blob: 5220395312066d9d8ec4c2fb92f8d174fd98973a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Jesse MacFadyen
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
node plugman --platform wp7 --project '/c//users/jesse/documents/visual studio 2012/Projects/TestPlugin7/' --plugin '.\test\plugins\ChildBrowser\'
TODO: ( Apr. 16, 2013 - jm )
- Update WMAppManifest.xml with any new required capabilities
- add references for any new libraries required by plugin
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
glob = require('glob'),
shell = require('shelljs'),
et = require('elementtree'),
xml_helpers = require('../util/xml-helpers'),
getConfigChanges = require('../util/config-changes'),
assetsDir = 'www'; // relative path to project's web assets
var unix_projPath, // for use with glob
projectFilename,// first csproj returned by glob unix_projPath
projPath, // full path to the project file, including file name
configFilePath, // path to config.xml
assets, // assets node et in root ./asset
platformTag, // wp7 platform node et
sourceFiles, // ./source-file inside platform
hosts, // ./access inside root
projectChanges; // <config-file target=".csproj" parent=".">, inside platform
function copyFileSync(srcPath, destPath) {
var stats = fs.statSync(srcPath);
if(stats.isDirectory()) {
shell.mkdir('-p', destPath);
// without the added slash at the end, we will get an extra folder inside destination
shell.cp('-r', srcPath + "/" , destPath);
else if(fs.existsSync(srcPath)) {
shell.cp(srcPath, destPath);
else {
console.log("File does not exist :: " + srcPath);
var msg = shell.error();
if(msg) {
console.log("msg" + msg);
throw { name: "ShellError", message: msg};
function initPaths(project_dir, plugin_dir, plugin_et, variables) {
unix_projPath = project_dir.split("\\").join("/");
configFilePath = path.join(unix_projPath,'config.xml');
projectFilename = glob.sync('*.csproj',{nocase:true,cwd:unix_projPath})[0];
projPath = path.join(unix_projPath,projectFilename);
assets = plugin_et.findall('./asset');
platformTag = plugin_et.find('./platform[@name="wp7"]');
sourceFiles = platformTag.findall('./source-file');
projectChanges = platformTag.findall('./config-file[@target=".csproj"]');
hosts = plugin_et.findall('./access');
function install(project_dir, plugin_dir, plugin_et, variables) {
// move asset files
assets && assets.forEach(function (asset) {
var srcPath = path.resolve(plugin_dir, asset.attrib['src']);
var targetPath = path.resolve(project_dir, assetsDir, asset.attrib['target']);
copyFileSync(srcPath, targetPath);
// move source files
sourceFiles && sourceFiles.forEach(function (sourceFile) {
var srcFilePath = path.resolve(plugin_dir, sourceFile.attrib['src']);
var destDir = path.resolve(project_dir, sourceFile.attrib['target-dir']);
var destFilePath = path.resolve(destDir, path.basename(sourceFile.attrib['src']));
copyFileSync(srcFilePath, destFilePath);
updateConfigXml("install", configFilePath, plugin_et);
et.register_namespace("csproj", "");
projectChanges && projectChanges.forEach(function (configNode) {
var docStr = fs.readFileSync(projPath,"utf8");
// child is the configNode child that we will insert into csproj
var child = configNode.find('*');
// we use empty text as a default, so we always modify the project file so Visual Studio will notice if open.
var newNodeText = "";
if(child) {
newNodeText = new et.ElementTree(child).write({xml_declaration:false});
newNodeText = newNodeText.split("&#xA;").join("\n").split("&#xD;").join("\r");
newNodeText += "\n\r";
// insert text right before closing tag
var newDocStr = docStr.replace("</Project>", newNodeText + "</Project>");
// save it, and get out
fs.writeFileSync(projPath, newDocStr);
function updateConfigXml(action, config_path, plugin_et) {
var hosts = plugin_et.findall('./access');
var platformTag = plugin_et.find('./platform[@name="wp7"]');
var configChanges = getConfigChanges(platformTag);
var base_config_path = path.basename(config_path);
// add whitelist hosts
var root = et.Element("config-file");
root.attrib['parent'] = '.';
hosts && hosts.forEach( function (tag) {
if (root.len()) {
var changeList = configChanges[path.basename(config_path)];
// if changeList then add to it, otherwise create it.
if(changeList) {
else {
configChanges[path.basename(config_path)] = [root]
if (configChanges[path.basename(config_path)]) {
// edit configuration files
var xmlDoc = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(config_path)
configChanges[base_config_path].forEach( function (configNode) {
var selector = configNode.attrib["parent"],
children = configNode.findall('*');
if( action == 'install') {
if (!xml_helpers.graftXML(xmlDoc, children, selector)) {
throw new Error('failed to add children to ' + selector + ' in ' + config_path);
} else {
if (!xml_helpers.pruneXML(xmlDoc, children, selector)) {
throw new Error('failed to remove children from ' + selector + ' in ' + config_path);
fs.writeFileSync(config_path, xmlDoc.write({indent: 4}));
function uninstall(project_dir, plugin_dir, plugin_et, variables) {
assets && assets.forEach(function (asset) {
var targetPath = path.resolve(project_dir, assetsDir, asset.attrib['target']);
shell.rm('-rf', targetPath);
sourceFiles && sourceFiles.forEach(function (sourceFile) {
var destDir = path.resolve(project_dir, sourceFile.attrib['target-dir']);
var destFilePath = path.resolve(destDir, path.basename(sourceFile.attrib['src']));
shell.rm('-rf', destFilePath);
updateConfigXml("uninstall", configFilePath, plugin_et);
et.register_namespace("csproj", "");
projectChanges && projectChanges.forEach(function (configNode) {
var docStr = fs.readFileSync(projPath,"utf8");
// child is the configNode child that we will insert into csproj
var child = configNode.find('*');
if(child) {
var newNodeText = new et.ElementTree(child).write({xml_declaration:false});
newNodeText = newNodeText.split("&#xA;").join("\n").split("&#xD;").join("\r");
// insert text right before closing tag
var splitString = docStr.split(newNodeText);
console.log("split length = " + splitString.length);
var newDocStr = splitString.join("");
// save it, and get out
fs.writeFileSync(projPath, newDocStr);
else {
// this just lets Visual Studio know to reload the project if it is open
fs.writeFileSync(projPath, docStr);
exports.handlePlugin = function (action, project_dir, plugin_dir, plugin_et, variables) {
console.log("action = " + action);
switch(action) {
case 'install' :
initPaths(project_dir, plugin_dir, plugin_et, variables);
install(project_dir, plugin_dir, plugin_et, variables);
case 'uninstall' :
initPaths(project_dir, plugin_dir, plugin_et, variables);
uninstall(project_dir, plugin_dir, plugin_et, variables);
default :
throw 'error unknown action';