blob: 4ebf2b6b7f60e4d2efda80631a2b86b1bed903a8 [file] [log] [blame]
var couchapp = require('couchapp')
, path = require('path')
ddoc =
{ _id:'_design/ui'
, rewrites :
[ {from:"/", to:'index.html'}
, {from:"/favicon.ico", to:'../../npm/favicon.ico'}
, {from:"/api", to:'../../'}
, {from:"/api/*", to:'../../*'}
, {from:"/*", to:'*'}
, lists : {}
function packageSearch (doc) {
var descriptionBlacklist =
[ "for"
, "and"
, "in"
, "are"
, "is"
, "it"
, "do"
, "of"
, "on"
, "the"
, "to"
, "as"
if ( { // There aren't any better attributes for check if isPackage()
if ( {
var names = [];
if ('-') !== -1)'-').forEach(function (n) {names.push(n)});
if ('_') !== -1)'_').forEach(function (n) {names.push(n)});
names.forEach(function (n) {
if (n.length > 1) emit(n.toLowerCase(), doc);
if (doc['dist-tags'] && doc['dist-tags'].latest && (
doc.versions[doc['dist-tags'].latest].keywords || doc.versions[doc['dist-tags'].latest].tags
)) {
var tags = (doc.versions[doc['dist-tags'].latest].keywords || doc.versions[doc['dist-tags'].latest].tags)
tags.forEach(function (tag) {
tag.split(' ').forEach(function (t) {
if (t.length > 0) emit(t.toLowerCase(), doc);
if (doc.description) {
doc.description.split(' ').forEach(function (d) {
d = d.toLowerCase();
while (d.indexOf('.') !== -1) d = d.replace('.', '');
while (d.indexOf('\n') !== -1) d = d.replace('\n', '');
while (d.indexOf('\r') !== -1) d = d.replace('\n', '');
while (d.indexOf('`') !== -1) d = d.replace('`', '');
while (d.indexOf('_') !== -1) d = d.replace('_', '');
while (d.indexOf('"') !== -1) d = d.replace('"', '');
while (d.indexOf('\'') !== -1) d = d.replace('\'', '');
while (d.indexOf('(') !== -1) d = d.replace('(', '');
while (d.indexOf(')') !== -1) d = d.replace(')', '');
while (d.indexOf('[') !== -1) d = d.replace('[', '');
while (d.indexOf(']') !== -1) d = d.replace(']', '');
while (d.indexOf('{') !== -1) d = d.replace('{', '');
while (d.indexOf('}') !== -1) d = d.replace('}', '');
while (d.indexOf('*') !== -1) d = d.replace('*', '');
while (d.indexOf('%') !== -1) d = d.replace('%', '');
while (d.indexOf('+') !== -1) d = d.replace('+', '');
if (descriptionBlacklist.indexOf(d) !== -1) d = '';
if (d.length > 1) emit(d, doc);
function dependencies (doc) {
if (doc['dist-tags'] && doc['dist-tags'].latest) {
var dist = doc.versions[doc['dist-tags'].latest];
for (i in dist.dependencies) {
emit(i, dist.dependencies[i])
ddoc.views =
{ search: { map: packageSearch }
, dependencies: {map: dependencies, reduce:"_count"}
, updated: {map: function (doc) {
var l = doc["dist-tags"].latest
, t = doc.time && doc.time[l]
if (t) emit(t, 1)
, tags:
{ map: function (doc) {
if (doc['dist-tags'] && doc['dist-tags'].latest) {
doc.versions[doc['dist-tags'].latest].tags.forEach(function (t) {emit(t, 1)})
, reduce: "_sum"
, author:
{ map: function (doc) {
if ( && {
emit(, 1);
, reduce: "_sum"
, analytics:
{ map: function (doc) {
if (doc.time) {
if (doc.time.modified) {
emit(['latest', doc.time.modified], 1);
if (doc.time.created) {
emit(['created', doc.time.created], 1);
for (i in doc.time) {
emit(['update', doc.time[i]], 1);
, reduce: "_sum"
ddoc.lists.dependencies_limit = function(head, req) {
var deps = [];
while(row = getRow()) {
var sorted = deps.sort(function(a,b) { return req.query.descending !== "true" ? a.value - b.value : b.value - a.value; });
// using list_Limit rather than limit because limit appears to limit the initial view set
// assuming there's a supported convention but using this for now
var limit = req.query.list_limit && parseInt(req.query.list_limit);
send(JSON.stringify({ total_rows: deps.length, rows: limit ? sorted.splice(0, limit) : sorted}));
}; = function(head, req) {
Object.keys = Object.keys
|| function (o) { var a = []
for (var i in o) a.push(i)
return a }
var set = {};
var rows = [];
while(row = getRow()) {
set[] = { key:, count: set[] ? set[].count + 1 : 1, value: row.value };
var keys = Object.keys(set);
for(var i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
send(JSON.stringify({ rows: rows} ));
// ddoc.validate_doc_update = function (newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx) {
// if (newDoc._deleted === true && userCtx.roles.indexOf('_admin') === -1) {
// throw "Only admin can delete documents on this database.";
// }
// }
couchapp.loadAttachments(ddoc, path.join(__dirname, 'attachments'));
module.exports = ddoc;