blob: 432e9f425a5e0cd4f64907641027aa3bb5e0970c [file] [log] [blame]
var uninstall = require('../src/uninstall'),
actions = require('../src/util/action-stack'),
config_changes = require('../src/util/config-changes'),
dependencies = require('../src/util/dependencies'),
xml_helpers = require('../src/util/xml-helpers'),
plugins = require('../src/util/plugins.js'),
plugman = require('../plugman'),
fs = require('fs'),
os = require('osenv'),
path = require('path'),
shell = require('shelljs'),
semver = require('semver'),
temp = __dirname,
dummyplugin = 'DummyPlugin',
dummy_id = 'com.phonegap.plugins.dummyplugin',
variableplugin = 'VariablePlugin',
engineplugin = 'EnginePlugin',
Q = require('q'),
plugins_dir = path.join(temp, 'plugins');
describe('uninstallPlatform', function() {
var exists, get_json, chmod, proc, add_to_queue, prepare, actions_push, c_a, rm, done;
var gen_deps, get_chain;
function uninstallPromise(f) {
return f.then(function() { done = true; }, function(err) { done = err; });
beforeEach(function() {
proc = spyOn(actions.prototype, 'process').andReturn(Q());
actions_push = spyOn(actions.prototype, 'push');
c_a = spyOn(actions.prototype, 'createAction');
prepare = spyOn(plugman, 'prepare');
chmod = spyOn(fs, 'chmodSync');
exists = spyOn(fs, 'existsSync').andReturn(true);
get_json = spyOn(config_changes, 'get_platform_json').andReturn({
rm = spyOn(shell, 'rm');
add_to_queue = spyOn(config_changes, 'add_uninstalled_plugin_to_prepare_queue');
dependents = jasmine.createSpy('getChain').andReturn([]),
gen_deps = spyOn(dependencies, 'generate_dependency_info').andReturn({
done = false;
describe('success', function() {
it('should call prepare after a successful uninstall', function() {
runs(function() {
uninstallPromise(uninstall.uninstallPlatform('android', temp, dummyplugin, plugins_dir, {}));
waitsFor(function() { return done; }, 'promise never resolved', 500);
runs(function() {
it('should call the config-changes module\'s add_uninstalled_plugin_to_prepare_queue method after processing an install', function() {
runs(function() {
uninstallPromise(uninstall.uninstallPlatform('android', temp, dummyplugin, plugins_dir, {}));
waitsFor(function() { return done; }, 'promise never resolved', 500);
runs(function() {
expect(add_to_queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith(plugins_dir, 'DummyPlugin', 'android', true);
it('should queue up actions as appropriate for that plugin and call process on the action stack', function() {
runs(function() {
uninstallPromise(uninstall.uninstallPlatform('android', temp, dummyplugin, plugins_dir, {}));
waitsFor(function() { return done; }, 'promise never resolved', 500);
runs(function() {
expect(c_a).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function), [jasmine.any(Object), temp, dummy_id], jasmine.any(Function), [jasmine.any(Object), path.join(plugins_dir, dummyplugin), temp, dummy_id]);
describe('with dependencies', function() {
var parseET, emit, danglers, dependents;
beforeEach(function() {
emit = spyOn(plugman, 'emit');
parseET = spyOn(xml_helpers, 'parseElementtreeSync').andReturn({
find:function() { return null },
findall:function() { return [] }
danglers = spyOn(dependencies, 'danglers');
dependents = spyOn(dependencies, 'dependents').andReturn([]);
it('should uninstall "dangling" dependencies', function(done) {
// TODO: this is a terrible way to do conditional mocking, i am sorry.
// if you have a better idea on how to mock out this recursive function, plz patch it
var counter = 0;
gen_deps.andCallFake(function() {
var obj;
if (counter === 0) {
obj = {
getChain:function() { return ['one','two'] }
} else {
obj = {
return obj;
danglers.andReturn(['one', 'two']);
uninstall.uninstallPlatform('android', temp, dummyplugin, plugins_dir, {})
.then(function() {
expect(emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('log', 'Uninstalling 2 dangling dependent plugins.');
}, function(err) {
describe('failure', function() {
it('should throw if platform is unrecognized', function() {
runs(function() {
uninstallPromise(uninstall.uninstallPlatform('atari', temp, 'SomePlugin', plugins_dir, {}));
waitsFor(function() { return done; }, 'promise never resolved', 500);
runs(function() {
expect(done).toEqual(new Error('atari not supported.'));
it('should throw if plugin is missing', function() {
runs(function() {
uninstallPromise(uninstall.uninstallPlatform('android', temp, 'SomePluginThatDoesntExist', plugins_dir, {}));
waitsFor(function() { return done; }, 'promise never resolved', 500);
runs(function() {
expect(done).toEqual(new Error('Plugin "SomePluginThatDoesntExist" not found. Already uninstalled?'));
describe('uninstallPlugin', function() {
var exists, get_json, chmod, proc, add_to_queue, prepare, actions_push, c_a, rm, uninstall_plugin, done;
function uninstallPromise(f) {
return f.then(function() { done = true; }, function(err) { done = err; });
beforeEach(function() {
uninstall_plugin = spyOn(uninstall, 'uninstallPlugin').andCallThrough();
proc = spyOn(actions.prototype, 'process').andReturn(Q());
actions_push = spyOn(actions.prototype, 'push');
c_a = spyOn(actions.prototype, 'createAction');
prepare = spyOn(plugman, 'prepare');
chmod = spyOn(fs, 'chmodSync');
exists = spyOn(fs, 'existsSync').andReturn(true);
get_json = spyOn(config_changes, 'get_platform_json').andReturn({
rm = spyOn(shell, 'rm');
add_to_queue = spyOn(config_changes, 'add_uninstalled_plugin_to_prepare_queue');
done = false;
describe('success', function() {
it('should remove the plugin directory', function() {
runs(function() {
uninstallPromise(uninstall.uninstallPlugin(dummyplugin, plugins_dir));
waitsFor(function() { return done; }, 'promise never resolved', 500);
runs(function() {
describe('with dependencies', function() {
var parseET, emit;
beforeEach(function() {
emit = spyOn(plugman, 'emit');
var counter = 0;
parseET = spyOn(xml_helpers, 'parseElementtreeSync').andCallFake(function(p) {
return {
find:function() { return null },
findall:function() {
if (counter === 0) {
return [{attrib:{id:'somedependent'}}]
else return [];
it('should delete all dangling plugins', function(done) {
uninstall.uninstallPlugin(dummyplugin, plugins_dir)
.then(function() {
expect(rm).toHaveBeenCalledWith('-rf', path.join(plugins_dir, dummyplugin));
expect(rm).toHaveBeenCalledWith('-rf', path.join(plugins_dir, 'somedependent'));
}, function(err) {
describe('failure', function() {
it('should throw if plugin is missing', function() {
runs(function() {
uninstallPromise(uninstall('android', temp, 'SomePluginThatDoesntExist', plugins_dir, {}));
waitsFor(function() { return done; }, 'promise never resolved', 500);
runs(function() {
expect(done).toEqual(new Error('Plugin "SomePluginThatDoesntExist" not found. Already uninstalled?'));
describe('uninstall', function() {
var exists, get_json, chmod, proc, add_to_queue, prepare, actions_push, c_a, rm, done;
function uninstallPromise(f) {
return f.then(function() { done = true; }, function(err) { done = err; });
beforeEach(function() {
proc = spyOn(actions.prototype, 'process').andReturn(Q());
actions_push = spyOn(actions.prototype, 'push');
c_a = spyOn(actions.prototype, 'createAction');
prepare = spyOn(plugman, 'prepare');
chmod = spyOn(fs, 'chmodSync');
exists = spyOn(fs, 'existsSync').andReturn(true);
get_json = spyOn(config_changes, 'get_platform_json').andReturn({
rm = spyOn(shell, 'rm');
add_to_queue = spyOn(config_changes, 'add_uninstalled_plugin_to_prepare_queue');
done = false;
describe('success', function() {
it('should call prepare after a successful uninstall', function() {
runs(function() {
uninstallPromise(uninstall('android', temp, dummyplugin, plugins_dir, {}));
waitsFor(function() { return done; }, 'promise never resolved', 500);
runs(function() {
it('should call the config-changes module\'s add_uninstalled_plugin_to_prepare_queue method after processing an install', function() {
runs(function() {
uninstallPromise(uninstall('android', temp, dummyplugin, plugins_dir, {}));
waitsFor(function() { return done; }, 'promise never resolved', 500);
runs(function() {
expect(add_to_queue).toHaveBeenCalledWith(plugins_dir, 'DummyPlugin', 'android', true);
it('should queue up actions as appropriate for that plugin and call process on the action stack', function() {
runs(function() {
uninstallPromise(uninstall('android', temp, dummyplugin, plugins_dir, {}));
waitsFor(function() { return done; }, 'promise never resolved', 500);
runs(function() {
expect(c_a).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Function), [jasmine.any(Object), temp, dummy_id], jasmine.any(Function), [jasmine.any(Object), path.join(plugins_dir, dummyplugin), temp, dummy_id]);
describe('with dependencies', function() {
it('should uninstall "dangling" dependencies');
it('should not uninstall any dependencies that are relied on by other plugins');
describe('failure', function() {
it('should throw if platform is unrecognized', function() {
runs(function() {
uninstallPromise(uninstall('atari', temp, 'SomePlugin', plugins_dir, {}));
waitsFor(function() { return done; }, 'promise never resolved', 500);
runs(function() {
expect(done).toEqual(new Error('atari not supported.'));
it('should throw if plugin is missing', function() {
runs(function() {
uninstallPromise(uninstall('android', temp, 'SomePluginThatDoesntExist', plugins_dir, {}));
waitsFor(function() { return done; }, 'promise never resolved', 500);
runs(function() {
expect(done).toEqual(new Error('Plugin "SomePluginThatDoesntExist" not found. Already uninstalled?'));