CB-6493 Project template organization - add www folder reference, prominent config.xml

Signed-off-by: Shazron Abdullah <shazron@apache.org>
1 file changed
tree: f18403cba9b94bc78984f4818b56ce9290bda55a
  1. bin/
  2. CordovaLib/
  3. hooks/
  4. patches/
  5. templates/
  6. .gitignore
  8. README.md

Cordova OSX

CordovaLib is a framework that enables users to include Cordova in their OS X application projects easily, and also create new Cordova based OS X application projects.


Make sure you have installed the latest released OS X SDK which comes with Xcode 5. Download it at http://developer.apple.com/downloads or the Mac App Store.

Add the Cordova OSX Platform the a CLI project

  1. Get a patched version of cordova CLI and Plugman

    1. checkout the master. see https://github.com/apache/cordova-cli#installing-from-master
    2. patch the 2 projects with the patches provided in the patches directory to enable the osx platform
  2. Follow the instructions in the Command-Line Usage section of http://docs.cordova.io

  3. add the osx platform:

    $ cordova platform add osx
    $ cordova run osx

You can also open the project in XCode:

$ open platforms/osx/<yourproject>.xcodeproj

Create a Cordova OSX Standalone project

  1. Download the source

  2. execute the create command to setup an empty project:

    $ bin/create <path_to_new_project> <package_name> <project_name>

    for example

    $ bin/create ../Foo org.apache.foo FooBar

To use a shared CordovaLib, add as the first parameter “--shared” to the bin/create command.

Updating a CordovaLib subproject reference in your project

When you update to a new Cordova version, you may need to update the CordovaLib reference in an existing project. Cordova comes with a script that will help you to do this.

  1. Launch Terminal.app
  2. Go to the location where you installed Cordova, in the bin sub-folder
  3. Run “update_cordova_subproject [path/to/your/project/xcodeproj]” where the first parameter is the path to your project's .xcodeproj file


None yet.


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