updating version
2 files changed
tree: 083fc0c6d7dea09e28464d58e8b3374144c8df97
  1. qml/
  2. src/
  3. www/
  4. xml/
  5. .gitignore
  6. cordovaqt.desktop
  7. cordovaqt.pro
  8. cordovaqt.svg
  9. cordovaqt64.png
  10. cordovaqt80.png
  11. cordovaqt_harmattan.desktop
  12. deployment.pri
  14. main.cpp
  15. README.md
  17. wizard.xml


Cordova/Qt is the Qt port of the Apache Cordova project. It should compile on any platform which is compatible with Qt and Qt Mobility.


  • Qt SDK

To Create a Project

Download the source code and open the project file with Qt Creator. Add your HTML and JavaScript files to the www folder. Edit xml/plugins.xml to enable or disable any required plugins. Compiling, deployment, and packaging works as described in the Qt Creator documentation.

Supported APIs

  • Accelerometer
  • Compass
  • Connection
  • Contacts
  • Device
  • Events
  • File (Except for File Transfer API which has no direct support in Qt Mobility and is not implemented for now)
  • Geolocation (Uses the W3C Geolocation API specifications)
  • Notification (implemented for MeeGo Harmattan only)
  • Storage (Uses the W3C WebSQL Database and Web Storage API specifications)
  • Camera (Basic support on Symbian and MeeGo Harmattan but no gallery or image settings)

Unsupported APIs

  • Capture - in progress
  • Media (Cordova will be moving to follow the W3C specification which is supported by WebKit and these APIS are likely to be deprecated)


Licensed under the APACHE-2.0 license. See LICENSE file for details.