blob: 12bffa0bffa628193367b18536d9395e43bb82f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file was generated by Tizen Web UI Builder.
* This file will be auto-generated each and everytime you save your project.
* Do not hand edit this file.
// page class
* Object _page2_page()
* @super _page
* @constructor
* @memberOf _page2_page
function _page2_page() {
//inherit _page
_page2_page.prototype = new _page("page2");
// widget assist
_page2_page.prototype.header1 = undefined;
_page2_page.prototype.content1 = undefined;
_page2_page.prototype.htmlblock1 = undefined;
_page2_page.prototype.button1 = undefined;
_page2_page.prototype.button2 = undefined;
// default widget event handler
_page2_page.prototype.button1_ontap = function(event) {};
_page2_page.prototype.button2_ontap = function(event) {};
_page2_page.prototype.init_page = function(isStartPage, htmlPath, cssPath, managedCssPath) {
this.htmlPath = htmlPath;
this.cssPath = cssPath;
this.managedCssPath = managedCssPath;
this._init_page(function() {
// widget assist (real object binding)
* @type jQueryObject
_page2_page.prototype.header1 = $("#page2 #header1");
* @type jQueryObject
_page2_page.prototype.content1 = $("#page2 #content1");
* @type jQueryObject
_page2_page.prototype.htmlblock1 = $("#page2 #htmlblock1");
* @type jQueryObject
_page2_page.prototype.button1 = $("#page2 #button1");
* @type jQueryObject
_page2_page.prototype.button2 = $("#page2 #button2");
// bind widget event handler
_page2_page.prototype.button1.bind("tap", function(event) { _page2_page.prototype.button1_ontap(event); });
_page2_page.prototype.button2.bind("tap", function(event) { _page2_page.prototype.button2_ontap(event); });
}, isStartPage);