blob: e58e91ae324f51cdbe524c90f4d1754e4292251a [file] [log] [blame]
exports = module.exports = Classic
var Base = require('./base')
, cursor = Base.cursor
, color = Base.color
, yaml = require('js-yaml')
, util = require('util')
, fancy = Base.useColors && !process.env.TRAVIS
, ms = require('../ms.js')
, diff = require('diff')
, utils = require('../utils.js')
, uclen = require('unicode-length').get
, colorSupport = require('color-support')()
function repeat (n, c) {
return new Array(Math.max(n + 1, 0)).join(c)
function hasOwnProperty (obj, key) {
return, key)
function doDiff (found, wanted, palette) {
// TODO: Make this a configurable thing or something?
// Choosing a palette for diffs in a test-runner context
// is really tricky. The temptation is to make it look
// exactly like `git diff`, but the default red and green
// are very confusing with the colors used to indicate
// pass/fail.
// So, I decided to experiment with setting a background to
// distinguish the diff section from the rest of the test
// output. The obvious choice, then, was to mimick GitHub's
// diff styling.
// The problem there is that, while those of us with an
// abundance of cones tend to find that palette most pleasing,
// it's virtually impossible for people with various sorts of
// red/green colorblindness to distinguish those colors.
// The resulting option, with a somewhat pink-ish red and a
// somewhat yellow-ish green, seems to be a pretty good
// compromise between esthetics and accessibility. In a poll
// on twitter, it was the only one that no color-sighted people
// strongly objected to, and no color-blind people had
// significant trouble interpreting. The twitter poll agrees
// with the results of Sim Daltonism, which showed that this
// palette was easily distinguishable across all forms of color
// deficiency.
// TODO: add a TrueColor one that looks nicer
palette = colorSupport.has256 ? 6 : 1
var plain = ''
var reset = '\u001b[m'
switch (palette) {
case 1:
// most git-like. r/g, no background, no bold
var bg = ''
var removed = '\u001b[31m'
var added = '\u001b[32m'
case 2:
// dark option, maybe confusing with pass/fail colors?
var bg = '\u001b[48;5;234m'
var removed = '\u001b[31;1m'
var added = '\u001b[32;1m'
case 3:
// pastel option, most githubby
var removed = '\u001b[48;5;224m\u001b[38;5;52m'
var added = '\u001b[48;5;194m\u001b[38;5;22m'
var plain = '\u001b[38;5;233m'
var bg = '\u001b[48;5;255m'
case 4:
// orange/cyan pastel option, most r/g-colorblind friendly
var removed = '\u001b[48;5;223m\u001b[38;5;52m'
var added = '\u001b[48;5;158m\u001b[38;5;22m'
var plain = '\u001b[38;5;233m'
var bg = '\u001b[48;5;255m'
case 5:
// pastel option, green is bluish, red is just red
var removed = '\u001b[48;5;224m\u001b[38;5;52m'
var added = '\u001b[48;5;158m\u001b[38;5;22m'
var plain = '\u001b[38;5;233m'
var bg = '\u001b[48;5;255m'
case 6:
// pastel option, red is purplish, green is yellowish
var removed = '\u001b[48;5;218m\u001b[38;5;52m'
var added = '\u001b[48;5;193m\u001b[38;5;22m'
var plain = '\u001b[38;5;233m'
var bg = '\u001b[48;5;255m'
case 7:
// pastel option, red is purplish, green is just green
var removed = '\u001b[48;5;218m\u001b[38;5;52m'
var added = '\u001b[48;5;194m\u001b[38;5;22m'
var plain = '\u001b[38;5;233m'
var bg = '\u001b[48;5;255m'
case 8:
// pastel, red and blue
var removed = '\u001b[48;5;224m\u001b[38;5;52m'
var added = '\u001b[48;5;189m\u001b[38;5;17m'
var plain = '\u001b[38;5;233m'
var bg = '\u001b[48;5;255m'
case 9:
// pastel option, red is purplish, green is yellowish
var removed = '\u001b[48;5;224m\u001b[38;5;52m'
var added = '\u001b[48;5;193m\u001b[38;5;22m'
var plain = '\u001b[38;5;233m'
var bg = '\u001b[48;5;255m'
var maxLen = process.stdout.columns || 0
if (maxLen >= 5)
maxLen -= 5
if (!Base.useColors) {
bg = removed = added = reset = plain = ''
maxLen = 0
// If they are not strings, or only differ in trailing whitespace,
// then stringify them so that we can see the difference.
if (typeof found !== 'string' ||
typeof wanted !== 'string' ||
found.trim() === wanted.trim()) {
found = utils.stringify(found)
wanted = utils.stringify(wanted)
var patch = diff.createPatch('', wanted, found)
var width = 0
patch = patch.split('\n').map(function (line, index) {
if (uclen(line) > width)
width = Math.min(maxLen, uclen(line))
if (line.match(/^\=+$/) ||
line === '\\ No newline at end of file')
return null
return line
}).filter(function (line, i) {
return line && i > 4
}).map(function (line) {
if (uclen(line) < width)
line += repeat(width - uclen(line) + 1, ' ')
return line
}).map(function (line) {
if (line.charAt(0) === '+')
return bg + added + line + reset
else if (line.charAt(0) === '-')
return bg + removed + line + reset
return bg + plain + line + reset
var pref =
bg + added + '+++ found' +
? repeat(width - '+++ found'.length + 1, ' ')
: '') +
reset + '\n' +
bg + removed + '--- wanted' +
? repeat(width - '--- wanted'.length + 1, ' ')
: '') +
reset + '\n'
return pref + patch
util.inherits(Classic, Base)
function Classic (runner) {, runner);
var self = this
var grandTotal = 0
var grandPass = 0
var bailed = false
var hadFails = false
var currentSuite = null
var tests = []
var skipped = 0
var skipMsg = []
var todo = []
var fails = []
var total = 0
var pass = 0
var tickDots = 0
var tickColor = 'checkmark'
runner.on('bailout', function (bailout, suite) {
if (currentSuite)
runner.emit('suite end', currentSuite)
if (bailed)
bailed = true
console.log(Base.color('fail', 'Bail out! ' + bailout))
runner.on('suite', function (suite) {
if (!suite.root)
if (fancy) {
process.stdout.write(suite.title + ' ')
tickDots = 0
tickColor = 'checkmark'
currentSuite = suite
tests = []
todo = []
fails = []
skipMsg = []
skipped = 0
pass = 0
total = 0
runner.on('suite end', function (suite) {
if (!suite.root)
if (fancy)
currentSuite = null
var len = 60
var title = suite.title || '(unnamed)'
var num = pass + '/' + total
var dots = len - uclen(title) - uclen(num) - 3
if (dots < 2)
dots = 2
dots = ' ' + repeat(dots, '.') + ' '
if (fails.length)
num = Base.color('fail', num)
else if (pass === total)
num = Base.color('checkmark', num)
num = Base.color('pending', num)
var fmt = title + dots + num
if (suite.duration / total > 250)
fmt += Base.color('slow', ' ' + ms(Math.round(suite.duration)))
if (fails.length) {
var failMsg = ''
fails.forEach(function (t) {
if (t.parent)
failMsg += t.parent + '\n'
failMsg += Base.color('fail', 'not ok ' + + '\n'
if (t.diag) {
var printDiff = false
if (hasOwnProperty(t.diag, 'found') &&
hasOwnProperty(t.diag, 'wanted')) {
printDiff = true
var found = t.diag.found
var wanted = t.diag.wanted
failMsg += indent(doDiff(found, wanted), 2) + '\n'
var o = {}
var print = false
for (var i in t.diag) {
// Don't re-print what we already showed in the diff
if (printDiff && ( i === 'found' || i === 'wanted'))
o[i] = t.diag[i]
print = true
if (print)
failMsg += indent(yaml.safeDump(o), 2) + '\n'
console.log(indent(failMsg, 2))
if (todo.length) {
var todoMsg = ''
var bullet = Base.color('pending', '~ ')
todo.forEach(function (t) {
if (t.todo !== true) += ' - ' + Base.color('pending', t.todo)
todoMsg += bullet + + '\n'
if (t.diag)
todoMsg += indent(yaml.safeDump(t.diag), 4) + '\n'
console.log(indent(todoMsg, 2))
if (skipped) {
var fmt = Base.color('skip', indent('Skipped: %d', 2))
console.log(fmt, skipped)
if (skipMsg.length)
console.log(indent(skipMsg.join('\n'), 4))
runner.on('test', function (test) {
total ++
grandTotal ++
var t = test.result
if (fancy && currentSuite) {
var max = 57 - uclen(currentSuite.title)
if (max < 3)
max = 3
if (tickDots > max) {
tickDots = 0
process.stdout.write(currentSuite.title + ' ')
tickDots ++
if (t.todo &&
(tickColor === 'checkmark' || tickColor === 'skip'))
tickColor = 'pending'
else if (t.skip && tickColor === 'checkmark')
tickColor = 'skip'
else if (!t.ok)
tickColor = 'fail'
process.stdout.write(Base.color(tickColor, '.'))
if (t.skip) {
skipped += 1
if (!/^filter(( out)?: \/.+\/|: only)$/.test(t.skip)) {
if (t.skip !== true)
skipMsg.push( + ' ' + Base.color('skip', t.skip))
else if (t.todo)
else if (!t.ok) {
t.parent = []
var p = test.parent
while (p && p !== currentSuite) {
var n = p.title || || p.fullTitle()
if (n)
p = p.parent
t.parent = t.parent.join(' > ')
hadFails = true
else {
pass ++
grandPass ++
runner.on('end', function () {
total = grandTotal
pass = grandPass
tests = []
todo = []
fails = []
skipMsg = []
skipped = 0
if (hadFails)
fails = [,,,]
runner.emit('suite end', { title: 'total', root: true })
self.failures = []
if (grandTotal === grandPass) {
console.log(Base.color('checkmark', '\n ok'))
function indent (str, n) {
var ind = repeat(n, ' ')
str = ind + str.split('\n').join('\n' + ind)
return str.replace(/(\n\s*)+$/, '\n')