blob: c0024f36f2215990f65f53e521be3ebaa39526c8 [file] [log] [blame]
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);
//>>description: Animated page change core logic and sequence handlers
//>>label: Transition Core
//>>group: Transitions
//>>css.structure: ../css/structure/
//>>css.theme: ../css/themes/default/
define( [ "jquery", "./" ], function( jQuery ) {
(function( $, window, undefined ) {
var createHandler = function( sequential ) {
// Default to sequential
if ( sequential === undefined ) {
sequential = true;
return function( name, reverse, $to, $from ) {
var deferred = new $.Deferred(),
reverseClass = reverse ? " reverse" : "",
active = $.mobile.urlHistory.getActive(),
toScroll = active.lastScroll || $.mobile.defaultHomeScroll,
screenHeight = $.mobile.getScreenHeight(),
maxTransitionOverride = $.mobile.maxTransitionWidth !== false && $.mobile.$window.width() > $.mobile.maxTransitionWidth,
none = !$.support.cssTransitions || maxTransitionOverride || !name || name === "none" || Math.max( $.mobile.$window.scrollTop(), toScroll ) > $.mobile.getMaxScrollForTransition(),
toPreClass = " ui-page-pre-in",
toggleViewportClass = function() {
$.mobile.pageContainer.toggleClass( "ui-mobile-viewport-transitioning viewport-" + name );
scrollPage = function() {
// Prevent blinking on page scrolling in Tizen/Android devices.
// Don't scoll window, when current scroll top(scrollTop()) is already at toScroll,
// or when current scroll top is 0 and toScroll is same to defaultHomeScroll
// (which means the top position of page). In these case, page scrolling is not needed.
var st = $.mobile.$window.scrollTop();
if( st === toScroll || ( $.mobile.defaultHomeScroll === toScroll && st == 0 ) ) {
// By using scrollTo instead of silentScroll, we can keep things better in order
// Just to be precautios, disable scrollstart listening like silentScroll would
$.event.special.scrollstart.enabled = false;
window.scrollTo( 0, toScroll );
// reenable scrollstart listening like silentScroll would
setTimeout( function() {
$.event.special.scrollstart.enabled = true;
}, 150 );
cleanFrom = function() {
.removeClass( $.mobile.activePageClass + " out in reverse " + name )
.height( "" );
startOut = function() {
// if it's not sequential, call the doneOut transition to start the TO page animating in simultaneously
if ( !sequential ) {
else {
$from.animationComplete( doneOut );
// Set the from page's height and start it transitioning out
// Note: setting an explicit height helps eliminate tiling in the transitions
.height( screenHeight + $.mobile.$window.scrollTop() )
.addClass( name + " out" + reverseClass );
doneOut = function() {
if ( $from && sequential ) {
startIn = function() {
// Prevent flickering in phonegap container: see comments at #4024 regarding iOS
$to.css( "z-index", -10 );
$to.addClass( $.mobile.activePageClass + toPreClass );
// Send focus to page as it is now display: block
$.mobile.focusPage( $to );
// Set to page height
$to.height( screenHeight + toScroll );
// Restores visibility of the new page: added together with $to.css( "z-index", -10 );
$to.css( "z-index", "" );
if ( !none ) {
$to.animationComplete( doneIn );
.removeClass( toPreClass )
.addClass( name + " in" + reverseClass );
if ( none ) {
setTimeout( doneIn, 0 );
doneIn = function() {
if ( !sequential ) {
if ( $from ) {
.removeClass( "out in reverse " + name )
.height( "" );
// In some browsers (iOS5), 3D transitions block the ability to scroll to the desired location during transition
// This ensures we jump to that spot after the fact, if we aren't there already.
if ( $.mobile.$window.scrollTop() !== toScroll ) {
deferred.resolve( name, reverse, $to, $from, true );
if ( $from && !none ) {
else {
return deferred.promise();
// generate the handlers from the above
var sequentialHandler = createHandler(),
simultaneousHandler = createHandler( false ),
defaultGetMaxScrollForTransition = function() {
return $.mobile.getScreenHeight() * 3;
// Make our transition handler the public default.
$.mobile.defaultTransitionHandler = sequentialHandler;
//transition handler dictionary for 3rd party transitions
$.mobile.transitionHandlers = {
"default": $.mobile.defaultTransitionHandler,
"sequential": sequentialHandler,
"simultaneous": simultaneousHandler
$.mobile.transitionFallbacks = {};
// If transition is defined, check if css 3D transforms are supported, and if not, if a fallback is specified
$.mobile._maybeDegradeTransition = function( transition ) {
if ( transition && !$.support.cssTransform3d && $.mobile.transitionFallbacks[ transition ] ) {
transition = $.mobile.transitionFallbacks[ transition ];
return transition;
// Set the getMaxScrollForTransition to default if no implementation was set by user
$.mobile.getMaxScrollForTransition = $.mobile.getMaxScrollForTransition || defaultGetMaxScrollForTransition;
})( jQuery, this );
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);