blob: 43ff2fe3995b6cd6f630e0253c6328761f6edda3 [file] [log] [blame]
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);
//>>description: Global initialization of the library.
//>>label: Init
//>>group: Core
define( [ "jquery", "./", "./", "./",
"./", "./widgets/loader", "./", "./jquery.hashchange" ], function( jQuery ) {
(function( $, window, undefined ) {
var $html = $( "html" ),
$head = $( "head" ),
$window = $.mobile.$window;
//remove initial build class (only present on first pageshow)
function hideRenderingClass() {
$html.removeClass( "ui-mobile-rendering" );
// trigger mobileinit event - useful hook for configuring $.mobile settings before they're used
$( window.document ).trigger( "mobileinit" );
// support conditions
// if device support condition(s) aren't met, leave things as they are -> a basic, usable experience,
// otherwise, proceed with the enhancements
if ( !$.mobile.gradeA() ) {
// override ajaxEnabled on platforms that have known conflicts with hash history updates
// or generally work better browsing in regular http for full page refreshes (BB5, Opera Mini)
if ( $.mobile.ajaxBlacklist ) {
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
// Add mobile, initial load "rendering" classes to docEl
$html.addClass( "ui-mobile ui-mobile-rendering" );
// This is a fallback. If anything goes wrong (JS errors, etc), or events don't fire,
// this ensures the rendering class is removed after 5 seconds, so content is visible and accessible
setTimeout( hideRenderingClass, 5000 );
$.extend( $.mobile, {
addEventBlocker: function () {
$html.addClass( "ui-blocker" );
$html.bind( "touchstart touchend vclick mousedown mouseup click", function () {
return false;
} );
removeEventBlocker: function () {
$html.removeClass( "ui-blocker" );
$html.unbind( "touchstart touchend vclick mousedown mouseup click" );
// find and enhance the pages in the dom and transition to the first page.
initializePage: function() {
// find present pages
var $pages = $( ":jqmData(role='page'), :jqmData(role='dialog')" ),
hash = $.mobile.path.parseLocation().hash.replace("#", ""),
hashPage = document.getElementById( hash );
// if no pages are found, create one with body's inner html
if ( !$pages.length ) {
$pages = $( "body" ).wrapInner( "<div data-" + $.mobile.ns + "role='page'></div>" ).children( 0 );
// add dialogs, set data-url attrs
$pages.each(function() {
var $this = $( this );
// unless the data url is already set set it to the pathname
if ( !$this[0].getAttribute( "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "url" ) ) {
$this.attr( "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "url", $this.attr( "id" ) || location.pathname + );
// define first page in dom case one backs out to the directory root (not always the first page visited, but defined as fallback)
$.mobile.firstPage = $pages.first();
// define page container
$.mobile.pageContainer = $.mobile.firstPage.parent().addClass( "ui-mobile-viewport" );
// alert listeners that the pagecontainer has been determined for binding
// to events triggered on it
$window.trigger( "pagecontainercreate" );
// cue page loading message
//remove initial build class (only present on first pageshow)
// if hashchange listening is disabled, there's no hash deeplink,
// the hash is not valid (contains more than one # or does not start with #)
// or there is no page with that hash, change to the first page in the DOM
// Remember, however, that the hash can also be a path!
if ( ! ( $.mobile.hashListeningEnabled &&
$.mobile.path.isHashValid( location.hash ) &&
( $( hashPage ).is( ':jqmData(role="page")' ) ||
$.mobile.path.isPath( hash ) ||
hash === $.mobile.dialogHashKey ) ) ) {
// Store the initial destination
if ( $.mobile.path.isHashValid( location.hash ) ) {
$.mobile.urlHistory.initialDst = hash.replace( "#", "" );
$.mobile.changePage( $.mobile.firstPage, { transition: "none", reverse: true, changeHash: false, fromHashChange: true } );
// otherwise, trigger a hashchange to load a deeplink
else {
$window.trigger( "hashchange", [ true ] );
// initialize events now, after mobileinit has occurred
// check which scrollTop value should be used by scrolling to 1 immediately at domready
// then check what the scroll top is. Android will report 0... others 1
// note that this initial scroll won't hide the address bar. It's just for the check.
$(function() {
// window.scrollTo( 0, 1 );
// if defaultHomeScroll hasn't been set yet, see if scrollTop is 1
// it should be 1 in most browsers, but android treats 1 as 0 (for hiding addr bar)
// so if it's 1, use 0 from now on
$.mobile.defaultHomeScroll = ( !$.support.scrollTop || $.mobile.$window.scrollTop() === 1 ) ? 0 : 1;
// TODO: Implement a proper registration mechanism with dependency handling in order to not have exceptions like the one below
//auto self-init widgets for those widgets that have a soft dependency on others
if ( $.fn.controlgroup ) {
$.mobile.$document.bind( "pagecreate create", function( e ) {
$( ":jqmData(role='controlgroup')", )
.controlgroup({ excludeInvisible: false });
//dom-ready inits
if ( $.mobile.autoInitializePage ) {
// window load event
// hide iOS browser chrome on load
$window.load( $.mobile.silentScroll );
if ( !$.support.cssPointerEvents ) {
// IE and Opera don't support CSS pointer-events: none that we use to disable link-based buttons
// by adding the 'ui-disabled' class to them. Using a JavaScript workaround for those browser.
$.mobile.$document.delegate( ".ui-disabled", "vclick",
function( e ) {
}( jQuery, this ));
//>>excludeStart("jqmBuildExclude", pragmas.jqmBuildExclude);