Created Alternate kStartPage to bypass Sencha Demos and view PhoneGap Docs directly

Created Alternate kStartPage to bypass Sencha Demos and view PhoneGap Docs directly

Building toward a robust demo app.
92 files changed
tree: 472acc3a738fdea2cb469d74a0d1608f93d6681d
  1. Classes/
  2. English.lproj/
  3. phonegap-mac.xcodeproj/
  4. www/
  5. .gitignore
  6. application.icns
  7. Default-Landscape.png
  8. MacGap.icns
  9. macgap.plist
  10. main.m
  11. phonegap_mac-Info.plist
  12. phonegap_mac_Prefix.pch
  13. phonegap_macAppDelegate.h
  14. phonegap_macAppDelegate.m
  15. PhoneGapLogo.png

MacGap OSX

============================================================= MacGap aims to provide HTML/JS/CSS developers an xCode project for developing Native OSX Apps that run in UIWebView and take advantage of WebKit technologies.


Make sure you have installed the latest Mac OSX Core Library. Download at