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var ansi = require('ansi');
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;
var CordovaError = require('./CordovaError/CordovaError');
var EOL = require('os').EOL;
* @class CordovaLogger
* Implements logging facility that anybody could use. Should not be
* instantiated directly, `CordovaLogger.get()` method should be used instead
* to acquire logger instance
function CordovaLogger () {
this.levels = {};
this.colors = {};
this.stdout = process.stdout;
this.stderr = process.stderr;
this.stdoutCursor = ansi(this.stdout);
this.stderrCursor = ansi(this.stderr);
this.addLevel('verbose', 1000, 'grey');
this.addLevel('normal' , 2000);
this.addLevel('warn' , 2000, 'yellow');
this.addLevel('info' , 3000, 'blue');
this.addLevel('error' , 5000, 'red');
this.addLevel('results' , 10000);
* Static method to create new or acquire existing instance.
* @return {CordovaLogger} Logger instance
CordovaLogger.get = function () {
return INSTANCE || (INSTANCE = new CordovaLogger());
CordovaLogger.VERBOSE = 'verbose';
CordovaLogger.NORMAL = 'normal';
CordovaLogger.WARN = 'warn';
CordovaLogger.INFO = 'info';
CordovaLogger.ERROR = 'error';
CordovaLogger.RESULTS = 'results';
* Emits log message to process' stdout/stderr depending on message's severity
* and current log level. If severity is less than current logger's level,
* then the message is ignored.
* @param {String} logLevel The message's log level. The logger should have
* corresponding level added (via logger.addLevel), otherwise
* `CordovaLogger.NORMAL` level will be used.
* @param {String} message The message, that should be logged to process'
* stdio
* @return {CordovaLogger} Current instance, to allow calls chaining.
CordovaLogger.prototype.log = function (logLevel, message) {
// if there is no such logLevel defined, or provided level has
// less severity than active level, then just ignore this call and return
if (!this.levels[logLevel] || this.levels[logLevel] < this.levels[this.logLevel])
// return instance to allow to chain calls
return this;
var isVerbose = this.logLevel === 'verbose';
var cursor = this.stdoutCursor;
if(message instanceof Error || logLevel === CordovaLogger.ERROR) {
message = formatError(message, isVerbose);
cursor = this.stderrCursor;
var color = this.colors[logLevel];
if (color) {
return this;
* Adds a new level to logger instance. This method also creates a shortcut
* method to log events with the level provided (i.e. after adding new level
* 'debug', the method `debug(message)`, equal to logger.log('debug', message),
* will be added to logger instance)
* @param {String} level A log level name. The levels with the following
* names added by default to every instance: 'verbose', 'normal', 'warn',
* 'info', 'error', 'results'
* @param {Number} severity A number that represents level's severity.
* @param {String} color A valid color name, that will be used to log
* messages with this level. Any CSS color code or RGB value is allowed
* (according to ansi documentation:
* @return {CordovaLogger} Current instance, to allow calls chaining.
CordovaLogger.prototype.addLevel = function (level, severity, color) {
this.levels[level] = severity;
if (color) {
this.colors[level] = color;
// Define own method with corresponding name
if (!this[level]) {
this[level] = this.log.bind(this, level);
return this;
* Sets the current logger level to provided value. If logger doesn't have level
* with this name, `CordovaLogger.NORMAL` will be used.
* @param {String} logLevel Level name. The level with this name should be
* added to logger before.
* @return {CordovaLogger} Current instance, to allow calls chaining.
CordovaLogger.prototype.setLevel = function (logLevel) {
this.logLevel = this.levels[logLevel] ? logLevel : CordovaLogger.NORMAL;
return this;
* Attaches logger to EventEmitter instance provided.
* @param {EventEmitter} eventEmitter An EventEmitter instance to attach
* logger to.
* @return {CordovaLogger} Current instance, to allow calls chaining.
CordovaLogger.prototype.subscribe = function (eventEmitter) {
if (!(eventEmitter instanceof EventEmitter))
throw new Error('Subscribe method only accepts an EventEmitter instance as argument');
eventEmitter.on('verbose', this.verbose)
.on('log', this.normal)
.on('warn', this.warn)
.on('warning', this.warn)
// Set up event handlers for logging and results emitted as events.
.on('results', this.results);
return this;
function formatError(error, isVerbose) {
var message = '';
if(error instanceof CordovaError) {
message = error.toString(isVerbose);
} else if(error instanceof Error) {
if(isVerbose) {
message = error.stack;
} else {
message = error.message;
} else {
// Plain text error message
message = error;
if(message.toUpperCase().indexOf('ERROR:') !== 0) {
// Needed for backward compatibility with external tools
message = 'Error: ' + message;
return message;
module.exports = CordovaLogger;