blob: 14403f79b82442c94baff95100ff0ea57c467a61 [file] [log] [blame]
var NYC
try {
NYC = require('../../index.covered.js')
} catch (e) {
NYC = require('../../index.js')
exports.command = 'instrument <input> [output]'
exports.describe = 'instruments a file or a directory tree and writes the instrumented code to the desired output location'
exports.builder = function (yargs) {
return yargs
.option('require', {
alias: 'i',
default: [],
describe: 'a list of additional modules that nyc should attempt to require in its subprocess, e.g., babel-register, babel-polyfill.'
.option('extension', {
alias: 'e',
default: [],
describe: 'a list of extensions that nyc should handle in addition to .js'
.option('source-map', {
default: true,
type: 'boolean',
description: 'should nyc detect and handle source maps?'
.option('produce-source-map', {
default: false,
type: 'boolean',
description: "should nyc's instrumenter produce source maps?"
.option('instrument', {
default: true,
type: 'boolean',
description: 'should nyc handle instrumentation?'
.example('$0 instrument ./lib ./output', 'instrument all .js files in ./lib with coverage and output in ./output')
exports.handler = function (argv) {
// if instrument is set to false,
// enable a noop instrumenter.
if (!argv.instrument) argv.instrumenter = './lib/instrumenters/noop'
else argv.instrumenter = './lib/instrumenters/istanbul'
var nyc = new NYC({
instrumenter: argv.instrumenter,
sourceMap: argv.sourceMap,
produceSourceMap: argv.produceSourceMap,
extension: argv.extension,
require: argv.require
nyc.instrumentAllFiles(argv.input, argv.output, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {