blob: f5863cf4bed26dc4a3006eb0858cb5416b361f14 [file] [log] [blame]
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);
//>>description: Shows progressbar
//>>label: Progressbar
//>>group: Tizen:Widgets
define( [
], function ( jQuery ) {
* jQuery UI Progressbar @VERSION
* Copyright 2011, AUTHORS.txt (
* Licensed under the MIT license.
* Depends:
* jquery.ui.core.js
* jquery.ui.widget.js
* Original file:
* jquery.ui.progressbar.js
/* This is from jquery ui plugin - progressbar 11/16/2011 */
@class ProgressBar
The progress bar widget shows a control that indicates the progress percentage of an on-going operation. This widget can be scaled to fit inside a parent container.
To add a progress bar widget to the application, use the following code:
<div id="foo" data-role="progressbar"</div>
@event change
The progress bar can define a callback for the change event, which is fired when the progress value is changed:
<div id="foo" data-role="progressbar"></div>
$("#foo").bind("change", function (ev, val) {
Console.log("Value is changed to " + val);
@method value
You can use the value method with the pickers to set or get the current default progress bar value:
<div id="foo" data-role="progressbar"></div>
var oldVal = $("#foo").progressbar("value");
$("#foo").progressbar("value", 50);
(function ( $, window, undefined ) {
$.widget( "tizen.progressbar", $.mobile.widget, {
options: {
value: 0,
max: 100
min: 0,
_create: function () {
.addClass( "ui-progressbar" )
.attr( {
role: "progressbar",
"aria-valuemin": this.min,
"aria-valuemax": this.options.max,
"aria-valuenow": this._value()
} );
this.valueDiv = $( "<div class='ui-progressbar-value'></div>" )
.appendTo( this.element );
this.valueDiv.wrap("<div class='ui-progressbar-bg'></div>");
this.oldValue = this._value();
_destroy: function () {
.removeClass( "ui-progressbar" )
.removeAttr( "role" )
.removeAttr( "aria-valuemin" )
.removeAttr( "aria-valuemax" )
.removeAttr( "aria-valuenow" );
value: function ( newValue ) {
if ( newValue === undefined ) {
return this._value();
this._setOption( "value", newValue );
return this;
_setOption: function ( key, value ) {
if ( key === "value" ) {
this.options.value = value;
if ( this._value() === this.options.max ) {
this.element.trigger( "complete" );
// jquery.ui.widget.js MUST be updated to new version!
//this._super( "_setOption", key, value );
_value: function () {
var val = this.options.value;
// normalize invalid value
if ( typeof val !== "number" ) {
val = 0;
return Math.min( this.options.max, Math.max( this.min, val ) );
_percentage: function () {
return 100 * this._value() / this.options.max;
_refreshValue: function () {
var value = this.value(),
percentage = this._percentage();
if ( this.oldValue !== value ) {
this.oldValue = value;
this.element.trigger( "change" );
.toggle( value > this.min )
.width( percentage.toFixed(0) + "%" );
this.element.attr( "aria-valuenow", value );
} );
// auto self-init widgets
$( document ).bind( "pagecreate", function ( e ) {
$( ).find( ":jqmData(role='progressbar')" ).progressbar();
} );
}( jQuery, this ) );
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);
} );