blob: 6d133d6584e7bb7bf9d7a7cd008705a793631569 [file] [log] [blame]
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);
//>>description: Shows grid swapping its contents automatically
//>>label: Virtual grid
//>>group: Tizen:Widgets
define( [
'../' ], function ( jQuery ) {
/* ***************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2000 - 2011 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* ***************************************************************************
* Author: Kangsik Kim <>
* Youmin Ha <>
* In the web environment, it is challenging to display a large amount of data in a grid.
* When an application needs to show, for example, image gallery with over 1,000 images,
* the same enormous data must be inserted into a HTML document.
* It takes a long time to display the data and manipulating DOM is complex.
* The virtual grid widget supports storing unlimited data without performance issues
* by reusing a limited number of grid elements.
* The virtual grid widget is based on the jQuery.template plug-in
* For more information, see jQuery.template.
* HTML Attributes:
* data-role: virtualgrid
* data-template : Has the ID of the jQuery.template element.
* jQuery.template for a virtual grid must be defined.
* Style for template would use rem unit to support scalability.
* data-direction : This option define the direction of the scroll.
* You must choose one of the 'x' and 'y' (Default : y)
* data-rotation : This option defines whether or not the circulation of the data.
* If option is 'true' and scroll is reached the last data,
* Widget will present the first data on the screen.
* If option is ‘false’, Widget will operate like a scrollview.
* ID : <DIV> element that has "data-role=virtualgrid" must have ID attribute.
* APIs:
* create ( {
* itemData: function ( idx ) { return json_obj; },
* numItemData: number or function () { return number; },
* cacheItemData: function ( minIdx, maxIdx ) {}
* } )
* : Create VirtualGrid widget. At this moment, _create method is called.
* args : A collection of options
* itemData: A function that returns JSON object for given index. Mandatory.
* numItemData: Total number of itemData. Mandatory.
* cacheItemData: Virtuallist will ask itemData between minIdx and maxIdx.
* Developers can implement this function for preparing data.
* Optional.
* centerTo ( selector )
* : Center the particular item with the class name on the VirtualGrid's display area.;
* i.e., this method selects an item in the data elements of grid using the class name and
* moves the data elements inside the widget to display the row containing the selected item
* in the middle of the screen.
* If multiple items are matched with the class name, the first matched item will be selected.
* This method is only available when "data-rotation" attribute is "true".
* resize ()
* : Rearrange items to fit a new widget size.
* Events:
* scrollstart : : This event triggers when a user begin to move the scroll on VirtualGrid.
* scrollupdate : : This event triggers while a user moves the scroll on VirtualGrid.
* scrollstop : This event triggers when a user stop the scroll on VirtualGrid.
* select : This event triggers when a cell is selected.
* Examples:
* <script id="tizen-demo-namecard" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
* <div class="ui-demo-namecard">
* <div class="ui-demo-namecard-pic">
* <img class="ui-demo-namecard-pic-img" src="${TEAM_LOGO}" />
* </div>
* <div class="ui-demo-namecard-contents">
* <span class="name ui-li-text-main">${NAME}</span>
* <span class="active ui-li-text-sub">${ACTIVE}</span>
* <span class="from ui-li-text-sub">${FROM}</span>
* </div>
* </div>
* </script>
* <div id="virtualgrid-demo" data-role="virtualgrid" data-template="tizen-demo-namecard" >
* </div>
// most of following codes are derived from
@class VirtualGrid
In the Web environment, it is challenging to display large amount of data in a list, such as displaying a contact list of over 1000 list items. It takes time to display the entire list in HTML and the DOM manipulation is complex.
The virtual grid widget is used to display a list of unlimited data elements on the screen for better performance. This widget displays the data in the grid format by reusing the existing grid control space. Virtual grids are based on the jQuery.template plugin as described in the jQuery documentation for jQuery.template plugin.
To add a virtual grid widget to the application, use the following code:
<script id="tizen-demo-namecard" type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<div class="ui-demo-namecard">
<div class="ui-demo-namecard-pic">
<img class="ui-demo-namecard-pic-img" src="${TEAM_LOGO}" />
<div class="ui-demo-namecard-contents">
<span class="name ui-li-text-main">${NAME}</span>
<div id="virtualgrid-demo" data-role="virtualgrid" data-template="tizen-demo-namecard">
@property {String} data-template
Specifies the jQuery.template element ID.
The jQuery.template must be defined. The template style can use rem units to support scalability.
@property {String} data-direction
Defines the scroll direction. The direction options are x (horizontal) and y (vertical).
The default value is y.
@property {Boolean} data-rotation
Defines whether the data elements are displayed from the beginning of the list again once the end of file is reached.
The default value is false.
@event scrollstart
The scrollstart event is fired when the user starts scrolling through the grid:
<div data-role="virtualgrid" data-scroll="y" data-template="tizen-demo-namecard"></div>
$(".selector").on("scrollstart", function(event, ui)
// Handle the scrollstart event
@event scrollupdate
The scrollupdate event is fired when the user moves the scroll bar in the grid:
<div data-role="virtualgrid" data-scroll="y" data-template="tizen-demo-namecard"></div>
$(".selector").on("scrollupdate", function(event, ui)
// Handle the scrollupdate event
@event scrollstop
The scrollstop event is fired when the user stops scrolling:
<div data-role="virtualgrid" data-scroll="y" data-template="tizen-demo-namecard"></div>
$(".selector").on("scrollstop", function(event, ui)
// Handle the scrollstop event
@event select
The select event is fired when a virtual grid cell is selected:
<div data-role="virtualgrid" data-scroll="y" data-template="tizen-demo-namecard"></div>
$(".selector").on("select", function(event, ui)
// Handle the select event
@method create
@param {function} itemData(index)
@param {Number} numItemData
@param {function} cacheItemData(minIndex, maxIndex)
The create method is used to call the jQuery _create method. In the method parameters:
function itemData(index) returns the JSON object matched with the given index. The index value is between 0 and numItemData-1.<br/>
number numItemData or function numItemData() defines or returns a static number of items.<br/>
function cacheItemData(minIndex, maxIndex) prepares the JSON data. This method is called before calling the itemData() method with index values between minIndex and maxIndex.<br/>
<div data-role="virtualgrid" data-scroll="y" data-template="tizen-demo-namecard"></div>
function itemData(idx)
return DATA[idx];
function cacheItemData(minIdx, maxIdx)
// Prepare JSON data between minIdx and maxIdx
var numItemData = DATA.length;
itemData, numItemData, cacheItemData
@method centerTo
The centerTo method is used to center the particular item with the class name on the VirtualGrid's display area. If multiple items are matched with the class name, the first matched item will be selected. This method is only available when "data-rotation" attribute is "true".
<div data-role="virtualgrid" data-scroll="y" data-rotation="true" data-template="tizen-demo-namecard"></div>
$(".selector").virtualgrid("centerTo", selector);
@method resize
The resize method is used to rearrange items to fit a new widget size. :
<div data-role="virtualgrid" data-scroll="y" data-template="tizen-demo-namecard"></div>
@since Tizen2.0
( function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {
function circularNum ( num, total ) {
var n = num % total;
if ( n < 0 ) {
n = total + n;
return n;
function MomentumTracker ( options ) {
this.options = $.extend( {}, options );
this.easing = "easeOutQuad";
var tstates = {
scrolling : 0,
done : 1
imgTagSrcAttrRE = /src\s*=\s*[\"\'][\w\/.]+.[A-z]+[\"\']/;
function getCurrentTime () {
$.extend( MomentumTracker.prototype, {
start : function ( pos, speed, duration ) {
this.state = ( speed !== 0 ) ? tstates.scrolling : tstates.done;
this.pos = pos;
this.speed = speed;
this.duration = duration;
this.fromPos = 0;
this.toPos = 0;
this.startTime = getCurrentTime();
reset : function () {
this.state = tstates.done;
this.pos = 0;
this.speed = 0;
this.duration = 0;
update : function () {
var state = this.state, duration, elapsed, dx, x;
if ( state == tstates.done ) {
return this.pos;
duration = this.duration;
elapsed = getCurrentTime () - this.startTime;
elapsed = elapsed > duration ? duration : elapsed;
dx = this.speed * ( 1 - $.easing[this.easing]( elapsed / duration, elapsed, 0, 1, duration ) );
x = this.pos + ( dx / 2 );
this.pos = x;
if ( elapsed >= duration ) {
this.state = tstates.done;
return this.pos;
done : function () {
return this.state == tstates.done;
getPosition : function () {
return this.pos;
jQuery.widget ( "mobile.virtualgrid",, {
options : {
// virtualgrid option
template : "",
direction : "y",
rotation : false
create : function () {
this._create.apply( this, arguments );
_create : function ( args ) {
$.extend( this, {
// view
_$view : null,
_$clip : null,
_$rows : null,
_tracker : null,
_viewSize : 0,
_clipSize : 0,
_cellSize : undefined,
_currentItemCount : 0,
_itemCount : 1,
_inheritedSize : null,
// timer
_timerInterval : 0,
_timerID : 0,
_timerCB : null,
_lastMove : null,
// Data
_itemData : function ( idx ) { return null; },
_numItemData : 0,
_cacheItemData : function ( minIdx, maxIdx ) { },
_totalRowCnt : 0,
_templateText : null,
_maxViewSize : 0,
_modifyViewPos : 0,
_maxSizeExceptClip : 0,
_maxSize : 0,
// axis - ( true : x , false : y )
_direction : false,
_didDrag : true,
_reservedPos : 0,
_scalableSize : 0,
_eventPos : 0,
_nextPos : 0,
_movePos : 0,
_lastY : 0,
_speedY : 0,
_lastX : 0,
_speedX : 0,
_rowsPerView : 0,
_fragment : null,
_filterRatio : 0.9,
_overflowStartPos : 0,
_overflowDir : 0,
_overflowMaxDragDist : 100
var self = this,
$dom = $( self.element ),
opts = self.options,
$item = null;
// itemData
// If mandatory options are not given, Do nothing.
if ( !args ) {
return ;
if ( !self._loadData( args ) ) {
// make a fragment.
self._fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
// read defined properties(width and height) from dom element.
self._inheritedSize = self._getinheritedSize( self.element );
// set a scroll direction.
self._direction = opts.direction === 'x' ? true : false;
// make view layer
self._$clip = $dom.addClass( "ui-scrollview-clip" ).addClass( "ui-virtualgrid-view" );
$item = $( document.createElement( "div" ) ).addClass( "ui-scrollview-view" );
self._clipSize = self._calculateClipSize();
self._$clip.append( $item );
self._$view = $item;
self._$clip.css( "overflow", "hidden" );
self._$view.css( "overflow", "hidden" );
// inherit from scrollview widget.
self._scrollView = $.tizen.scrollview.prototype;
// create tracker.
self._makePositioned( self._$clip );
self._timerInterval = 1000 / self.options.fps;
self._timerID = 0;
self._timerCB = function () {
$dom.closest( ".ui-content" ).addClass( "ui-virtualgrid-content" ).css( "overflow", "hidden" );
// add event handler.
self._currentItemCount = 0;
// The argument is checked for compliance with the specified format.
// @param args : Object
// @return boolean
_loadData : function ( args ) {
var self = this;
if ( args.itemData && typeof args.itemData == 'function' ) {
self._itemData = args.itemData;
} else {
return false;
if ( args.numItemData ) {
if ( typeof args.numItemData == 'function' ) {
self._numItemData = args.numItemData( );
} else if ( typeof args.numItemData == 'number' ) {
self._numItemData = args.numItemData;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
self._getObjectNames( self._itemData( 0 ) );
return true;
// Make up the first screen.
_initLayout: function () {
var self = this,
opts = self.options,
for ( i = -1; i < self._rowsPerView + 1; i += 1 ) {
$row = self._$rows[ circularNum( i, self._$rows.length ) ];
self._$view.append( $row );
self._setElementTransform( -self._cellSize );
self._replaceRow( self._$view[0].firstChild, self._totalRowCnt - 1 );
if ( opts.rotation && self._rowsPerView >= self._totalRowCnt ) {
self._replaceRow( self._$view[0].lastChild, 0 );
_setViewSize : function () {
var self = this,
height = 0,
width = 0;
if ( self._direction ) {
width = self._cellSize * ( self._rowsPerView + 2 );
width = parseInt( width, 10 ) + 1;
self._$view.width( width );
self._viewSize = self._$view.width();
} else {
self._$view.height( self._cellSize * ( self._rowsPerView + 2 ) );
self._$clip.height( self._clipSize );
self._viewSize = self._$view.height();
_getViewWidth : function () {
var self = this;
return self._maxSize;
_getViewHeight : function () {
var self = this;
return self._maxSize;
refresh : function () {
var self = this,
opts = self.options,
width = 0,
height = 0,
$template = null;
$template = $( "#" + opts.template );
if ( !$template ) {
return ;
self._templateText = self._insertAriaAttrToTmpl( $template.text() );
width = self._calculateClipWidth();
height = self._calculateClipHeight();
self._$view.width( width ).height( height );
self._$clip.width( width ).height( height );
self._clipSize = self._calculateClipSize();
_initPageProperty : function () {
var self = this,
rowsPerView = 0,
columnCount = 0,
totalRowCnt = 0,
attributeName = self._direction ? "width" : "height";
columnCount = self._calculateColumnCount();
totalRowCnt = parseInt( self._numItemData / columnCount, 10 );
self._totalRowCnt = self._numItemData % columnCount === 0 ? totalRowCnt : totalRowCnt + 1;
self._itemCount = columnCount;
if ( self._cellSize <= 0 ) {
return ;
rowsPerView = self._clipSize / self._cellSize;
rowsPerView = Math.ceil( rowsPerView );
self._rowsPerView = parseInt( rowsPerView, 10 );
$child = $( self._makeRows( rowsPerView + 2 ) );
self._$view.append( $child.children() );
self._$view.children().css( attributeName, self._cellSize + "px" );
self._$rows = self._$view.children().detach();
self._reservedPos = -self._cellSize;
self._scalableSize = -self._cellSize;
self._blockScroll = self._rowsPerView > self._totalRowCnt;
self._maxSizeExceptClip = ( self._totalRowCnt - self._rowsPerView ) * self._cellSize;
self._maxSize = self._totalRowCnt * self._cellSize;
self._maxViewSize = ( self._rowsPerView ) * self._cellSize;
self._modifyViewPos = -self._cellSize;
if ( self._clipSize < self._maxViewSize ) {
self._modifyViewPos = ( -self._cellSize ) + ( self._clipSize - self._maxViewSize );
_getinheritedSize : function ( elem ) {
var $target = $( elem ),
ret = {
isDefinedWidth : false,
isDefinedHeight : false,
width : 0,
height : 0
while ( $target[0].nodeType === NODETYPE.ELEMENT_NODE && ( ret.isDefinedWidth === false || ret.isHeightDefined === false ) ) {
height = $target[0].style.height;
width = $target[0].style.width;
if ( ret.isDefinedHeight === false && height !== "" ) {
// Size was defined
ret.isDefinedHeight = true;
ret.height = parseInt( height, 10 );
if ( ret.isDefinedWidth === false && width !== "" ) {
// Size was defined
ret.isDefinedWidth = true;
ret.width = parseInt( width, 10 );
$target = $target.parent();
if ( $target.hasClass( "ui-content" ) ) {
return ret;
_resize : function () {
var self = this,
ret = null,
rowsPerView = 0,
itemCount = 0,
totalRowCnt = 0,
diffRowCnt = 0,
clipSize = 0,
prevcnt = 0,
clipPosition = 0,
rowsLength = 0,
row = null,
size = 0;
if ( self._direction ) {
size = self._calculateClipHeight();
self._$view.height( size );
self._$clip.height( size );
} else {
size = self._calculateClipWidth();
self._$view.width( size );
self._$clip.width( size );
itemCount = self._calculateColumnCount();
if ( itemCount != self._itemCount ) {
totalRowCnt = parseInt( self._numItemData / itemCount, 10 );
self._totalRowCnt = self._numItemData % itemCount === 0 ? totalRowCnt : totalRowCnt + 1;
prevcnt = self._itemCount;
self._itemCount = itemCount;
clipPosition = self._getClipPosition();
diffRowCnt = self._replaceRows( itemCount, prevcnt, self._totalRowCnt, clipPosition );
self._maxSizeExceptClip = ( self._totalRowCnt - self._rowsPerView ) * self._cellSize;
self._maxSize = self._totalRowCnt * self._cellSize;
self._scalableSize += ( -diffRowCnt ) * self._cellSize;
self._reservedPos += ( -diffRowCnt ) * self._cellSize;
self._setScrollBarPosition( diffRowCnt );
clipSize = self._calculateClipSize();
if ( clipSize !== self._clipSize ) {
rowsPerView = clipSize / self._cellSize;
rowsPerView = parseInt( Math.ceil( rowsPerView ), 10 );
if ( rowsPerView > self._rowsPerView ) {
// increase row.
self._increaseRow( rowsPerView - self._rowsPerView );
} else if ( rowsPerView < self._rowsPerView ) {
// decrease row.
self._decreaseRow( self._rowsPerView - rowsPerView );
self._$rows = self._$view.children();
self._$rows.sort( function ( a, b ) {
return a.getAttribute( "row-index" ) - b.getAttribute( "row-index" );
self._rowsPerView = rowsPerView;
self._clipSize = clipSize;
self._blockScroll = self._rowsPerView > self._totalRowCnt;
self._maxSizeExceptClip = ( self._totalRowCnt - self._rowsPerView ) * self._cellSize;
self._maxSize = self._totalRowCnt * self._cellSize;
self._maxViewSize = ( self._rowsPerView ) * self._cellSize;
if ( self._clipSize < self._maxViewSize ) {
self._modifyViewPos = ( -self._cellSize ) + ( self._clipSize - self._maxViewSize );
if ( self._direction ) {
self._$clip.width( self._clipSize );
} else {
self._$clip.height( self._clipSize );
self._setScrollBarPosition( 0 );
resize : function () {
var self = this,
height = 0,
$virtualgrid = $( ".ui-virtualgrid-view" );
self._inheritedSize = self._getinheritedSize( self.element );
if ( $virtualgrid.length !== 0 ) {
_initScrollView : function () {
var self = this,
oldDirection = self.options.direction;
$.extend( self.options, self._scrollView.options );
self.options.direction = oldDirection;
self.options.moveThreshold = 10;
self.options.showScrollBars = false;
self._getScrollHierarchy = self._scrollView._getScrollHierarchy;
self._makePositioned = self._scrollView._makePositioned;
self._set_scrollbar_size = self._scrollView._set_scrollbar_size;
self._setStyleTransform = self._scrollView._setElementTransform;
self._hideOverflowIndicator = self._scrollView._hideOverflowIndicator;
self._showOverflowIndicator = self._scrollView._showOverflowIndicator;
self._setGestureScroll = self._scrollView._setGestureScroll;
_createTracker : function () {
var self = this;
self._tracker = new MomentumTracker( self.options );
if ( self._direction ) {
self._hTracker = self._tracker;
self._$clip.width( self._clipSize );
} else {
self._vTracker = self._tracker;
self._$clip.height( self._clipSize );
// Overflow effect
_createOverflowArea : function () {
var self = this,
prefix = "<div class=\"ui-virtualgrid-overflow-indicator-",
suffixTop = "-top\"></div>",
suffixBottom = "-bottom\"></div>";
if ( self.options.rotation ) {
if ( self._direction ) {
self._overflowTop = $( prefix + "x" + suffixTop );
self._overflowBottom = $( prefix + "x" + suffixBottom );
} else {
self._overflowTop = $( prefix + "y" + suffixTop );
self._overflowBottom = $( prefix + "y" + suffixBottom );
self._$clip.append( self._overflowTop );
self._$clip.append( self._overflowBottom );
self._overflowDisplayed = false;
_hideVGOverflowIndicator : function () {
if ( this._overflowDisplayed === false ) {
this._overflowTop.animate( { opacity: 0 }, 300 );
this._overflowBottom.animate( { opacity: 0 }, 300 );
this._overflowDisplayed = false;
// Scrollbar //
_createScrollBar : function () {
var self = this,
prefix = "<div class=\"ui-scrollbar ui-scrollbar-",
suffix = "\"><div class=\"ui-scrollbar-track\"><div class=\"ui-scrollbar-thumb\"></div></div></div>";
if ( self.options.rotation ) {
return ;
if ( self._direction ) {
self._$clip.append( prefix + "x" + suffix );
self._hScrollBar = self._$clip.children( ".ui-scrollbar-x" );
self._hScrollBar.find( ".ui-scrollbar-thumb" ).addClass( "ui-scrollbar-thumb-x" );
} else {
self._$clip.append( prefix + "y" + suffix );
self._vScrollBar = self._$clip.children( ".ui-scrollbar-y" );
self._vScrollBar.find( ".ui-scrollbar-thumb" ).addClass( "ui-scrollbar-thumb-y" );
_setScrollBarSize: function () {
var self = this,
scrollBarSize = 0,
currentSize = 0,
if ( self.options.rotation ) {
return ;
scrollBarSize = parseInt( self._maxViewSize / self._clipSize, 10 );
if ( self._direction ) {
$scrollBar = self._hScrollBar.find( ".ui-scrollbar-thumb" );
attrName = "width";
currentSize = $scrollBar.width();
className = "ui-scrollbar-thumb-x";
self._hScrollBar.css( "width", self._clipSize );
} else {
$scrollBar = self._vScrollBar.find( ".ui-scrollbar-thumb" );
attrName = "height";
className = "ui-scrollbar-thumb-y";
currentSize = $scrollBar.height();
self._vScrollBar.css( "height", self._clipSize );
if ( scrollBarSize > currentSize ) {
$scrollBar.removeClass( className );
$scrollBar.css( attrName, scrollBarSize );
} else {
scrollBarSize = currentSize;
self._itemScrollSize = parseFloat( ( self._clipSize - scrollBarSize ) / ( self._totalRowCnt - self._rowsPerView ) );
self._itemScrollSize = Math.round( self._itemScrollSize * 100 ) / 100;
_setScrollBarPosition : function ( di, duration ) {
var self = this,
$sbt = null,
x = "0px",
y = "0px",
if ( self.options.rotation ) {
return ;
self._currentItemCount = self._currentItemCount + di;
if ( self._vScrollBar ) {
$sbt = self._vScrollBar.find( ".ui-scrollbar-thumb" );
y = ( self._currentItemCount * self._itemScrollSize ) + "px";
} else {
$sbt = self._hScrollBar.find( ".ui-scrollbar-thumb" );
x = ( self._currentItemCount * self._itemScrollSize ) + "px";
self._setStyleTransform( $sbt, x, y, duration );
_hideScrollBars : function () {
var self = this,
vclass = "ui-scrollbar-visible";
if ( self.options.rotation ) {
return ;
if ( self._vScrollBar ) {
self._vScrollBar.removeClass( vclass );
} else {
self._hScrollBar.removeClass( vclass );
_showScrollBars : function () {
var self = this,
vclass = "ui-scrollbar-visible";
if ( self.options.rotation ) {
return ;
if ( self._vScrollBar ) {
self._vScrollBar.addClass( vclass );
} else {
self._hScrollBar.addClass( vclass );
// scroll process //
centerTo : function ( selector ) {
var self = this,
row = null,
targetItem = null,
targetRowIndex = -1,
rowsLength = self._$rows.length,
if ( !self.options.rotation ) {
for ( i = 0; i < rowsLength; ++i ) {
row = $( self._$rows[ i ] );
targetItem = row.children( "." + selector );
if ( targetItem.length ) {
targetRowIndex = parseInt( row.attr( "row-index" ), 10 );
if ( targetRowIndex === -1 ) {
targetRowIndex = self._getTargetRowIndex( selector );
if ( targetRowIndex === -1 ) {
newPosition = -( targetRowIndex * self._cellSize - ( self._clipSize - self._cellSize ) / 2 );
if ( self._direction ) {
self.scrollTo( newPosition, 0 );
} else {
self.scrollTo( 0, newPosition );
_getTargetRowIndex: function ( selector ) {
var self = this,
dataCount = self._numItemData,
itemCount = self._itemCount,
attrName = self._direction ? "top" : "left",
html = "",
targetRowIndex = self._totalRowCnt,
for ( i = 0; i < dataCount; ++i ) {
html = self._makeHtmlData( i, i % itemCount, attrName );
if ( self._hasClassItem( html, selector ) ) {
targetRowIndex = parseInt( i / itemCount, 10 );
if ( targetRowIndex === self._totalRowCnt ) {
return -1;
return targetRowIndex;
_hasClassItem: function ( html, selector ) {
var self = this,
classString = self._getItemClass( html );
if ( classString.indexOf( selector ) === -1 ) {
return false;
if ( classString.indexOf( "virtualgrid-item" ) === -1 ) {
return false;
return true;
_getItemClass: function ( html ) {
var classIndex = html.indexOf( "class" ),
classBeginIndex = Math.min( html.indexOf( "\"", classIndex ), html.indexOf( "'", classIndex ) ),
classEndIndex = Math.min( html.indexOf( "\"", classBeginIndex + 1 ), html.indexOf( "'", classBeginIndex + 1 ) );
return html.slice( classBeginIndex + 1, classEndIndex );
scrollTo: function ( x, y, duration ) {
var self = this;
if ( self._direction ) {
x -= self._cellSize;
self._sx = self._reservedPos;
self._reservedPos = x;
} else {
y -= self._cellSize;
self._sy = self._reservedPos;
self._reservedPos = y;
self._scrollView.scrollTo.apply( this, [ x, y, duration ] );
getScrollPosition: function () {
if ( this.direction ) {
return { x: -this._ry, y: 0 };
return { x: 0, y: -this._ry };
_setScrollPosition: function ( x, y ) {
var self = this,
sy = self._scalableSize,
distance = self._direction ? x : y,
dy = distance - sy,
di = parseInt( dy / self._cellSize, 10 ),
i = 0,
idx = 0,
replaceStartIdx = 0,
realRowCount = self._rowsPerView + 2,
rawView = self._$view[0];
if ( self._blockScroll ) {
if ( dy > 0 && distance >= -self._cellSize && self._scalableSize >= -self._cellSize ) {
self._overflowDir = _OVERFLOW_DIR_UP;
if ( dy < 0 && self._scalableSize <= -( self._maxSizeExceptClip + self._cellSize ) ) {
self._overflowDir = _OVERFLOW_DIR_DOWN;
if ( ! self.options.rotation ) {
if ( dy > 0 && distance >= -self._cellSize && self._scalableSize >= -self._cellSize ) {
// top
self._scalableSize = -self._cellSize;
self._setElementTransform( -self._cellSize );
if ( self._overflowDir === _OVERFLOW_DIR_NONE ) {
self._overflowDir = _OVERFLOW_DIR_UP;
if ( dy < 0 && self._scalableSize <= -( self._maxSizeExceptClip + self._cellSize ) ) {
// bottom
self._scalableSize = -( self._maxSizeExceptClip + self._cellSize );
self._setElementTransform( self._modifyViewPos );
if ( self._overflowDir === _OVERFLOW_DIR_NONE ) {
self._overflowDir = _OVERFLOW_DIR_DOWN;
replaceStartIdx = ( Math.abs( di ) < realRowCount ) ? 0 : ( di > 0 ) ? di - realRowCount : di + realRowCount;
if ( di > 0 ) { // scroll up
for ( i = replaceStartIdx; i < di; ++i ) {
idx = -parseInt( ( sy / self._cellSize ) + i + 3, 10 );
self._replaceRow( rawView.lastChild, circularNum( idx, self._totalRowCnt ) );
rawView.insertBefore( rawView.lastChild, rawView.firstChild );
} else if ( di < 0 ) { // scroll down
for ( i = replaceStartIdx; i > di; --i ) {
idx = self._rowsPerView - parseInt( ( sy / self._cellSize ) + i, 10 );
self._replaceRow( rawView.firstChild, circularNum( idx, self._totalRowCnt ) );
rawView.insertBefore( rawView.firstChild, rawView.lastChild.nextSibling );
self._setScrollBarPosition( -di );
self._scalableSize += di * self._cellSize;
self._setElementTransform( distance - self._scalableSize - self._cellSize );
_setElementTransform : function ( value ) {
var self = this,
x = 0,
y = 0;
if ( self._direction ) {
x = value + "px";
} else {
y = value + "px";
self._setStyleTransform( self._$view, x, y );
// Event handler //
_handleMomentumScroll: function () {
var self = this,
opts = self.options,
keepGoing = false,
v = this._$view,
x = 0,
y = 0,
t = self._tracker;
if ( t ) {
if ( self._direction ) {
x = t.getPosition();
} else {
y = t.getPosition();
keepGoing = !t.done();
self._setScrollPosition( x, y );
if ( !opts.rotation ) {
keepGoing = !t.done();
self._reservedPos = self._direction ? x : y;
// bottom
self._reservedPos = self._reservedPos <= (-(self._maxSizeExceptClip - self._modifyViewPos)) ? ( - ( self._maxSizeExceptClip + self._cellSize) ) : self._reservedPos;
// top
self._reservedPos = self._reservedPos > -self._cellSize ? -self._cellSize : self._reservedPos;
} else {
self._reservedPos = self._direction ? x : y;
self._$clip.trigger( self.options.updateEventName, [ { x: x, y: y } ] );
if ( keepGoing ) {
self._timerID = setTimeout( self._timerCB, self._timerInterval );
} else {
_startMScroll: function ( speedX, speedY ) {
var self = this;
if ( self._direction ) {
self._sx = self._reservedPos;
} else {
self._sy = self._reservedPos;
self._scrollView._startMScroll.apply( self, [ speedX, speedY ] );
_stopMScroll: function () {
this._scrollView._stopMScroll.apply( this );
_enableTracking: function () {
var self = this;
self._$view.bind( self._dragMoveEvt, self._dragMoveCB );
self._$view.bind( self._dragStopEvt, self._dragStopCB );
self._scrollView._enableTracking.apply( self );
_disableTracking: function () {
var self = this;
self._$view.unbind( self._dragMoveEvt, self._dragMoveCB );
self._$view.unbind( self._dragStopEvt, self._dragStopCB );
self._scrollView._disableTracking.apply( self );
_handleDragStart: function ( e, ex, ey ) {
var self = this;
self._scrollView._handleDragStart.apply( this, [ e, ex, ey ] );
self._eventPos = self._direction ? ex : ey;
self._nextPos = self._reservedPos;
_handleDragMove: function ( e, ex, ey ) {
var self = this,
dx = ex - self._lastX,
dy = ey - self._lastY,
x = 0,
y = 0,
diffFromStartPos = 0,
diffFromLastPos = 0,
opacity = 0,
overflowPos = 0,
overFlowTarget = null;
self._lastMove = getCurrentTime();
self._speedX = dx;
self._speedY = dy;
self._didDrag = true;
self._lastX = ex;
self._lastY = ey;
if ( self._direction ) {
self._movePos = ex - self._eventPos;
x = self._nextPos + self._movePos;
overflowPos = ex;
} else {
self._movePos = ey - self._eventPos;
y = self._nextPos + self._movePos;
overflowPos = ey;
self._setScrollPosition( x, y );
if ( self._overflowDir !== _OVERFLOW_DIR_NONE ) {
overFlowTarget = ( self._overflowDir === _OVERFLOW_DIR_UP ) ? self._overflowTop : self._overflowBottom;
if ( !self._overflowDisplayed ) {
self._overflowDisplayed = true;
self._overflowStartPos = overflowPos;
diffFromStartPos = ( overflowPos - self._overflowStartPos ) * self._overflowDir;
opacity = ( diffFromStartPos < 0 ) ?
0 : ( diffFromStartPos > self._overflowMaxDragDist ) ?
1 : ( diffFromStartPos / self._overflowMaxDragDist );
overFlowTarget.css( "opacity", opacity );
return false;
_handleDragStop: function ( e ) {
var self = this;
self._reservedPos = self._movePos ? self._nextPos + self._movePos : self._reservedPos;
self._scrollView._handleDragStop.apply( this, [ e ] );
if ( self._overflowDir !== _OVERFLOW_DIR_NONE ) {
self._overflowDir = _OVERFLOW_DIR_NONE;
return self._didDrag ? false : undefined;
_addBehaviors: function () {
var self = this;
// scroll event handler.
if ( self.options.eventType === "mouse" ) {
self._dragStartEvt = "mousedown";
self._dragStartCB = function ( e ) {
return self._handleDragStart( e, e.clientX, e.clientY );
self._dragMoveEvt = "mousemove";
self._dragMoveCB = function ( e ) {
return self._handleDragMove( e, e.clientX, e.clientY );
self._dragStopEvt = "mouseup";
self._dragStopCB = function ( e ) {
return self._handleDragStop( e, e.clientX, e.clientY );
self._$view.bind( "vclick", function ( e ) {
return !self._didDrag;
} );
} else { //touch
self._dragStartEvt = "touchstart";
self._dragStartCB = function ( e ) {
var t = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0];
return self._handleDragStart( e, t.pageX, t.pageY );
self._dragMoveEvt = "touchmove";
self._dragMoveCB = function ( e ) {
var t = e.originalEvent.targetTouches[0];
return self._handleDragMove( e, t.pageX, t.pageY );
self._dragStopEvt = "touchend";
self._dragStopCB = function ( e ) {
return self._handleDragStop( e );
self._$view.bind( self._dragStartEvt, self._dragStartCB );
// other events.
self._$view.delegate( ".virtualgrid-item", "click", function ( event ) {
var $selectedItem = $( this );
$selectedItem.trigger( "select", this );
} );
$( window ).bind( "resize", function ( e ) {
var height = 0,
$virtualgrid = $( ".ui-virtualgrid-view" );
if ( $virtualgrid.length !== 0 ) {
} );
$( document ).one( "pageshow", function ( event ) {
var $page = $( self.element ).parents( ".ui-page" ),
$header = $page.find( ":jqmData(role='header')" ),
$footer = $page.find( ":jqmData(role='footer')" ),
$content = $page.find( ":jqmData(role='content')" ),
footerHeight = $footer ? $footer.height() : 0,
headerHeight = $header ? $header.height() : 0;
if ( $page && $content ) {
$content.height( window.innerHeight - headerHeight - footerHeight ).css( "overflow", "hidden" );
$content.addClass( "ui-virtualgrid-content" );
} );
// Calculate size about dom element. //
_calculateClipSize : function () {
var self = this,
clipSize = 0;
if ( self._direction ) {
clipSize = self._calculateClipWidth();
} else {
clipSize = self._calculateClipHeight();
return clipSize;
_calculateClipWidth : function () {
var self = this,
$parent = self._$clip.parent(),
paddingValue = 0,
clipSize = $( window ).width();
if ( self._inheritedSize.isDefinedWidth ) {
return self._inheritedSize.width;
if ( $parent.hasClass( "ui-content" ) ) {
paddingValue = parseInt( $parent.css( "padding-left" ), 10 );
clipSize = clipSize - ( paddingValue || 0 );
paddingValue = parseInt( $parent.css( "padding-right" ), 10 );
clipSize = clipSize - ( paddingValue || 0 );
} else {
clipSize = self._$clip.width();
return clipSize;
_calculateClipHeight : function () {
var self = this,
$parent = self._$clip.parent(),
header = null,
footer = null,
paddingValue = 0,
clipSize = $( window ).height();
if ( self._inheritedSize.isDefinedHeight ) {
return self._inheritedSize.height;
if ( !$parent.hasClass( "ui-content" ) ) {
$parent = $parent.hasClass( "ui-scrollview-view" ) ? $parent.parent() : null;
if ( $parent && $parent.length ) {
paddingValue = parseInt( $parent.css( "padding-top" ), 10 );
clipSize = clipSize - ( paddingValue || 0 );
paddingValue = parseInt( $parent.css( "padding-bottom" ), 10 );
clipSize = clipSize - ( paddingValue || 0 );
header = $parent.siblings( ".ui-header" );
footer = $parent.siblings( ".ui-footer" );
if ( header ) {
if ( header.outerHeight( true ) === null ) {
clipSize = clipSize - ( $( ".ui-header" ).outerHeight() || 0 );
} else {
clipSize = clipSize - header.outerHeight( true );
if ( footer ) {
clipSize = clipSize - footer.outerHeight( true );
} else {
clipSize = self._$clip.height();
return clipSize;
_calculateColumnSize : function () {
var self = this,
$tempBlock = $( self._makeRows( 1 ) );
self._$view.append( $tempBlock.children().first() );
if ( self._direction ) {
// x-axis
self._viewSize = self._$view.width();
$cell = self._$view.children().first().children().first();
self._cellSize = $cell.outerWidth( true );
self._cellOtherSize = $cell.outerHeight( true );
} else {
// y-axis
self._viewSize = self._$view.height();
$cell = self._$view.children().first().children().first();
self._cellSize = $cell.outerHeight( true );
self._cellOtherSize = $cell.outerWidth( true );
_calculateColumnCount : function ( ) {
var self = this,
$view = self._$clip,
viewSize = self._direction ? $view.innerHeight() : $view.innerWidth(),
itemCount = 0 ;
if ( self._direction ) {
viewSize = viewSize - ( parseInt( $view.css( "padding-top" ), 10 ) + parseInt( $view.css( "padding-bottom" ), 10 ) );
} else {
viewSize = viewSize - ( parseInt( $view.css( "padding-left" ), 10 ) + parseInt( $view.css( "padding-right" ), 10 ) );
itemCount = parseInt( ( viewSize / self._cellOtherSize ), 10 );
return itemCount > 0 ? itemCount : 1 ;
// Read the position of clip form property ('webkit-transform').
// @return : number - position of clip.
_getClipPosition : function () {
var self = this,
matrix = null,
contents = null,
result = -self._cellSize,
$scrollview = self._$view.closest( ".ui-scrollview-view" );
if ( $scrollview ) {
matrix = $scrollview.css( "-webkit-transform" );
contents = matrix.substr( 7 );
contents = contents.substr( 0, contents.length - 1 );
contents = contents.split( ', ' );
result = Math.abs( contents [5] );
return result;
// DOM Element handle //
_makeRows : function ( count ) {
var self = this,
index = 0,
row = null,
wrapper = null;
wrapper = self._createElement( "div" );
wrapper.setAttribute( "class", "ui-scrollview-view" );
for ( index = 0; index < count ; index += 1 ) {
row = self._makeRow( index );
if ( self._direction ) { = 0; = index * self._cellSize;
wrapper.appendChild( row );
return wrapper;
// make a single row block
_makeRow : function ( rowIndex ) {
var self = this,
index = rowIndex * self._itemCount,
colIndex = 0,
blockClassName = self._direction ? "ui-virtualgrid-wrapblock-x" : "ui-virtualgrid-wrapblock-y",
wrapBlock = self._createElement( "div" ),
strWrapInner = "",
attrName = self._direction ? "top" : "left";
for ( colIndex = 0; colIndex < self._itemCount; colIndex++ ) {
strWrapInner += self._makeHtmlData( index, colIndex, attrName );
index += 1;
wrapBlock.innerHTML = strWrapInner;
wrapBlock.setAttribute( "class", blockClassName );
wrapBlock.setAttribute( "row-index", String( rowIndex ) );
self._fragment.appendChild( wrapBlock );
return wrapBlock;
_makeHtmlData : function ( dataIndex, colIndex, attrName ) {
var self = this,
htmlStr = "",
itemData = null;
itemData = self._itemData( dataIndex );
if ( itemData ) {
htmlStr = self._getConvertedTmplStr( itemData );
htmlStr = self._insertPosToTmplStr( htmlStr, attrName, ( colIndex * self._cellOtherSize ) );
return htmlStr;
_insertPosToTmplStr : function ( tmplStr, attrName, posVal ) {
var tagCloseIdx = tmplStr.indexOf( '>' ),
classIdx = -1,
found = false,
targetIdx = 0,
i = 0;
if ( tagCloseIdx === -1 ) {
firstPart = tmplStr.slice( 0, tagCloseIdx );
lastPart = tmplStr.slice( tagCloseIdx, tmplStr.length );
classIdx = firstPart.indexOf( 'class' );
if ( classIdx !== -1 ) {
firstPartLen = firstPart.length;
for ( i = classIdx + 6; i < firstPartLen; i++ ) {
if ( firstPart.charAt( i ) === "\"" || firstPart.charAt( i ) === "\'" ) {
if ( found === false ) {
found = true;
} else {
targetIdx = i;
result = firstPart.slice( 0, targetIdx ) + " virtualgrid-item" + firstPart.slice( targetIdx, firstPartLen ) + lastPart;
} else {
result = firstPart + " class=\"virtualgrid-item\"" + lastPart;
if ( !isNaN( posVal ) ) {
result = result.replace( '>', " style=\"" + attrName + ": " + String( posVal ) + "px\">");
return result;
_increaseRow : function ( num ) {
var self = this,
rotation = self.options.rotation,
totalRowCnt = self._totalRowCnt,
rowView = self._$view[ 0 ],
firstRow = null,
lastRow = rowView.lastChild,
row = null,
headRowIndex = 0,
tailRowIndex = 0,
if ( !lastRow ) {
tailRowIndex = parseInt( lastRow.getAttribute( "row-index" ), 10 );
if ( !rotation ) {
firstRow = rowView.firstChild;
headRowIndex = parseInt( firstRow.getAttribute( "row-index" ), 10 );
for ( i = 0 ; i < num ; ++i ) {
if ( tailRowIndex >= totalRowCnt - 1 && !rotation ) {
if ( headRowIndex == 0 ) {
row = self._makeRow( --headRowIndex );
rowView.insertBefore( row, firstRow );
firstRow = row;
} else {
row = self._makeRow( circularNum( ++tailRowIndex, totalRowCnt ) );
rowView.appendChild( row );
if ( self._direction ) {
$( row ).width( self._cellSize );
} else {
$( row ).height( self._cellSize );
_decreaseRow : function ( num ) {
var self = this,
rowView = self._$view[ 0 ],
for ( i = 0 ; i < num ; ++i ) {
rowView.removeChild( rowView.lastChild );
_replaceRows : function ( curCnt, prevCnt, maxCnt, clipPosition ) {
var self = this,
$rows = self._$view.children(),
prevRowIndex = 0,
rowIndex = 0,
diffRowCnt = 0,
targetCnt = 1,
filterCondition = ( self._filterRatio * self._cellSize ) + self._cellSize,
idx = 0;
if ( filterCondition < clipPosition ) {
targetCnt += 1;
prevRowIndex = parseInt( $( $rows[targetCnt] ).attr( "row-index" ), 10 );
if ( prevRowIndex === 0 ) {
// only top.
rowIndex = maxCnt - targetCnt;
} else {
rowIndex = Math.round( ( prevRowIndex * prevCnt ) / curCnt );
if ( rowIndex + self._rowsPerView >= maxCnt ) {
// only bottom.
rowIndex = maxCnt - self._rowsPerView;
diffRowCnt = prevRowIndex - rowIndex;
rowIndex -= targetCnt;
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < $rows.length ; idx += 1 ) {
self._replaceRow( $rows[idx], circularNum( rowIndex, self._totalRowCnt ) );
return -diffRowCnt;
_replaceRow : function ( block, index ) {
var self = this,
tempBlocks = null;
while ( block.hasChildNodes() ) {
block.removeChild( block.lastChild );
tempBlocks = self._makeRow( index );
while ( tempBlocks.children.length ) {
block.appendChild( tempBlocks.children[0] );
block.setAttribute( "row-index", tempBlocks.getAttribute( "row-index" ) );
tempBlocks.parentNode.removeChild( tempBlocks );
_createElement : function ( tag ) {
var element = document.createElement( tag );
this._fragment.appendChild( element );
return element;
_getObjectNames : function ( obj ) {
var properties = [],
name = "";
for ( name in obj ) {
properties.push( name );
this._properties = properties;
_getConvertedTmplStr : function ( data ) {
var self = this,
dataProperties = self._properties,
i = 0,
ret = "";
if ( !data ) {
return ;
plainMsg = self._templateText;
for ( i = 0; i < dataProperties.length; i++ ) {
plainMsg = self._strReplace( plainMsg, "${" + dataProperties[ i ] + "}" , data[ dataProperties[ i ] ] );
plainMsg = self._changeImgSrcAriaAttrFromTmpl( plainMsg );
return plainMsg;
_changeImgSrcAriaAttrFromTmpl : function ( plainMsg ) {
var self = this,
ret = "",
beforeTargetTag = "",
afterTargetTag = "",
temp = plainMsg;
targetTagIdx = temp.indexOf( "$ARIA-IMG-SRC-ALT$" );
while ( targetTagIdx !== -1 ) {
imgFileName = "";
beforeTargetTag = beforeTargetTag + temp.slice( 0, targetTagIdx + 19 );
afterTargetTag = temp.slice( targetTagIdx + 19, temp.length );
srcRegExpResult = afterTargetTag.match( imgTagSrcAttrRE );
if ( srcRegExpResult ) {
imgSrcSlashIdx = srcRegExpResult[0].lastIndexOf( "/" );
if ( imgSrcSlashIdx !== -1 ) {
imgFileName = srcRegExpResult[0].slice( imgSrcSlashIdx + 1, -1 );
beforeTargetTag = beforeTargetTag.replace( "$ARIA-IMG-SRC-ALT$", imgFileName );
temp = afterTargetTag;
targetTagIdx = temp.indexOf( "$ARIA-IMG-SRC-ALT$" );
ret = beforeTargetTag + afterTargetTag;
if ( ret === "" ) {
ret = plainMsg;
return ret;
_insertAriaAttrToTmpl : function ( plainMsg ) {
var ret = "",
beforeTargetTag = "",
afterTargetTag = "",
temp = plainMsg.replace( "<div", "<div tabindex=\"0\" aria-selected=\"true\"" );
targetTagIdx = temp.indexOf( "<img" );
if ( targetTagIdx !== -1 ) {
while ( targetTagIdx !== -1 ) {
beforeTargetTag = beforeTargetTag + temp.slice( 0, targetTagIdx + 4 );
afterTargetTag = temp.slice( targetTagIdx + 4, temp.length );
beforeTargetTag = beforeTargetTag + " role=\"img\" alt=\"$ARIA-IMG-SRC-ALT$\"";
temp = afterTargetTag;
targetTagIdx = temp.indexOf( "<img" );
ret = beforeTargetTag + afterTargetTag;
temp = ret;
targetTagIdx = temp.indexOf( "<span" );
beforeTargetTag = "";
while ( targetTagIdx !== -1 ) {
beforeTargetTag = beforeTargetTag + temp.slice( 0, targetTagIdx + 5 );
afterTargetTag = temp.slice( targetTagIdx + 5, temp.length );
beforeTargetTag = beforeTargetTag + " aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\"";
temp = afterTargetTag;
targetTagIdx = temp.indexOf( "<span" );
ret = beforeTargetTag + afterTargetTag;
if ( ret === "" ) {
ret = plainMsg;
return ret;
_strReplace : function ( plainMsg, stringToFind, stringToReplace ) {
var temp = plainMsg,
index = plainMsg.indexOf( stringToFind );
while ( index !== -1 ) {
temp = temp.replace( stringToFind, stringToReplace );
index = temp.indexOf( stringToFind );
return temp;
} );
$( document ).bind( "pagecreate create", function ( e ) {
$( ":jqmData(role='virtualgrid')" ).virtualgrid();
} );
} ( jQuery, window, document ) );
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);
} );