 'function') {\n        this.onloadend(new ProgressEvent('loadend', {target:this}));\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Read text file.\n *\n * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties\n * @param encoding      [Optional] (see http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets)\n */\nFileReader.prototype.readAsText = function(file, encoding) {\n    // Figure out pathing\n    this.fileName = '';\n    if (typeof file.fullPath === 'undefined') {\n        this.fileName = file;\n    } else {\n        this.fileName = file.fullPath;\n    }\n\n    // Already loading something\n    if (this.readyState == FileReader.LOADING) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    // LOADING state\n    this.readyState = FileReader.LOADING;\n\n    // If loadstart callback\n    if (typeof this.onloadstart === \"function\") {\n        this.onloadstart(new ProgressEvent(\"loadstart\", {target:this}));\n    }\n\n    // Default encoding is UTF-8\n    var enc = encoding ? encoding : \"UTF-8\";\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    // Read file\n    exec(\n        // Success callback\n        function(r) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // Save result\n            me.result = r;\n\n            // If onload callback\n            if (typeof me.onload === \"function\") {\n                me.onload(new ProgressEvent(\"load\", {target:me}));\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n            // If onloadend callback\n            if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n            }\n        },\n        // Error callback\n        function(e) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n            // null result\n            me.result = null;\n\n            // Save error\n            me.error = new FileError(e);\n\n            // If onerror callback\n            if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {target:me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onloadend callback\n            if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n            }\n        }, \"File\", \"readAsText\", [this.fileName, enc]);\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Read file and return data as a base64 encoded data url.\n * A data url is of the form:\n *      data:[<mediatype>][;base64],<data>\n *\n * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties\n */\nFileReader.prototype.readAsDataURL = function(file) {\n    this.fileName = \"\";\n    if (typeof file.fullPath === \"undefined\") {\n        this.fileName = file;\n    } else {\n        this.fileName = file.fullPath;\n    }\n\n    // Already loading something\n    if (this.readyState == FileReader.LOADING) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    // LOADING state\n    this.readyState = FileReader.LOADING;\n\n    // If loadstart callback\n    if (typeof this.onloadstart === \"function\") {\n        this.onloadstart(new ProgressEvent(\"loadstart\", {target:this}));\n    }\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    // Read file\n    exec(\n        // Success callback\n        function(r) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n            // Save result\n            me.result = r;\n\n            // If onload callback\n            if (typeof me.onload === \"function\") {\n                me.onload(new ProgressEvent(\"load\", {target:me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onloadend callback\n            if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n            }\n        },\n        // Error callback\n        function(e) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileReader.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileReader.DONE;\n\n            me.result = null;\n\n            // Save error\n            me.error = new FileError(e);\n\n            // If onerror callback\n            if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {target:me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onloadend callback\n            if (typeof me.onloadend === \"function\") {\n                me.onloadend(new ProgressEvent(\"loadend\", {target:me}));\n            }\n        }, \"File\", \"readAsDataURL\", [this.fileName]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Read file and return data as a binary data.\n *\n * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties\n */\nFileReader.prototype.readAsBinaryString = function(file) {\n    // TODO - Can't return binary data to browser.\n    console.log('method \"readAsBinaryString\" is not supported at this time.');\n};\n\n/**\n * Read file and return data as a binary data.\n *\n * @param file          {File} File object containing file properties\n */\nFileReader.prototype.readAsArrayBuffer = function(file) {\n    // TODO - Can't return binary data to browser.\n    console.log('This method is not supported at this time.');\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileReader;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileReader.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileReader.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileSystem\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar DirectoryEntry = require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry');\n\n/**\n * An interface representing a file system\n *\n * @constructor\n * {DOMString} name the unique name of the file system (readonly)\n * {DirectoryEntry} root directory of the file system (readonly)\n */\nvar FileSystem = function(name, root) {\n    this.name = name || null;\n    if (root) {\n        this.root = new DirectoryEntry(root.name, root.fullPath);\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileSystem;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileSystem.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileSystem.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileTransfer\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    FileTransferError = require('cordova/plugin/FileTransferError');\n\n/**\n * FileTransfer uploads a file to a remote server.\n * @constructor\n */\nvar FileTransfer = function() {};\n\n/**\n* Given an absolute file path, uploads a file on the device to a remote server\n* using a multipart HTTP request.\n* @param filePath {String}           Full path of the file on the device\n* @param server {String}             URL of the server to receive the file\n* @param successCallback (Function}  Callback to be invoked when upload has completed\n* @param errorCallback {Function}    Callback to be invoked upon error\n* @param options {FileUploadOptions} Optional parameters such as file name and mimetype\n* @param trustAllHosts {Boolean} Optional trust all hosts (e.g. for self-signed certs), defaults to false\n*/\nFileTransfer.prototype.upload = function(filePath, server, successCallback, errorCallback, options, trustAllHosts) {\n    // sanity parameter checking\n    if (!filePath || !server) throw new Error(\"FileTransfer.upload requires filePath and server URL parameters at the minimum.\");\n    // check for options\n    var fileKey = null;\n    var fileName = null;\n    var mimeType = null;\n    var params = null;\n    var chunkedMode = true;\n    if (options) {\n        fileKey = options.fileKey;\n        fileName = options.fileName;\n        mimeType = options.mimeType;\n        if (options.chunkedMode !== null || typeof options.chunkedMode != \"undefined\") {\n            chunkedMode = options.chunkedMode;\n        }\n        if (options.params) {\n            params = options.params;\n        }\n        else {\n            params = {};\n        }\n    }\n\n    var fail = function(e) {\n        var error = new FileTransferError(e.code, e.source, e.target, e.http_status);\n        errorCallback(error);\n    };\n\n    exec(successCallback, fail, 'FileTransfer', 'upload', [filePath, server, fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, trustAllHosts, chunkedMode]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Downloads a file form a given URL and saves it to the specified directory.\n * @param source {String}          URL of the server to receive the file\n * @param target {String}         Full path of the file on the device\n * @param successCallback (Function}  Callback to be invoked when upload has completed\n * @param errorCallback {Function}    Callback to be invoked upon error\n */\nFileTransfer.prototype.download = function(source, target, successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    // sanity parameter checking\n    if (!source || !target) throw new Error(\"FileTransfer.download requires source URI and target URI parameters at the minimum.\");\n    var win = function(result) {\n        var entry = null;\n        if (result.isDirectory) {\n            entry = new (require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'))();\n        }\n        else if (result.isFile) {\n            entry = new (require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'))();\n        }\n        entry.isDirectory = result.isDirectory;\n        entry.isFile = result.isFile;\n        entry.name = result.name;\n        entry.fullPath = result.fullPath;\n        successCallback(entry);\n    };\n\n    var fail = function(e) {\n        var error = new FileTransferError(e.code, e.source, e.target, e.http_status);\n        errorCallback(error);\n    };\n\n    exec(win, errorCallback, 'FileTransfer', 'download', [source, target]);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileTransfer;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileTransfer.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileTransfer.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileTransfer\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    FileTransferError = require('cordova/plugin/FileTransferError');\n\n/**\n * FileTransfer uploads a file to a remote server.\n * @constructor\n */\nvar FileTransfer = function() {};\n\n/**\n* Given an absolute file path, uploads a file on the device to a remote server\n* using a multipart HTTP request.\n* @param filePath {String}           Full path of the file on the device\n* @param server {String}             URL of the server to receive the file\n* @param successCallback (Function}  Callback to be invoked when upload has completed\n* @param errorCallback {Function}    Callback to be invoked upon error\n* @param options {FileUploadOptions} Optional parameters such as file name and mimetype\n* @param trustAllHosts {Boolean} Optional trust all hosts (e.g. for self-signed certs), defaults to false\n*/\nFileTransfer.prototype.upload = function(filePath, server, successCallback, errorCallback, options, trustAllHosts) {\n    // sanity parameter checking\n    if (!filePath || !server) throw new Error(\"FileTransfer.upload requires filePath and server URL parameters at the minimum.\");\n    // check for options\n    var fileKey = null;\n    var fileName = null;\n    var mimeType = null;\n    var params = null;\n    var chunkedMode = true;\n    var headers = null;\n    if (options) {\n        fileKey = options.fileKey;\n        fileName = options.fileName;\n        mimeType = options.mimeType;\n        headers = options.headers;\n        if (options.chunkedMode !== null || typeof options.chunkedMode != \"undefined\") {\n            chunkedMode = options.chunkedMode;\n        }\n        if (options.params) {\n            params = options.params;\n        }\n        else {\n            params = {};\n        }\n    }\n\n    var fail = function(e) {\n        var error = new FileTransferError(e.code, e.source, e.target, e.http_status);\n        errorCallback(error);\n    };\n\n    exec(successCallback, fail, 'FileTransfer', 'upload', [filePath, server, fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, trustAllHosts, chunkedMode, headers]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Downloads a file form a given URL and saves it to the specified directory.\n * @param source {String}          URL of the server to receive the file\n * @param target {String}         Full path of the file on the device\n * @param successCallback (Function}  Callback to be invoked when upload has completed\n * @param errorCallback {Function}    Callback to be invoked upon error\n */\nFileTransfer.prototype.download = function(source, target, successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    // sanity parameter checking\n    if (!source || !target) throw new Error(\"FileTransfer.download requires source URI and target URI parameters at the minimum.\");\n    var win = function(result) {\n        var entry = null;\n        if (result.isDirectory) {\n            entry = new (require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'))();\n        }\n        else if (result.isFile) {\n            entry = new (require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'))();\n        }\n        entry.isDirectory = result.isDirectory;\n        entry.isFile = result.isFile;\n        entry.name = result.name;\n        entry.fullPath = result.fullPath;\n        successCallback(entry);\n    };\n\n    var fail = function(e) {\n        var error = new FileTransferError(e.code, e.source, e.target, e.http_status);\n        errorCallback(error);\n    };\n\n    exec(win, errorCallback, 'FileTransfer', 'download', [source, target]);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileTransfer;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileTransfer.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileTransfer.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileTransferError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * FileTransferError\n * @constructor\n */\nvar FileTransferError = function(code, source, target, status) {\n    this.code = code || null;\n    this.source = source || null;\n    this.target = target || null;\n    this.http_status = status || null;\n};\n\nFileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR = 1;\nFileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR = 2;\nFileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR = 3;\n\nmodule.exports = FileTransferError;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileTransferError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileTransferError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileUploadOptions\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * Options to customize the HTTP request used to upload files.\n * @constructor\n * @param fileKey {String}   Name of file request parameter.\n * @param fileName {String}  Filename to be used by the server. Defaults to image.jpg.\n * @param mimeType {String}  Mimetype of the uploaded file. Defaults to image/jpeg.\n * @param params {Object}    Object with key: value params to send to the server.\n */\nvar FileUploadOptions = function(fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params) {\n    this.fileKey = fileKey || null;\n    this.fileName = fileName || null;\n    this.mimeType = mimeType || null;\n    this.params = params || null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileUploadOptions;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileUploadOptions.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileUploadOptions.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileUploadOptions\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * Options to customize the HTTP request used to upload files.\n * @constructor\n * @param fileKey {String}   Name of file request parameter.\n * @param fileName {String}  Filename to be used by the server. Defaults to image.jpg.\n * @param mimeType {String}  Mimetype of the uploaded file. Defaults to image/jpeg.\n * @param params {Object}    Object with key: value params to send to the server.\n * @param headers {Object}   Keys are header names, values are header values. Multiple\n *                           headers of the same name are not supported.\n */\nvar FileUploadOptions = function(fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, headers) {\n    this.fileKey = fileKey || null;\n    this.fileName = fileName || null;\n    this.mimeType = mimeType || null;\n    this.params = params || null;\n    this.headers = headers || null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileUploadOptions;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileUploadOptions.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileUploadOptions.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileUploadResult\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * FileUploadResult\n * @constructor\n */\nvar FileUploadResult = function() {\n    this.bytesSent = 0;\n    this.responseCode = null;\n    this.response = null;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileUploadResult;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileUploadResult.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileUploadResult.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileWriter\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),\n    ProgressEvent = require('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent');\n\n/**\n * This class writes to the mobile device file system.\n *\n * For Android:\n *      The root directory is the root of the file system.\n *      To write to the SD card, the file name is \"sdcard/my_file.txt\"\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param file {File} File object containing file properties\n * @param append if true write to the end of the file, otherwise overwrite the file\n */\nvar FileWriter = function(file) {\n    this.fileName = \"\";\n    this.length = 0;\n    if (file) {\n        this.fileName = file.fullPath || file;\n        this.length = file.size || 0;\n    }\n    // default is to write at the beginning of the file\n    this.position = 0;\n\n    this.readyState = 0; // EMPTY\n\n    this.result = null;\n\n    // Error\n    this.error = null;\n\n    // Event handlers\n    this.onwritestart = null;   // When writing starts\n    this.onprogress = null;     // While writing the file, and reporting partial file data\n    this.onwrite = null;        // When the write has successfully completed.\n    this.onwriteend = null;     // When the request has completed (either in success or failure).\n    this.onabort = null;        // When the write has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method.\n    this.onerror = null;        // When the write has failed (see errors).\n};\n\n// States\nFileWriter.INIT = 0;\nFileWriter.WRITING = 1;\nFileWriter.DONE = 2;\n\n/**\n * Abort writing file.\n */\nFileWriter.prototype.abort = function() {\n    // check for invalid state\n    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.DONE || this.readyState === FileWriter.INIT) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    // set error\n    this.error = new FileError(FileError.ABORT_ERR);\n\n    this.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n    // If abort callback\n    if (typeof this.onabort === \"function\") {\n        this.onabort(new ProgressEvent(\"abort\", {\"target\":this}));\n    }\n\n    // If write end callback\n    if (typeof this.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n        this.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":this}));\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Writes data to the file\n *\n * @param text to be written\n */\nFileWriter.prototype.write = function(text) {\n    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file\n    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    // WRITING state\n    this.readyState = FileWriter.WRITING;\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    // If onwritestart callback\n    if (typeof me.onwritestart === \"function\") {\n        me.onwritestart(new ProgressEvent(\"writestart\", {\"target\":me}));\n    }\n\n    // Write file\n    exec(\n        // Success callback\n        function(r) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // position always increases by bytes written because file would be extended\n            me.position += r;\n            // The length of the file is now where we are done writing.\n\n            me.length = me.position;\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n            // If onwrite callback\n            if (typeof me.onwrite === \"function\") {\n                me.onwrite(new ProgressEvent(\"write\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onwriteend callback\n            if (typeof me.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n        },\n        // Error callback\n        function(e) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n            // Save error\n            me.error = new FileError(e);\n\n            // If onerror callback\n            if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onwriteend callback\n            if (typeof me.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n        }, \"File\", \"write\", [this.fileName, text, this.position]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Moves the file pointer to the location specified.\n *\n * If the offset is a negative number the position of the file\n * pointer is rewound.  If the offset is greater than the file\n * size the position is set to the end of the file.\n *\n * @param offset is the location to move the file pointer to.\n */\nFileWriter.prototype.seek = function(offset) {\n    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file\n    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    if (!offset && offset !== 0) {\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // See back from end of file.\n    if (offset < 0) {\n        this.position = Math.max(offset + this.length, 0);\n    }\n    // Offset is bigger then file size so set position\n    // to the end of the file.\n    else if (offset > this.length) {\n        this.position = this.length;\n    }\n    // Offset is between 0 and file size so set the position\n    // to start writing.\n    else {\n        this.position = offset;\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Truncates the file to the size specified.\n *\n * @param size to chop the file at.\n */\nFileWriter.prototype.truncate = function(size) {\n    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file\n    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    // WRITING state\n    this.readyState = FileWriter.WRITING;\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    // If onwritestart callback\n    if (typeof me.onwritestart === \"function\") {\n        me.onwritestart(new ProgressEvent(\"writestart\", {\"target\":this}));\n    }\n\n    // Write file\n    exec(\n        // Success callback\n        function(r) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n            // Update the length of the file\n            me.length = r;\n            me.position = Math.min(me.position, r);\n\n            // If onwrite callback\n            if (typeof me.onwrite === \"function\") {\n                me.onwrite(new ProgressEvent(\"write\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onwriteend callback\n            if (typeof me.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n        },\n        // Error callback\n        function(e) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n            // Save error\n            me.error = new FileError(e);\n\n            // If onerror callback\n            if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onwriteend callback\n            if (typeof me.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n        }, \"File\", \"truncate\", [this.fileName, size]);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileWriter;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileWriter.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileWriter.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/FileWriter\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),\n    ProgressEvent = require('cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent');\n\n/**\n * This class writes to the mobile device file system.\n *\n * For Android:\n *      The root directory is the root of the file system.\n *      To write to the SD card, the file name is \"sdcard/my_file.txt\"\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param file {File} File object containing file properties\n * @param append if true write to the end of the file, otherwise overwrite the file\n */\nvar FileWriter = function(file) {\n    this.fileName = \"\";\n    this.length = 0;\n    if (file) {\n        this.fileName = file.fullPath || file;\n        this.length = file.size || 0;\n    }\n    // default is to write at the beginning of the file\n    this.position = 0;\n\n    this.readyState = 0; // EMPTY\n\n    this.result = null;\n\n    // Error\n    this.error = null;\n\n    // Event handlers\n    this.onwritestart = null;   // When writing starts\n    this.onprogress = null;     // While writing the file, and reporting partial file data\n    this.onwrite = null;        // When the write has successfully completed.\n    this.onwriteend = null;     // When the request has completed (either in success or failure).\n    this.onabort = null;        // When the write has been aborted. For instance, by invoking the abort() method.\n    this.onerror = null;        // When the write has failed (see errors).\n};\n\n// States\nFileWriter.INIT = 0;\nFileWriter.WRITING = 1;\nFileWriter.DONE = 2;\n\n/**\n * Abort writing file.\n */\nFileWriter.prototype.abort = function() {\n    // check for invalid state\n    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.DONE || this.readyState === FileWriter.INIT) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    // set error\n    this.error = new FileError(FileError.ABORT_ERR);\n\n    this.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n    // If abort callback\n    if (typeof this.onabort === \"function\") {\n        this.onabort(new ProgressEvent(\"abort\", {\"target\":this}));\n    }\n\n    // If write end callback\n    if (typeof this.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n        this.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":this}));\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Writes data to the file\n *\n * @param text to be written\n */\nFileWriter.prototype.write = function(text) {\n    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file\n    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    // WRITING state\n    this.readyState = FileWriter.WRITING;\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    // If onwritestart callback\n    if (typeof me.onwritestart === \"function\") {\n        me.onwritestart(new ProgressEvent(\"writestart\", {\"target\":me}));\n    }\n\n    // Write file\n    exec(\n        // Success callback\n        function(r) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // position always increases by bytes written because file would be extended\n            me.position += r;\n            // The length of the file is now where we are done writing.\n\n            me.length = me.position;\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n            // If onwrite callback\n            if (typeof me.onwrite === \"function\") {\n                me.onwrite(new ProgressEvent(\"write\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onwriteend callback\n            if (typeof me.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n        },\n        // Error callback\n        function(e) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n            // Save error\n            me.error = new FileError(e);\n\n            // If onerror callback\n            if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onwriteend callback\n            if (typeof me.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n        }, \"File\", \"write\", [this.fileName, text, this.position]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Moves the file pointer to the location specified.\n *\n * If the offset is a negative number the position of the file\n * pointer is rewound.  If the offset is greater than the file\n * size the position is set to the end of the file.\n *\n * @param offset is the location to move the file pointer to.\n */\nFileWriter.prototype.seek = function(offset) {\n    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file\n    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    if (!offset && offset !== 0) {\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // See back from end of file.\n    if (offset < 0) {\n        this.position = Math.max(offset + this.length, 0);\n    }\n    // Offset is bigger than file size so set position\n    // to the end of the file.\n    else if (offset > this.length) {\n        this.position = this.length;\n    }\n    // Offset is between 0 and file size so set the position\n    // to start writing.\n    else {\n        this.position = offset;\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Truncates the file to the size specified.\n *\n * @param size to chop the file at.\n */\nFileWriter.prototype.truncate = function(size) {\n    // Throw an exception if we are already writing a file\n    if (this.readyState === FileWriter.WRITING) {\n        throw new FileError(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR);\n    }\n\n    // WRITING state\n    this.readyState = FileWriter.WRITING;\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    // If onwritestart callback\n    if (typeof me.onwritestart === \"function\") {\n        me.onwritestart(new ProgressEvent(\"writestart\", {\"target\":this}));\n    }\n\n    // Write file\n    exec(\n        // Success callback\n        function(r) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n            // Update the length of the file\n            me.length = r;\n            me.position = Math.min(me.position, r);\n\n            // If onwrite callback\n            if (typeof me.onwrite === \"function\") {\n                me.onwrite(new ProgressEvent(\"write\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onwriteend callback\n            if (typeof me.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n        },\n        // Error callback\n        function(e) {\n            // If DONE (cancelled), then don't do anything\n            if (me.readyState === FileWriter.DONE) {\n                return;\n            }\n\n            // DONE state\n            me.readyState = FileWriter.DONE;\n\n            // Save error\n            me.error = new FileError(e);\n\n            // If onerror callback\n            if (typeof me.onerror === \"function\") {\n                me.onerror(new ProgressEvent(\"error\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n\n            // If onwriteend callback\n            if (typeof me.onwriteend === \"function\") {\n                me.onwriteend(new ProgressEvent(\"writeend\", {\"target\":me}));\n            }\n        }, \"File\", \"truncate\", [this.fileName, size]);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = FileWriter;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/FileWriter.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/FileWriter.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Flags\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * Supplies arguments to methods that lookup or create files and directories.\n *\n * @param create\n *            {boolean} file or directory if it doesn't exist\n * @param exclusive\n *            {boolean} used with create; if true the command will fail if\n *            target path exists\n */\nfunction Flags(create, exclusive) {\n    this.create = create || false;\n    this.exclusive = exclusive || false;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = Flags;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Flags.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Flags.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/LocalFileSystem\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\n/**\n * Represents a local file system.\n */\nvar LocalFileSystem = function() {\n\n};\n\nLocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY = 0; //temporary, with no guarantee of persistence\nLocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT = 1; //persistent\n\nmodule.exports = LocalFileSystem;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/LocalFileSystem.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/LocalFileSystem.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Media\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\nvar mediaObjects = {};\n\n/**\n * This class provides access to the device media, interfaces to both sound and video\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param src                   The file name or url to play\n * @param successCallback       The callback to be called when the file is done playing or recording.\n *                                  successCallback()\n * @param errorCallback         The callback to be called if there is an error.\n *                                  errorCallback(int errorCode) - OPTIONAL\n * @param statusCallback        The callback to be called when media status has changed.\n *                                  statusCallback(int statusCode) - OPTIONAL\n */\nvar Media = function(src, successCallback, errorCallback, statusCallback) {\n\n    // successCallback optional\n    if (successCallback && (typeof successCallback !== \"function\")) {\n        console.log(\"Media Error: successCallback is not a function\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // errorCallback optional\n    if (errorCallback && (typeof errorCallback !== \"function\")) {\n        console.log(\"Media Error: errorCallback is not a function\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // statusCallback optional\n    if (statusCallback && (typeof statusCallback !== \"function\")) {\n        console.log(\"Media Error: statusCallback is not a function\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    this.id = utils.createUUID();\n    mediaObjects[this.id] = this;\n    this.src = src;\n    this.successCallback = successCallback;\n    this.errorCallback = errorCallback;\n    this.statusCallback = statusCallback;\n    this._duration = -1;\n    this._position = -1;\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"create\", [this.id, this.src]);\n};\n\n// Media messages\nMedia.MEDIA_STATE = 1;\nMedia.MEDIA_DURATION = 2;\nMedia.MEDIA_POSITION = 3;\nMedia.MEDIA_ERROR = 9;\n\n// Media states\nMedia.MEDIA_NONE = 0;\nMedia.MEDIA_STARTING = 1;\nMedia.MEDIA_RUNNING = 2;\nMedia.MEDIA_PAUSED = 3;\nMedia.MEDIA_STOPPED = 4;\nMedia.MEDIA_MSG = [\"None\", \"Starting\", \"Running\", \"Paused\", \"Stopped\"];\n\n// \"static\" function to return existing objs.\nMedia.get = function(id) {\n    return mediaObjects[id];\n};\n\n/**\n * Start or resume playing audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.play = function(options) {\n    exec(null, null, \"Media\", \"startPlayingAudio\", [this.id, this.src, options]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Stop playing audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.stop = function() {\n    var me = this;\n    exec(function() {\n        me._position = 0;\n        me.successCallback();\n    }, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"stopPlayingAudio\", [this.id]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Seek or jump to a new time in the track..\n */\nMedia.prototype.seekTo = function(milliseconds) {\n    var me = this;\n    exec(function(p) {\n        me._position = p;\n    }, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"seekToAudio\", [this.id, milliseconds]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Pause playing audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.pause = function() {\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"pausePlayingAudio\", [this.id]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Get duration of an audio file.\n * The duration is only set for audio that is playing, paused or stopped.\n *\n * @return      duration or -1 if not known.\n */\nMedia.prototype.getDuration = function() {\n    return this._duration;\n};\n\n/**\n * Get position of audio.\n */\nMedia.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function(success, fail) {\n    var me = this;\n    exec(function(p) {\n        me._position = p;\n        success(p);\n    }, fail, \"Media\", \"getCurrentPositionAudio\", [this.id]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Start recording audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.startRecord = function() {\n    exec(this.successCallback, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"startRecordingAudio\", [this.id, this.src]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Stop recording audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.stopRecord = function() {\n    exec(this.successCallback, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"stopRecordingAudio\", [this.id]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Release the resources.\n */\nMedia.prototype.release = function() {\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"release\", [this.id]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Adjust the volume.\n */\nMedia.prototype.setVolume = function(volume) {\n    exec(null, null, \"Media\", \"setVolume\", [this.id, volume]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Audio has status update.\n * PRIVATE\n *\n * @param id            The media object id (string)\n * @param status        The status code (int)\n * @param msg           The status message (string)\n */\nMedia.onStatus = function(id, msg, value) {\n    var media = mediaObjects[id];\n    // If state update\n    if (msg === Media.MEDIA_STATE) {\n        if (value === Media.MEDIA_STOPPED) {\n            if (media.successCallback) {\n                media.successCallback();\n            }\n        }\n        if (media.statusCallback) {\n            media.statusCallback(value);\n        }\n    }\n    else if (msg === Media.MEDIA_DURATION) {\n        media._duration = value;\n    }\n    else if (msg === Media.MEDIA_ERROR) {\n        if (media.errorCallback) {\n            // value should be a MediaError object when msg == MEDIA_ERROR\n            media.errorCallback(value);\n        }\n    }\n    else if (msg === Media.MEDIA_POSITION) {\n        media._position = value;\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Media;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Media.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Media.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Media\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\nvar mediaObjects = {};\n\n/**\n * This class provides access to the device media, interfaces to both sound and video\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param src                   The file name or url to play\n * @param successCallback       The callback to be called when the file is done playing or recording.\n *                                  successCallback()\n * @param errorCallback         The callback to be called if there is an error.\n *                                  errorCallback(int errorCode) - OPTIONAL\n * @param statusCallback        The callback to be called when media status has changed.\n *                                  statusCallback(int statusCode) - OPTIONAL\n */\nvar Media = function(src, successCallback, errorCallback, statusCallback) {\n\n    // successCallback optional\n    if (successCallback && (typeof successCallback !== \"function\")) {\n        console.log(\"Media Error: successCallback is not a function\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // errorCallback optional\n    if (errorCallback && (typeof errorCallback !== \"function\")) {\n        console.log(\"Media Error: errorCallback is not a function\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // statusCallback optional\n    if (statusCallback && (typeof statusCallback !== \"function\")) {\n        console.log(\"Media Error: statusCallback is not a function\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    this.id = utils.createUUID();\n    mediaObjects[this.id] = this;\n    this.src = src;\n    this.successCallback = successCallback;\n    this.errorCallback = errorCallback;\n    this.statusCallback = statusCallback;\n    this._duration = -1;\n    this._position = -1;\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"create\", [this.id, this.src]);\n};\n\n// Media messages\nMedia.MEDIA_STATE = 1;\nMedia.MEDIA_DURATION = 2;\nMedia.MEDIA_POSITION = 3;\nMedia.MEDIA_ERROR = 9;\n\n// Media states\nMedia.MEDIA_NONE = 0;\nMedia.MEDIA_STARTING = 1;\nMedia.MEDIA_RUNNING = 2;\nMedia.MEDIA_PAUSED = 3;\nMedia.MEDIA_STOPPED = 4;\nMedia.MEDIA_MSG = [\"None\", \"Starting\", \"Running\", \"Paused\", \"Stopped\"];\n\n// \"static\" function to return existing objs.\nMedia.get = function(id) {\n    return mediaObjects[id];\n};\n\n/**\n * Start or resume playing audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.play = function(options) {\n    exec(null, null, \"Media\", \"startPlayingAudio\", [this.id, this.src, options]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Stop playing audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.stop = function() {\n    var me = this;\n    exec(function() {\n        me._position = 0;\n    }, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"stopPlayingAudio\", [this.id]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Seek or jump to a new time in the track..\n */\nMedia.prototype.seekTo = function(milliseconds) {\n    var me = this;\n    exec(function(p) {\n        me._position = p;\n    }, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"seekToAudio\", [this.id, milliseconds]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Pause playing audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.pause = function() {\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"pausePlayingAudio\", [this.id]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Get duration of an audio file.\n * The duration is only set for audio that is playing, paused or stopped.\n *\n * @return      duration or -1 if not known.\n */\nMedia.prototype.getDuration = function() {\n    return this._duration;\n};\n\n/**\n * Get position of audio.\n */\nMedia.prototype.getCurrentPosition = function(success, fail) {\n    var me = this;\n    exec(function(p) {\n        me._position = p;\n        success(p);\n    }, fail, \"Media\", \"getCurrentPositionAudio\", [this.id]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Start recording audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.startRecord = function() {\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"startRecordingAudio\", [this.id, this.src]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Stop recording audio file.\n */\nMedia.prototype.stopRecord = function() {\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"stopRecordingAudio\", [this.id]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Release the resources.\n */\nMedia.prototype.release = function() {\n    exec(null, this.errorCallback, \"Media\", \"release\", [this.id]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Adjust the volume.\n */\nMedia.prototype.setVolume = function(volume) {\n    exec(null, null, \"Media\", \"setVolume\", [this.id, volume]);\n};\n\n/**\n * Audio has status update.\n * PRIVATE\n *\n * @param id            The media object id (string)\n * @param status        The status code (int)\n * @param msg           The status message (string)\n */\nMedia.onStatus = function(id, msg, value) {\n    var media = mediaObjects[id];\n    // If state update\n    if (msg === Media.MEDIA_STATE) {\n        if (media.statusCallback) {\n            media.statusCallback(value);\n        }\n        if (value === Media.MEDIA_STOPPED) {\n            if (media.successCallback) {\n                media.successCallback();\n            }\n        }\n    }\n    else if (msg === Media.MEDIA_DURATION) {\n        media._duration = value;\n    }\n    else if (msg === Media.MEDIA_ERROR) {\n        if (media.errorCallback) {\n            // value should be a MediaError object when msg == MEDIA_ERROR\n            media.errorCallback(value);\n        }\n    }\n    else if (msg === Media.MEDIA_POSITION) {\n        media._position = value;\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Media;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Media.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Media.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/MediaError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * This class contains information about any Media errors.\n * @constructor\n */\nvar MediaError = function(code, msg) {\n    this.code = (code !== undefined ? code : null);\n    this.message = msg || \"\";\n};\n\nMediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_ACTIVE    = 0;\nMediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED        = 1;\nMediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK        = 2;\nMediaError.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE         = 3;\nMediaError.MEDIA_ERR_NONE_SUPPORTED = 4;\n\nmodule.exports = MediaError;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/MediaError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/MediaError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/MediaFile\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    File = require('cordova/plugin/File'),\n    CaptureError = require('cordova/plugin/CaptureError');\n/**\n * Represents a single file.\n *\n * name {DOMString} name of the file, without path information\n * fullPath {DOMString} the full path of the file, including the name\n * type {DOMString} mime type\n * lastModifiedDate {Date} last modified date\n * size {Number} size of the file in bytes\n */\nvar MediaFile = function(name, fullPath, type, lastModifiedDate, size){\n    MediaFile.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);\n};\n\nutils.extend(MediaFile, File);\n\n/**\n * Request capture format data for a specific file and type\n *\n * @param {Function} successCB\n * @param {Function} errorCB\n */\nMediaFile.prototype.getFormatData = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    if (typeof this.fullPath === \"undefined\" || this.fullPath === null) {\n        errorCallback(new CaptureError(CaptureError.CAPTURE_INVALID_ARGUMENT));\n    } else {\n        exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"Capture\", \"getFormatData\", [this.fullPath, this.type]);\n    }\n};\n\n// TODO: can we axe this?\n/**\n * Casts a PluginResult message property  (array of objects) to an array of MediaFile objects\n * (used in Objective-C and Android)\n *\n * @param {PluginResult} pluginResult\n */\nMediaFile.cast = function(pluginResult) {\n    var mediaFiles = [];\n    for (var i=0; i<pluginResult.message.length; i++) {\n        var mediaFile = new MediaFile();\n        mediaFile.name = pluginResult.message[i].name;\n        mediaFile.fullPath = pluginResult.message[i].fullPath;\n        mediaFile.type = pluginResult.message[i].type;\n        mediaFile.lastModifiedDate = pluginResult.message[i].lastModifiedDate;\n        mediaFile.size = pluginResult.message[i].size;\n        mediaFiles.push(mediaFile);\n    }\n    pluginResult.message = mediaFiles;\n    return pluginResult;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = MediaFile;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/MediaFile.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/MediaFile.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/MediaFile\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    File = require('cordova/plugin/File'),\n    CaptureError = require('cordova/plugin/CaptureError');\n/**\n * Represents a single file.\n *\n * name {DOMString} name of the file, without path information\n * fullPath {DOMString} the full path of the file, including the name\n * type {DOMString} mime type\n * lastModifiedDate {Date} last modified date\n * size {Number} size of the file in bytes\n */\nvar MediaFile = function(name, fullPath, type, lastModifiedDate, size){\n    MediaFile.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);\n};\n\nutils.extend(MediaFile, File);\n\n/**\n * Request capture format data for a specific file and type\n *\n * @param {Function} successCB\n * @param {Function} errorCB\n */\nMediaFile.prototype.getFormatData = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    if (typeof this.fullPath === \"undefined\" || this.fullPath === null) {\n        errorCallback(new CaptureError(CaptureError.CAPTURE_INVALID_ARGUMENT));\n    } else {\n        exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"Capture\", \"getFormatData\", [this.fullPath, this.type]);\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = MediaFile;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/MediaFile.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/MediaFile.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/MediaFileData\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * MediaFileData encapsulates format information of a media file.\n *\n * @param {DOMString} codecs\n * @param {long} bitrate\n * @param {long} height\n * @param {long} width\n * @param {float} duration\n */\nvar MediaFileData = function(codecs, bitrate, height, width, duration){\n    this.codecs = codecs || null;\n    this.bitrate = bitrate || 0;\n    this.height = height || 0;\n    this.width = width || 0;\n    this.duration = duration || 0;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = MediaFileData;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/MediaFileData.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/MediaFileData.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Metadata\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * Information about the state of the file or directory\n *\n * {Date} modificationTime (readonly)\n */\nvar Metadata = function(time) {\n    this.modificationTime = (typeof time != 'undefined'?new Date(time):null);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Metadata;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Metadata.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Metadata.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/Position\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar Coordinates = require('cordova/plugin/Coordinates');\n\nvar Position = function(coords, timestamp) {\n    if (coords) {\n        this.coords = new Coordinates(coords.latitude, coords.longitude, coords.altitude, coords.accuracy, coords.heading, coords.velocity, coords.altitudeAccuracy);\n    } else {\n        this.coords = new Coordinates();\n    }\n    this.timestamp = (timestamp !== undefined) ? timestamp : new Date();\n};\n\nmodule.exports = Position;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/Position.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/Position.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/PositionError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * Position error object\n *\n * @constructor\n * @param code\n * @param message\n */\nvar PositionError = function(code, message) {\n    this.code = code || null;\n    this.message = message || '';\n};\n\nPositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED = 1;\nPositionError.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE = 2;\nPositionError.TIMEOUT = 3;\n\nmodule.exports = PositionError;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/PositionError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/PositionError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/ProgressEvent\", function(require, exports, module) {\n// If ProgressEvent exists in global context, use it already, otherwise use our own polyfill\n// Feature test: See if we can instantiate a native ProgressEvent;\n// if so, use that approach,\n// otherwise fill-in with our own implementation.\n//\n// NOTE: right now we always fill in with our own. Down the road would be nice if we can use whatever is native in the webview.\nvar ProgressEvent = (function() {\n    /*\n    var createEvent = function(data) {\n        var event = document.createEvent('Events');\n        event.initEvent('ProgressEvent', false, false);\n        if (data) {\n            for (var i in data) {\n                if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\n                    event[i] = data[i];\n                }\n            }\n            if (data.target) {\n                // TODO: cannot call <some_custom_object>.dispatchEvent\n                // need to first figure out how to implement EventTarget\n            }\n        }\n        return event;\n    };\n    try {\n        var ev = createEvent({type:\"abort\",target:document});\n        return function ProgressEvent(type, data) {\n            data.type = type;\n            return createEvent(data);\n        };\n    } catch(e){\n    */\n        return function ProgressEvent(type, dict) {\n            this.type = type;\n            this.bubbles = false;\n            this.cancelBubble = false;\n            this.cancelable = false;\n            this.lengthComputable = false;\n            this.loaded = dict && dict.loaded ? dict.loaded : 0;\n            this.total = dict && dict.total ? dict.total : 0;\n            this.target = dict && dict.target ? dict.target : null;\n        };\n    //}\n})();\n\nmodule.exports = ProgressEvent;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/ProgressEvent.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/ProgressEvent.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/accelerometer\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * This class provides access to device accelerometer data.\n * @constructor\n */\nvar utils = require(\"cordova/utils\"),\n    exec = require(\"cordova/exec\"),\n    Acceleration = require('cordova/plugin/Acceleration');\n\n// Is the accel sensor running?\nvar running = false;\n\n// Keeps reference to watchAcceleration calls.\nvar timers = {};\n\n// Array of listeners; used to keep track of when we should call start and stop.\nvar listeners = [];\n\n// Last returned acceleration object from native\nvar accel = null;\n\n// Tells native to start.\nfunction start() {\n    exec(function(a) {\n        var tempListeners = listeners.slice(0);\n        accel = new Acceleration(a.x, a.y, a.z, a.timestamp);\n        for (var i = 0, l = tempListeners.length; i < l; i++) {\n            tempListeners[i].win(accel);\n        }\n    }, function(e) {\n        var tempListeners = listeners.slice(0);\n        for (var i = 0, l = tempListeners.length; i < l; i++) {\n            tempListeners[i].fail(e);\n        }\n    }, \"Accelerometer\", \"start\", []);\n    running = true;\n}\n\n// Tells native to stop.\nfunction stop() {\n    exec(null, null, \"Accelerometer\", \"stop\", []);\n    running = false;\n}\n\n// Adds a callback pair to the listeners array\nfunction createCallbackPair(win, fail) {\n    return {win:win, fail:fail};\n}\n\n// Removes a win/fail listener pair from the listeners array\nfunction removeListeners(l) {\n    var idx = listeners.indexOf(l);\n    if (idx > -1) {\n        listeners.splice(idx, 1);\n        if (listeners.length === 0) {\n            stop();\n        }\n    }\n}\n\nvar accelerometer = {\n    /**\n     * Asynchronously aquires the current acceleration.\n     *\n     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call when the acceleration data is available\n     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the acceleration data. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @param {AccelerationOptions} options The options for getting the accelerometer data such as timeout. (OPTIONAL)\n     */\n    getCurrentAcceleration: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        // successCallback required\n        if (typeof successCallback !== \"function\") {\n            throw \"getCurrentAcceleration must be called with at least a success callback function as first parameter.\";\n        }\n\n        var p;\n        var win = function(a) {\n            removeListeners(p);\n            successCallback(a);\n        };\n        var fail = function(e) {\n            removeListeners(p);\n            errorCallback(e);\n        };\n\n        p = createCallbackPair(win, fail);\n        listeners.push(p);\n\n        if (!running) {\n            start();\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Asynchronously aquires the acceleration repeatedly at a given interval.\n     *\n     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call each time the acceleration data is available\n     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the acceleration data. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @param {AccelerationOptions} options The options for getting the accelerometer data such as timeout. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @return String                       The watch id that must be passed to #clearWatch to stop watching.\n     */\n    watchAcceleration: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        // Default interval (10 sec)\n        var frequency = (options && options.frequency && typeof options.frequency == 'number') ? options.frequency : 10000;\n\n        // successCallback required\n        if (typeof successCallback !== \"function\") {\n            throw \"watchAcceleration must be called with at least a success callback function as first parameter.\";\n        }\n\n        // Keep reference to watch id, and report accel readings as often as defined in frequency\n        var id = utils.createUUID();\n\n        var p = createCallbackPair(function(){}, function(e) {\n            removeListeners(p);\n            errorCallback(e);\n        });\n        listeners.push(p);\n\n        timers[id] = {\n            timer:window.setInterval(function() {\n                if (accel) {\n                    successCallback(accel);\n                }\n            }, frequency),\n            listeners:p\n        };\n\n        if (running) {\n            // If we're already running then immediately invoke the success callback\n            // but only if we have retreived a value, sample code does not check for null ...\n            if(accel) {\n                successCallback(accel);\n            }\n        } else {\n            start();\n        }\n\n        return id;\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Clears the specified accelerometer watch.\n     *\n     * @param {String} id       The id of the watch returned from #watchAcceleration.\n     */\n    clearWatch: function(id) {\n        // Stop javascript timer & remove from timer list\n        if (id && timers[id]) {\n            window.clearInterval(timers[id].timer);\n            removeListeners(timers[id].listeners);\n            delete timers[id];\n        }\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = accelerometer;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/accelerometer.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/accelerometer.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/accelerometer\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * This class provides access to device accelerometer data.\n * @constructor\n */\nvar utils = require(\"cordova/utils\"),\n    exec = require(\"cordova/exec\"),\n    Acceleration = require('cordova/plugin/Acceleration');\n\n// Is the accel sensor running?\nvar running = false;\n\n// Keeps reference to watchAcceleration calls.\nvar timers = {};\n\n// Array of listeners; used to keep track of when we should call start and stop.\nvar listeners = [];\n\n// Last returned acceleration object from native\nvar accel = null;\n\n// Tells native to start.\nfunction start() {\n    exec(function(a) {\n        var tempListeners = listeners.slice(0);\n        accel = new Acceleration(a.x, a.y, a.z, a.timestamp);\n        for (var i = 0, l = tempListeners.length; i < l; i++) {\n            tempListeners[i].win(accel);\n        }\n    }, function(e) {\n        var tempListeners = listeners.slice(0);\n        for (var i = 0, l = tempListeners.length; i < l; i++) {\n            tempListeners[i].fail(e);\n        }\n    }, \"Accelerometer\", \"start\", []);\n    running = true;\n}\n\n// Tells native to stop.\nfunction stop() {\n    exec(null, null, \"Accelerometer\", \"stop\", []);\n    running = false;\n}\n\n// Adds a callback pair to the listeners array\nfunction createCallbackPair(win, fail) {\n    return {win:win, fail:fail};\n}\n\n// Removes a win/fail listener pair from the listeners array\nfunction removeListeners(l) {\n    var idx = listeners.indexOf(l);\n    if (idx > -1) {\n        listeners.splice(idx, 1);\n        if (listeners.length === 0) {\n            stop();\n        }\n    }\n}\n\nvar accelerometer = {\n    /**\n     * Asynchronously aquires the current acceleration.\n     *\n     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call when the acceleration data is available\n     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the acceleration data. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @param {AccelerationOptions} options The options for getting the accelerometer data such as timeout. (OPTIONAL)\n     */\n    getCurrentAcceleration: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        // successCallback required\n        if (typeof successCallback !== \"function\") {\n            throw \"getCurrentAcceleration must be called with at least a success callback function as first parameter.\";\n        }\n\n        var p;\n        var win = function(a) {\n            removeListeners(p);\n            successCallback(a);\n        };\n        var fail = function(e) {\n            removeListeners(p);\n            errorCallback(e);\n        };\n\n        p = createCallbackPair(win, fail);\n        listeners.push(p);\n\n        if (!running) {\n            start();\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Asynchronously aquires the acceleration repeatedly at a given interval.\n     *\n     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call each time the acceleration data is available\n     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the acceleration data. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @param {AccelerationOptions} options The options for getting the accelerometer data such as timeout. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @return String                       The watch id that must be passed to #clearWatch to stop watching.\n     */\n    watchAcceleration: function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        // Default interval (10 sec)\n        var frequency = (options && options.frequency && typeof options.frequency == 'number') ? options.frequency : 10000;\n\n        // successCallback required\n        if (typeof successCallback !== \"function\") {\n            throw \"watchAcceleration must be called with at least a success callback function as first parameter.\";\n        }\n\n        // Keep reference to watch id, and report accel readings as often as defined in frequency\n        var id = utils.createUUID();\n\n        var p = createCallbackPair(function(){}, function(e) {\n            removeListeners(p);\n            errorCallback(e);\n        });\n        listeners.push(p);\n\n        timers[id] = {\n            timer:window.setInterval(function() {\n                if (accel) {\n                    successCallback(accel);\n                }\n            }, frequency),\n            listeners:p\n        };\n\n        if (running) {\n            // If we're already running then immediately invoke the success callback\n            // but only if we have retrieved a value, sample code does not check for null ...\n            if(accel) {\n                successCallback(accel);\n            }\n        } else {\n            start();\n        }\n\n        return id;\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Clears the specified accelerometer watch.\n     *\n     * @param {String} id       The id of the watch returned from #watchAcceleration.\n     */\n    clearWatch: function(id) {\n        // Stop javascript timer & remove from timer list\n        if (id && timers[id]) {\n            window.clearInterval(timers[id].timer);\n            removeListeners(timers[id].listeners);\n            delete timers[id];\n        }\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = accelerometer;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/accelerometer.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/accelerometer.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/battery\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/**\n * This class contains information about the current battery status.\n * @constructor\n */\nvar cordova = require('cordova'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\nfunction handlers() {\n  return battery.channels.batterystatus.numHandlers +\n         battery.channels.batterylow.numHandlers +\n         battery.channels.batterycritical.numHandlers;\n}\n\nvar Battery = function() {\n    this._level = null;\n    this._isPlugged = null;\n    // Create new event handlers on the window (returns a channel instance)\n    var subscriptionEvents = {\n      onSubscribe:this.onSubscribe,\n      onUnsubscribe:this.onUnsubscribe\n    };\n    this.channels = {\n      batterystatus:cordova.addWindowEventHandler(\"batterystatus\", subscriptionEvents),\n      batterylow:cordova.addWindowEventHandler(\"batterylow\", subscriptionEvents),\n      batterycritical:cordova.addWindowEventHandler(\"batterycritical\", subscriptionEvents)\n    };\n};\n/**\n * Event handlers for when callbacks get registered for the battery.\n * Keep track of how many handlers we have so we can start and stop the native battery listener\n * appropriately (and hopefully save on battery life!).\n */\nBattery.prototype.onSubscribe = function() {\n  var me = battery;\n  // If we just registered the first handler, make sure native listener is started.\n  if (handlers() === 1) {\n    exec(me._status, me._error, \"Battery\", \"start\", []);\n  }\n};\n\nBattery.prototype.onUnsubscribe = function() {\n  var me = battery;\n\n  // If we just unregistered the last handler, make sure native listener is stopped.\n  if (handlers() === 0) {\n      exec(null, null, \"Battery\", \"stop\", []);\n  }\n};\n\n/**\n * Callback for battery status\n *\n * @param {Object} info            keys: level, isPlugged\n */\nBattery.prototype._status = function(info) {\n    if (info) {\n        var me = battery;\n    var level = info.level;\n        if (me._level !== level || me._isPlugged !== info.isPlugged) {\n            // Fire batterystatus event\n            cordova.fireWindowEvent(\"batterystatus\", info);\n\n            // Fire low battery event\n            if (level === 20 || level === 5) {\n                if (level === 20) {\n                    cordova.fireWindowEvent(\"batterylow\", info);\n                }\n                else {\n                    cordova.fireWindowEvent(\"batterycritical\", info);\n                }\n            }\n        }\n        me._level = level;\n        me._isPlugged = info.isPlugged;\n    }\n};\n\n/**\n * Error callback for battery start\n */\nBattery.prototype._error = function(e) {\n    console.log(\"Error initializing Battery: \" + e);\n};\n\nvar battery = new Battery();\n\nmodule.exports = battery;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/battery.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/battery.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/capture\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    MediaFile = require('cordova/plugin/MediaFile');\n\n/**\n * Launches a capture of different types.\n *\n * @param (DOMString} type\n * @param {Function} successCB\n * @param {Function} errorCB\n * @param {CaptureVideoOptions} options\n */\nfunction _capture(type, successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n    var win = function(pluginResult) {\n        var mediaFiles = [];\n        var i;\n        for (i = 0; i < pluginResult.length; i++) {\n            var mediaFile = new MediaFile();\n            mediaFile.name = pluginResult[i].name;\n            mediaFile.fullPath = pluginResult[i].fullPath;\n            mediaFile.type = pluginResult[i].type;\n            mediaFile.lastModifiedDate = pluginResult[i].lastModifiedDate;\n            mediaFile.size = pluginResult[i].size;\n            mediaFiles.push(mediaFile);\n        }\n        successCallback(mediaFiles);\n    };\n    exec(win, errorCallback, \"Capture\", type, [options]);\n}\n/**\n * The Capture interface exposes an interface to the camera and microphone of the hosting device.\n */\nfunction Capture() {\n    this.supportedAudioModes = [];\n    this.supportedImageModes = [];\n    this.supportedVideoModes = [];\n}\n\n/**\n * Launch audio recorder application for recording audio clip(s).\n *\n * @param {Function} successCB\n * @param {Function} errorCB\n * @param {CaptureAudioOptions} options\n */\nCapture.prototype.captureAudio = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options){\n    _capture(\"captureAudio\", successCallback, errorCallback, options);\n};\n\n/**\n * Launch camera application for taking image(s).\n *\n * @param {Function} successCB\n * @param {Function} errorCB\n * @param {CaptureImageOptions} options\n */\nCapture.prototype.captureImage = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options){\n    _capture(\"captureImage\", successCallback, errorCallback, options);\n};\n\n/**\n * Launch device camera application for recording video(s).\n *\n * @param {Function} successCB\n * @param {Function} errorCB\n * @param {CaptureVideoOptions} options\n */\nCapture.prototype.captureVideo = function(successCallback, errorCallback, options){\n    _capture(\"captureVideo\", successCallback, errorCallback, options);\n};\n\n\nmodule.exports = new Capture();\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/capture.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/capture.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/compass\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    CompassHeading = require('cordova/plugin/CompassHeading'),\n    CompassError = require('cordova/plugin/CompassError'),\n    timers = {},\n    compass = {\n        /**\n         * Asynchronously acquires the current heading.\n         * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the heading\n         * data is available\n         * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error\n         * getting the heading data.\n         * @param {CompassOptions} options The options for getting the heading data (not used).\n         */\n        getCurrentHeading:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n            // successCallback required\n            if (typeof successCallback !== \"function\") {\n              console.log(\"Compass Error: successCallback is not a function\");\n              return;\n            }\n\n            // errorCallback optional\n            if (errorCallback && (typeof errorCallback !== \"function\")) {\n              console.log(\"Compass Error: errorCallback is not a function\");\n              return;\n            }\n\n            var win = function(result) {\n                var ch = new CompassHeading(result.magneticHeading, result.trueHeading, result.headingAccuracy, result.timestamp);\n                successCallback(ch);\n            };\n            var fail = function(code) {\n                var ce = new CompassError(code);\n                errorCallback(ce);\n            };\n\n            // Get heading\n            exec(win, fail, \"Compass\", \"getHeading\", [options]);\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * Asynchronously acquires the heading repeatedly at a given interval.\n         * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call each time the heading\n         * data is available\n         * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error\n         * getting the heading data.\n         * @param {HeadingOptions} options The options for getting the heading data\n         * such as timeout and the frequency of the watch. For iOS, filter parameter\n         * specifies to watch via a distance filter rather than time.\n         */\n        watchHeading:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n            // Default interval (100 msec)\n            var frequency = (options !== undefined && options.frequency !== undefined) ? options.frequency : 100;\n            var filter = (options !== undefined && options.filter !== undefined) ? options.filter : 0;\n\n            // successCallback required\n            if (typeof successCallback !== \"function\") {\n              console.log(\"Compass Error: successCallback is not a function\");\n              return;\n            }\n\n            // errorCallback optional\n            if (errorCallback && (typeof errorCallback !== \"function\")) {\n              console.log(\"Compass Error: errorCallback is not a function\");\n              return;\n            }\n\n            var id = utils.createUUID();\n            if (filter > 0) {\n                // is an iOS request for watch by filter, no timer needed\n                timers[id] = \"iOS\";\n                compass.getCurrentHeading(successCallback, errorCallback, options);\n            } else {\n                // Start watch timer to get headings\n                timers[id] = window.setInterval(function() {\n                    compass.getCurrentHeading(successCallback, errorCallback);\n                }, frequency);\n            }\n\n            return id;\n        },\n\n        /**\n         * Clears the specified heading watch.\n         * @param {String} watchId The ID of the watch returned from #watchHeading.\n         */\n        clearWatch:function(id) {\n            // Stop javascript timer & remove from timer list\n            if (id && timers[id]) {\n                if (timers[id] != \"iOS\") {\n                      clearInterval(timers[id]);\n                  } else {\n                    // is iOS watch by filter so call into device to stop\n                    exec(null, null, \"Compass\", \"stopHeading\", []);\n                }\n                delete timers[id];\n            }\n        }\n    };\n\nmodule.exports = compass;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/compass.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/compass.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/console-via-logger\", function(require, exports, module) {\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nvar logger = require(\"cordova/plugin/logger\");\nvar utils  = require(\"cordova/utils\");\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// object that we're exporting\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nvar console = module.exports;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// copy of the original console object\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nvar WinConsole = window.console;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// whether to use the logger\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nvar UseLogger = false;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// Timers\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nvar Timers = {};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// used for unimplemented methods\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nfunction noop() {}\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// used for unimplemented methods\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.useLogger = function (value) {\n    if (arguments.length) UseLogger = !!value;\n\n    if (UseLogger) {\n        if (logger.useConsole()) {\n            throw new Error(\"console and logger are too intertwingly\");\n        }\n    }\n\n    return UseLogger;\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.log = function() {\n    if (logger.useConsole()) return;\n    logger.log.apply(logger, [].slice.call(arguments));\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.error = function() {\n    if (logger.useConsole()) return;\n    logger.error.apply(logger, [].slice.call(arguments));\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.warn = function() {\n    if (logger.useConsole()) return;\n    logger.warn.apply(logger, [].slice.call(arguments));\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.info = function() {\n    if (logger.useConsole()) return;\n    logger.info.apply(logger, [].slice.call(arguments));\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.debug = function() {\n    if (logger.useConsole()) return;\n    logger.debug.apply(logger, [].slice.call(arguments));\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.assert = function(expression) {\n    if (expression) return;\n\n    var message = utils.vformat(arguments[1], [].slice.call(arguments, 2));\n    console.log(\"ASSERT: \" + message);\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.clear = function() {};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.dir = function(object) {\n    console.log(\"%o\", object);\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.dirxml = function(node) {\n    console.log(node.innerHTML);\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.trace = noop;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.group = console.log;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.groupCollapsed = console.log;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.groupEnd = noop;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.time = function(name) {\n    Timers[name] = new Date().valueOf();\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.timeEnd = function(name) {\n    var timeStart = Timers[name];\n    if (!timeStart) {\n        console.warn(\"unknown timer: \" + name);\n        return;\n    }\n\n    var timeElapsed = new Date().valueOf() - timeStart;\n    console.log(name + \": \" + timeElapsed + \"ms\");\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.timeStamp = noop;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.profile = noop;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.profileEnd = noop;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.count = noop;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.exception = console.log;\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nconsole.table = function(data, columns) {\n    console.log(\"%o\", data);\n};\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// return a new function that calls both functions passed as args\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nfunction wrapperedOrigCall(orgFunc, newFunc) {\n    return function() {\n        var args = [].slice.call(arguments);\n        try { orgFunc.apply(WinConsole, args); } catch (e) {}\n        try { newFunc.apply(console,    args); } catch (e) {}\n    };\n}\n\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// For every function that exists in the original console object, that\n// also exists in the new console object, wrap the new console method\n// with one that calls both\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nfor (var key in console) {\n    if (typeof WinConsole[key] == \"function\") {\n        console[key] = wrapperedOrigCall(WinConsole[key], console[key]);\n    }\n}\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/console-via-logger.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/console-via-logger.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/contacts\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    ContactError = require('cordova/plugin/ContactError'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    Contact = require('cordova/plugin/Contact');\n\n/**\n* Represents a group of Contacts.\n* @constructor\n*/\nvar contacts = {\n    /**\n     * Returns an array of Contacts matching the search criteria.\n     * @param fields that should be searched\n     * @param successCB success callback\n     * @param errorCB error callback\n     * @param {ContactFindOptions} options that can be applied to contact searching\n     * @return array of Contacts matching search criteria\n     */\n    find:function(fields, successCB, errorCB, options) {\n        if (!successCB) {\n            throw new TypeError(\"You must specify a success callback for the find command.\");\n        }\n        if (!fields || (utils.isArray(fields) && fields.length === 0)) {\n            if (typeof errorCB === \"function\") {\n                errorCB(new ContactError(ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR));\n            }\n        } else {\n            var win = function(result) {\n                var cs = [];\n                for (var i = 0, l = result.length; i < l; i++) {\n                    cs.push(contacts.create(result[i]));\n                }\n                successCB(cs);\n            };\n            exec(win, errorCB, \"Contacts\", \"search\", [fields, options]);\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * This function creates a new contact, but it does not persist the contact\n     * to device storage. To persist the contact to device storage, invoke\n     * contact.save().\n     * @param properties an object who's properties will be examined to create a new Contact\n     * @returns new Contact object\n     */\n    create:function(properties) {\n        var i;\n        var contact = new Contact();\n        for (i in properties) {\n            if (typeof contact[i] !== 'undefined' && properties.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\n                contact[i] = properties[i];\n            }\n        }\n        return contact;\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = contacts;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/contacts.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/contacts.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/contacts\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    ContactError = require('cordova/plugin/ContactError'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    Contact = require('cordova/plugin/Contact');\n\n/**\n* Represents a group of Contacts.\n* @constructor\n*/\nvar contacts = {\n    /**\n     * Returns an array of Contacts matching the search criteria.\n     * @param fields that should be searched\n     * @param successCB success callback\n     * @param errorCB error callback\n     * @param {ContactFindOptions} options that can be applied to contact searching\n     * @return array of Contacts matching search criteria\n     */\n    find:function(fields, successCB, errorCB, options) {\n        if (!successCB) {\n            throw new TypeError(\"You must specify a success callback for the find command.\");\n        }\n        if (!fields || (utils.isArray(fields) && fields.length === 0)) {\n            if (typeof errorCB === \"function\") {\n                errorCB(new ContactError(ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR));\n            }\n        } else {\n            var win = function(result) {\n                var cs = [];\n                for (var i = 0, l = result.length; i < l; i++) {\n                    cs.push(contacts.create(result[i]));\n                }\n                successCB(cs);\n            };\n            exec(win, errorCB, \"Contacts\", \"search\", [fields, options]);\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * This function creates a new contact, but it does not persist the contact\n     * to device storage. To persist the contact to device storage, invoke\n     * contact.save().\n     * @param properties an object whose properties will be examined to create a new Contact\n     * @returns new Contact object\n     */\n    create:function(properties) {\n        var i;\n        var contact = new Contact();\n        for (i in properties) {\n            if (typeof contact[i] !== 'undefined' && properties.hasOwnProperty(i)) {\n                contact[i] = properties[i];\n            }\n        }\n        return contact;\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = contacts;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/contacts.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/contacts.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/device\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar channel = require('cordova/channel'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\n// Tell cordova channel to wait on the CordovaInfoReady event\nchannel.waitForInitialization('onCordovaInfoReady');\n\n/**\n * This represents the mobile device, and provides properties for inspecting the model, version, UUID of the\n * phone, etc.\n * @constructor\n */\nfunction Device() {\n    this.available = false;\n    this.platform = null;\n    this.version = null;\n    this.name = null;\n    this.uuid = null;\n    this.cordova = null;\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    channel.onCordovaReady.subscribeOnce(function() {\n        me.getInfo(function(info) {\n            me.available = true;\n            me.platform = info.platform;\n            me.version = info.version;\n            me.name = info.name;\n            me.uuid = info.uuid;\n            me.cordova = info.cordova;\n            channel.onCordovaInfoReady.fire();\n        },function(e) {\n            me.available = false;\n            utils.alert(\"[ERROR] Error initializing Cordova: \" + e);\n        });\n    });\n}\n\n/**\n * Get device info\n *\n * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the heading data is available\n * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the heading data. (OPTIONAL)\n */\nDevice.prototype.getInfo = function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n\n    // successCallback required\n    if (typeof successCallback !== \"function\") {\n        console.log(\"Device Error: successCallback is not a function\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // errorCallback optional\n    if (errorCallback && (typeof errorCallback !== \"function\")) {\n        console.log(\"Device Error: errorCallback is not a function\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // Get info\n    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"Device\", \"getDeviceInfo\", []);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = new Device();\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/device.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/device.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/geolocation\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    PositionError = require('cordova/plugin/PositionError'),\n    Position = require('cordova/plugin/Position');\n\nvar timers = {};   // list of timers in use\n\n// Returns default params, overrides if provided with values\nfunction parseParameters(options) {\n    var opt = {\n        maximumAge: 0,\n        enableHighAccuracy: false,\n        timeout: Infinity\n    };\n\n    if (options) {\n        if (options.maximumAge !== undefined && !isNaN(options.maximumAge) && options.maximumAge > 0) {\n            opt.maximumAge = options.maximumAge;\n        }\n        if (options.enableHighAccuracy !== undefined) {\n            opt.enableHighAccuracy = options.enableHighAccuracy;\n        }\n        if (options.timeout !== undefined && !isNaN(options.timeout)) {\n            if (options.timeout < 0) {\n                opt.timeout = 0;\n            } else {\n                opt.timeout = options.timeout;\n            }\n        }\n    }\n\n    return opt;\n}\n\n// Returns a timeout failure, closed over a specified timeout value and error callback.\nfunction createTimeout(errorCallback, timeout) {\n    var t = setTimeout(function() {\n        clearTimeout(t);\n        t = null;\n        errorCallback({\n            code:PositionError.TIMEOUT,\n            message:\"Position retrieval timed out.\"\n        });\n    }, timeout);\n    return t;\n}\n\nvar geolocation = {\n    lastPosition:null, // reference to last known (cached) position returned\n    /**\n   * Asynchronously aquires the current position.\n   *\n   * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call when the position data is available\n   * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the heading position. (OPTIONAL)\n   * @param {PositionOptions} options     The options for getting the position data. (OPTIONAL)\n   */\n    getCurrentPosition:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        if (arguments.length === 0) {\n            throw new Error(\"getCurrentPosition must be called with at least one argument.\");\n        }\n        options = parseParameters(options);\n\n        // Timer var that will fire an error callback if no position is retrieved from native\n        // before the \"timeout\" param provided expires\n        var timeoutTimer = null;\n\n        var win = function(p) {\n            clearTimeout(timeoutTimer);\n            if (!timeoutTimer) {\n                // Timeout already happened, or native fired error callback for\n                // this geo request.\n                // Don't continue with success callback.\n                return;\n            }\n            var pos = new Position(\n                {\n                    latitude:p.latitude,\n                    longitude:p.longitude,\n                    altitude:p.altitude,\n                    accuracy:p.accuracy,\n                    heading:p.heading,\n                    velocity:p.velocity,\n                    altitudeAccuracy:p.altitudeAccuracy\n                },\n                (p.timestamp === undefined ? new Date() : ((p.timestamp instanceof Date) ? p.timestamp : new Date(p.timestamp)))\n            );\n            geolocation.lastPosition = pos;\n            successCallback(pos);\n        };\n        var fail = function(e) {\n            clearTimeout(timeoutTimer);\n            timeoutTimer = null;\n            var err = new PositionError(e.code, e.message);\n            if (errorCallback) {\n                errorCallback(err);\n            }\n        };\n\n        // Check our cached position, if its timestamp difference with current time is less than the maximumAge, then just\n        // fire the success callback with the cached position.\n        if (geolocation.lastPosition && options.maximumAge && (((new Date()).getTime() - geolocation.lastPosition.timestamp.getTime()) <= options.maximumAge)) {\n            successCallback(geolocation.lastPosition);\n        // If the cached position check failed and the timeout was set to 0, error out with a TIMEOUT error object.\n        } else if (options.timeout === 0) {\n            fail({\n                code:PositionError.TIMEOUT,\n                message:\"timeout value in PositionOptions set to 0 and no cached Position object available, or cached Position object's age exceed's provided PositionOptions' maximumAge parameter.\"\n            });\n        // Otherwise we have to call into native to retrieve a position.\n        } else {\n            if (options.timeout !== Infinity) {\n                // If the timeout value was not set to Infinity (default), then\n                // set up a timeout function that will fire the error callback\n                // if no successful position was retrieved before timeout expired.\n                timeoutTimer = createTimeout(fail, options.timeout);\n            } else {\n                // This is here so the check in the win function doesn't mess stuff up\n                // may seem weird but this guarantees timeoutTimer is\n                // always truthy before we call into native\n                timeoutTimer = true;\n            }\n            exec(win, fail, \"Geolocation\", \"getLocation\", [options.enableHighAccuracy, options.maximumAge]);\n        }\n        return timeoutTimer;\n    },\n    /**\n     * Asynchronously watches the geolocation for changes to geolocation.  When a change occurs,\n     * the successCallback is called with the new location.\n     *\n     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call each time the location data is available\n     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the location data. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @param {PositionOptions} options     The options for getting the location data such as frequency. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @return String                       The watch id that must be passed to #clearWatch to stop watching.\n     */\n    watchPosition:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        if (arguments.length === 0) {\n            throw new Error(\"watchPosition must be called with at least one argument.\");\n        }\n        options = parseParameters(options);\n\n        var id = utils.createUUID();\n\n        // Tell device to get a position ASAP, and also retrieve a reference to the timeout timer generated in getCurrentPosition\n        timers[id] = geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options);\n\n        var fail = function(e) {\n            clearTimeout(timers[id]);\n            var err = new PositionError(e.code, e.message);\n            if (errorCallback) {\n                errorCallback(err);\n            }\n        };\n\n        var win = function(p) {\n            clearTimeout(timers[id]);\n            if (options.timeout !== Infinity) {\n                timers[id] = createTimeout(fail, options.timeout);\n            }\n            var pos = new Position(\n                {\n                    latitude:p.latitude,\n                    longitude:p.longitude,\n                    altitude:p.altitude,\n                    accuracy:p.accuracy,\n                    heading:p.heading,\n                    velocity:p.velocity,\n                    altitudeAccuracy:p.altitudeAccuracy\n                },\n                (p.timestamp === undefined ? new Date() : ((p.timestamp instanceof Date) ? p.timestamp : new Date(p.timestamp)))\n            );\n            geolocation.lastPosition = pos;\n            successCallback(pos);\n        };\n\n        exec(win, fail, \"Geolocation\", \"addWatch\", [id, options.enableHighAccuracy]);\n\n        return id;\n    },\n    /**\n     * Clears the specified heading watch.\n     *\n     * @param {String} id       The ID of the watch returned from #watchPosition\n     */\n    clearWatch:function(id) {\n        if (id && timers[id] !== undefined) {\n            clearTimeout(timers[id]);\n            delete timers[id];\n            exec(null, null, \"Geolocation\", \"clearWatch\", [id]);\n        }\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = geolocation;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/geolocation.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/geolocation.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/logger\", function(require, exports, module) {\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// The logger module exports the following properties/functions:\n//\n// LOG                          - constant for the level LOG\n// ERROR                        - constant for the level ERROR\n// WARN                         - constant for the level WARN\n// INFO                         - constant for the level INFO\n// DEBUG                        - constant for the level DEBUG\n// logLevel()                   - returns current log level\n// logLevel(value)              - sets and returns a new log level\n// useConsole()                 - returns whether logger is using console\n// useConsole(value)            - sets and returns whether logger is using console\n// log(message,...)             - logs a message at level LOG\n// error(message,...)           - logs a message at level ERROR\n// warn(message,...)            - logs a message at level WARN\n// info(message,...)            - logs a message at level INFO\n// debug(message,...)           - logs a message at level DEBUG\n// logLevel(level,message,...)  - logs a message specified level\n//\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nvar logger = exports;\n\nvar exec    = require('cordova/exec');\nvar utils   = require('cordova/utils');\n\nvar UseConsole   = true;\nvar Queued       = [];\nvar DeviceReady  = false;\nvar CurrentLevel;\n\n/**\n * Logging levels\n */\n\nvar Levels = [\n    \"LOG\",\n    \"ERROR\",\n    \"WARN\",\n    \"INFO\",\n    \"DEBUG\"\n];\n\n/*\n * add the logging levels to the logger object and\n * to a separate levelsMap object for testing\n */\n\nvar LevelsMap = {};\nfor (var i=0; i<Levels.length; i++) {\n    var level = Levels[i];\n    LevelsMap[level] = i;\n    logger[level]    = level;\n}\n\nCurrentLevel = LevelsMap.WARN;\n\n/**\n * Getter/Setter for the logging level\n *\n * Returns the current logging level.\n *\n * When a value is passed, sets the logging level to that value.\n * The values should be one of the following constants:\n *    logger.LOG\n *    logger.ERROR\n *    logger.WARN\n *    logger.INFO\n *    logger.DEBUG\n *\n * The value used determines which messages get printed.  The logging\n * values above are in order, and only messages logged at the logging\n * level or above will actually be displayed to the user.  Eg, the\n * default level is WARN, so only messages logged with LOG, ERROR, or\n * WARN will be displayed; INFO and DEBUG messages will be ignored.\n */\nlogger.level = function (value) {\n    if (arguments.length) {\n        if (LevelsMap[value] === null) {\n            throw new Error(\"invalid logging level: \" + value);\n        }\n        CurrentLevel = LevelsMap[value];\n    }\n\n    return Levels[CurrentLevel];\n};\n\n/**\n * Getter/Setter for the useConsole functionality\n *\n * When useConsole is true, the logger will log via the\n * browser 'console' object.  Otherwise, it will use the\n * native Logger plugin.\n */\nlogger.useConsole = function (value) {\n    if (arguments.length) UseConsole = !!value;\n\n    if (UseConsole) {\n        if (typeof console == \"undefined\") {\n            throw new Error(\"global console object is not defined\");\n        }\n\n        if (typeof console.log != \"function\") {\n            throw new Error(\"global console object does not have a log function\");\n        }\n\n        if (typeof console.useLogger == \"function\") {\n            if (console.useLogger()) {\n                throw new Error(\"console and logger are too intertwingly\");\n            }\n        }\n    }\n\n    return UseConsole;\n};\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the LOG level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.log   = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"LOG\",   arguments); };\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the ERROR level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.error = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"ERROR\", arguments); };\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the WARN level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.warn  = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"WARN\",  arguments); };\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the INFO level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.info  = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"INFO\",  arguments); };\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the DEBUG level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.debug = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"DEBUG\", arguments); };\n\n// log at the specified level with args\nfunction logWithArgs(level, args) {\n    args = [level].concat([].slice.call(args));\n    logger.logLevel.apply(logger, args);\n}\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the specified level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.logLevel = function(level, message /* , ... */) {\n    // format the message with the parameters\n    var formatArgs = [].slice.call(arguments, 2);\n    message    = utils.vformat(message, formatArgs);\n\n    if (LevelsMap[level] === null) {\n        throw new Error(\"invalid logging level: \" + level);\n    }\n\n    if (LevelsMap[level] > CurrentLevel) return;\n\n    // queue the message if not yet at deviceready\n    if (!DeviceReady && !UseConsole) {\n        Queued.push([level, message]);\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // if not using the console, use the native logger\n    if (!UseConsole) {\n        exec(null, null, \"Logger\", \"logLevel\", [level, message]);\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // make sure console is not using logger\n    if (console.__usingCordovaLogger) {\n        throw new Error(\"console and logger are too intertwingly\");\n    }\n\n    // log to the console\n    switch (level) {\n        case logger.LOG:   console.log(message); break;\n        case logger.ERROR: console.log(\"ERROR: \" + message); break;\n        case logger.WARN:  console.log(\"WARN: \"  + message); break;\n        case logger.INFO:  console.log(\"INFO: \"  + message); break;\n        case logger.DEBUG: console.log(\"DEBUG: \" + message); break;\n    }\n};\n\n// when deviceready fires, log queued messages\nlogger.__onDeviceReady = function() {\n    if (DeviceReady) return;\n\n    DeviceReady = true;\n\n    for (var i=0; i<Queued.length; i++) {\n        var messageArgs = Queued[i];\n        logger.logLevel(messageArgs[0], messageArgs[1]);\n    }\n\n    Queued = null;\n};\n\n// add a deviceready event to log queued messages\ndocument.addEventListener(\"deviceready\", logger.__onDeviceReady, false);\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/logger.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/logger.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/echo\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\n/**\n * Sends the given message through exec() to the Echo plugink, which sends it back to the successCallback.\n * @param successCallback  invoked with a FileSystem object\n * @param errorCallback  invoked if error occurs retrieving file system\n * @param message  The string to be echoed.\n * @param forceAsync  Whether to force an async return value (for testing native->js bridge).\n */\nmodule.exports = function(successCallback, errorCallback, message, forceAsync) {\n    var action = forceAsync ? 'echoAsync' : 'echo';\n    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"Echo\", action, [message]);\n};\n\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/echo.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/echo.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/geolocation\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    PositionError = require('cordova/plugin/PositionError'),\n    Position = require('cordova/plugin/Position');\n\nvar timers = {};   // list of timers in use\n\n// Returns default params, overrides if provided with values\nfunction parseParameters(options) {\n    var opt = {\n        maximumAge: 0,\n        enableHighAccuracy: false,\n        timeout: Infinity\n    };\n\n    if (options) {\n        if (options.maximumAge !== undefined && !isNaN(options.maximumAge) && options.maximumAge > 0) {\n            opt.maximumAge = options.maximumAge;\n        }\n        if (options.enableHighAccuracy !== undefined) {\n            opt.enableHighAccuracy = options.enableHighAccuracy;\n        }\n        if (options.timeout !== undefined && !isNaN(options.timeout)) {\n            if (options.timeout < 0) {\n                opt.timeout = 0;\n            } else {\n                opt.timeout = options.timeout;\n            }\n        }\n    }\n\n    return opt;\n}\n\n// Returns a timeout failure, closed over a specified timeout value and error callback.\nfunction createTimeout(errorCallback, timeout) {\n    var t = setTimeout(function() {\n        clearTimeout(t);\n        t = null;\n        errorCallback({\n            code:PositionError.TIMEOUT,\n            message:\"Position retrieval timed out.\"\n        });\n    }, timeout);\n    return t;\n}\n\nvar geolocation = {\n    lastPosition:null, // reference to last known (cached) position returned\n    /**\n   * Asynchronously aquires the current position.\n   *\n   * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call when the position data is available\n   * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the heading position. (OPTIONAL)\n   * @param {PositionOptions} options     The options for getting the position data. (OPTIONAL)\n   */\n    getCurrentPosition:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        if (arguments.length === 0) {\n            throw new Error(\"getCurrentPosition must be called with at least one argument.\");\n        }\n        options = parseParameters(options);\n\n        // Timer var that will fire an error callback if no position is retrieved from native\n        // before the \"timeout\" param provided expires\n        var timeoutTimer = null;\n\n        var win = function(p) {\n            clearTimeout(timeoutTimer);\n            if (!timeoutTimer) {\n                // Timeout already happened, or native fired error callback for\n                // this geo request.\n                // Don't continue with success callback.\n                return;\n            }\n            var pos = new Position(\n                {\n                    latitude:p.latitude,\n                    longitude:p.longitude,\n                    altitude:p.altitude,\n                    accuracy:p.accuracy,\n                    heading:p.heading,\n                    velocity:p.velocity,\n                    altitudeAccuracy:p.altitudeAccuracy\n                },\n                (p.timestamp === undefined ? new Date() : ((p.timestamp instanceof Date) ? p.timestamp : new Date(p.timestamp)))\n            );\n            geolocation.lastPosition = pos;\n            successCallback(pos);\n        };\n        var fail = function(e) {\n            clearTimeout(timeoutTimer);\n            timeoutTimer = null;\n            var err = new PositionError(e.code, e.message);\n            if (errorCallback) {\n                errorCallback(err);\n            }\n        };\n\n        // Check our cached position, if its timestamp difference with current time is less than the maximumAge, then just\n        // fire the success callback with the cached position.\n        if (geolocation.lastPosition && options.maximumAge && (((new Date()).getTime() - geolocation.lastPosition.timestamp.getTime()) <= options.maximumAge)) {\n            successCallback(geolocation.lastPosition);\n        // If the cached position check failed and the timeout was set to 0, error out with a TIMEOUT error object.\n        } else if (options.timeout === 0) {\n            fail({\n                code:PositionError.TIMEOUT,\n                message:\"timeout value in PositionOptions set to 0 and no cached Position object available, or cached Position object's age exceeds provided PositionOptions' maximumAge parameter.\"\n            });\n        // Otherwise we have to call into native to retrieve a position.\n        } else {\n            if (options.timeout !== Infinity) {\n                // If the timeout value was not set to Infinity (default), then\n                // set up a timeout function that will fire the error callback\n                // if no successful position was retrieved before timeout expired.\n                timeoutTimer = createTimeout(fail, options.timeout);\n            } else {\n                // This is here so the check in the win function doesn't mess stuff up\n                // may seem weird but this guarantees timeoutTimer is\n                // always truthy before we call into native\n                timeoutTimer = true;\n            }\n            exec(win, fail, \"Geolocation\", \"getLocation\", [options.enableHighAccuracy, options.maximumAge]);\n        }\n        return timeoutTimer;\n    },\n    /**\n     * Asynchronously watches the geolocation for changes to geolocation.  When a change occurs,\n     * the successCallback is called with the new location.\n     *\n     * @param {Function} successCallback    The function to call each time the location data is available\n     * @param {Function} errorCallback      The function to call when there is an error getting the location data. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @param {PositionOptions} options     The options for getting the location data such as frequency. (OPTIONAL)\n     * @return String                       The watch id that must be passed to #clearWatch to stop watching.\n     */\n    watchPosition:function(successCallback, errorCallback, options) {\n        if (arguments.length === 0) {\n            throw new Error(\"watchPosition must be called with at least one argument.\");\n        }\n        options = parseParameters(options);\n\n        var id = utils.createUUID();\n\n        // Tell device to get a position ASAP, and also retrieve a reference to the timeout timer generated in getCurrentPosition\n        timers[id] = geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback, options);\n\n        var fail = function(e) {\n            clearTimeout(timers[id]);\n            var err = new PositionError(e.code, e.message);\n            if (errorCallback) {\n                errorCallback(err);\n            }\n        };\n\n        var win = function(p) {\n            clearTimeout(timers[id]);\n            if (options.timeout !== Infinity) {\n                timers[id] = createTimeout(fail, options.timeout);\n            }\n            var pos = new Position(\n                {\n                    latitude:p.latitude,\n                    longitude:p.longitude,\n                    altitude:p.altitude,\n                    accuracy:p.accuracy,\n                    heading:p.heading,\n                    velocity:p.velocity,\n                    altitudeAccuracy:p.altitudeAccuracy\n                },\n                (p.timestamp === undefined ? new Date() : ((p.timestamp instanceof Date) ? p.timestamp : new Date(p.timestamp)))\n            );\n            geolocation.lastPosition = pos;\n            successCallback(pos);\n        };\n\n        exec(win, fail, \"Geolocation\", \"addWatch\", [id, options.enableHighAccuracy]);\n\n        return id;\n    },\n    /**\n     * Clears the specified heading watch.\n     *\n     * @param {String} id       The ID of the watch returned from #watchPosition\n     */\n    clearWatch:function(id) {\n        if (id && timers[id] !== undefined) {\n            clearTimeout(timers[id]);\n            delete timers[id];\n            exec(null, null, \"Geolocation\", \"clearWatch\", [id]);\n        }\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = geolocation;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/geolocation.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/geolocation.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/logger\", function(require, exports, module) {\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n// The logger module exports the following properties/functions:\n//\n// LOG                          - constant for the level LOG\n// ERROR                        - constant for the level ERROR\n// WARN                         - constant for the level WARN\n// INFO                         - constant for the level INFO\n// DEBUG                        - constant for the level DEBUG\n// logLevel()                   - returns current log level\n// logLevel(value)              - sets and returns a new log level\n// useConsole()                 - returns whether logger is using console\n// useConsole(value)            - sets and returns whether logger is using console\n// log(message,...)             - logs a message at level LOG\n// error(message,...)           - logs a message at level ERROR\n// warn(message,...)            - logs a message at level WARN\n// info(message,...)            - logs a message at level INFO\n// debug(message,...)           - logs a message at level DEBUG\n// logLevel(level,message,...)  - logs a message specified level\n//\n//------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nvar logger = exports;\n\nvar exec    = require('cordova/exec');\nvar utils   = require('cordova/utils');\n\nvar UseConsole   = true;\nvar Queued       = [];\nvar DeviceReady  = false;\nvar CurrentLevel;\n\n/**\n * Logging levels\n */\n\nvar Levels = [\n    \"LOG\",\n    \"ERROR\",\n    \"WARN\",\n    \"INFO\",\n    \"DEBUG\"\n];\n\n/*\n * add the logging levels to the logger object and\n * to a separate levelsMap object for testing\n */\n\nvar LevelsMap = {};\nfor (var i=0; i<Levels.length; i++) {\n    var level = Levels[i];\n    LevelsMap[level] = i;\n    logger[level]    = level;\n}\n\nCurrentLevel = LevelsMap.WARN;\n\n/**\n * Getter/Setter for the logging level\n *\n * Returns the current logging level.\n *\n * When a value is passed, sets the logging level to that value.\n * The values should be one of the following constants:\n *    logger.LOG\n *    logger.ERROR\n *    logger.WARN\n *    logger.INFO\n *    logger.DEBUG\n *\n * The value used determines which messages get printed.  The logging\n * values above are in order, and only messages logged at the logging\n * level or above will actually be displayed to the user.  E.g., the\n * default level is WARN, so only messages logged with LOG, ERROR, or\n * WARN will be displayed; INFO and DEBUG messages will be ignored.\n */\nlogger.level = function (value) {\n    if (arguments.length) {\n        if (LevelsMap[value] === null) {\n            throw new Error(\"invalid logging level: \" + value);\n        }\n        CurrentLevel = LevelsMap[value];\n    }\n\n    return Levels[CurrentLevel];\n};\n\n/**\n * Getter/Setter for the useConsole functionality\n *\n * When useConsole is true, the logger will log via the\n * browser 'console' object.  Otherwise, it will use the\n * native Logger plugin.\n */\nlogger.useConsole = function (value) {\n    if (arguments.length) UseConsole = !!value;\n\n    if (UseConsole) {\n        if (typeof console == \"undefined\") {\n            throw new Error(\"global console object is not defined\");\n        }\n\n        if (typeof console.log != \"function\") {\n            throw new Error(\"global console object does not have a log function\");\n        }\n\n        if (typeof console.useLogger == \"function\") {\n            if (console.useLogger()) {\n                throw new Error(\"console and logger are too intertwingly\");\n            }\n        }\n    }\n\n    return UseConsole;\n};\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the LOG level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.log   = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"LOG\",   arguments); };\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the ERROR level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.error = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"ERROR\", arguments); };\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the WARN level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.warn  = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"WARN\",  arguments); };\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the INFO level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.info  = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"INFO\",  arguments); };\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the DEBUG level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.debug = function(message) { logWithArgs(\"DEBUG\", arguments); };\n\n// log at the specified level with args\nfunction logWithArgs(level, args) {\n    args = [level].concat([].slice.call(args));\n    logger.logLevel.apply(logger, args);\n}\n\n/**\n * Logs a message at the specified level.\n *\n * Parameters passed after message are used applied to\n * the message with utils.format()\n */\nlogger.logLevel = function(level, message /* , ... */) {\n    // format the message with the parameters\n    var formatArgs = [].slice.call(arguments, 2);\n    message    = utils.vformat(message, formatArgs);\n\n    if (LevelsMap[level] === null) {\n        throw new Error(\"invalid logging level: \" + level);\n    }\n\n    if (LevelsMap[level] > CurrentLevel) return;\n\n    // queue the message if not yet at deviceready\n    if (!DeviceReady && !UseConsole) {\n        Queued.push([level, message]);\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // if not using the console, use the native logger\n    if (!UseConsole) {\n        exec(null, null, \"Logger\", \"logLevel\", [level, message]);\n        return;\n    }\n\n    // make sure console is not using logger\n    if (console.__usingCordovaLogger) {\n        throw new Error(\"console and logger are too intertwingly\");\n    }\n\n    // log to the console\n    switch (level) {\n        case logger.LOG:   console.log(message); break;\n        case logger.ERROR: console.log(\"ERROR: \" + message); break;\n        case logger.WARN:  console.log(\"WARN: \"  + message); break;\n        case logger.INFO:  console.log(\"INFO: \"  + message); break;\n        case logger.DEBUG: console.log(\"DEBUG: \" + message); break;\n    }\n};\n\n// when deviceready fires, log queued messages\nlogger.__onDeviceReady = function() {\n    if (DeviceReady) return;\n\n    DeviceReady = true;\n\n    for (var i=0; i<Queued.length; i++) {\n        var messageArgs = Queued[i];\n        logger.logLevel(messageArgs[0], messageArgs[1]);\n    }\n\n    Queued = null;\n};\n\n// add a deviceready event to log queued messages\ndocument.addEventListener(\"deviceready\", logger.__onDeviceReady, false);\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/logger.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/logger.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/network\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec'),\n    cordova = require('cordova'),\n    channel = require('cordova/channel');\n\nvar NetworkConnection = function () {\n    this.type = null;\n    this._firstRun = true;\n    this._timer = null;\n    this.timeout = 500;\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    channel.onCordovaReady.subscribeOnce(function() {\n        me.getInfo(function (info) {\n            me.type = info;\n            if (info === \"none\") {\n                // set a timer if still offline at the end of timer send the offline event\n                me._timer = setTimeout(function(){\n                    cordova.fireDocumentEvent(\"offline\");\n                    me._timer = null;\n                    }, me.timeout);\n            } else {\n                // If there is a current offline event pending clear it\n                if (me._timer !== null) {\n                    clearTimeout(me._timer);\n                    me._timer = null;\n                }\n                cordova.fireDocumentEvent(\"online\");\n            }\n\n            // should only fire this once\n            if (me._firstRun) {\n                me._firstRun = false;\n                channel.onCordovaConnectionReady.fire();\n            }\n        },\n        function (e) {\n            // If we can't get the network info we should still tell Cordova\n            // to fire the deviceready event.\n            if (me._firstRun) {\n                me._firstRun = false;\n                channel.onCordovaConnectionReady.fire();\n            }\n            console.log(\"Error initializing Network Connection: \" + e);\n        });\n    });\n};\n\n/**\n * Get connection info\n *\n * @param {Function} successCallback The function to call when the Connection data is available\n * @param {Function} errorCallback The function to call when there is an error getting the Connection data. (OPTIONAL)\n */\nNetworkConnection.prototype.getInfo = function (successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    // Get info\n    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, \"NetworkStatus\", \"getConnectionInfo\", []);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = new NetworkConnection();\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/network.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/network.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/notification\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\n/**\n * Provides access to notifications on the device.\n */\n\nmodule.exports = {\n\n    /**\n     * Open a native alert dialog, with a customizable title and button text.\n     *\n     * @param {String} message              Message to print in the body of the alert\n     * @param {Function} completeCallback   The callback that is called when user clicks on a button.\n     * @param {String} title                Title of the alert dialog (default: Alert)\n     * @param {String} buttonLabel          Label of the close button (default: OK)\n     */\n    alert: function(message, completeCallback, title, buttonLabel) {\n        var _title = (title || \"Alert\");\n        var _buttonLabel = (buttonLabel || \"OK\");\n        exec(completeCallback, null, \"Notification\", \"alert\", [message, _title, _buttonLabel]);\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Open a native confirm dialog, with a customizable title and button text.\n     * The result that the user selects is returned to the result callback.\n     *\n     * @param {String} message              Message to print in the body of the alert\n     * @param {Function} resultCallback     The callback that is called when user clicks on a button.\n     * @param {String} title                Title of the alert dialog (default: Confirm)\n     * @param {String} buttonLabels         Comma separated list of the labels of the buttons (default: 'OK,Cancel')\n     */\n    confirm: function(message, resultCallback, title, buttonLabels) {\n        var _title = (title || \"Confirm\");\n        var _buttonLabels = (buttonLabels || \"OK,Cancel\");\n        exec(resultCallback, null, \"Notification\", \"confirm\", [message, _title, _buttonLabels]);\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Causes the device to vibrate.\n     *\n     * @param {Integer} mills       The number of milliseconds to vibrate for.\n     */\n    vibrate: function(mills) {\n        exec(null, null, \"Notification\", \"vibrate\", [mills]);\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Causes the device to beep.\n     * On Android, the default notification ringtone is played \"count\" times.\n     *\n     * @param {Integer} count       The number of beeps.\n     */\n    beep: function(count) {\n        exec(null, null, \"Notification\", \"beep\", [count]);\n    }\n};\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/notification.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/notification.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/requestFileSystem\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),\n    FileSystem = require('cordova/plugin/FileSystem'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\n/**\n * Request a file system in which to store application data.\n * @param type  local file system type\n * @param size  indicates how much storage space, in bytes, the application expects to need\n * @param successCallback  invoked with a FileSystem object\n * @param errorCallback  invoked if error occurs retrieving file system\n */\nvar requestFileSystem = function(type, size, successCallback, errorCallback) {\n    var fail = function(code) {\n        if (typeof errorCallback === 'function') {\n            errorCallback(new FileError(code));\n        }\n    };\n\n    if (type < 0 || type > 3) {\n        fail(FileError.SYNTAX_ERR);\n    } else {\n        // if successful, return a FileSystem object\n        var success = function(file_system) {\n            if (file_system) {\n                if (typeof successCallback === 'function') {\n                    // grab the name and root from the file system object\n                    var result = new FileSystem(file_system.name, file_system.root);\n                    successCallback(result);\n                }\n            }\n            else {\n                // no FileSystem object returned\n                fail(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR);\n            }\n        };\n        exec(success, fail, \"File\", \"requestFileSystem\", [type, size]);\n    }\n};\n\nmodule.exports = requestFileSystem;\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/common/plugin/requestFileSystem.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/common/plugin/requestFileSystem.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
@@ -94,13 +95,13 @@
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Compass\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar CompassError = require('cordova/plugin/CompassError'),\n    callback = null, ready = false;\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    getHeading: function(successCallback, errorCallback) {\n        if (window.DeviceOrientationEvent !== undefined) {\n            callback = function (orientation) {\n                var heading = 360 - orientation.alpha;\n                if (ready) {\n                    successCallback({\n                        magneticHeading: heading,\n                        trueHeading: heading,\n                        headingAccuracy: 0,\n                        timestamp: orientation.timeStamp\n                    });\n                    window.removeEventListener(\"deviceorientation\", callback);\n                }\n                ready = true;\n            };\n            ready = false; // workaround invalid first event value returned by WRT\n            window.addEventListener(\"deviceorientation\", callback);\n        }\n        else {\n            errorCallback(CompassError.COMPASS_NOT_SUPPORTED);\n        }\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Compass.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Compass.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/*global tizen:false */\nvar ContactError = require('cordova/plugin/ContactError'),\n    ContactUtils = require('cordova/plugin/tizen/ContactUtils'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    exec = require('cordova/exec');\n\n// ------------------\n// Utility functions\n// ------------------\n\n\n/**\n * Retrieves a Tizen Contact object from the device by its unique id.\n *\n * @param uid\n *            Unique id of the contact on the device\n * @return {tizen.Contact} Tizen Contact object or null if contact with\n *         specified id is not found\n */\nvar findByUniqueId = function(id) {\n\n    if (!id) {\n        return null;\n    }\n\n    var tizenContact = null;\n\n    tizen.contact.getDefaultAddressBook().find(\n        function _successCallback(contacts){\n            tizenContact = contacts[0];\n        },\n        function _errorCallback(error){\n            console.log(\"tizen find error \" + error);\n        },\n        new tizen.AttributeFilter('id', 'CONTAINS', id),\n        new tizen.SortMode('id', 'ASC'));\n\n    return tizenContact || null;\n};\n\n\nvar traceTizenContact = function (tizenContact) {\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.id \" + tizenContact.id);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.lastUpdated \" + tizenContact.lastUpdated);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.name \" + tizenContact.name);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.account \" + tizenContact.account);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.addresses \" + tizenContact.addresses);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.photoURI \" + tizenContact.photoURI);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.phoneNumbers \" + tizenContact.phoneNumbers);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.emails \" + tizenContact.emails);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.birthday \" + tizenContact.birthday);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.organization \" + tizenContact.organization);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.notes \" + tizenContact.notes);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.urls \" + tizenContact.isFavorite);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.isFavorite \" + tizenContact.isFavorite);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.ringtonesURI \" + tizenContact.ringtonesURI);\n    console.log(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Contact/  tizenContact.categories \" + tizenContact.categories);\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Creates a Tizen contact object from the W3C Contact object and persists\n * it to device storage.\n *\n * @param {Contact}\n *            contact The contact to save\n * @return a new contact object with all properties set\n */\nvar saveToDevice = function(contact) {\n\n    if (!contact) {\n        return;\n    }\n\n    var tizenContact = null;\n    var update = false;\n    var i = 0;\n\n    // if the underlying Tizen Contact object already exists, retrieve it for\n    // update\n    if (contact.id) {\n        // we must attempt to retrieve the BlackBerry contact from the device\n        // because this may be an update operation\n        tizenContact = findByUniqueId(contact.id);\n    }\n\n    // contact not found on device, create a new one\n    if (!tizenContact) {\n        tizenContact = new tizen.Contact();\n    }\n    // update the existing contact\n    else {\n        update = true;\n    }\n\n    // NOTE: The user may be working with a partial Contact object, because only\n    // user-specified Contact fields are returned from a find operation (blame\n    // the W3C spec). If this is an update to an existing Contact, we don't\n    // want to clear an attribute from the contact database simply because the\n    // Contact object that the user passed in contains a null value for that\n    // attribute. So we only copy the non-null Contact attributes to the\n    // Tizen Contact object before saving.\n    //\n    // This means that a user must explicitly set a Contact attribute to a\n    // non-null value in order to update it in the contact database.\n    //\n    traceTizenContact (tizenContact);\n\n    // display name\n    if (contact.displayName !== null) {\n        if (tizenContact.name === null) {\n            tizenContact.name = new tizen.ContactName();\n        }\n        if (tizenContact.name !== null) {\n            tizenContact.name.displayName = contact.displayName;\n        }\n    }\n\n    // name\n    if (contact.name !== null) {\n        if (contact.name.givenName) {\n            if (tizenContact.name === null) {\n                tizenContact.name = new tizen.ContactName();\n            }\n            if (tizenContact.name !== null) {\n                tizenContact.name.firstName = contact.name.givenName;\n            }\n        }\n\n        if  (contact.name.middleName) {\n            if (tizenContact.name === null) {\n                tizenContact.name = new tizen.ContactName();\n            }\n            if (tizenContact.name !== null) {\n                tizenContact.name.middleName = contact.name.middleName;\n            }\n        }\n\n        if (contact.name.familyName) {\n            if (tizenContact.name === null) {\n                tizenContact.name = new tizen.ContactName();\n            }\n            if (tizenContact.name !== null) {\n                tizenContact.name.lastName = contact.name.familyName;\n            }\n        }\n\n        if (contact.name.honorificPrefix) {\n            if (tizenContact.name === null) {\n                tizenContact.name = new tizen.ContactName();\n            }\n            if (tizenContact.name !== null) {\n                tizenContact.name.prefix = contact.name.honorificPrefix;\n            }\n        }\n    }\n\n    // nickname\n    if (contact.nickname !== null) {\n        if (tizenContact.name === null) {\n            tizenContact.name = new tizen.ContactName();\n        }\n        if (tizenContact.name !== null) {\n            if (!utils.isArray(tizenContact.name.nicknames))\n            {\n                tizenContact.name.nicknames = [];\n            }\n            tizenContact.name.nicknames[0] = contact.nickname;\n        }\n    }\n    else {\n        tizenContact.name.nicknames = [];\n    }\n\n    // note\n    if (contact.note !== null) {\n        if (tizenContact.note === null) {\n            tizenContact.note = [];\n        }\n        if (tizenContact.note !== null) {\n            tizenContact.note[0] = contact.note;\n        }\n    }\n\n    // photos\n    if (contact.photos && utils.isArray(contact.emails) && contact.emails.length > 0) {\n        tizenContact.photoURI = contact.photos[0];\n    }\n\n    if (utils.isDate(contact.birthday)) {\n        if (!utils.isDate(tizenContact.birthday)) {\n            tizenContact.birthday = new Date();\n        }\n        if (utils.isDate(tizenContact.birthday)) {\n            tizenContact.birthday.setDate(contact.birthday.getDate());\n        }\n    }\n\n    // Tizen supports many addresses\n    if (utils.isArray(contact.emails)) {\n\n        // if this is an update, re initialize email addresses\n        if (update) {\n            // doit on effacer sur un update??????\n        }\n\n        // copy the first three email addresses found\n        var emails = [];\n        for (i = 0; i < contact.emails.length; i += 1) {\n            var emailTypes = [];\n\n            emailTypes.push (contact.emails[i].type);\n\n            if (contact.emails[i].pref) {\n                emailTypes.push (\"PREF\");\n            }\n\n            emails.push(\n                new tizen.ContactEmailAddress(\n                    contact.emails[i].value,\n                    emailTypes)\n            );\n        }\n        tizenContact.emails = emails.length > 0 ? emails : [];\n    }\n    else {\n        tizenContact.emails = [];\n    }\n\n    // Tizen supports many phone numbers\n    // copy into appropriate fields based on type\n    if (utils.isArray(contact.phoneNumbers)) {\n        // if this is an update, re-initialize phone numbers\n        if (update) {\n        }\n\n        var phoneNumbers = [];\n\n        for (i = 0; i < contact.phoneNumbers.length; i += 1) {\n\n            if (!contact.phoneNumbers[i] || !contact.phoneNumbers[i].value) {\n                continue;\n            }\n\n             var phoneTypes = [];\n             phoneTypes.push (contact.phoneNumbers[i].type);\n\n             if (contact.phoneNumbers[i].pref) {\n                 phoneTypes.push (\"PREF\");\n             }\n\n            phoneNumbers.push(\n                new tizen.ContactPhoneNumber(\n                    contact.phoneNumbers[i].value,\n                    phoneTypes)\n            );\n        }\n\n        tizenContact.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers.length > 0 ? phoneNumbers : [];\n    } else {\n        tizenContact.phoneNumbers = [];\n    }\n\n    if (utils.isArray(contact.addresses)) {\n        // if this is an update, re-initialize addresses\n        if (update) {\n        }\n\n        var addresses = [],\n            address = null;\n\n        for ( i = 0; i < contact.addresses.length; i += 1) {\n            address = contact.addresses[i];\n\n            if (!address || address.id === undefined || address.pref === undefined || address.type === undefined || address.formatted === undefined) {\n                continue;\n            }\n\n            var addressTypes = [];\n            addressTypes.push (address.type);\n\n            if (address.pref) {\n                addressTypes.push (\"PREF\");\n            }\n\n            addresses.push(\n                new tizen.ContactAddress({\n                         country:                   address.country,\n                         region :                   address.region,\n                         city:                      address.locality,\n                         streetAddress:             address.streetAddress,\n                         additionalInformation:     \"\",\n                         postalCode:                address.postalCode,\n                         types :                    addressTypes\n                }));\n\n        }\n        tizenContact.addresses = addresses.length > 0 ? addresses : [];\n\n    } else{\n        tizenContact.addresses = [];\n    }\n\n    // copy first url found to BlackBerry 'webpage' field\n    if (utils.isArray(contact.urls)) {\n        // if this is an update, re-initialize web page\n        if (update) {\n        }\n\n        var url = null,\n            urls = [];\n\n        for ( i = 0; i< contact.urls.length; i+= 1) {\n            url = contact.urls[i];\n\n            if (!url || !url.value) {\n                continue;\n            }\n\n            urls.push( new tizen.ContactWebSite(url.value, url.type));\n        }\n        tizenContact.urls = urls.length > 0 ? urls : [];\n    } else{\n        tizenContact.urls = [];\n    }\n\n    if (utils.isArray(contact.organizations && contact.organizations.length > 0) ) {\n        // if this is an update, re-initialize org attributes\n        var organization = contact.organizations[0];\n\n         tizenContact.organization = new tizen.ContacOrganization({\n             name:          organization.name,\n             department:    organization.department,\n             office:        \"\",\n             title:         organization.title,\n             role:          \"\",\n             logoURI:       \"\"\n         });\n    }\n\n    // categories\n    if (utils.isArray(contact.categories)) {\n        tizenContact.categories = [];\n\n        var category = null;\n\n        for (i = 0; i < contact.categories.length; i += 1) {\n            category = contact.categories[i];\n\n            if (typeof category === \"string\") {\n                tizenContact.categories.push(category);\n            }\n        }\n    }\n    else {\n        tizenContact.categories = [];\n    }\n\n    // save to device\n    // in tizen contact mean update or add\n    // later we might use addBatch and updateBatch\n    if (update){\n        tizen.contact.getDefaultAddressBook().update(tizenContact);\n    }\n    else {\n        tizen.contact.getDefaultAddressBook().add(tizenContact);\n    }\n\n    // Use the fully populated Tizen contact object to create a\n    // corresponding W3C contact object.\n    return ContactUtils.createContact(tizenContact, [ \"*\" ]);\n};\n\n\n/**\n * Creates a Tizen ContactAddress object from a W3C ContactAddress.\n *\n * @return {tizen.ContactAddress} a Tizen ContactAddress object\n */\nvar createTizenAddress = function(address) {\n\n    var type = null,\n        pref = null,\n        typesAr = [];\n\n    if (address === null) {\n        return null;\n    }\n\n\n    var tizenAddress = new tizen.ContactAddress();\n\n    if (tizenAddress === null) {\n        return null;\n    }\n\n    typesAr.push(address.type);\n\n    if (address.pref) {\n        typesAr.push(\"PREF\");\n    }\n\n    tizenAddress.country = address.country || \"\";\n    tizenAddress.region = address.region || \"\";\n    tizenAddress.city = address.locality || \"\";\n    tizenAddress.streetAddress = address.streetAddress || \"\";\n    tizenAddress.postalCode = address.postalCode || \"\";\n    tizenAddress.types = typesAr || \"\";\n\n    return tizenAddress;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    /**\n     * Persists contact to device storage.\n     */\n\n    save : function(successCB, failCB) {\n\n        try {\n            // save the contact and store it's unique id\n            var fullContact = saveToDevice(this);\n\n            this.id = fullContact.id;\n\n            // This contact object may only have a subset of properties\n            // if the save was an update of an existing contact. This is\n            // because the existing contact was likely retrieved using a\n            // subset of properties, so only those properties were set in the\n            // object. For this reason, invoke success with the contact object\n            // returned by saveToDevice since it is fully populated.\n\n            if (typeof successCB === 'function') {\n                successCB(fullContact);\n            }\n        }\n        catch (error) {\n            console.log('Error saving contact: ' +  error);\n\n            if (typeof failCB === 'function') {\n                failCB (new ContactError(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR));\n            }\n        }\n    },\n\n    /**\n     * Removes contact from device storage.\n     *\n     * @param successCB\n     *            successCB callback\n     * @param failCB\n     *            error callback\n     */\n    remove : function (successCB, failCB) {\n\n        try {\n            // retrieve contact from device by id\n            var tizenContact = null;\n\n            if (this.id) {\n                tizenContact = findByUniqueId(this.id);\n            }\n\n\n            // if contact was found, remove it\n            if (tizenContact) {\n\n                tizen.contact.getDefaultAddressBook().remove(tizenContact.id);\n\n                if (typeof success === 'function') {\n                    successCB(this);\n                }\n            }\n            // attempting to remove a contact that hasn't been saved\n            else if (typeof failCB === 'function') {\n                failCB(new ContactError(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR));\n            }\n        }\n        catch (error) {\n            console.log('Error removing contact ' + this.id + \": \" + error);\n            if (typeof failCB === 'function') {\n                failCB(new ContactError(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR));\n            }\n        }\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Contact.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Contact.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/ContactUtils\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/*global tizen:false */\nvar ContactAddress = require('cordova/plugin/ContactAddress'),\n    ContactName = require('cordova/plugin/ContactName'),\n    ContactField = require('cordova/plugin/ContactField'),\n    ContactOrganization = require('cordova/plugin/ContactOrganization'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    Contact = require('cordova/plugin/Contact');\n\n/**\n * Mappings for each Contact field that may be used in a find operation. Maps\n * W3C Contact fields to one or more fields in a Tizen contact object.\n *\n * Example: user searches with a filter on the Contact 'name' field:\n *\n * <code>Contacts.find(['name'], onSuccess, onFail, {filter:'Bob'});</code>\n *\n * The 'name' field does not exist in a Tizen contact. Instead, a filter\n * expression will be built to search the Tizen contacts using the\n * Tizen 'title', 'firstName' and 'lastName' fields.\n */\nvar fieldMappings = {\n    \"id\" : [\"id\"],\n    \"displayName\" : [\"name.displayName\"],\n    \"nickname\": [\"name.nicknames\"],\n    \"name\" : [ \"name.prefix\", \"name.firstName\", \"name.lastName\" ],\n    \"phoneNumbers\" : [\"phoneNumbers.number\",\"phoneNumbers.types\"],\n    \"emails\" : [\"emails.types\", \"emails.email\"],\n    \"addresses\" : [\"addresses.country\",\"addresses.region\",\"addresses.city\",\"addresses.streetAddress\",\"addresses.postalCode\",\"addresses.country\",\"addresses.types\"],\n    \"organizations\" : [\"organization.name\",\"organization.department\",\"organization.office\", \"organization.title\"],\n    \"birthday\" : [\"birthday\"],\n    \"note\" : [\"notes\"],\n    \"photos\" : [\"photoURI\"],\n    \"categories\" : [\"categories\"],\n    \"urls\" : [\"urls.url\", \"urls.type\"]\n};\n\n/*\n * Build an array of all of the valid W3C Contact fields. This is used to\n * substitute all the fields when [\"*\"] is specified.\n */\nvar allFields = [];\n\n(function initializeAllFieldsMapping() {\n\n    for ( var key in fieldMappings) {\n        allFields.push(key);\n    }\n    // as we want it to be executed once\n    function initializeAllFieldsMapping() {\n    }\n\n})();\n\n/**\n * Create a W3C ContactAddress object from a Tizen Address object\n *\n * @param {String}\n *            type the type of address (e.g. work, home)\n * @param {tizen.ContactAddress}\n *            tizenAddress a Tizen Address object\n * @return {ContactAddress} a contact address object or null if the specified\n *         address is null\n */\nvar createContactAddress = function(type, tizenAddress) {\n    if (!tizenAddress) {\n        return null;\n    }\n\n    var streetAddress = tizenAddress.streetAddress;\n    var locality = tizenAddress.city || \"\";\n    var region = tizenAddress.region || \"\";\n    var postalCode = tizenAddress.postalCode || \"\";\n    var country = tizenAddress.country || \"\";\n    var formatted = streetAddress + \", \" + locality + \", \" + region + \", \" + postalCode + \", \" + country;\n\n    var contact = new ContactAddress(null, type, formatted, streetAddress, locality, region, postalCode, country);\n\n    return contact;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    /**\n     * Builds Tizen filter expressions for contact search using the\n     * contact fields and search filter provided.\n     *\n     * @param {String[]}\n     *            fields Array of Contact fields to search\n     * @param {String}\n     *            filter Filter, or search string\n     * @param {Boolean}\n     *                 multiple, one contacts or more wanted as result\n     * @return filter expression or null if fields is empty or filter is null or\n     *         empty\n     */\n\n    buildFilterExpression: function(fields, filter) {\n        // ensure filter exists\n        if (!filter || filter === \"\") {\n            return null;\n        }\n\n        if ((fields.length === 1) && (fields[0] === \"*\")) {\n            // Cordova enhancement to allow fields value of [\"*\"] to indicate\n            // all supported fields.\n            fields = allFields;\n        }\n\n        // build a filter expression using all Contact fields provided\n        var compositeFilter = null,\n            attributeFilter = null,\n            filterExpression = null,\n            matchFlag = \"CONTAINS\",\n            matchValue = filter,\n            attributesArray = [];\n\n        if (fields && utils.isArray(fields)) {\n\n            for ( var field in fields) {\n\n                if (!fields[field]) {\n                    continue;\n                }\n\n                // retrieve Tizen contact fields that map Cordova fields specified\n                // (tizenFields is a string or an array of strings)\n                var tizenFields = fieldMappings[fields[field]];\n\n                if (!tizenFields) {\n                    // does something maps\n                    continue;\n                }\n\n                // construct the filter expression using the Tizen fields\n                for ( var index in tizenFields) {\n                    attributeFilter = new tizen.AttributeFilter(tizenFields[index], matchFlag, matchValue);\n                    if (attributeFilter !== null) {\n                        attributesArray.push(attributeFilter);\n                    }\n                }\n            }\n        }\n\n        // fullfil tizen find attribute as a single or a composite attribute\n        if (attributesArray.length == 1 ) {\n            filterExpression = attributeFilter[0];\n        } else if (attributesArray.length > 1) {\n            // combine the filters as a Union\n            filterExpression = new tizen.CompositeFilter(\"UNION\", attributesArray);\n        } else {\n            filterExpression = null;\n        }\n\n        return filterExpression;\n    },\n\n\n\n    /**\n     * Creates a Contact object from a Tizen Contact object, copying only\n     * the fields specified.\n     *\n     * This is intended as a privately used function but it is made globally\n     * available so that a Contact.save can convert a BlackBerry contact object\n     * into its W3C equivalent.\n     *\n     * @param {tizen.Contact}\n     *            tizenContact Tizen Contact object\n     * @param {String[]}\n     *            fields array of contact fields that should be copied\n     * @return {Contact} a contact object containing the specified fields or\n     *         null if the specified contact is null\n     */\n    createContact: function(tizenContact, fields) {\n\n        if (!tizenContact) {\n            return null;\n        }\n\n        // construct a new contact object\n        // always copy the contact id and displayName fields\n        var contact = new Contact(tizenContact.id, tizenContact.name.displayName);\n\n\n        // nothing to do\n        if (!fields || !(utils.isArray(fields)) || fields.length === 0) {\n            return contact;\n        } else if (fields.length === 1 && fields[0] === \"*\") {\n            // Cordova enhancement to allow fields value of [\"*\"] to indicate\n            // all supported fields.\n            fields = allFields;\n        }\n\n        // add the fields specified\n        for ( var key in fields) {\n\n            var field = fields[key],\n                index = 0;\n\n            if (!field) {\n                continue;\n            }\n\n            // name\n            if (field.indexOf('name') === 0) {\n\n                var formattedName = (tizenContact.name.prefix || \"\");\n\n                if (tizenContact.name.firstName) {\n                    formattedName += ' ';\n                    formattedName += (tizenContact.name.firstName || \"\");\n                }\n\n                if (tizenContact.name.middleName) {\n                    formattedName += ' ';\n                    formattedName += (tizenContact.name.middleName || \"\");\n                }\n\n                if (tizenContact.name.lastName) {\n                    formattedName += ' ';\n                    formattedName += (tizenContact.name.lastName || \"\");\n                }\n\n                contact.name = new ContactName(\n                        formattedName,\n                        tizenContact.name.lastName,\n                        tizenContact.name.firstName,\n                        tizenContact.name.middleName,\n                        tizenContact.name.prefix,\n                        null);\n            }\n\n            // phoneNumbers\n            else if (field.indexOf('phoneNumbers') === 0) {\n\n                var phoneNumbers = [];\n\n                for (index = 0 ; index < tizenContact.phoneNumbers.length ; ++index) {\n\n                    phoneNumbers.push(\n                            new ContactField(\n                                    'PHONE',\n                                    tizenContact.phoneNumbers[index].number,\n                                    ((tizenContact.phoneNumbers[index].types[1]) &&  (tizenContact.emails[index].types[1] === \"PREF\") ) ? true : false));\n                }\n\n\n                contact.phoneNumbers = phoneNumbers.length > 0 ? phoneNumbers : null;\n            }\n\n            // emails\n            else if (field.indexOf('emails') === 0) {\n\n                var emails = [];\n\n                for (index = 0 ; index < tizenContact.emails.length ; ++index) {\n\n                    emails.push(\n                        new ContactField(\n                            'EMAILS',\n                            tizenContact.emails[index].email,\n                            ((tizenContact.emails[index].types[1]) &&  (tizenContact.emails[index].types[1] === \"PREF\") ) ? true : false));\n                }\n                contact.emails = emails.length > 0 ? emails : null;\n            }\n\n            // addresses\n            else if (field.indexOf('addresses') === 0) {\n\n                var addresses = [];\n                for (index = 0 ; index < tizenContact.addresses.length ; ++index) {\n\n                    addresses.push(\n                            new ContactAddress(\n                                    ((tizenContact.addresses[index].types[1] &&  tizenContact.addresses[index].types[1] === \"PREF\") ? true : false),\n                                    tizenContact.addresses[index].types[0] ? tizenContact.addresses[index].types[0] : \"HOME\",\n                                    null,\n                                    tizenContact.addresses[index].streetAddress,\n                                    tizenContact.addresses[index].city,\n                                    tizenContact.addresses[index].region,\n                                    tizenContact.addresses[index].postalCode,\n                                    tizenContact.addresses[index].country ));\n                }\n\n                contact.addresses = addresses.length > 0 ? addresses : null;\n            }\n\n            // birthday\n            else if (field.indexOf('birthday') === 0) {\n                if (utils.isDate(tizenContact.birthday)) {\n                    contact.birthday = tizenContact.birthday;\n                }\n            }\n\n            // note only one in Tizen Contact\n            else if (field.indexOf('note') === 0) {\n                if (tizenContact.note) {\n                    contact.note = tizenContact.note[0];\n                }\n            }\n\n            // organizations\n            else if (field.indexOf('organizations') === 0) {\n\n                var organizations = [];\n\n                // there's only one organization in a Tizen Address\n\n                if (tizenContact.organization) {\n                    organizations.push(\n                            new ContactOrganization(\n                                    true,\n                                    'WORK',\n                                    tizenContact.organization.name,\n                                    tizenContact.organization.department,\n                                    tizenContact.organization.jobTitle));\n                }\n\n                contact.organizations = organizations.length > 0 ? organizations : null;\n            }\n\n            // categories\n            else if (field.indexOf('categories') === 0) {\n\n                var categories = [];\n\n                if (tizenContact.categories) {\n\n                    for (index = 0 ; index < tizenContact.categories.length ; ++index) {\n                        categories.push(\n                                new ContactField(\n                                        'MAIN',\n                                        tizenContact.categories,\n                                        (index === 0) ));\n                    }\n\n                    contact.categories = categories.length > 0 ? categories : null;\n                }\n            }\n\n            // urls\n            else if (field.indexOf('urls') === 0) {\n                var urls = [];\n\n                if (tizenContact.urls) {\n                    for (index = 0 ; index <tizenContact.urls.length ; ++index) {\n                        urls.push(\n                                new ContactField(\n                                        tizenContact.urls[index].type,\n                                        tizenContact.urls[index].url,\n                                        (index === 0)));\n                    }\n                }\n\n                contact.urls = urls.length > 0 ? urls : null;\n            }\n\n            // photos\n            else if (field.indexOf('photos') === 0) {\n                var photos = [];\n\n                if (tizenContact.photoURI) {\n                    photos.push(new ContactField('URI', tizenContact.photoURI, true));\n                }\n\n                contact.photos = photos.length > 0 ? photos : null;\n            }\n        }\n\n        return contact;\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/ContactUtils.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/ContactUtils.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Device\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/*global tizen:false */\nvar channel = require('cordova/channel');\n\n// Tell cordova channel to wait on the CordovaInfoReady event\nchannel.waitForInitialization('onCordovaInfoReady');\n\nfunction Device() {\n    this.version = null;\n    this.uuid = null;\n    this.name = null;\n    this.cordova =  \"2.0.0\";\n    this.platform = \"Tizen\";\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    function onSuccessCallback(sysInfoProp) {\n        me.name = sysInfoProp.model;\n        me.uuid = sysInfoProp.imei;\n        me.version = sysInfoProp.version;\n        channel.onCordovaInfoReady.fire();\n    }\n\n    function onErrorCallback(error) {\n        console.log(\"error initializing cordova: \" + error);\n    }\n\n    channel.onCordovaReady.subscribeOnce(function() {\n        me.getDeviceInfo(onSuccessCallback, onErrorCallback);\n    });\n}\n\nDevice.prototype.getDeviceInfo = function(success, fail, args) {\n    tizen.systeminfo.getPropertyValue(\"Device\", success, fail);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = new Device();\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Device.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Device.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Device\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/*global tizen:false */\nvar channel = require('cordova/channel');\n\n// Tell cordova channel to wait on the CordovaInfoReady event\nchannel.waitForInitialization('onCordovaInfoReady');\n\nfunction Device() {\n    this.version = null;\n    this.uuid = null;\n    this.name = null;\n    this.cordova =  \"2.1.0rc1\";\n    this.platform = \"Tizen\";\n\n    var me = this;\n\n    function onSuccessCallback(sysInfoProp) {\n        me.name = sysInfoProp.model;\n        me.uuid = sysInfoProp.imei;\n        me.version = sysInfoProp.version;\n        channel.onCordovaInfoReady.fire();\n    }\n\n    function onErrorCallback(error) {\n        console.log(\"error initializing cordova: \" + error);\n    }\n\n    channel.onCordovaReady.subscribeOnce(function() {\n        me.getDeviceInfo(onSuccessCallback, onErrorCallback);\n    });\n}\n\nDevice.prototype.getDeviceInfo = function(success, fail, args) {\n    tizen.systeminfo.getPropertyValue(\"Device\", success, fail);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = new Device();\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Device.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Device.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/File\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/*global WebKitBlobBuilder:false */\nvar FileError = require('cordova/plugin/FileError'),\n    DirectoryEntry = require('cordova/plugin/DirectoryEntry'),\n    FileEntry = require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'),\n    File = require('cordova/plugin/File'),\n    FileSystem = require('cordova/plugin/FileSystem');\n\nvar nativeRequestFileSystem = window.webkitRequestFileSystem,\n    nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI = window.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL,\n    NativeFileReader = window.FileReader;\n\nfunction getFileSystemName(nativeFs) {\n    return (nativeFs.name.indexOf(\"Persistent\") != -1) ? \"persistent\" : \"temporary\";\n}\n\nfunction makeEntry(entry) {\n    if (entry.isDirectory) {\n        return new DirectoryEntry(entry.name, decodeURI(entry.toURL()));\n    }\n    else {\n        return new FileEntry(entry.name, decodeURI(entry.toURL()));\n    }\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    /* requestFileSystem */\n    requestFileSystem: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var type = args[0],\n            size = args[1];\n\n        nativeRequestFileSystem(type, size, function(nativeFs) {\n            successCallback(new FileSystem(getFileSystemName(nativeFs), makeEntry(nativeFs.root)));\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    /* resolveLocalFileSystemURI */\n    resolveLocalFileSystemURI: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(entry) {\n            successCallback(makeEntry(entry));\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    /* DirectoryReader */\n    readEntries: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(dirEntry) {\n            var reader = dirEntry.createReader();\n            reader.readEntries(function(entries) {\n                var retVal = [];\n                for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {\n                    retVal.push(makeEntry(entries[i]));\n                }\n                successCallback(retVal);\n            }, function(error) {\n                errorCallback(error.code);\n            });\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    /* Entry */\n    getMetadata: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(entry) {\n            entry.getMetadata(function(metaData) {\n                successCallback(metaData.modificationTime);\n            }, function(error) {\n                errorCallback(error.code);\n            });\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    moveTo: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var srcUri = args[0],\n            parentUri = args[1],\n            name = args[2];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(srcUri, function(source) {\n            nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(parentUri, function(parent) {\n                source.moveTo(parent, name, function(entry) {\n                    successCallback(makeEntry(entry));\n                }, function(error) {\n                    errorCallback(error.code);\n                });\n            }, function(error) {\n                errorCallback(error.code);\n            });\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    copyTo: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var srcUri = args[0],\n            parentUri = args[1],\n            name = args[2];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(srcUri, function(source) {\n            nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(parentUri, function(parent) {\n                source.copyTo(parent, name, function(entry) {\n                    successCallback(makeEntry(entry));\n                }, function(error) {\n                    errorCallback(error.code);\n                });\n            }, function(error) {\n                errorCallback(error.code);\n            });\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    remove: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(entry) {\n            if (entry.fullPath === \"/\") {\n                errorCallback(FileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);\n            } else {\n                entry.remove(successCallback, function(error) {\n                    errorCallback(error.code);\n                });\n            }\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    getParent: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(entry) {\n            entry.getParent(function(entry) {\n                successCallback(makeEntry(entry));\n            }, function(error) {\n                errorCallback(error.code);\n            });\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    /* FileEntry */\n    getFileMetadata: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(entry) {\n            entry.file(function(file) {\n                var retVal = new File(file.name, decodeURI(entry.toURL()), file.type, file.lastModifiedDate, file.size);\n                successCallback(retVal);\n            }, function(error) {\n                errorCallback(error.code);\n            });\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    /* DirectoryEntry */\n    getDirectory: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0],\n            path = args[1],\n            options = args[2];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(entry) {\n            entry.getDirectory(path, options, function(entry) {\n                successCallback(makeEntry(entry));\n            }, function(error) {\n                if (error.code === FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR) {\n                    if (options.create) {\n                        errorCallback(FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR);\n                    } else {\n                        errorCallback(FileError.ENCODING_ERR);\n                    }\n                } else {\n                    errorCallback(error.code);\n                }\n            });\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    removeRecursively: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(entry) {\n            if (entry.fullPath === \"/\") {\n                errorCallback(FileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR);\n            } else {\n                entry.removeRecursively(successCallback, function(error) {\n                    errorCallback(error.code);\n                });\n            }\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    getFile: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0],\n            path = args[1],\n            options = args[2];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(entry) {\n            entry.getFile(path, options, function(entry) {\n                successCallback(makeEntry(entry));\n            }, function(error) {\n                if (error.code === FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR) {\n                    if (options.create) {\n                        errorCallback(FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR);\n                    } else {\n                        errorCallback(FileError.ENCODING_ERR);\n                    }\n                } else {\n                    errorCallback(error.code);\n                }\n            });\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    /* FileReader */\n    readAsText: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0],\n            encoding = args[1];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(entry) {\n            var onLoadEnd = function(evt) {\n                    if (!evt.target.error) {\n                        successCallback(evt.target.result);\n                    }\n            },\n                onError = function(evt) {\n                    errorCallback(evt.target.error.code);\n            };\n\n            var reader = new NativeFileReader();\n\n            reader.onloadend = onLoadEnd;\n            reader.onerror = onError;\n            entry.file(function(file) {\n                reader.readAsText(file, encoding);\n            }, function(error) {\n                errorCallback(error.code);\n            });\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    readAsDataURL: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(entry) {\n            var onLoadEnd = function(evt) {\n                    if (!evt.target.error) {\n                        successCallback(evt.target.result);\n                    }\n            },\n                onError = function(evt) {\n                    errorCallback(evt.target.error.code);\n            };\n\n            var reader = new NativeFileReader();\n\n            reader.onloadend = onLoadEnd;\n            reader.onerror = onError;\n            entry.file(function(file) {\n                reader.readAsDataURL(file);\n            }, function(error) {\n                errorCallback(error.code);\n            });\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    /* FileWriter */\n    write: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0],\n            text = args[1],\n            position = args[2];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(entry) {\n            var onWriteEnd = function(evt) {\n                    if(!evt.target.error) {\n                        successCallback(evt.target.position - position);\n                    } else {\n                        errorCallback(evt.target.error.code);\n                    }\n            },\n                onError = function(evt) {\n                    errorCallback(evt.target.error.code);\n            };\n\n            entry.createWriter(function(writer) {\n                var blob = new WebKitBlobBuilder();\n                blob.append(text);\n\n                writer.onwriteend = onWriteEnd;\n                writer.onerror = onError;\n\n                writer.seek(position);\n                writer.write(blob.getBlob('text/plain'));\n            }, function(error) {\n                errorCallback(error.code);\n            });\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    },\n\n    truncate: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var uri = args[0],\n            size = args[1];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(uri, function(entry) {\n            var onWriteEnd = function(evt) {\n                    if(!evt.target.error) {\n                        successCallback(evt.target.length);\n                    } else {\n                        errorCallback(evt.target.error.code);\n                    }\n            },\n                onError = function(evt) {\n                    errorCallback(evt.target.error.code);\n            };\n\n            entry.createWriter(function(writer) {\n                writer.onwriteend = onWriteEnd;\n                writer.onerror = onError;\n\n                writer.truncate(size);\n            }, function(error) {\n                errorCallback(error.code);\n            });\n        }, function(error) {\n            errorCallback(error.code);\n        });\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/File.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/File.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/FileTransfer\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/*global WebKitBlobBuilder:false */\nvar FileEntry = require('cordova/plugin/FileEntry'),\n    FileTransferError = require('cordova/plugin/FileTransferError'),\n    FileUploadResult = require('cordova/plugin/FileUploadResult');\n\nvar nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI = window.webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL;\n\nfunction getParentPath(filePath) {\n    var pos = filePath.lastIndexOf('/');\n    return filePath.substring(0, pos + 1);\n}\n\nfunction getFileName(filePath) {\n    var pos = filePath.lastIndexOf('/');\n    return filePath.substring(pos + 1);\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    upload: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var filePath = args[0],\n            server = args[1],\n            fileKey = args[2],\n            fileName = args[3],\n            mimeType = args[4],\n            params = args[5],\n            /*trustAllHosts = args[6],*/\n            chunkedMode = args[7];\n\n        nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(filePath, function(entry) {\n            entry.file(function(file) {\n                function uploadFile(blobFile) {\n                    var fd = new FormData();\n\n                    fd.append(fileKey, blobFile, fileName);\n                    for (var prop in params) {\n                        if(params.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {\n                            fd.append(prop, params[prop]);\n                        }\n                    }\n\n                    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n                    xhr.open(\"POST\", server);\n                    xhr.onload = function(evt) {\n                        if (xhr.status == 200) {\n                            var result = new FileUploadResult();\n                            result.bytesSent = file.size;\n                            result.responseCode = xhr.status;\n                            result.response = xhr.response;\n                            successCallback(result);\n                        } else if (xhr.status == 404) {\n                            errorCallback(new FileTransferError(FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR));\n                        } else {\n                            errorCallback(new FileTransferError(FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR));\n                        }\n                    };\n                    xhr.ontimeout = function(evt) {\n                        errorCallback(new FileTransferError(FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR));\n                    };\n\n                    xhr.send(fd);\n                }\n\n                var bytesPerChunk;\n                if (chunkedMode === true) {\n                    bytesPerChunk = 1024 * 1024; // 1MB chunk sizes.\n                } else {\n                    bytesPerChunk = file.size;\n                }\n                var start = 0;\n                var end = bytesPerChunk;\n                while (start < file.size) {\n                    var chunk = file.webkitSlice(start, end, mimeType);\n                    uploadFile(chunk);\n                    start = end;\n                    end = start + bytesPerChunk;\n                }\n            },\n            function(error) {\n                errorCallback(new FileTransferError(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR));\n            }\n            );\n        },\n        function(error) {\n            errorCallback(new FileTransferError(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR));\n        }\n        );\n    },\n\n    download: function(successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var url = args[0],\n            filePath = args[1];\n\n        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\n        function writeFile(fileEntry) {\n            fileEntry.createWriter(function(writer) {\n                writer.onwriteend = function(evt) {\n                    if (!evt.target.error) {\n                        successCallback(new FileEntry(fileEntry.name, fileEntry.toURL()));\n                    } else {\n                        errorCallback(new FileTransferError(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR));\n                    }\n                };\n\n                writer.onerror = function(evt) {\n                    errorCallback(new FileTransferError(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR));\n                };\n\n                var builder = new WebKitBlobBuilder();\n                builder.append(xhr.response);\n                var blob = builder.getBlob();\n                writer.write(blob);\n            },\n            function(error) {\n                errorCallback(new FileTransferError(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR));\n            });\n        }\n\n        xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {\n            if (xhr.readyState == xhr.DONE) {\n                if (xhr.status == 200 && xhr.response) {\n                    nativeResolveLocalFileSystemURI(getParentPath(filePath), function(dir) {\n                        dir.getFile(getFileName(filePath), {create: true}, writeFile, function(error) {\n                            errorCallback(new FileTransferError(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR));\n                        });\n                    }, function(error) {\n                        errorCallback(new FileTransferError(FileTransferError.FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERR));\n                    });\n                } else if (xhr.status == 404) {\n                    errorCallback(new FileTransferError(FileTransferError.INVALID_URL_ERR));\n                } else {\n                    errorCallback(new FileTransferError(FileTransferError.CONNECTION_ERR));\n                }\n            }\n        };\n\n        xhr.open(\"GET\", url, true);\n        xhr.responseType = \"arraybuffer\";\n        xhr.send();\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/FileTransfer.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/FileTransfer.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Media\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/*global Media:false, webkitURL:false */\nvar MediaError = require('cordova/plugin/MediaError'),\n    audioObjects = {};\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    create: function (successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var id = args[0], src = args[1];\n        console.log(\"media::create() - id =\" + id + \", src =\" + src);\n        audioObjects[id] = new Audio(src);\n        audioObjects[id].onStalledCB = function () {\n            console.log(\"media::onStalled()\");\n             audioObjects[id].timer = window.setTimeout(function () {\n                    audioObjects[id].pause();\n                    if (audioObjects[id].currentTime !== 0)\n                        audioObjects[id].currentTime = 0;\n                    console.log(\"media::onStalled() - MEDIA_ERROR -> \" + MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED);\n                    var err = new MediaError(MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED, \"Stalled\");\n                    Media.onStatus(id, Media.MEDIA_ERROR, err);\n                }, 2000);\n        };\n        audioObjects[id].onEndedCB = function () {\n            console.log(\"media::onEndedCB() - MEDIA_STATE -> MEDIA_STOPPED\");\n            Media.onStatus(id, Media.MEDIA_STATE, Media.MEDIA_STOPPED);\n        };\n        audioObjects[id].onErrorCB = function () {\n            console.log(\"media::onErrorCB() - MEDIA_ERROR -> \" + event.srcElement.error);\n            Media.onStatus(id, Media.MEDIA_ERROR, event.srcElement.error);\n        };\n        audioObjects[id].onPlayCB = function () {\n            console.log(\"media::onPlayCB() - MEDIA_STATE -> MEDIA_STARTING\");\n            Media.onStatus(id, Media.MEDIA_STATE, Media.MEDIA_STARTING);\n        };\n        audioObjects[id].onPlayingCB = function () {\n            console.log(\"media::onPlayingCB() - MEDIA_STATE -> MEDIA_RUNNING\");\n            Media.onStatus(id, Media.MEDIA_STATE, Media.MEDIA_RUNNING);\n        };\n        audioObjects[id].onDurationChangeCB = function () {\n            console.log(\"media::onDurationChangeCB() - MEDIA_DURATION -> \" +  audioObjects[id].duration);\n            Media.onStatus(id, Media.MEDIA_DURATION, audioObjects[id].duration);\n        };\n        audioObjects[id].onTimeUpdateCB = function () {\n            console.log(\"media::onTimeUpdateCB() - MEDIA_POSITION -> \" +  audioObjects[id].currentTime);\n            Media.onStatus(id, Media.MEDIA_POSITION, audioObjects[id].currentTime);\n        };\n        audioObjects[id].onCanPlayCB = function () {\n            console.log(\"media::onCanPlayCB()\");\n            window.clearTimeout(audioObjects[id].timer);\n            audioObjects[id].play();\n        };\n      },\n    startPlayingAudio: function (successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var id = args[0], src = args[1], options = args[2];\n        console.log(\"media::startPlayingAudio() - id =\" + id + \", src =\" + src + \", options =\" + options);\n        audioObjects[id].addEventListener('canplay', audioObjects[id].onCanPlayCB);\n        audioObjects[id].addEventListener('ended', audioObjects[id].onEndedCB);\n        audioObjects[id].addEventListener('timeupdate', audioObjects[id].onTimeUpdateCB);\n        audioObjects[id].addEventListener('durationchange', audioObjects[id].onDurationChangeCB);\n        audioObjects[id].addEventListener('playing', audioObjects[id].onPlayingCB);\n        audioObjects[id].addEventListener('play', audioObjects[id].onPlayCB);\n        audioObjects[id].addEventListener('error', audioObjects[id].onErrorCB);\n        audioObjects[id].addEventListener('stalled', audioObjects[id].onStalledCB);\n        audioObjects[id].play();\n    },\n    stopPlayingAudio: function (successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var id = args[0];\n        window.clearTimeout(audioObjects[id].timer);\n        audioObjects[id].pause();\n        if (audioObjects[id].currentTime !== 0)\n            audioObjects[id].currentTime = 0;\n        console.log(\"media::stopPlayingAudio() - MEDIA_STATE -> MEDIA_STOPPED\");\n        Media.onStatus(id, Media.MEDIA_STATE, Media.MEDIA_STOPPED);\n        audioObjects[id].removeEventListener('canplay', audioObjects[id].onCanPlayCB);\n        audioObjects[id].removeEventListener('ended', audioObjects[id].onEndedCB);\n        audioObjects[id].removeEventListener('timeupdate', audioObjects[id].onTimeUpdateCB);\n        audioObjects[id].removeEventListener('durationchange', audioObjects[id].onDurationChangeCB);\n        audioObjects[id].removeEventListener('playing', audioObjects[id].onPlayingCB);\n        audioObjects[id].removeEventListener('play', audioObjects[id].onPlayCB);\n        audioObjects[id].removeEventListener('error', audioObjects[id].onErrorCB);\n        audioObjects[id].removeEventListener('error', audioObjects[id].onStalledCB);\n    },\n    seekToAudio: function (successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var id = args[0], milliseconds = args[1];\n        console.log(\"media::seekToAudio()\");\n         audioObjects[id].currentTime = milliseconds;\n        successCallback( audioObjects[id].currentTime);\n    },\n    pausePlayingAudio: function (successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var id = args[0];\n        console.log(\"media::pausePlayingAudio() - MEDIA_STATE -> MEDIA_PAUSED\");\n        audioObjects[id].pause();\n        Media.onStatus(id, Media.MEDIA_STATE, Media.MEDIA_PAUSED);\n    },\n    getCurrentPositionAudio: function (successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var id = args[0];\n        console.log(\"media::getCurrentPositionAudio()\");\n        successCallback(audioObjects[id].currentTime);\n    },\n    release: function (successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var id = args[0];\n        window.clearTimeout(audioObjects[id].timer);\n        console.log(\"media::release()\");\n    },\n    setVolume: function (successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var id = args[0], volume = args[1];\n        console.log(\"media::setVolume()\");\n        audioObjects[id].volume = volume;\n    },\n    startRecordingAudio: function (successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var id = args[0], src = args[1];\n        console.log(\"media::startRecordingAudio() - id =\" + id + \", src =\" + src);\n\n        function gotStreamCB(stream) {\n            audioObjects[id].src = webkitURL.createObjectURL(stream);\n            console.log(\"media::startRecordingAudio() - stream CB\");\n        }\n\n        function gotStreamFailedCB(error) {\n            console.log(\"media::startRecordingAudio() - error CB:\" + error.toString());\n        }\n\n        if (navigator.webkitGetUserMedia) {\n            audioObjects[id] = new Audio();\n            navigator.webkitGetUserMedia('audio', gotStreamCB, gotStreamFailedCB);\n        } else {\n            console.log(\"webkitGetUserMedia not supported\");\n        }\n        successCallback();\n    },\n    stopRecordingAudio: function (successCallback, errorCallback, args) {\n        var id = args[0];\n        console.log(\"media::stopRecordingAudio() - id =\" + id);\n        audioObjects[id].pause();\n        successCallback();\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Media.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Media.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/MediaError\", function(require, exports, module) {\n\n// The MediaError object already exists on Tizen. This prevents the Cordova\n// version from being defined. This object is used to merge in differences\n// between Tizen and Cordova MediaError objects.\nmodule.exports = {\n        MEDIA_ERR_NONE_ACTIVE : 0,\n        MEDIA_ERR_NONE_SUPPORTED : 4\n};\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/MediaError.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/MediaError.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/NetworkStatus\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/*global tizen:false */\nvar Connection = require('cordova/plugin/Connection');\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    getConnectionInfo: function (successCallback, errorCallback) {\n        var cncType = Connection.NONE;\n        var infoCount = 0;\n\n        function infoCB() {\n            infoCount++;\n            if (infoCount > 1)\n               successCallback(cncType);\n        }\n\n        function errorCB(error) {\n           console.log(\"Error: \" + error.code + \",\" + error.name + \",\" + error.message);\n           infoCB();\n        }\n\n        function wifiSuccessCB(wifi) {\n            if ((wifi.status === \"ON\")  && (wifi.ipAddress.length !== 0))\n                cncType = Connection.WIFI;\n            infoCB();\n        }\n\n        function cellularSuccessCB(cell) {\n            if ((cncType === Connection.NONE) && (cell.status === \"ON\") && (cell.ipAddress.length !== 0))\n                cncType = Connection.CELL_2G;\n            infoCB();\n        }\n\n        if (tizen.systeminfo.isSupported('WifiNetwork')) {\n            tizen.systeminfo.getPropertyValue('WifiNetwork', wifiSuccessCB, errorCB);\n        }\n\n        if (tizen.systeminfo.isSupported('CellularNetwork')) {\n            tizen.systeminfo.getPropertyValue('CellularNetwork', cellularSuccessCB, errorCB);\n        }\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/NetworkStatus.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/NetworkStatus.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
-try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Notification\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar SoundBeat = require('cordova/plugin/tizen/SoundBeat');\n\n/* TODO: get resource path from app environment? */\nvar soundBeat = new SoundBeat([\"./sounds/beep.wav\"]);\n\nmodule.exports = {\n\n    alert: function(message, alertCallback, title, buttonName) {\n        return this.confirm(message, alertCallback, title, buttonName);\n    },\n\n    confirm: function(message, confirmCallback, title, buttonLabels) {\n        var index            =    null,\n            overlayElement    =    null,\n            popup            =    null,\n            element         =    null,\n            titleString        =     null,\n            messageString    =    null,\n            buttonString    =    null,\n            buttonsArray    =    null;\n\n\n        console.log (\"message\" , message);\n        console.log (\"confirmCallback\" , confirmCallback);\n        console.log (\"title\" , title);\n        console.log (\"buttonLabels\" , buttonLabels);\n\n        titleString = '<div class=\"popup-title\"><p>' + title + '</p></div>';\n        messageString = '<div class=\"popup-text\"><p>' + message + '</p></div>';\n        buttonString = '<div class=\"popup-button-bg\"><ul>';\n\n        switch(typeof(buttonLabels))\n        {\n        case \"string\":\n            buttonsArray = buttonLabels.split(\",\");\n\n            if (buttonsArray === null) {\n                buttonsArray = buttonLabels;\n            }\n\n            for (index in buttonsArray) {\n                buttonString += '<li><input id=\"popup-button-' + buttonsArray[index]+\n                                '\" type=\"button\" value=\"' + buttonsArray[index] + '\" /></li>';\n                console.log (\"index: \", index,\"\");\n                console.log (\"buttonsArray[index]: \", buttonsArray[index]);\n                console.log (\"buttonString: \", buttonString);\n            }\n            break;\n\n        case \"array\":\n            if (buttonsArray === null) {\n                buttonsArray = buttonLabels;\n            }\n\n            for (index in buttonsArray) {\n                buttonString += '<li><input id=\"popup-button-' + buttonsArray[index]+\n                                '\" type=\"button\" value=\"' + buttonsArray[index] + '\" /></li>';\n                console.log (\"index: \", index,\"\");\n                console.log (\"buttonsArray[index]: \", buttonsArray[index]);\n                console.log (\"buttonString: \", buttonString);\n            }\n            break;\n        default:\n            console.log (\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Notification, default, buttonLabels: \", buttonLabels);\n            break;\n        }\n\n        buttonString += '</ul></div>';\n\n        overlayElement = document.createElement(\"div\");\n        overlayElement.className = 'ui-popupwindow-screen';\n\n        overlayElement.style.zIndex = 1001;\n        overlayElement.style.width = \"100%\";\n        overlayElement.style.height = \"100%\";\n        overlayElement.style.top = 0;\n        overlayElement.style.left = 0;\n        overlayElement.style.margin = 0;\n        overlayElement.style.padding = 0;\n        overlayElement.style.position = \"absolute\";\n\n        popup = document.createElement(\"div\");\n        popup.className = \"ui-popupwindow\";\n        popup.style.position = \"fixed\";\n        popup.style.zIndex = 1002;\n        popup.innerHTML = titleString + messageString + buttonString;\n\n        document.body.appendChild(overlayElement);\n        document.body.appendChild(popup);\n\n        function createListener(button) {\n            return function() {\n                document.body.removeChild(overlayElement);\n                document.body.removeChild(popup);\n                confirmCallback(button.value);\n            };\n        }\n\n       for (index in buttonsArray) {\n           console.log (\"index: \", index);\n\n           element = document.getElementById(\"popup-button-\" + buttonsArray[index]);\n           element.addEventListener(\"click\", createListener(element), false);\n       }\n    },\n\n    vibrate: function(milliseconds) {\n        console.log (\"milliseconds\" , milliseconds);\n\n        if (navigator.vibrate) {\n            navigator.vibrate(milliseconds);\n        }\n        else {\n            console.log (\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Notification, vibrate API does not exists\");\n        }\n    },\n\n    beep: function(count) {\n        console.log (\"count\" , count);\n        soundBeat.play(count);\n    }\n};\n\n\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Notification.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Notification.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
+try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Notification\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar SoundBeat = require('cordova/plugin/tizen/SoundBeat');\n\n/* TODO: get resource path from app environment? */\nvar soundBeat = new SoundBeat([\"./sounds/beep.wav\"]);\n\nmodule.exports = {\n\n    alert: function(message, alertCallback, title, buttonName) {\n        return this.confirm(message, alertCallback, title, buttonName);\n    },\n\n    confirm: function(message, confirmCallback, title, buttonLabels) {\n        var index            =    null,\n            overlayElement    =    null,\n            popup            =    null,\n            element         =    null,\n            titleString        =     null,\n            messageString    =    null,\n            buttonString    =    null,\n            buttonsArray    =    null;\n\n\n        console.log (\"message\" , message);\n        console.log (\"confirmCallback\" , confirmCallback);\n        console.log (\"title\" , title);\n        console.log (\"buttonLabels\" , buttonLabels);\n\n        titleString = '<div class=\"popup-title\"><p>' + title + '</p></div>';\n        messageString = '<div class=\"popup-text\"><p>' + message + '</p></div>';\n        buttonString = '<div class=\"popup-button-bg\"><ul>';\n\n        switch(typeof(buttonLabels))\n        {\n        case \"string\":\n            buttonsArray = buttonLabels.split(\",\");\n\n            if (buttonsArray === null) {\n                buttonsArray = buttonLabels;\n            }\n\n            for (index in buttonsArray) {\n                buttonString += '<li><input id=\"popup-button-' + buttonsArray[index]+\n                                '\" type=\"button\" value=\"' + buttonsArray[index] + '\" /></li>';\n                console.log (\"index: \", index,\"\");\n                console.log (\"buttonsArray[index]: \", buttonsArray[index]);\n                console.log (\"buttonString: \", buttonString);\n            }\n            break;\n\n        case \"array\":\n            if (buttonsArray === null) {\n                buttonsArray = buttonLabels;\n            }\n\n            for (index in buttonsArray) {\n                buttonString += '<li><input id=\"popup-button-' + buttonsArray[index]+\n                                '\" type=\"button\" value=\"' + buttonsArray[index] + '\" /></li>';\n                console.log (\"index: \", index,\"\");\n                console.log (\"buttonsArray[index]: \", buttonsArray[index]);\n                console.log (\"buttonString: \", buttonString);\n            }\n            break;\n        default:\n            console.log (\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Notification, default, buttonLabels: \", buttonLabels);\n            break;\n        }\n\n        buttonString += '</ul></div>';\n\n        overlayElement = document.createElement(\"div\");\n        overlayElement.className = 'ui-popupwindow-screen';\n\n        overlayElement.style.zIndex = 1001;\n        overlayElement.style.width = \"100%\";\n        overlayElement.style.height = \"100%\";\n        overlayElement.style.top = 0;\n        overlayElement.style.left = 0;\n        overlayElement.style.margin = 0;\n        overlayElement.style.padding = 0;\n        overlayElement.style.position = \"absolute\";\n\n        popup = document.createElement(\"div\");\n        popup.className = \"ui-popupwindow\";\n        popup.style.position = \"fixed\";\n        popup.style.zIndex = 1002;\n        popup.innerHTML = titleString + messageString + buttonString;\n\n        document.body.appendChild(overlayElement);\n        document.body.appendChild(popup);\n\n        function createListener(button) {\n            return function() {\n                document.body.removeChild(overlayElement);\n                document.body.removeChild(popup);\n                confirmCallback(button.value);\n            };\n        }\n\n       for (index in buttonsArray) {\n           console.log (\"index: \", index);\n\n           element = document.getElementById(\"popup-button-\" + buttonsArray[index]);\n           element.addEventListener(\"click\", createListener(element), false);\n       }\n    },\n\n    vibrate: function(milliseconds) {\n        console.log (\"milliseconds\" , milliseconds);\n\n        if (navigator.vibrate) {\n            navigator.vibrate(milliseconds);\n        }\n        else {\n            console.log (\"cordova/plugin/tizen/Notification, vibrate API does not exist\");\n        }\n    },\n\n    beep: function(count) {\n        console.log (\"count\" , count);\n        soundBeat.play(count);\n    }\n};\n\n\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Notification.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/Notification.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/SoundBeat\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/*global webkitAudioContext:false */\n/*\n *  SoundBeat\n * used by Notification Manager beep method\n *\n * This class provides sounds play\n *\n * uses W3C  Web Audio API\n * uses BufferLoader object\n *\n * NOTE: the W3C Web Audio doc tells we do not need to recreate the audio\n *       context to play a sound but only the audiosourcenode (createBufferSource)\n *       in the webkit implementation we have to.\n *\n */\n\nvar BufferLoader = require('cordova/plugin/tizen/BufferLoader');\n\nfunction SoundBeat(urlList) {\n    this.context = null;\n    this.urlList = urlList || null;\n    this.buffers = null;\n}\n\n/*\n * This method play a loaded sounds on the Device\n * @param {Number} times Number of times to play loaded sounds.\n *\n */\nSoundBeat.prototype.play = function(times) {\n\n    var i = 0, sources = [], that = this;\n\n    function finishedLoading (bufferList) {\n        that.buffers = bufferList;\n\n        for (i = 0; i < that.buffers.length ; i +=1) {\n            if (that.context) {\n                sources[i] = that.context.createBufferSource();\n\n                sources[i].buffer = that.buffers[i];\n                sources[i].connect (that.context.destination);\n\n                sources[i].loop = true;\n                sources[i].noteOn (0);\n                sources[i].noteOff(sources[i].buffer.duration * times);\n            }\n        }\n    }\n\n    if (webkitAudioContext !== null) {\n        this.context = new webkitAudioContext();\n    }\n    else {\n        console.log (\"SoundBeat.prototype.play, w3c web audio api not supported\");\n        this.context = null;\n    }\n\n    if (this.context === null) {\n        console.log (\"SoundBeat.prototype.play, cannot create audio context object\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    this.bufferLoader = new BufferLoader (this.context, this.urlList, finishedLoading);\n    if (this.bufferLoader === null) {\n        console.log (\"SoundBeat.prototype.play, cannot create buffer loader object\");\n        return;\n    }\n\n    this.bufferLoader.load();\n};\n\nmodule.exports = SoundBeat;\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/SoundBeat.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/SoundBeat.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/contacts\", function(require, exports, module) {\n/*global tizen:false */\nvar ContactError = require('cordova/plugin/ContactError'),\n    utils = require('cordova/utils'),\n    ContactUtils = require('cordova/plugin/tizen/ContactUtils');\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    /**\n     * Returns an array of Contacts matching the search criteria.\n     *\n     * @return array of Contacts matching search criteria\n     */\n    find : function(fields, successCB, failCB, options) {\n\n        // Success callback is required. Throw exception if not specified.\n        if (typeof successCB !== 'function') {\n            throw new TypeError(\"You must specify a success callback for the find command.\");\n        }\n\n        // Search qualifier is required and cannot be empty.\n        if (!fields || !(utils.isArray(fields)) || fields.length === 0) {\n            if (typeof failCB === 'function') {\n                failCB(new ContactError(ContactError.INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR));\n            }\n            return;\n        }\n\n        // options are optional\n        var filter =\"\",\n            multiple = false,\n            contacts = [],\n            tizenFilter = null;\n\n        if (options) {\n            filter = options.filter || \"\";\n            multiple =  options.multiple || false;\n        }\n\n        if (filter){\n            tizenFilter = ContactUtils.buildFilterExpression(fields, filter);\n        }\n\n        tizen.contact.getDefaultAddressBook().find(\n            function(tizenContacts) {\n                if (multiple) {\n                    for (var index in tizenContacts) {\n                        contacts.push(ContactUtils.createContact(tizenContacts[index], fields));\n                    }\n                }\n                else {\n                    contacts.push(ContactUtils.createContact(tizenContacts[0], fields));\n                }\n\n                // return results\n                successCB(contacts);\n            },\n            function(error) {\n                if (typeof failCB === 'function') {\n                    failCB(ContactError.UNKNOWN_ERROR);\n                }\n            },\n            tizenFilter,\n            null);\n    }\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/contacts.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/contacts.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
 try {eval("define(\"cordova/plugin/tizen/manager\", function(require, exports, module) {\nvar cordova = require('cordova');\n\nmodule.exports = {\n    exec: function (successCallback, errorCallback, clazz, action, args) {\n        var plugin = require('cordova/plugin/tizen/' + clazz);\n\n        if (plugin && typeof plugin[action] === 'function') {\n            var result = plugin[action](successCallback, errorCallback, args);\n            return result || {status: cordova.callbackStatus.NO_RESULT};\n        }\n\n        return {\"status\" : cordova.callbackStatus.CLASS_NOT_FOUND_EXCEPTION, \"message\" : \"Function \" + clazz + \"::\" + action + \" cannot be found\"};\n    },\n    resume: function () {},\n    pause: function () {},\n    destroy: function () {}\n};\n\n});\n\n//@ sourceURL=lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/manager.js")} catch(e) {console.log("exception: in lib/tizen/plugin/tizen/manager.js: " + e);console.log(e.stack);}
diff --git a/framework/cordova.tizen.js b/framework/cordova.tizen.js
index 3be5eb3..2fd0701 100644
--- a/framework/cordova.tizen.js
+++ b/framework/cordova.tizen.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-// commit 7dd17b00544742d14ecdeff2148a66480680f12b
+// commit a290eef8cb6740922a865cdd5d7aa50cc5135ec4
-// File generated at :: Fri Jul 27 2012 11:40:36 GMT+0200 (CEST)
+// File generated at :: Fri Aug 24 2012 16:52:04 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@
 (function () {
     var modules = {};
+    // Stack of moduleIds currently being built.
+    var requireStack = [];
+    // Map of module ID -> index into requireStack of modules currently being built.
+    var inProgressModules = {};
     function build(module) {
         var factory = module.factory;
@@ -41,8 +45,21 @@
     require = function (id) {
         if (!modules[id]) {
             throw "module " + id + " not found";
+        } else if (id in inProgressModules) {
+            var cycle = requireStack.slice(inProgressModules[id]).join('->') + '->' + id;
+            throw "Cycle in require graph: " + cycle;
-        return modules[id].factory ? build(modules[id]) : modules[id].exports;
+        if (modules[id].factory) {
+            try {
+                inProgressModules[id] = requireStack.length;
+                requireStack.push(id);
+                return build(modules[id]);
+            } finally {
+                delete inProgressModules[id];
+                requireStack.pop();
+            }
+        }
+        return modules[id].exports;
     define = function (id, factory) {
@@ -67,6 +84,7 @@
     module.exports.require = require;
     module.exports.define = define;
 // file: lib/cordova.js
 define("cordova", function(require, exports, module) {
 var channel = require('cordova/channel');
@@ -207,10 +225,6 @@
-    // TODO: this is Android only; think about how to do this better
-    shuttingDown:false,
-    UsePolling:false,
-    // END TODO
     // TODO: iOS only
     // This queue holds the currently executing command and all pending
@@ -404,7 +418,8 @@
 // file: lib/common/channel.js
 define("cordova/channel", function(require, exports, module) {
-var utils = require('cordova/utils');
+var utils = require('cordova/utils'),
+    nextGuid = 1;
  * Custom pub-sub "channel" that can have functions subscribed to it
@@ -456,7 +471,6 @@
     this.type = type;
     this.handlers = {};
     this.numHandlers = 0;
-    this.guid = 1;
     this.fired = false;
     this.enabled = true;
     this.events = {
@@ -549,19 +563,19 @@
     g = g || func.observer_guid || f.observer_guid;
     if (!g) {
-        // first time we've seen this subscriber
-        g = this.guid++;
-    }
-    else {
-        // subscriber already handled; dont set it twice
-        return g;
+        // first time any channel has seen this subscriber
+        g = nextGuid++;
     func.observer_guid = g;
     f.observer_guid = g;
-    this.handlers[g] = func;
-    this.numHandlers++;
-    if (this.events.onSubscribe) this.events.onSubscribe.call(this);
-    if (this.fired) func.call(this);
+    // Don't add the same handler more than once.
+    if (!this.handlers[g]) {
+        this.handlers[g] = func;
+        this.numHandlers++;
+        if (this.events.onSubscribe) this.events.onSubscribe.call(this);
+        if (this.fired) func.apply(this, this.fireArgs);
+    }
     return g;
@@ -575,15 +589,14 @@
     var g = null;
     var _this = this;
-    var m = function() {
-        f.apply(c || null, arguments);
-        _this.unsubscribe(g);
-    };
     if (this.fired) {
-        if (typeof c == "object") { f = utils.close(c, f); }
-        f.apply(this, this.fireArgs);
+        f.apply(c || null, this.fireArgs);
     } else {
-        g = this.subscribe(m);
+        g = this.subscribe(function() {
+            _this.unsubscribe(g);
+            f.apply(c || null, arguments);
+        });
+        f.observer_guid = g;
     return g;
@@ -599,7 +612,6 @@
     var handler = this.handlers[g];
     if (handler) {
         if (handler.observer_guid) handler.observer_guid=null;
-        this.handlers[g] = null;
         delete this.handlers[g];
         if (this.events.onUnsubscribe) this.events.onUnsubscribe.call(this);
@@ -613,14 +625,17 @@
     if (this.enabled) {
         var fail = false;
         this.fired = true;
-        for (var item in this.handlers) {
-            var handler = this.handlers[item];
-            if (typeof handler == 'function') {
-                var rv = (handler.apply(this, arguments)===false);
-                fail = fail || rv;
-            }
-        }
         this.fireArgs = arguments;
+        // Copy the values first so that it is safe to modify it from within
+        // callbacks.
+        var toCall = [];
+        for (var item in this.handlers) {
+            toCall.push(this.handlers[item]);
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < toCall.length; ++i) {
+            var rv = (toCall[i].apply(this, arguments)===false);
+            fail = fail || rv;
+        }
         return !fail;
     return true;
@@ -880,7 +895,7 @@
  * Execute a cordova command.  It is up to the native side whether this action
  * is synchronous or asynchronous.  The native side can return:
  *      Synchronous: PluginResult object as a JSON string
- *      Asynchrounous: Empty string ""
+ *      Asynchronous: Empty string ""
  * If async, the native side will cordova.callbackSuccess or cordova.callbackError,
  * depending upon the result of the action.
@@ -2457,10 +2472,12 @@
     var mimeType = null;
     var params = null;
     var chunkedMode = true;
+    var headers = null;
     if (options) {
         fileKey = options.fileKey;
         fileName = options.fileName;
         mimeType = options.mimeType;
+        headers = options.headers;
         if (options.chunkedMode !== null || typeof options.chunkedMode != "undefined") {
             chunkedMode = options.chunkedMode;
@@ -2477,7 +2494,7 @@
-    exec(successCallback, fail, 'FileTransfer', 'upload', [filePath, server, fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, trustAllHosts, chunkedMode]);
+    exec(successCallback, fail, 'FileTransfer', 'upload', [filePath, server, fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, trustAllHosts, chunkedMode, headers]);
@@ -2547,15 +2564,19 @@
  * @param fileName {String}  Filename to be used by the server. Defaults to image.jpg.
  * @param mimeType {String}  Mimetype of the uploaded file. Defaults to image/jpeg.
  * @param params {Object}    Object with key: value params to send to the server.
+ * @param headers {Object}   Keys are header names, values are header values. Multiple
+ *                           headers of the same name are not supported.
-var FileUploadOptions = function(fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params) {
+var FileUploadOptions = function(fileKey, fileName, mimeType, params, headers) {
     this.fileKey = fileKey || null;
     this.fileName = fileName || null;
     this.mimeType = mimeType || null;
     this.params = params || null;
+    this.headers = headers || null;
 module.exports = FileUploadOptions;
 // file: lib/common/plugin/FileUploadResult.js
@@ -2743,7 +2764,7 @@
     if (offset < 0) {
         this.position = Math.max(offset + this.length, 0);
-    // Offset is bigger then file size so set position
+    // Offset is bigger than file size so set position
     // to the end of the file.
     else if (offset > this.length) {
         this.position = this.length;
@@ -2950,7 +2971,6 @@
     var me = this;
     exec(function() {
         me._position = 0;
-        me.successCallback();
     }, this.errorCallback, "Media", "stopPlayingAudio", [this.id]);
@@ -2996,14 +3016,14 @@
  * Start recording audio file.
 Media.prototype.startRecord = function() {
-    exec(this.successCallback, this.errorCallback, "Media", "startRecordingAudio", [this.id, this.src]);
+    exec(null, this.errorCallback, "Media", "startRecordingAudio", [this.id, this.src]);
  * Stop recording audio file.
 Media.prototype.stopRecord = function() {
-    exec(this.successCallback, this.errorCallback, "Media", "stopRecordingAudio", [this.id]);
+    exec(null, this.errorCallback, "Media", "stopRecordingAudio", [this.id]);
@@ -3032,14 +3052,14 @@
     var media = mediaObjects[id];
     // If state update
     if (msg === Media.MEDIA_STATE) {
+        if (media.statusCallback) {
+            media.statusCallback(value);
+        }
         if (value === Media.MEDIA_STOPPED) {
             if (media.successCallback) {
-        if (media.statusCallback) {
-            media.statusCallback(value);
-        }
     else if (msg === Media.MEDIA_DURATION) {
         media._duration = value;
@@ -3113,28 +3133,6 @@
-// TODO: can we axe this?
- * Casts a PluginResult message property  (array of objects) to an array of MediaFile objects
- * (used in Objective-C and Android)
- *
- * @param {PluginResult} pluginResult
- */
-MediaFile.cast = function(pluginResult) {
-    var mediaFiles = [];
-    for (var i=0; i<pluginResult.message.length; i++) {
-        var mediaFile = new MediaFile();
-        mediaFile.name = pluginResult.message[i].name;
-        mediaFile.fullPath = pluginResult.message[i].fullPath;
-        mediaFile.type = pluginResult.message[i].type;
-        mediaFile.lastModifiedDate = pluginResult.message[i].lastModifiedDate;
-        mediaFile.size = pluginResult.message[i].size;
-        mediaFiles.push(mediaFile);
-    }
-    pluginResult.message = mediaFiles;
-    return pluginResult;
 module.exports = MediaFile;
@@ -3393,7 +3391,7 @@
         if (running) {
             // If we're already running then immediately invoke the success callback
-            // but only if we have retreived a value, sample code does not check for null ...
+            // but only if we have retrieved a value, sample code does not check for null ...
             if(accel) {
@@ -3911,7 +3909,7 @@
      * This function creates a new contact, but it does not persist the contact
      * to device storage. To persist the contact to device storage, invoke
      * contact.save().
-     * @param properties an object who's properties will be examined to create a new Contact
+     * @param properties an object whose properties will be examined to create a new Contact
      * @returns new Contact object
     create:function(properties) {
@@ -3998,6 +3996,25 @@
+// file: lib/common/plugin/echo.js
+define("cordova/plugin/echo", function(require, exports, module) {
+var exec = require('cordova/exec');
+ * Sends the given message through exec() to the Echo plugink, which sends it back to the successCallback.
+ * @param successCallback  invoked with a FileSystem object
+ * @param errorCallback  invoked if error occurs retrieving file system
+ * @param message  The string to be echoed.
+ * @param forceAsync  Whether to force an async return value (for testing native->js bridge).
+ */
+module.exports = function(successCallback, errorCallback, message, forceAsync) {
+    var action = forceAsync ? 'echoAsync' : 'echo';
+    exec(successCallback, errorCallback, "Echo", action, [message]);
 // file: lib/common/plugin/geolocation.js
 define("cordova/plugin/geolocation", function(require, exports, module) {
 var utils = require('cordova/utils'),
@@ -4106,7 +4123,7 @@
         } else if (options.timeout === 0) {
-                message:"timeout value in PositionOptions set to 0 and no cached Position object available, or cached Position object's age exceed's provided PositionOptions' maximumAge parameter."
+                message:"timeout value in PositionOptions set to 0 and no cached Position object available, or cached Position object's age exceeds provided PositionOptions' maximumAge parameter."
         // Otherwise we have to call into native to retrieve a position.
         } else {
@@ -4270,7 +4287,7 @@
  * The value used determines which messages get printed.  The logging
  * values above are in order, and only messages logged at the logging
- * level or above will actually be displayed to the user.  Eg, the
+ * level or above will actually be displayed to the user.  E.g., the
  * default level is WARN, so only messages logged with LOG, ERROR, or
  * WARN will be displayed; INFO and DEBUG messages will be ignored.
@@ -5782,7 +5799,7 @@
     this.version = null;
     this.uuid = null;
     this.name = null;
-    this.cordova =  "2.0.0";
+    this.cordova =  "2.1.0rc1";
     this.platform = "Tizen";
     var me = this;
@@ -6628,7 +6645,7 @@
         else {
-            console.log ("cordova/plugin/tizen/Notification, vibrate API does not exists");
+            console.log ("cordova/plugin/tizen/Notification, vibrate API does not exist");
diff --git a/framework/index.html b/framework/index.html
index 5dff21e..64d4e5d 100644
--- a/framework/index.html
+++ b/framework/index.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
 <html lang="en">
-		<script src="cordova-1.7.0.js"></script>
+		<script src="cordova-2.1.0.js"></script>
 		<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tizen.css" />