blob: 78b38b74d2422141c32924c09218f0226949f016 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2013 Anis Kadri
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
var path = require('path')
, fs = require('../util/fs') // use existsSync in 0.6.x
, glob = require('glob')
, et = require('elementtree')
, xcode = require('xcode')
, plist = require('plist')
, bplist = require('bplist-parser')
, shell = require('shelljs')
, xml_helpers = require('../util/xml-helpers')
, plist_helpers = require('../util/plist-helpers')
, getConfigChanges = require('../util/config-changes')
, searchAndReplace = require('../util/search-and-replace')
, getConfigChanges = require('../util/config-changes')
, assetsDir = 'www'; // relative path to project's web assets
exports.handlePlugin = function (action, project_dir, plugin_dir, plugin_et, variables) {
var plugin_id = plugin_et._root.attrib['id']
, version = plugin_et._root.attrib['version']
, i = 0
, matched;
variables = variables || {}
// grab and parse pbxproj
// we don't want CordovaLib's xcode project
var project_files = glob.sync(project_dir + '/*.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj');
if (!project_files.length) throw new Error("does not appear to be an xcode project (no xcode project file)");
var pbxPath = project_files[0];
var xcodeproj = xcode.project(project_files[0]);
// grab and parse plist file or config.xml
var config_files = (glob.sync(project_dir + '/**/{PhoneGap,Cordova}.plist').length == 0 ?
glob.sync(project_dir + '/**/config.xml') :
glob.sync(project_dir + '/**/{PhoneGap,Cordova}.plist')
config_files = config_files.filter(function (val) {
return !(/^build\//.test(val));
if (!config_files.length) {
throw new Error("does not appear to be a PhoneGap project");
var config_file = config_files[0];
var xcode_dir = path.dirname(config_file);
var pluginsDir = path.resolve(xcode_dir, 'Plugins');
var resourcesDir = path.resolve(xcode_dir, 'Resources');
// get project plist for package name
var project_plists = glob.sync(xcode_dir + '/*-Info.plist');
var projectPListPath = project_plists[0];
// collision detection
if(action.match(/force-/) == null) {
if(action == "install" && pluginInstalled(plugin_et, config_file)) {
throw new Error("Plugin "+plugin_id+" already installed")
} else if(action == "uninstall" && !pluginInstalled(plugin_et, config_file)) {
throw new Error("Plugin "+plugin_id+" not installed")
} else {
action = action.replace('force-', '');
var assets = plugin_et.findall('./asset'),
platformTag = plugin_et.find('./platform[@name="ios"]'),
sourceFiles = platformTag.findall('./source-file'),
headerFiles = platformTag.findall('./header-file'),
resourceFiles = platformTag.findall('./resource-file'),
frameworks = platformTag.findall('./framework'),
configChanges = getConfigChanges(platformTag);
// move asset files into www
assets && assets.forEach(function (asset) {
var srcPath = path.resolve(
plugin_dir, asset.attrib['src']);
var targetPath = path.resolve(
assetsDir, asset.attrib['target']);
if (action == 'install') {
var stat = fs.statSync(srcPath);
if(stat.isDirectory()) {
shell.mkdir('-p', targetPath);
shell.cp('-r', srcPath, targetPath);
} else {
shell.cp(srcPath, targetPath);
} else {
shell.rm('-rf', targetPath);
// move native files (source/header/resource)
sourceFiles && sourceFiles.forEach(function (sourceFile) {
var src = sourceFile.attrib['src'],
srcFile = path.resolve(plugin_dir, 'src/ios', src),
targetDir = path.resolve(pluginsDir, getRelativeDir(sourceFile)),
destFile = path.resolve(targetDir, path.basename(src));
if (action == 'install') {
xcodeproj.addSourceFile('Plugins/' + path.relative(pluginsDir, destFile));
shell.mkdir('-p', targetDir);
shell.cp(srcFile, destFile);
} else {
xcodeproj.removeSourceFile('Plugins/' + path.basename(src));
shell.rm('-rf', targetDir);
headerFiles && headerFiles.forEach(function (headerFile) {
var src = headerFile.attrib['src'],
srcFile = path.resolve(plugin_dir, 'src/ios', src),
targetDir = path.resolve(pluginsDir, getRelativeDir(headerFile)),
destFile = path.resolve(targetDir, path.basename(src));
if (action == 'install') {
xcodeproj.addHeaderFile('Plugins/' + path.relative(pluginsDir, destFile));
shell.mkdir('-p', targetDir);
shell.cp(srcFile, destFile);
} else {
xcodeproj.removeHeaderFile('Plugins/' + path.basename(src));
shell.rm('-rf', targetDir);
resourceFiles && resourceFiles.forEach(function (resource) {
var src = resource.attrib['src'],
srcFile = path.resolve(plugin_dir, 'src/ios', src),
destFile = path.resolve(resourcesDir, path.basename(src));
if (action == 'install') {
xcodeproj.addResourceFile('Resources/' + path.basename(src));
var st = fs.statSync(srcFile);
if (st.isDirectory()) {
shell.cp('-R', srcFile, resourcesDir);
} else {
shell.cp(srcFile, destFile);
} else {
xcodeproj.removeResourceFile('Resources/' + path.basename(src));
shell.rm('-rf', destFile);
frameworks && frameworks.forEach(function (framework) {
var src = framework.attrib['src'],
weak = framework.attrib['weak'];
if (action == 'install') {
var opt = { weak: (weak && weak.toLowerCase() == 'true') };
xcodeproj.addFramework(src, opt);
} else {
// write out xcodeproj file
fs.writeFileSync(pbxPath, xcodeproj.writeSync());
try {
// add plugin and whitelisted hosts
updateConfig(action, config_file, plugin_et);
// edit custom configuration items
Object.keys(configChanges).forEach(function (filename) {
var filepaths = glob.sync(path.resolve(xcode_dir, filename));
for (var i in filepaths) {
updateCustomConfig(action, filepaths[i], configChanges[filename]);
} catch(e) {
throw {
name: "ConfigurationError",
level: "ERROR",
message: "Error updating configuration: "+e.message,
if (action == 'install') {
variables['PACKAGE_NAME'] = plist.parseFileSync(projectPListPath).CFBundleIdentifier;
searchAndReplace(pbxPath, variables);
searchAndReplace(projectPListPath, variables);
searchAndReplace(config_file, variables);
function getRelativeDir(file) {
var targetDir = file.attrib['target-dir'],
preserveDirs = file.attrib['preserve-dirs'];
if (preserveDirs && preserveDirs.toLowerCase() == 'true') {
return path.dirname(file.attrib['src']);
} else if (targetDir) {
return targetDir;
} else {
return '';
// determine if a plist file is binary
function isBinaryPlist(filename) {
// I wish there was a synchronous way to read only the first 6 bytes of a
// file. This is wasteful :/
var buf = '' + fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
// binary plists start with a magic header, "bplist"
return buf.substring(0, 6) === 'bplist';
function updatePlistFile(action, config_path, plugin_et) {
var hosts = plugin_et.findall('./access'),
platformTag = plugin_et.find('./platform[@name="ios"]'), // FIXME: can probably do better than this
plistEle = platformTag.find('./plugins-plist'),
external_hosts = [];
// determine if this is a binary or ascii plist and choose the parser
// this is temporary until binary support is added to node-plist
var pl = (isBinaryPlist(config_path) ? bplist : plist);
var plistObj = pl.parseFileSync(config_path);
if (action == 'install') {
// add hosts to whitelist (ExternalHosts) in plist
hosts && hosts.forEach(function(host) {
// add plugin to plist
plistObj.Plugins[plistEle.attrib['key']] = plistEle.attrib['string'];
} else {
// remove hosts from whitelist (ExternalHosts) in plist
// check each entry in external hosts, only add it to the plist if
// it's not an entry added by this plugin
for(i=0; i < plistObj.ExternalHosts.length;i++) {
matched = false;
hosts && hosts.forEach(function(host) {
if(host.attrib.origin === plistObj.ExternalHosts[i]) {
matched = true;
if (!matched) {
// filtered the external hosts entries out, copy result
plistObj.ExternalHosts = external_hosts;
delete plistObj.Plugins[plistEle.attrib['key']];
// write out plist
function pluginInstalled(plugin_et, config_path) {
var config_tag = plugin_et.find('./platform[@name="ios"]/config-file[@target="config.xml"]/plugin') ||
if (!config_tag) {
return false;
var plugin_name = || config_tag.attrib.key,
plugin_id = plugin_et._root.attrib['id'],
readfile = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(project_dir, config_xml_filename), 'utf8');
if ((readfile.match(new RegExp(plugin_name, "g")) != null) || (readfile.match(new RegExp(plugin_id, "g")) != null)){
return true;
function updateConfigXml(action, config_path, plugin_et) {
var hosts = plugin_et.findall('./access'),
platformTag = plugin_et.find('./platform[@name="ios"]'), // FIXME: can probably do better than this
plistEle = platformTag.find('./plugins-plist'), // use this for older that have plugins-plist
configChanges = getConfigChanges(platformTag),
base_config_path = path.basename(config_path);
// edit configuration files
var xmlDoc = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(config_path),
pListOnly = plistEle;
if (configChanges[path.basename(config_path)]) {
configChanges[path.basename(config_path)].forEach(function (val) {
if (val.find("plugin")) pListOnly = false;
if (pListOnly) {
// if the plugin supports the old plugins-plist element only
var name = plistEle.attrib.key;
var value = plistEle.attrib.string;
var pluginsEl = xmlDoc.find('plugins');
if ( action == 'install') {
var new_plugin = new et.Element('plugin'); = name;
new_plugin.attrib.value = value;
} else {
var culprit = pluginsEl.find("plugin[@name='"+name+"']");
pluginsEl.remove(0, culprit);
// add whitelist hosts
root = et.Element("config-file");
root.attrib['parent'] = '.'
hosts.forEach(function (tag) {
if (root.len()) {
(configChanges[path.basename(config_path)]) ?
configChanges[path.basename(config_path)].push(root) :
configChanges[path.basename(config_path)] = [root];
if (configChanges[path.basename(config_path)]) {
configChanges[base_config_path].forEach(function (configNode) {
var selector = configNode.attrib["parent"],
children = configNode.findall('*');
if( action == 'install') {
if (!xml_helpers.graftXML(xmlDoc, children, selector)) {
throw new Error('failed to add children to ' + selector + ' in ' + config_path);
} else {
if (!xml_helpers.pruneXML(xmlDoc, children, selector)) {
throw new Error('failed to remove children from ' + selector + ' in ' + config_path);
delete configChanges[base_config_path][configNode];
output = xmlDoc.write({indent: 4});
fs.writeFileSync(config_path, output);
// updates plist file and/or config.xml
function updateConfig(action, config_path, plugin_et) {
if(path.basename(config_path) == "config.xml") {
updateConfigXml(action, config_path, plugin_et);
} else {
updatePlistFile(action, config_path, plugin_et);
// throws error if last command returns code != 0
function checkLastCommand() {
if(shell.error() != null) throw {name: "ShellError", message: shell.error()};
// updates plist file and/or config.xml
function updateCustomConfig(action, filepath, configNodes) {
if (path.extname(filepath) == ".xml") {
var xmlDoc = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(filepath),
configNodes.forEach(function (configNode) {
var selector = configNode.attrib["parent"],
children = configNode.findall('*');
if( action == 'install') {
if (!xml_helpers.graftXML(xmlDoc, children, selector)) {
throw new Error('failed to add children to ' + filepath);
} else {
if (!xml_helpers.pruneXML(xmlDoc, children, selector)) {
throw new Error('failed to remove children from' + filepath);
output = xmlDoc.write({indent: 4});
fs.writeFileSync(filepath, output);
else { // PLIST
var pl = (isBinaryPlist(filepath) ? bplist : plist),
plistObj = pl.parseFileSync(filepath);
configNodes.forEach(function (configNode) {
var selector = configNode.attrib["parent"],
children = configNode.find("./*");
if( action == 'install') {
if (!plist_helpers.graftPLIST(plistObj, children, selector)) {
throw new Error('failed to add children to ' + filepath);
} else {
if (!plist_helpers.prunePLIST(plistObj, children, selector)) {
throw new Error('failed to remove children from' + filepath);
// write out plist