blob: c701ca0b84b38ae3cd1ac57568b06badd8dc1a19 [file] [log] [blame]
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var exec = require('./exec'),
Q = require('q');
* Launches the specified browser with the given URL.
* Based on
* @param {{target: ?string, url: ?string, dataDir: ?string}} opts - parameters:
* target - the target browser - ie, chrome, safari, opera, firefox or chromium
* url - the url to open in the browser
* dataDir - a data dir to provide to Chrome (can be used to force it to open in a new window)
* @return {Q} Promise to launch the specified browser
module.exports = function (opts) {
var target = || 'chrome';
var url = opts.url || '';
return getBrowser(target, opts.dataDir).then(function (browser) {
var args;
var urlAdded = false;
switch (process.platform) {
case 'darwin':
args = ['open'];
if (target == 'chrome') {
// Chrome needs to be launched in a new window. Other browsers, particularly, opera does not work with this.
args.push('-a', browser);
case 'win32':
// On Windows, we really want to use the "start" command. But, the rules regarding arguments with spaces, and
// escaping them with quotes, can get really arcane. So the easiest way to deal with this is to pass off the
// responsibility to "cmd /c", which has that logic built in.
// Furthermore, if "cmd /c" double-quoted the first parameter, then "start" will interpret it as a window title,
// so we need to add a dummy empty-string window title:
if (target === 'edge') {
browser += ':' + url;
urlAdded = true;
args = ['cmd /c start ""', browser];
case 'linux':
// if a browser is specified, launch it with the url as argument
// otherwise, use xdg-open.
args = [browser];
if (!urlAdded) {
var command = args.join(' ');
return exec(command);
function getBrowser(target, dataDir) {
dataDir = dataDir || 'temp_chrome_user_data_dir_for_cordova';
var chromeArgs = ' --user-data-dir=/tmp/' + dataDir;
var browsers = {
'win32': {
'ie': 'iexplore',
'chrome': 'chrome --user-data-dir=%TEMP%\\' + dataDir,
'safari': 'safari',
'opera': 'opera',
'firefox': 'firefox',
'edge': 'microsoft-edge'
'darwin': {
'chrome': '"Google Chrome" --args' + chromeArgs,
'safari': 'safari',
'firefox': 'firefox',
'opera': 'opera'
'linux' : {
'chrome': 'google-chrome' + chromeArgs ,
'chromium': 'chromium-browser' + chromeArgs,
'firefox': 'firefox',
'opera': 'opera'
target = target.toLowerCase();
if (target in browsers[process.platform]) {
return Q(browsers[process.platform][target]);
return Q.reject('Browser target not supported: ' + target);