blob: 0dead4189c302d24b75dd052d66007b9f38cc82d [file] [log] [blame]
module.exports =
{ _id:'_design/ghost'
, rewrites: ghostRewrites()
, language: "javascript"
function ghostRewrites () {
return require("./rewrites.js").map(function (rule) {
var to =
// Note: requests to /_users/blah are still passed through directly.
if (\/_users(?:\/|$)/) &&
!rule.from.match(/^\/?_users/)) {
if (rule.method === "GET") {
to = to.replace(/\/_users(\/|$)/, "/public_users$1")
} else if (rule.method === "PUT") {
// when couchdb lets us PUT to _update functions on _users,
// uncomment this. For now, we'll just leave it as-is,
// and use newedits=false to sync the rev fields to public_users.
// to = to.replace(/\/_users(\/|$)/,
// "/_users/_design/auth/_update/norev$1")
} else {
to = "../app/" + to
to = to.replace(/\/\/+/g, '/')
return { from: rule.from
, method: rule.method
, query: rule.query
, to: to
if (require.main === module) console.log(module.exports)