blob: e51957a9304c4b5831d6eade15be3167964f3cbe [file] [log] [blame]
var lists = module.exports = {}
lists.first = function (head, req) {
var row = getRow()
send(toJSON([row,, row.doc]))
lists.short = function (head, req) {
require("monkeypatch").patch(Object, Date, Array, String)
var out = {}
, row
, show = ( || "").split(",")
, v = show.indexOf("version") !== -1
, t = show.indexOf("tag") !== -1
while (row = getRow()) {
if (! continue
if (!t && !v) {
out[] = true
var val = row.value
if (t) Object.keys(val["dist-tags"] || {}).forEach(function (t) {
out[ + "@" + t] = true
if (v) Object.keys(val.versions || {}).forEach(function (v) {
out[ + "@" + v] = true
lists.rss = function (head, req) {
var limit = +req.query.limit
, desc = req.query.descending
if (!desc || !limit || limit > 50 || limit < 0) {
start({ code: 403
, headers: { 'Content-type': 'text/xml' }})
send('<error><![CDATA[Please retry your request with '
+ '?descending=true&limit=50 query params]]></error>')
start({ code: 200
// application/rss+xml is correcter, but also annoyinger
, headers: { "Content-Type": "text/xml" } })
send('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
+'\n<!DOCTYPE rss PUBLIC "-//Netscape Communications//DTD RSS 0.91//EN" '
+'\n<rss version="0.91">'
+'\n <channel>'
+'\n <title>npm recent updates</title>'
+'\n <link></link>'
+'\n <description>Updates to the npm package registry</description>'
+'\n <language>en</language>')
var row
while (row = getRow()) {
if (!row.value || !row.value["dist-tags"]) continue
var doc = row.value
var authors = (m) {
return '<author>' + + '</author>'
}).join('\n ')
var latest = doc["dist-tags"].latest
var time = doc.time && doc.time[latest]
var date = new Date(time)
doc = doc.versions[latest]
if (!doc || !time || !date) continue
var url = "" +
send('\n <item>'
+'\n <title>' + doc._id + '</title>'
+'\n <link>' + url + '</link>'
+'\n ' + authors
+'\n <description><![CDATA['
+ (doc.description || '').trim() + ']]></description>'
+'\n <pubDate>' + date.toISOString() + '</pubDate>'
+'\n </item>')
send('\n </channel>'
lists.index = function (head, req) {
require("monkeypatch").patch(Object, Date, Array, String)
var basePath = req.requested_path
if (basePath.indexOf("_list") === -1) basePath = ""
else {
basePath = basePath.slice(0, basePath.indexOf("_list"))
.concat(["_rewrite", ""]).join("/")
var row
, semver = require("semver")
, res = []
if (req.query.jsonp) send(req.query.jsonp + "(")
send('{"_updated":' +
while (row = getRow()) {
if (! continue
var doc = row.value
if (! || !doc._id ||
encodeURIComponent(doc._id) !== doc._id) continue
var p = {}
// legacy kludge
delete doc.mtime
delete doc.ctime
if (doc.versions) for (var v in doc.versions) {
var clean = semver.clean(v)
delete doc.versions[v].ctime
delete doc.versions[v].mtime
if (clean !== v) {
var x = doc.versions[v]
delete doc.versions[v]
x.version = v = clean
doc.versions[clean] = x
if (doc["dist-tags"]) for (var tag in doc["dist-tags"]) {
var clean = semver.clean(doc["dist-tags"][tag])
if (!clean) delete doc["dist-tags"][tag]
else doc["dist-tags"][tag] = clean
// end kludge
for (var i in doc) {
if (i === "versions" || i.charAt(0) === "_" || i === 'readme' ||
i === 'time') continue
p[i] = doc[i]
if (doc.time) {
p.time = { modified: doc.time.modified }
if (p['dist-tags'] && typeof p['dist-tags'] === 'object') {
p.versions = Object.keys(p['dist-tags']).reduce(function (ac, v) {
ac[ p['dist-tags'][v] ] = v
return ac
}, {})
if (doc.repositories && Array.isArray(doc.repositories)) {
doc.repository = doc.repositories[0]
delete doc.repositories
if (doc.repository) p.repository = doc.repository
if (doc.description) p.description = doc.description
for (var i in doc.versions) {
if (doc.versions[i].repository && !doc.repository) {
p.repository = doc.versions[i].repository
if (doc.versions[i].keywords) p.keywords = doc.versions[i].keywords
send(',' + JSON.stringify(doc._id) + ':' + JSON.stringify(p))
if (req.query.jsonp) send(')')
lists.byField = function (head, req) {
require("monkeypatch").patch(Object, Date, Array, String)
if (!req.query.field) {
start({"code":"400", "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}})
send('{"error":"Please specify a field parameter"}')
start({"code": 200, "headers": {"Content-Type": "application/json"}})
var row
, out = {}
, field = req.query.field
, not = field.charAt(0) === "!"
if (not) field = field.substr(1)
while (row = getRow()) {
if (! continue
var has = row.value.hasOwnProperty(field)
if (!not && !has || not && has) continue
out[row.key] = { "maintainers": (m) {
return + " <" + + ">"
}) }
if (has) out[row.key][field] = row.value[field]
lists.preBuilt = function (head, req) {
start({"code": 200, "headers": {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}});
var row
, out = []
while (row = getRow()) {
if (! continue
if (!(req.query.bindist && row.value[req.query.bindist])) continue
lists.needBuild = function (head, req) {
start({"code": 200, "headers": {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}});
var row
, first = true
while (row = getRow()) {
if (! continue
if (req.query.bindist && row.value[req.query.bindist]) continue
// out.push(row.key)
send((first ? "{" : ",")
+ JSON.stringify(row.key)
+ ":"
+ JSON.stringify(Object.keys(row.value))
+ "\n")
first = false
lists.scripts = function (head, req) {
var row
, out = {}
, scripts = req.query.scripts && req.query.scripts.split(",")
, match = req.query.match
if (match) match = new RegExp(match)
while (row = getRow()) {
inc = true
if (! continue
if (req.query.package && !== req.query.package) continue
if (scripts && scripts.length) {
var inc = false
for (var s = 0, l = scripts.length; s < l && !inc; s ++) {
inc = row.value[scripts[s]]
if (match) inc = inc && row.value[scripts[s]].match(match)
if (!inc) continue
out[] = row.value
lists.rowdump = function (head, req) {
var rows = []
while (row = getRow()) rows.push(row)
lists.passthrough = function (head, req) {
var out = {}
, row
while (row = getRow()) {
if (! continue
out[] = row.value
lists.byUser = function (head, req) {
var out = {}
, user = req.query.user && req.query.user !== "-" ? req.query.user : null
, users = user && user.split("|")
while (row = getRow()) {
if (!user || users.indexOf(row.key) !== -1) {
var l = out[row.key] = out[row.key] || []
lists.sortCount = function (head, req) {
var out = []
while (row = getRow()) {
out.push([row.key, row.value])
out = out.sort(function (a, b) {
return a[1] === b[1] ? 0
: a[1] < b[1] ? 1 : -1
var outObj = {}
for (var i = 0, l = out.length; i < l; i ++) {
outObj[out[i][0]] = out[i][1]
lists.size = function (head, req) {
var row
, out = []
, max = 0
while (row = getRow()) {
if (! continue
var list = []
out = out.sort(function (a, b) {
max = Math.max(max, a.size, b.size)
return a.size > b.size ? -1 : 1
.reduce(function (l, r) {
var stars = new Array(Math.ceil(80 * (r.size/max)) + 1).join("\u25FE")
l[r._id] = { size: r.size
, count: r.count
, avg: r.avg
, rel: r.size / max
, s: stars
return l
}, {})
lists.histogram = function (head, req) {
require("monkeypatch").patch(Object, Date, Array, String)
start({"code": 200, "headers": {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}});
var row
, out = []
, max = {}
, field = req.query.field
, sort = req.query.sort
, doAll = !field
while (row = getRow()) {
if (! continue
if (!doAll) out.sort(function (a, b) {
max[field] = Math.max(max[field] || -Infinity, a[field], b[field])
return a[field] > b[field] ? -1 : 1
else out.sort(function (a, b) {
for (var field in a) if (field.charAt(0) !== "_" && !isNaN(a[field])) {
max[field] = Math.max(max[field] || -Infinity, a[field])
for (var field in b) if (field.charAt(0) !== "_" && !isNaN(b[field])) {
max[field] = Math.max(max[field] || -Infinity, b[field])
if (sort) {
return Number(a[sort]) > Number(b[sort]) ? -1 : 1
} else {
return 0
if (doAll) {
// sort the fields by the max sizes.
var m = {}
Object.keys(max).sort(function (a, b) {
return max[a] > max[b] ? -1 : 1
}).forEach(function (k) { m[k] = max[k] })
max = m
out = (a) {
var o = {}
for (var f in max) {
var blk = new Array(Math.ceil(80*(a[f] / max[f])+1)).join("#")
, spc = new Array(80 - blk.length + 1).join(" ")
o[f] = spc + blk + " " + a[f]
o._id = a._id
return o
}).reduce(function (l, r) {
l[r._id] = r
return l
}, {})
var spc = new Array(82).join(" ")
send(Object.keys(out).map(function (i) {
if (doAll) return [spc + i].concat(Object.keys(max).map(function (f) {
return out[i][f] + " " + f
})).join("\n") + "\n"
return out[i][field] + " " + i